Claiming Love

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Claiming Love Page 7

by Holly J Gill

Ross started introducing me to some of his colleagues, and I was pleasantly surprised that no-one even spoke of work. I assumed they knew when not to bring it up.

  “This is Lucy, my secretary, the one who keeps me in check,” Ross introduced, and the woman smirked at him.

  “Well someone has too, as otherwise you’d be led astray, and that wouldn’t be chaotic,” she smiled.

  The woman stood tall. She was slim with long dark hair, and beautiful blue eyes. She was pretty, and the dress she wore only enhanced her features.

  “Well, thank you for that. This is Donna…”

  I held my hand out, “his date,” I told her.

  “Oh, wow, that is incredible. So you are the one who has him distracted recently?” she moved closer to whisper in my ear. “He’s been insufferable,” she shuffled back grinning. “I do hope you have him on a tight leash and are going to keep him out of mischief?” She teased.

  “Well, thank you, Lucy, so pleased you think I need a leash these days.” He laughed.

  “Oh trust me he does, and a whip too might I add. He needs a lot of training and taming.” We laughed, and Ross shook his head.

  “Excuse me, I’ll be back in a bit. Lucy will look after you,” he said, planting a kiss on my cheek.

  I watched as he walked away. I turned back to Lucy and smiled.

  “So, are you going to be the one to sort him out? He really does need it,” she commented.

  “I’m not sure. It’s still early days,” I informed her.

  “Oh trust me, he needs someone to entertain him out of the office. He’s so bossy and, needs a good woman. You must mean something to him if he brought you here,” she told me, and I lifted my brows.

  “Has he never brought a date to these things before?” I asked curiously.

  She shook her head, “Nope never, in fact, I’ve never met a lady friend of his. And I’ve worked for him for…” she scratched her head thinking. “Many years. He’s a great guy, very dedicated to his work. One piece of advice if I may,” she said moving towards me to whisper in my ear. “Make sure you wear the trousers, as trust me, he’ll take over, and he needs restraining.” I cocked a brow. She stepped back and winked at me. “Oh, trust me, you are just what he needs. He has spoken quite frequently about you,” she added.

  “Oh really, about what exactly?”

  “That he’s been on a few dates, that you went to Scarborough, enjoyed some fish and chips, and ice cream. Well, let’s be honest if you visit Scarborough, you have to have those,” she giggled.

  “You do,” I admitted.

  I turned to look at Ross, finding his intense gaze on me, enough to weaken my knees.

  “I’ve never seen him do that you know. I’d even go so far as to say he’s in love with you,” Lucy spoke in my right ear.

  I inhaled a deep breath.

  “If everyone could make their way to the dining area, the meals will be served shortly.” Someone announced.

  With Lucy by my side, we made our way to the dining-room door. Ross joined me, placing his hand on my lower back, sending tingles all over me. I was his for the taking. I thought about what Lucy said. Was he in love with me? Could that even be possible? I knew that I was falling for him, harder than I ever had before.

  We sat in our allocated seats.

  The meal was sensational, soup for starters, minted lamb and vegetables, followed by a selection of mini desserts served with red or white wine. I went for white, even if I was a gin drinker.

  Later, we all made our way into the main hall, where a pianist played soft classical music played. Many couples took to the floor, moving about with ease and elegance.

  Ross stood before me and reached out for me to take his hand.

  “No, Ross, I don’t dance, well, not like this anyway,” I told him.

  “Please, Donna. Just follow my lead.”

  “You dance?”

  “You’d be surprised what I can do,” he laughed. “My grandma taught me, now come on.”

  I was so nervous, to the last thing I wanted was to dance and make a fool of myself, especially with all his colleagues watching. If I messed up, he would be embarrassed, and I would never be able to show my face at his work events again. I hated crowds of people watching me, well unless it was line dancing which was something I knew and was confident about.

  “I’m serious Ross, I can’t do this,” I stated.

  “Trust me.”

