Claiming Love

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Claiming Love Page 10

by Holly J Gill

  Kacey released her hand and went into the playroom, likely dressing up as she always did. I was shocked she hadn’t turned up in a princess costume.

  “Ok, ok, we’re dating,” I admitted. “I helped him move into his house this weekend and…” I stopped to think carefully.

  “Allow me to guess, he doesn’t have much in his house but boxes so he stayed here,” she teased, and tipped her head to the side, furrowing her brows.

  “Yeah, yeah that’s it,” I agreed, my voice heightening as I spun away from her penetrating gaze. The strangest thing was I had no idea why I was hiding my real emotions from my best friend. She knew I liked Ross.

  I looked at Sophie who was grinning from ear to ear.

  Emotions flooded me. I placed my hand over my chest, fighting the aching feeling inside my heart. I was in love. I wanted Ross.

  “We erm, have been spending a lot of time together, well as much as we could around his work schedule…” My heart lurched, as tears suddenly welled in my eyes. Before I knew it, I started crying.

  “Hey…hey, what is it?” Sophie stood before me. pulling me into her arms.

  “I love him, Sophie. I’m in love with Ross,” I sobbed. “And he’s told me he loves me.”

  Sophie pulled away and wiped my tears.

  “That is a good thing, isn’t it? I knew you two would end up together. So, when’s the wedding?”

  Trust Sophie. I laughed as she pulled me in for another hug.

  Chapter Twenty


  I knew it. I knew Sophie wouldn’t believe the damn lie Donna concocted earlier. It was so obvious, and even I wouldn’t fall for such a tall tale. I don’t even know why we lied. What the hell were we hiding? Cal and Sophie were our best friends and fully aware we were seeing each other. Only now, things had moved full speed ahead, and I was falling helplessly in love with Donna

  There was only one thing to do once Donna called me to tell me Sophie knew the truth. I was relieved and excited, all mixed in its own little bag. So I called Cal to arrange lunch. I had to be honest with my best mate.

  Cal walked into the pub, looking happy, and it was no wonder, his life ended up being one of those romantic tales.

  I rose to greet him with a man hug, slapping his back.

  “How are you, Ross?” Cal asked removing his jacket and resting it on the back of the chair.

  “Good, couldn’t be better. I already ordered your drink. Time isn’t on our side being the busy men we are,” I exclaimed.

  Cal sat down. “No I agree, I need a light lunch, dinner at the parents tonight. I think they want to spend time with us before we have two extra,” he laughed.

  I laughed. “Yeah, life is going to get hectic for you,” I agreed.

  “Yeah, true. Sophie has right strange mood swings, but I’m blaming the two growing inside her.” We chuckled.

  “Hormones,” we both chanted.

  “So what is this all about. I know something is up. Or can I take a guess, you know the best mate telepathic way…” he said and took a sip of his drink and then picked up the menu to pick something for his lunch.

  “How long have we known one another?” I started.

  Cal looked over the menu at me, giving me those… ‘forever eyes’.

  “Yeah well. I feel like a lovesick puppy, like…shit, I need to man up here, and grow some heavy balls and stop being so pathetic?” I rested my elbows on the table as Cal lowered the menu and stared at me. Men generally didn’t have these conversations, did they? But Cal and I were always different. Still, I’m the lawyer, I have balls of steel, I don’t do sappy. My boss is an exception, he goes on about his wife almost every day, which used to bore me, now…now I know what it’s like to be in love.

  “I’m in love. There I said it. Me, Ross Chase, is in love with Donna and right now I can hear wedding bells soon, and soon I’ll share my new house with her and make babies and live the fairy-tale, which of course I know is bull, but, I can dream and have hopes right? I’m a goddamn blubbering wreck. Is this what they do to you?” Cal nodded his head. “They get a hold of your heartstrings and pull them so hard you melt?” Cal nodded. “They make you weak and feeble and cause you to talk utter shit?” I added, my mouth running away from me.

  “Yep mate, welcome to my world. It’s about bloody time,” Cal grinned.

