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Claiming Love

Page 11

by Holly J Gill

  “Good…It was touch and go as the dress wouldn’t zip up, our bump grew overnight. Soph had to alter it in less than two hours. She did an amazing job though,” she explained.

  “Flipping heck, I owe Sophie for saving the day.” I placed my hand on her belly, feeling the little one. We had the twenty-week scan and decided between us we wanted to wait until the birth to find out the sex of the baby. It was more exciting.

  “I can’t wait to meet this little one,” I added as I leaned in, kissing her on the mouth, tasting the strawberry balm she always wore.

  “I know it’s so exciting. You do know we have shopping to do for this one?” she added.

  “We will, and we will enjoy every minute,” I grinned.

  We arrived at the venue, and the weather was dazzling.

  We were greeted by the wedding planner, who offered us a drink as we waited for the guests to arrive, allowing them to have a few minutes to relax before being seated for a three-course meal.

  I couldn’t get over how stunning my wife looked wearing her lace dress and knowing it was altered hours before to accommodate her growing bump made it all the more special. That baby’s a Chase after all and going to make an impression.

  “Congratulations, son,” Mum beamed. She looked lovely in her pink dress and matching hat.

  “Thank you, thank you so much,” we kissed each other on the cheeks before she moved to Donna.

  Grandma’s arms were wide open with. I smiled, aware of her emotions.

  She held me tight to the point of almost suffocating me. “I love you. I am so proud, so proud,” she said and moved over to Donna. I watched as she placed her hands on Donna’s tummy. “You little one are going to be so special, just make sure daddy, doesn’t boss us around,” she laughed and cuddled Donna.

  Dad was next, followed by uncles, aunties, and Donna’s family, and her Gran, who I’d met a few times after delivering the good news. She was over the moon, unlike the rest of Donna’s family, but I wasn’t interested in them. At the end of the queue were Cal and Sophie with the kids.

  I held my arm out for Cal, as we hugged.

  “You look fabulous, mate,” Cal complimented me.

  “Thank you, mate, without you I’d never have done this…”

  “Hey, you need to hear my speech first,” Cal joked.

  I laughed.

  Sophie moved in for a hug and kiss.

  “Thank you for saving the day,” I said in her ear.

  “No problem. It was an honour. Just pleased I could help,” she said, pulling away, and we kissed on the cheek again.

  I doubted Sophie in the beginning, I really did, only now, when I look at my best friend and his wife, she was the best thing to ever happen to him, like Donna was to me. Things happened for a reason, and no matter what life threw at you, you must pick yourself up and stand tall. Life’s too short for regrets. It’s what you do to change it that counts.

  We waited outside the reception door hand in hand for our introduction.

  “Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls, please welcome Mr and Mrs Ross Chase.”

  The doors swung open, and we were greeted by smiles and claps as we made our way to the table at the front. All our guests looked fantastic and beamed at us.

  After the meals, came the dreaded speech by…Calvin.

  “Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls please give it up for the best man Calvin.” The room erupted, and I knew I was in for it as Calvin stood.

  “Thank you, thank you…wow what a day!” He saluted, full of confidence. “Firstly, thank you. I’d like to raise our glasses to the stunning bride, for the sexy maid of honour and gorgeous bridesmaid …” he winked, and the room chuckled. “The flower girl, our stunning little Kacey, well-done princess. To the guests for coming and sharing this fabulous day with Ross and Donna. I’d like to thank Donna’s parent’s for making this beautiful girl who fills my best friends heart with love. And what a great venue.” Everyone cheered, taking sips of their drinks.

  “Right,” Cal laughed. “It’s time to tell you about Ross and me, yep, sorry, the moment had to come. We met at kindergarten, so we’ve known one another almost all our lives. We’ve played, argued, encouraged, and fallen out, but never once…have we ever walked away from one another. A few years ago, this man, was my rock, after I was involved in a horrific car crash, and it was him who kept me together, making me feel human while I suffered from amnesia. He looked after my fiancé and parents, who were all going through a pretty bad time. So, for that, I wish to raise a glass, to Ross, my brother,” he said lifting his glass.

