Infinite Fate

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Infinite Fate Page 8

by Rachel Lenna


  “Where is she?” I demand pacing the brightly lit hall. The disco balls are spinning brightly and music is blaring out of the speakers at an unhealthy level. The hall has been hastily decorated, looking more like a 1980’s time warp then the 2014 hall it is. Scanning the crowd and I cannot find Savannah anywhere.

  “Dude chill.” Tyson says, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “She will be here.”

  “I wonder if she will bring that little vixen with her.” Sam says, his eyes bright. He knows the danger Savannah’s in but he is an eternal optimist. Always girl crazy too.

  “Sophie?” I ask. I should have known Sam would be interested in Sophie. She is the only girl so far in the college that has rejected his advances. I don’t peek into my boys futures as I feel it is an invasion of their privacy so I didn’t know that either knew the two girls.

  “Oh man she's a hot lil’ thing that one.” Sam practically drools as Tyson shifts uncomfortably.

  Well this is awkward. I think realising for the first time why Sophie has no interest in him. Sam has no idea Sophie and Tyson have a thing for each other but don’t know about the other liking them back too. Always the quiet brooder Tyson remains silent. He sends me a look that tells me he knows I know and would very much like me to keep it to myself. I give him a slight nod to indicate message is received loud and clear when the girls appear.

  “Oh my god.” My jaw hits the floor as a vision in pink walks towards us. The entire college has become quiet as Sophie and Savannah sashay over to us. Savannah looks decidedly uncomfortable and Sophie is shaking it for all its worth.

  “Hey boys.” Sophie smiles at us. “How are we all on this wonderful night?” She looks directly at Tyson and I hide a smirk. She is good at hiding her emotions, but I saw the slight moment of vulnerability. Her aura turns bright pink every time she looks at him too.

  “Hey yourself sugar lips.” Sam sidles up to her and she laughs politely.

  “Tyson, Dominic.” Savannah nods, holding herself rigid. “Sam.”

  “Savannah.” Tyson bows. “You are simply stunning tonight.”

  “Why thank you kind sir.” She smiles at him genuinely. “You look handsome yourself.”

  If vampires could blush Tyson would be. He shifts uncomfortably before blurting out. “What do you think Dom?”

  “What do I think about what?”

  “About Savannah and Sophie?”

  “I um…”

  “Cat got your tongue there Dom?” Sophie laughs.

  “Yeah Dom,” Sam adds. “Cat got your tongue?”

  “You’re beautiful Sophie.” I fire back at her and her mouth hangs open. “And Savannah. Oh my god Savannah! Wow. Holy moly. Oh wow.” I babble. She gently closes my mouth and I have to stop breathing. “Wow. You are stunning.”

  “You think I look hot dressed as a cheap hooker?” She sounds offended and I mentally smack my forehead. Der Dom this is the reality where she doesn’t appreciate you ogling her like a piece of meat.

  “I um… I… I think you would look hot no matter what you wore.” I say quickly and hear Tyson and Sam snicker behind me. I spin around and shoot them daggers. They both back off and Sophie pats my shoulder.

  “Much better.” Savannah says breaking out into a grin and it clicks I have been played.

  “Well played little lady.” I laugh. “You had me believing you were offended. And just so you know you most definitely do not look like a hooker, you’re stunning.”

  Savannah gives me the I-don’t-believe-you-because-I-know-how-I-look look and drops it. “So you going to get me some punch then?” She musters with as much confidence as she can. She’s uncomfortable and wanting to divert attention from herself. I will offer her my jacket when we are away from Sophie. All the futures where I offer it beforehand end badly – for everyone.

  “Absolutely.” I agree quickly extending my elbow to her. She grasps it gently, unsure and we walk over to the table awkwardly.

  “Do you want my jacket?” I ask her extending it out.

  “You want to give me your jacket?” She questions a hopeful look in her eye.

  “I can see you’re uncomfortable Savannah.” I gesture at her clothes. “I just wanted to help you. There’s no tricks, no anything. Just a guy offering the girl he’s with a jacket when she needs it.”