  “Did Sophie tell you?”

  His eyes shot open. “What, she knows and didn’t tell me? I’ll be having words with her,” Cal said in shock.

  “I was at Donna’s when she dropped Kacey off this morning, and we came out with some bullshit about me fixing something in her bathroom, which Sophie called bullshit on, of course. Donna called me to say that I should tell you, so here I am.”

  “Wow, it must be love if you’re doing as your told,” Cal teased me.

  I shook my head; aware he was right. I was so under the thumb, it was unreal.

  “Yeah, I get this feeling inside, when…” I sighed. “Cal, can we change the subject?”

  “Sure, did you watch the match?” Cal asked, amused. “You know she’s all you want to talk about.”

  I lowered my shoulders and pictured my Donna. I looked at my phone to see the black screen. I swiped my finger across to see a message from her.

  Hey sexy. Hope to see you soon xxx

  My heart was wrapped in warmth. How would I ever control my sanity again with her around? Was Donna the one to be the making of me, make me the man I should be? Is she the one to keep me warm at night, and hold me when I’m having a shit day? I hope so!

  “So when are the parents finding out?” Cal interrupted,

  “Cal, give me a chance, heck I’ve only been with her a few nights.”

  “Finally, Ross is dipping his wick, I love it,” he chuckled.

  I frowned but had to admit I loved this feeling and never wished it to end.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  One Year Later

  “Oh no…you can’t be serious Soph, we have like…crap, I can’t get married in this…”

  “I know, I know. Allow me to think,” she said, pacing back and forth with her hand to her mouth.

  I was horrified. My bump had grown overnight, and now the wedding dress wouldn’t zip up. We had hours before the wedding. Bloody hours before I say ‘I do’ to the man of my dreams, my arrogant, beautiful, sexy god of a man, Ross.

  “Take it off, I have a plan…I knew I should’ve left some material in case this happened. I am so thick… pregnant women are so hard to predict. I should bloody well know,” she ranted, frustrated with herself.

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “It is totally…give me the dress,” she fussed.

  I stepped out of the dress and without hesitation. Soph swiped it up and left the room. I had no idea where or what she was going to do. This was a nightmare.

  Two Weddings, One a nightmare. Two babies, and another on the way!

  That’s the name of the last book and trust it to be me, who it all goes wrong for. I have the perfect man who has tolerated so much crap from me, and yet he still wants to make me his wife. He needs mental help.

  I may as well turn up in a black bin liner for the amount of luck I have. Soph helped me arrange the wedding while she was heavily expecting, then giving birth to Charlie and Liberty, with little Kacey, and Sabastian, who was around much more now.

  I don’t know how she coped with it all that and running a house. She deserved a damn medal, but never once did she let me down. I thought of the dress. This wasn’t her fault, she’d fix it, she’d work her magic, and all would be fine.

  I felt bad for freaking out, five months down and thankfully the morning sickness had subsided, and today…my tummy was in knots, my heart raced, and I felt physically sick with worry. I longed for a spectacular day with Ross. Me becoming Mrs Chase. How the hell did that happen?

  My family were coming, Ross and I argued over the matter, but he said I shouldn’t lower myself to their
standards. I have to be the strong one and show them I don’t need them. He was right. I had all I needed.

  I had moved into the cottage eventually as I spent all my time there and with me falling pregnant. That was a shocker. Each and every day I was on tenterhooks about it, but all was going perfectly, and I’ve never felt this happy. I was still working, at the local pre-school now. I enjoyed it, just not all the paperwork.

  My house went on the market and sold pretty fast.

  I sat sipping my cordial staring into the dressing table mirror, seeing how pretty I looked. The make-up artist did a great job, not too much, subtle just the way I liked it, light creams and browns.

  I was lucky. Ross was such a good man, even if I had doubts in the beginning, about him being Mr Smartass, which he was, but he never mocked me, accepted me for me, and that was what true love was.