  “We’ve taught each other so much over the years, mostly about women…” Everyone laughed. “He’s a remarkable man, and to be his best man and share today with them, is a blessing, not that Ross has a choice.” Laughter broke. “Donna, you look beautiful, you do know you’re stuck with him now?” He teased.

  “You know, in all the years I’ve known Ross, we had a few women to talk about, some good, some bad, and some, let’s move on super-fast,” The room laughed. “But, I have never seen this man as happy as he is with you, Donna. You make him smile…how do you do that?” he teased. The room chuckled. “Truly, I wish you all the best for the future and never forget, family and good friends, are all you need! Thank you.” Cal raised his glass and took a sip to sit back down.

  I took hold of Donna’s hand, holding it tight, fulfilled in ways I’d never imagine I would be.

  The day was a whirlwind, everything went perfectly. I couldn’t take my eyes off Donna and how stunning she looked especially carrying our unborn baby.

  I gazed from the table to Cal who was pushing the twins back and forth in the double pram, after he and Sophie had fed them. Cal never stopped smiling at his wife, and neither did she. They had fought through so much to be here, and me…I experienced the journey with them, and now, I had my own life, complete with my wife. I was grateful for so much.

  “Penny for them,” Cal asked as he sat beside me sipping his drink as the music played and guests took to the dance floor.

  “I’m blessed mate, totally blessed. I know why you fought for Sophie because you knew she was the one. Things happen for a reason, right?” I questioned.

  “They sure do. I can’t believe we’re both married. How the heck did that happen?” Cal laughed.

  “Thanks for your speech, it was wicked and very noble,” I informed him.

  “Hey…I just said what I felt was right and you gave me a great one. You’ll be a dad next, sleepless nights,” Cal added.

  “I’m looking forward to it. If it hadn’t been for you and Sophie I’d never have met Donna, and I’d most likely still be a single man,” I said, feeling emotional.

  “Hey, stop it…things do happen for a reason. I hated the fact Sophie left me when I had amnesia, but if she hadn’t she wouldn’t have met Donna…”

  “Exactly,” I turned to look at Donna as she was on the dance floor dancing with her friends.

  “Beautiful right,” Cal said in my ear.

  “Yeah, this love thing has much to answer for, doesn’t it?” I responded.

  “It sure does, but it’s worth it.”

  Sophie had changed into a cream flowing dress and picked up the microphone.

  She coughed several times as the music stopped and guests moved to look her way.

  “Hi, right, I think this is working right?” she said, hitting the microphone. “So here we are at Donna and Ross’s wedding, and I just want to say I love the sparkle you have developed…Is Ross doing something right for a change?” she teased. We all laughed as I turned to Cal seeing him smiling with Sabastian and Kacey close to him.

  “I’ve known Donna for several years, and I have to say, without her and Melissa I’d be totally lost, especially when it comes to moaning about the hubby.” Laughter filled the room. “Donna is an extraordinary woman, and I’m honoured she asked me to be her maid of honour, thank you…it’s been a wonderful day. So, it brings me to why I’m mak
ing this speech, I don’t usually do them, I much prefer leaving them to Calvin, because we all know he loves to talk.” We chuckled as he cocked his head to the side grinning.

  “I met Donna, after searching for a childminder for my daughter Kacey, while I worked, we got talking as people do and she introduced me to line dancing. I decided to take the plunge and go for it. I love it, and for my wedding we chose a tune and learned the moves and tonight is no different, so with months of rehearsing and dedication, we have learned this dance, which you’ll agree is beautiful. So Donna, if you’d join me.”

  I watched as Donna moved to join Sophie on the dance floor.

  “We will be joined by the line dancing class, but first, we’re going to do this together.”