  I glanced around the room, some guests were seated and talking, and others were drinking. The others were on the dance floor moving around perfectly. I didn’t want to mess this up. I didn’t want Ross to think I was useless or had two left feet. I was in love with this man and didn’t want to ruin everything over the fact that I could not dance. That scared the living crap out of me.

  He waited for me to take hold of his hand. I gulped, my heart pounded in my chest.

  The lights in the room dimmed, and sparkly lights lit all around us. It was so romantic and classy.

  “Donna.” He said.

  Lucy smiled at me and cocked her head to the side. I heard her words about him loving me over and over again in my head.

  I looked into his eyes which were glowing, promising me that everything will be okay.

  I took his hand. I had no idea if I would need therapy after this. I stepped onto the dance floor, and in seconds Ross faced me and wrapped his arm around my waist followed by taking my hand into his, our bodies pressed together. I was filled with want, desire and passion. We moved about the floor slowly. All I could think about was being this close to the man I wished to share my life with. I man I didn’t have to fear. In the beginning, he did intimidate me, but now he was my Prince Charming, and he could take me anywhere he wanted.

  The more I was with him, the more I relaxed, the more I felt less threatened, and I was falling crazily in love.

  I inhaled his cologne, sending eruptions of pleasure all over my body. His hand moved up and down my back. I did step on his toes, but he continued moving, making no effort to show me up, or make me feel small. How the hell had I gotten so lucky? If Sophie hadn’t found me to look after Kacey, I would never be here now…holding and breathing in the same air as this remarkable man.

  Each movement, each stride, each second was superb. The people around us disappeared, it was just Ross and me enjoying this moment. The music was sensual and alluring, as we shimmered across the floor. I felt proud to show the world who I was falling in love with him.

  Our hearts were connecting in a heart-warming connection. His breath cascaded over my face as our passion heated. In the moment we moved our faces closer together. My lips parted to say something to him, only I craved to have our lips pressed together. I tilted my head to the side, and pouted my lips, I kept my eyes open not wishing to think I dreamt this moment. We gently pressed our lips together, as a sensation dashed around my figure in joy like fireworks.

  Our lips connected so delicately in perfect sync. We devoured as pressure built inside my body for him. We kissed, holding the moment, I never wished to release.

  The music ended, and Ross leaned to me and pressed his soft lips to my cheek, shocking me. His eyes questioned mine. I pressed my lips together before turning my head as my cheeks burned crimson. He took my hand and lead me back to the table where Lucy sat, a phone in her hand.

  “Sorry to ruin the moment Ross, your mum called and asked for you to call her back urgently.”

  Ross glanced at me and smiled sadly. I knew in the pit of my stomach that the evening was over. He was needed somewhere else.

  Ross took the phone and moved out of the room.

  “You looked stunning dancing with him,” Lucy told me.

  I reached for my glass of white wine and took a sip.

  “Thank you. I enjoyed it, he’s quite a mover.”

  “Are you the one who taught him line dancing for Calvin’s wedding?” she asked, moving to the chair next to me.

  “I was.”

  “Wow, he told
me all about it, said how pretty you were and how…”

  “And how…” I wanted her to finish the sentence.

  “Well, you balance each other…well he loves that he’s met his match. He’s wanted to date you for a quite some time. He finally got you. I’m happy for you both.”

  “He said that?” I questioned.

  “He sure did.”

  I smiled at her as my heart skipped a beat.

  “Donna,” Ross returned. “We have to go, it’s my Grandma again, she’s taken another massive fall,” he said.

  “Oh shit. Is she ok?” I asked, horrified and well aware how much she meant to him.

  “We’re going to have to see when we get there.’