  When I discovered I was expecting, we expected it. A condom tore, and we both discussed what we wanted to do.

  “Donna, I love you, and if we’ve created a life, then I’d love nothing more than to be a dad,” he said as tears streamed down my cheeks.

  “Are you serious? I asked, wiping the tears with the back of my hand.

  “Yes. I love you. I know it might be earlier than planned, but we already have the wedding planned, so…if you’re expecting, we’ll have the best gift ever. I love you,” he said holding me. “This is about you and me. We have a nice home which I’ve asked you to move into, I have a good, stable job, there is nothing more I could wish for,” he explained, as I couldn’t believe what he was suggesting. “Unless you don’t want a baby?”

  I gawped at him. “I’d love a baby.”

  “Then there you go then. Let us allow nature to take its course and who knows, this time next year we could be a mummy and daddy, joining Cal and Soph,” he smiled.

  Since that conversation, I have never doubted him. Ross was my soul mate. I’d be lost without him.

  How life had changed for me, for the better. I had good friends, security, harmony and love, so much love. I was the happiest I’d ever been. I don’t have to explain or answer to anyone.

  I looked at my daisy bouquet filled with different bright colours, smiling.

  My dress was with Soph, and I had no idea what she was doing.

  Someone knocked at the door. I stood to answer it, finding Melissa standing outside.

  “What, why aren’t you in your dress?” she asked. She was dressed in her champagne bridesmaid dress with a sweetheart neckline, her long dark hair pinned back.

  “Erm, it doesn’t fit,” I said.

  Melissa walked into the room, frowning at me. “What…what do you mean? You have an hour before you’re due to marry Ross, and the photographer is waiting.”

  “It doesn’t fit. Soph has it. I don’t know how she’s going to fix it,” I said, wearing my bridal dressing gown.

  “Bloody hell… you didn’t try it on before today?” Mel asked puzzled.

  “Of course, but my bump decided to grow overnight, and now it won’t zip up. This is a nightmare. I’m going to have to cancel the wedding,” I said, sitting on the bed and holding my hands together.

  “Don’t you dare cry and ruin that make-up. You aren’t cancelling anything. Sophie will work her magic…she’s fantastic at what she does. The dress will be perfect, and we’ll soon be laughing at this, or at least have a tale to tell the little one when he or she is eighteen.” We both laughed. “Just hang in there!”

  I wished I shared her enthusiasm. I was always full of apprehension. I guess it was all the negativity I’d had through my life.

  “She’ll be here soon…I’m certain… come on Soph…” Mel said I wasn’t on her wavelength even if her voice was laced with concern.

  “You’ll have to go to the church and tell Ross,” I said in a panic.

  “Nope, not happening…”

  “Mel, please, I might be late.”

  “You’ve already done the late, and that was called a period…you aren’t doing it today,” Mel announced.

  I had no idea where Soph was, and even so, I couldn’t go searching for her.

  “Can you look for Soph?” I begged Mel.

  “Five minutes and I will. She’s already under pressure,” Mel advised, and she was right we didn’t need to give her more.

  We sat without saying a word, time was ticking, and we heard nothing from Soph. I tried not to look at my phone, only it was impossible. This was a disaster.

  The door opened, and Sophie stood there holding my dress.

  Mel jumped into action and raced across the room, taking the dress from her. Sophie was breathless but was smiling.

  “I hope to goodness it’s ok. I hope only we notice where I have extended it,” she said as I stood so Mel could help me into my dress, slipping it over my head trying not to ruin my hair. The arms were lace with a bustier, maybe I shouldn’t have chosen such a dress, being pregnant. Soph came across helping to do the dress up, and yes, I was in.

  I turned to Soph, kissing her on the cheek. “Thank you. I love you.”

  “Hey no problem, it’s just another day at the boutique! Now I need to get in my dress.”

  I smiled. Mel saw to me as Sophie got into her elegant light pink dress with a sweetheart neckline, the colour matching my flower girl, Kacey’s.

  “How do I brush up?” Soph asked, smiling.