  Sophie stepped away and handed the microphone back. She took her position close to Donna, and we waited patiently.

  The music started, and they began to move in sync to ‘Tightrope’. They flowed together, both smiling and looking breathtaking, twirling about the floor. I glanced at Cal and our families as he watched and smiled. He was as proud as I was, grinning at our ladies.

  The girls floated like exquisite diamonds, moving in time to the tune until they were joined by the class.

  My wife was in her element. This was where I met her when she was trying to teach me a dance for Sophie and Cal’s wedding, which I somehow pulled off. I recalled her placing her hands on my waist, teaching me to listen to the music and flow with it. I wasn’t a dancer, but hell I did something unique because of her. The music bounced off the walls of the room, as they all danced beautifully.

  We were one.

  We were to be together to death do us part.

  We were fate.

  The music ended, and all the ladies took a bow.

  I stood, clapping, as I was joined by the entire room.

  I turned to get a hug from Calvin. My favourite people were in this room, I needed nothing more.



  (A conclusion to the Innocence Series)


  “Oh dad, I am so proud of you for finding true happiness,” I said, staring into his eyes which were full of tears.

  This was truly one of the most remarkable days of my life watching my father get married to a woman he loved so much. They were a true match, in perfect harmony, so much love and care went into the smallest of things when it came to them. I had never seen such joy while growing up, and he never cuddled or embraced my mother the way he did with Yvonne. Yvonne was everything I had ever dreamed of for dad. His smile was genuine, and one he deserved.

  Neither one of them wanted anything over the top. Yvonne wanted ‘simple but classy’, nothing more and nothing less, and that was exactly what she got. It had been my job to arrange everything, me, a wedding planner, what was next? I achieved it.

  The marquee was situated in the grounds of Calvin’s parent’s hall, decorated with carnations, her favourites. She made her own cake, she loved baking so that one was easy.

  “Sweetheart, I’m so pleased we’ve found our true loves. It’s been wonderful, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping,” Dad said. I had seen many of the men in my life being reduced to tears recently, Calvin, Ross, and now Dad. It showed how much they appreciated the finer things in life, like their wives.

  He kissed me on the cheek.

  “It was more than my pleasure; you mean everything to me.”

  “And you to me,” he held his arms wide, and I fell into them, wrapping my arms tightly around him, shredding a few more tears.

  He held me tightly, “You’re a remarkable woman Sophie. You have fought through so much darkness and came out smiling. You are a survivor and living gracefully to tell the tale. It would make a great book, to show the world that no matter what pain or storms are thrown your way, happiness can find you.”

  I pulled away from him.

  “I don’t think anyone would appreciate reading about my messed up life,” I added.

  “It’s hardly messed up now. And many would read it,” he grinned.

  “What would you call it?” I asked out of curiosity.

  “Innocence.” I cocked my head to the side, and lifted a brow, needing more of an explanation. “You were so innocent when your nightmare began, you endured so much pain, anguish, and somehow, fate brought you back. In time, you found your love and returned to the girl you once were. Your innocence was stolen because of the actions of a selfish woman who never gave you the love or support you deserved. Instead, she betrayed you when you were at your most vulnerable. But all that doesn’t matter, what does matter is you, Calvin, and the kids. You have all been through so much sadness and hurt. Now my sweetheart, go and find your husband, and be happy, life is too short for any more negativity,” he said kissing me on the cheek.

  I kissed Dad on the cheek as Yvonne arriving. I smiled and left the lovebirds to it.

  I found my family kicking the football in the nearby field beside the hall. I walked to them then paused to look at my family, my son Sabastian, was growing into a true man, wanting to take after his dad and work in the family business. Kacey was full of life and energy, fearless and spent her time hanging upside down and climbing everything. The twins, they’re almost three and have developed their own personal personalities. My hubby was still my world, and I couldn’t be happier.