  He took my hand, and we said goodbye to Lucy. At the entrance, a taxi pulled up. He opened the car door for me as I nestled inside and he ran around the car to sit beside me. He laced his fingers between mine. I could feel his tension. I know the feeling well. He never spoke, he looked like the world was on his shoulders. Thoughts were likely running around his head. I stared down to at his hand, not wishing to be anywhere else but here to support him. I wondered whether he was going to drop me at his house first, but he told the driver to go straight to the hospital. I was going to meet his family. Butterflies fluttered inside my tummy. I reminded myself that this wasn’t about me; it was about his Grandma.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The taxi pulled up outside the hospital, I paid the driver and rushed out to open the door for Donna, but she already stood beside the car.

  All I could think about was getting to my Grandma and making sure she was all right. This was becoming a habit of hers, and it concerned me greatly. I never used to worry about her. She was a very independent woman, only recently she was having accidents, and this bothered me.

  I took Donna’s hand and walked to Accident and Emergency. We found the waiting room full of people.

  The nurse behind reception told me where to go, and Donna and I took off to find Grandma.

  I saw a nurse approach, “I’m looking for Edith Radcliffe,” I asked. The nurse took me to her when I saw mum emerge out of the room, our eyes found each other.

  “Ross, my gosh were you out?” Mum asked.

  “Yes, but that doesn’t matter. Where is she?” I panicked as I saw her cubicle empty.

  “She’s gone for an X-rays, checking if she’s broken any bones, her hip in particular,” she informed me as we stepped into the room.

  “We need to look at getting her moved, somewhere safe where she has those call bells, a residential retirement home or something. She can’t handle her stairs anymore,” I told my mother.

  “Your father and I have looked into it.”

  “Don’t just look into it. Ignore her arguing and just do it. She’s as stubborn as anything, but this is about her best interests, and right now, she’s not safe on her own.” I raked my hands through my hair and remembered my manners when mum looked at Donna. “Sorry, Mum, this is Donna. Donna, my Mum”

  “Well, it’s wonderful to meet you. Sorry if we’ve cut your evening short,” Mum said to Donna.

  “It’s no worry at all,” Donna replied.

  I moved out of the room for some air, hoping Grandma would be back soon. I paced back and forth down the hall until Donna took hold of my hand. “Sorry,” I gazed into her eyes and instantly calming.

  Grandma was wheeled back into the room on a bed, by a nurse.

  “The doctor will be in soon with the results of the x-ray.” The nurse left, and I moved to Grandma’s bedside taking hold of her hand.

  “Hey, Gran.”

  “Ross sweetheart, why are you here and dressed so smartly. I mean you’re always in a suit but not at this time of night?” Typical of her to notice.

  “I was out but anyway this is about you, not me. We have to look at your living arrangements Grandma. You need to be in a retirement home. You aren’t safe on your own any longer.” I advised as gently but firmly as I could.

  “Oh, I’m fine, I just slipped, went down on my bum, which might I add is well padded,” she teased. I glanced at Donna in the corner of the room. Gran's gaze followed mine. “And who is this pretty lady?” She glanced back to me, her eyes widened. “Don’t you dare tell me I ruined a date, again?” she added, her voice serious. I rubbed my face with my hands, was she serious? “I did, what did I tell you?”


  Her finger came up, here it was, the lecture… “No, I have told you before that you settling down is more important.”

  “Mum,” my mother said horrified at her forthrightness. She held her hand up to prevent my mum from saying any more.

  “Well, aren’t you going to introduce us?”

  I turned to Donna and held out my hand for her to join me. She walked over tentatively to me.

  “Grandma, this is Donna.”

  Grandma held her hand out the greet her, Donna graciously took Gran's hand. “Such a pretty lady and you two make such a gorgeous couple?”

  Donna and I looked at each other, I could see a flush creep up to her cheeks. A large lump formed in my throat when I looked at Donna, she was indeed perfect for me.

  “We’re a couple.” Donna smiled at gran. I swear there was no way of her getting away from me now.

  “Oh, that is wonderful news. Are you the one to tame him and keep him off his high horse? As trust me, he needs his arse-kicking now and again, don’t you Ross?” Grandma teased.

  “I’ll certainly do my best,” Donna laughed.