  “Oh my god absolutely yes then!” She sighs in utter relief and practically flings herself inside it. “Oh Dominic thank you so much! You don’t know how uncomfortable I was,” Yes I do “but Sophie made me wear this awful outfit – if you could even call it that! I feel like some cheap and nasty hooker! The women of the eighties had no idea! Anyways I’m not like her, I can’t wear outfits that show everything and be comfortable. God sometimes I wish I had her confidence then maybe I wouldn’t be called a prude all the time and then maybe…” She babbles on and I just I kiss her. I don’t know why – okay maybe I do. I already love her and I want her to catch up so I give her the most spine tingling kiss I have had of my life. Both vampire and human alike.

  She’s to stunned to respond at first so just stands there looking at me. Then she leans into me and kisses me back, with a surprising urgency that has me grabbing hold of her and pinning her against me. We stand there kissing for what feels like ages when a tap on my shoulder breaks the spell.

  “You two are causing quite a scene.” Adam Barton says, barely containing a smile. “You mind taking it somewhere a little more private?”

  “Sorry.” I say as Savannah hides her head in my shoulder. I can feel her embarrassment creeping all over her. Her blood flooding her cheeks makes her warm against my skin. I grin at Barton and see we do in fact have an audience. Sophie, Tyson and Sam included.

  Sam looks furious, Tyson uneasy and Sophie elated. One out of three ain’t bad right? I reason. I have been so distracted by Savannah that I haven’t been paying attention to my visions. This one is only going to be salvaged one way.

  “Care to dance?” I ask stepping back from her and ignoring everyone else completely. I smile brightly and bowing while extending my hand. Barton nods silently and then walks off.

  She looks at me like she is trying to work out whether I have a screw or two loose again and I merely shrug. “We aren’t the first to get hot and heavy inside a college dance and get busted and we won’t be last. Why not just enjoy the night?”

  “How do you do that?” Savannah asks. “How do you know just the right thing to say to get me to stop worrying?”

  “It’s a gift.” I answer, for once not actually lying about anything.

  “It’s creepy.”

  “But good creepy right?”

  “The jury’s still out on that.” She grins at me while placing her hand in mine. I waste no time pulling her into a spin and pulling her into the middle of the dance floor. I don’t want her to change her mind and in all but one future she does. I will show her a good time and make her see what I can already see. She likes me and we are meant to be. I know it, she just has to catch up and see it to.


  We dance and dance and dance. Dominic is just a good a dancer as he is a kisser and I am still swooning – a lot. He has been the perfect gentleman all night but I am getting worn out. I think we have danced for at least an hour and I’m getting thirsty.

  “Dominic I need a drink.” I say giving him the universal sign for water or drink. He nods and moves to come with me. “No, no.” I say pushing him back into the middle of the dance floor. “I will only be a minute I will bring you a bottle too.”

  “But I should be doing it for you.” He protests in my ear.

  “I’m a big girl Dominic. This isn’t the stone age.” I pat his arm and motion him to stay. “I will be right back.”

  He frowns at me like he wants to protest before finally giving in. “I will be right here.” He says right in my ear sending goose bumps down my arms and back all the way to my toes. I nod at him and start to make my way towards the drink stand.<
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  Wow. I think, my mind wandering off as I absently push people out of my way. Why do I feel like I have known him forever? It’s like he has always been around and wow the boy can kiss.

  I reach the drink stand and get in line. It is relatively short so I just stand there waiting for a drink tender to serve me. I look around spotting Tyson in the middle of a deep discussion with some fiery redhead whose name I think is Bonnie. He looks focused, almost angry and she’s no better. Their arms are failing about everywhere as the discussion heats up. Bonnie almost smacks him in the head trying to get her point across. She’s always been a little strange so I have kept away from her.

  I spot Sam enjoying life with two of his groupies, one on each side. Looking out for Sophie I spot her near the snack table, a group of boys all hanging off her every move. “She’s in her element.” I murmur to myself just as it is my turn to approach the drink table.

  “What’ll it be?” The waitress asks impatiently.

  A little taken a back I blurt out, “Two waters.” She nods and disappears. She returns moments later with the bottles.

  “You know you and lover boy caused a scene earlier.” She snickers as she hands them over. I blush deep crimson again, not knowing how to respond I take the water she gives me with a nod and turn to leave. “Oh and Savannah? He’s way out of your league sweetheart.” She calls after me and I turn back to pin her with a look that says “Stuff you.”

  “Wait?” I stop and spin back around. “How do you

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