  My heart ached whenever I looked at my family, and I marvelled at how far we had come. I hurried towards them. Calvin turned to me, looking sexy in his suit, which always made me weak at the knees. The joys of being married to a businessman was that I would never stop enjoying that look. A smile lit up his perfect face, his hair was shorter, his emerald green eyes dazzled me, his firm jawline was covered in brisk growth. He was gorgeous and mine.

  “Are you ok?” he asked in the sweetest of voices.

  “I sure am.” I smiled. I licked my lips. Our lips pressed exquisitely together, sparks erupting all over my body.

  I looked up and saw the river where I had once tried to take my life and my daughters. My heart dropped into my tummy, so grateful my hero showed up and stopped me.

  “Hey mum, are you ok?” Sabastian questioned, looking dashing in his suit.

  “I’m good, in fact, I couldn’t be happier,” I said smiling at him.

  “Grandad looked ace,” he said as the football fell to his feet and he kicked it back to the twins as Kacey also gave chase.

  I turned my attention back to the river and ambled closer. Each step I felt my heartbeat in my eardrums.

  I got closer and saw the river moving softly. The pathway to where the bridge had once been was still there with no grass or weeds growing where the step had once been. I pressed my lips together and placed my hand gently on my chest and watched the water flowing without a care in the world.

  How that day changed my life, and even now I fill with emotions feeling the innocence that almost stole my heart.


  I stood beside Sophie and laced my fingers between hers, aware of what was going through her head.

  I had no idea if fate took over that day, but whatever happened, my life changed. It brought a wonderful woman back into my life.

  The kids were playing ball, laughing and giggling. This was the life I loved so much.

  I love being here and I would be taking over the hall soon, running and upkeeping it. It didn’t worry me in the slightest. The hall was full of memories, good and bad. The night of my eighteenth and how I took her into my arms and we danced. The moon shone on her that night and made my own heart glow. My thoughts had never been far away from her, only in time…I guess like everything, you have to move on, only did I really?

  We stared at the river, we didn’t need to say anything, we both knew what we were thinking.

  I heaved my breath and turned to Sophie. I pulled her into my arms and held her tight, rubbing her back, inhaling her sweet aroma. I felt her emotions and pain, but I took it all away and gave her the life she des
ired, surrounded by love.

  “Calvin,” she muttered into my chest.

  “Yes, baby,” I replied softly, keeping her close to me.

  “Thank you. Thank you for saving me and being there at my hour of need, for allowing me to put my trust in you,” she muffled. I couldn’t let her go then and never would.

  “I did it because it was the right thing to do, not only that, you gave me a new direction, someone to care about, and see the world differently, in a way I didn’t know existed. We both owe each other,” I added. “You were the one who made my heart flutter, made me want to spend every hour with you, and I still do. I hope you're aware you have me for life,” I mocked.

  Sophie gazed up at me with watery eyes. I placed my thumb on her cheeks to remove the droplets.

  “I swear I’ll keep you safe and secure,” I added, meaning every damn word.

  “I know, and I don’t wish for anything else. I love you so much, Calvin Edwards,” she said weepy-eyed.

  “I love you too, Sophie Edwards.”

  Our lips met in a soft, delicate kiss.

  The ball hit me on my leg, and we turned. I kicked the ball back to the children.

  “Oi, you guys, can we join in?” Ross and Donna with Lewis waddling along approached.

  “The more, the merrier,” I called out as I looked at Sophie and she smiled.

  No matter what life throws at you, take it.

  It’s not the beginning of the end, love, devotion, feelings and emotion have to be handled in the most gracious, soul-fulfilling way possible. No matter the pain, the hurt, each person has their own story to tell.

  Be true. Be kind, and be yourself. Don’t hide your feelings, cry, laugh, believe in your destiny.

  Follow your own way and never give up.

  You get one chance at this life…live it.

  If you dream it, do it!

  You are beautiful!


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