  “Good because Lord knows he needs it, especially when he gets carried away with that smart head of his, and needs to come back down to earth with a thump,” she teased.

  “Excuse me. I am here, you know” I announced.

  “Yeah, and?” She frowns. Another thing dear, don’t allow him to win…keep him under the thumb. A secret…” Grandma gestures Donna to move closer to her so I couldn’t hear what she said. Donna laughed then gave her the thumbs up. I’d just been ganged upon.

  “Mum, can you not sort Grandma out?” I practically pleaded.

  “No way, you know what she’s like.”

  We all stood around talking, waiting for the doctor to arrive. At this rate, it would be too late to get Donna home in Harrogate. The only thing that worried me was the fact all the other bedrooms in my house were full of boxes, and the only room free was mine. I’d take the sofa if need be and we could spend the day together tomorrow.

  The doctor thankfully had good news. There were no bones broken, and she did not have to spend the night. I was relieved she was ok, only next time…no, there won’t be one. I spoke to my mother again about my grandmothers living arrangements. I would make sure I helped them find somewhere suitable.

  I called us a taxi and closed my eyes lying back on the headrest.

  “Hey, do you want to go home or stay at mine. I’m happy to sleep on the couch,” I offered not wanting her to jump to the wrong conclusions about my motives.

  “It’s pretty late.” She chewed her bottom lip. “You can sleep in your bed, though.”

  “I insist you sleep in my bed, then tomorrow we can spend the day together and maybe look around for a new home for Grandma,” I added.

  “You’re really worried about her?”

  “I am. She’s my world, and the thought of her having a serious accident when we could have prevented it breaks me. I know I can’t stop her falling, but I can try and eliminate the risk. She isn’t a spring chicken anymore.”

  She placed her hand on my thigh, her touch sending shockwaves to my cock. “I understand, you have nothing to explain to me.”

  I smiled at her, loving the fact she was on my side and respected the fact that family was my world. It was the same with her gran.

  The taxi dropped us off, and after changing into something more comfortable, I made us a cup of tea.

  I could not help but stare when Donna walked down the stairs wearing a T-shirt of mine, I’d found for her
to wear. She looked insanely sexy. There was something special about a woman wearing guy’s clothes. We sat in the living area, sipping our drinks. I got out some biscuits, feeling slightly peckish.

  “Right, I’m going to head to bed, it’s been a difficult one,” she announced standing before me.

  “It has, I am so sorry about dragging you to the hospital.”

  “I’m pleased you did. It was great to meet your family. They’re lovely.” Donna yawned.

  I moved closer to her and pressed my lips to hers, it was a slow and sensual kiss, like on the dancefloor, but so much more. I wished to remain there. I drew my lips from hers to find her eyes shut tight. She opened her eyes and smiled.

  “Thank you for a great evening,” she told me.

  “It was more than my pleasure, now go and sleep tight. I have plans for us tomorrow.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I lay in bed thinking over last night, and everything that happened. How wonderful it had been from start to finish and how I’d spent the night in his bed. I was surrounded by the scent of the man I loved, and it was intoxicating. Too bad, he was sleeping downstairs.

  I rose and made my way to the bathroom, got dressed in the clothes I turned up in yesterday.

  Downstairs, Ross was already making breakfast.

  “I hope you don’t mind, I heard you moving about and cracked on with breakfast. I have no idea what you like, so I’ve made a bit of everything,” he grinned.

  I gazed at the island counter to find croissants, toast, bacon, cereal, fruit and a cup of tea.

  “Wow, you really didn’t need to,” I told him.

  “Of course, I did. I wanted to, and I thought we could hang out today, start with checking out some places for Grandma, and then chill a bit before I take you home.”

  “Sounds great.”

  He walked over and placed a kiss to my lips, the scent of him making me slightly heady. He pulled away, looking down at me with a glint in his eye. There was nowhere else I would rather be,

  After breakfast and Ross made some phone call to some estate agents.


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