  “Wow, look at us all. The last time we were all like this was…”

  “The Edwards,” we all chanted.

  Finally, we made it downstairs where the photographer took pictures of us all. We didn’t have much time, and thankfully the church was only ten minutes away. Sophie had messaged Calvin to say, we’re running a little late. I had no idea if she’d told him why.

  I was seated inside the car with my dad as we made the trip to the church. I had no idea why, but I urgently wanted to marry Ross in case anything else went wrong. I’d checked on the reception earlier, and it was almost done. My wedding wasn’t as lush as Sophie’s, but what it did have were love and passion. I wasn’t one for going over the top. I preferred simplicity and elegance.

  The car pulled up to the church where Mel, Soph and little Kacey all waited for me with their bouquets.

  I carefully climbed out of the car and had my dress straightened as Kacey was dancing and singing, happy to be a princess again.

  “How you feeling?” Soph asked.

  “I feel like I need to run down that aisle before he changes his mind or something else goes wrong,” I teased.

  “Well, nothing is stopping you, and you look beautiful, you’ll knock him over…” Soph added.

  “Hey. I said those words to you,” I laughed.

  “Exactly…now move!” We smiled and gave each other a hug and kiss.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I couldn’t wait to see Donna and how beautiful she looked. It had been tough for her the last few months with morning sickness and trying to make sure today was perfect. I personally was happy to go to the registrar’s office and do it there and have a meal afterwards, but…Donna wanted a special day and what she wanted she got.

  I loved her so much. There were times I was annoyed with myself for not gaining the balls to ask her out the first time I’d seen her. Nevertheless, we were here, and I was about to make her my wife. Not only that, we have a little one joining us soon, and our family will be complete…for now.

  “Grandson,” Grandma held her arms out wide.

  I went in for a cuddle, aware today was her dream, and with us expecting our first child soon, and her great-grandchild, it was perfect.

  “I love you so much,” Grandma pulled away with tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “Hey, don’t cry,” I said.

  “I can do whatever I want today, this is the happiest day of my life, watching Donna putting you on a real tight lead…” We laughed.

  Cal stood beside me, waiting for my bride to show. He mentioned Sophie had texted and they wou
ld be a few minutes late. It was Donna, I expected nothing more or less.

  The church organ soon bellowed out, bringing my beautiful fiancé into the church. Kacey walked down the aisle sprinkling pink and champagne petals with Sophie and Mel behind her, looking sensational. I glanced at Cal, as his eyes watered, and I glanced at his beautiful twins held by Yvonne and Anne. I smiled at Sabastian, and he grinned.

  I kept my eyes on the ladies as they walked proudly down the aisle. They took to their seats and then I saw my princess, stealing my breath as she walked down the aisle towards me. My heart melted at the astonishing sight of her. She stole every part of me, and this was why I loved her so damn much. The fact she’d agreed to be my wife and then blessed me with a baby, was out of this world.

  Donna stepped closer to me, smiling, never taking those stunning eyes off me. She stood before me as her dad handed her over to me, and we stepped towards the vicar so I could finally make her mine.

  I never wanted this feeling within me to ever leave.

  We took our vows, and I made her Mrs Chase. We kissed, and the guests behind us cheered, talk about the highlight of my life. We signed the register with Cal and Sophie, our two best friends. Just having those two here was incredible, not that I’d tell Cal that.

  Outside, boxes of confetti were thrown at us.

  I had never smiled so much as I did through that ceremony. Now I knew how Cal felt when he married Sophie. It’s magical, warming, gratifying and precious.

  Once we had pictures taken with family and friends, we made our way to the car to be taken to the reception venue, a hotel not far away from the church.

  “So how does it feel Mrs Chase?” I asked her excited.

  “Gosh,” she said, turning to me. “It’s astounding. I have never felt like this before, thank you. Thank you!”

  “Don’t thank me. It’s our special day. Words cannot describe how I’m feeling right now. You stole my breath walking down the aisle,” I told her, unable to stop smiling.


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