A Twist of Fate

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A Twist of Fate Page 26

by Donna Raider

  Leah jerked up her head to meet her wife’s gaze. “Angels,” she whispered, “are they?”

  “I don’t think so,” Mika shrugged. “I believe they are just normal humans, with unusual parents. It is our job to raise them to be exceptional.”

  “I believe their tummies are full. They have gone to sleep,” Leah smiled up at her. Mika gently lifted the sleeping infants from her arms and carried them back to the nursery.

  Mika returned to their bedroom. Still propped up against the headboard, Leah had completely removed her pajama top.

  Mika tried not to stare at her but found she couldn’t pull her gaze away from Leah’s magnificent breasts. Even though the babies had just nursed, her breasts still looked full and tight.

  “Mika, darling,” Leah’s voice was low and sensuous, “are you going to help me with these, or do I have to resort to a breast pump.” She lightly trailed her hand over her breast, as she lifted the covers for Mika to slide into bed beside her.

  Mika moaned as Leah guided her lips to her breast. Mika was careful not to touch Leah’s nipples with her tongue, not wanting to make them raw. Leah hummed her approval as Mika relieved the uncomfortable fullness from each breast. She too fell asleep nursing.

  Early the next morning Leah’s movement woke her instantly. “What?” Mika’s voice was heavy with sleep.

  “The babies are awake,” Leah moved to get up.

  Mika was already on her feet. “I will get them,” she smiled a groggy, lopsided smile as she staggered toward the door. “I’m pretty sure they need fresh diapers, too.”

  Leah knew she had time to go to the bathroom and brush her teeth before Mika came back. Diaper changes always seemed to take her much longer. She checked the time. The twins were finally sleeping longer between feedings. When they first came home from the hospital, they had nursed every hour. Now they were nursing every three hours.

  Leah was refreshed and back in bed before Mika returned, a baby in each arm. She gently nestled them in her arms. They had quickly developed a routine. Mika would place a baby in Leah’s arms and wait while she helped it find her nipple, then Mika would place the other baby in her arms, and she would guide its tiny mouth to its mother’s breast. They both loved to watch their babies nurse. Both agreed it was the sweetest sight they had ever seen.

  Leah had bounced back immediately from giving birth to the twins. Everyone was amazed at how easy her pregnancy and delivery had been. No one was as amazed as she was.

  Although she vigorously discouraged it, every woman she met shared their personal childbirth pain epic. Her only complaint about pregnancy was the abstinence from her wife. It had been almost unbearable.

  She had loved carrying their babies. She loved being a mother. She loved Richie and the way he loved his brother and sister. With the help of her wife and son, her pregnancy had been a walk in the park. In her heart, she knew Adam and Sara were just the first of their many children.


  The twins would be one-month-old the week of Richie’s birthday. Leah and Mika once again turned their attention to the problem of a vehicle for their son. Richie pointed out that he had several million dollars in his trust fund from record sales and personal appearances made by the band.

  “I know money isn’t the issue,” the youth frowned. “It is feelings. I don’t want to hurt Emily’s feelings, but with your approval, I could buy my car.”

  “Have you discussed this with Emily?” Leah asked.

  “Not yet,” Richie admitted. “I wanted to get your input first. Make sure you were okay with it.”

  His mother smiled. She was pleased he sought her counsel on matters that were important to him.

  Mika and Leah agreed Richie could purchase his car if he could work it out with Emily. The sheriff was less than happy with her son’s suggestion but couldn’t argue with his decision. She knew the old green Cuda wasn’t safe. Hell, it didn’t even have seatbelts.

  The morning of Richie’s birthday, all three parents, Samson and Delilah went with the boy to the Toyota dealership. Amber had ordered a fully loaded, black pickup with white pinstripes.

  “Black and white, just like you ordered,” Amber smiled, as she dropped the key fob into Richie’s hand.

  “Come on,” the teen laughed, catching Amber’s hand, “I want you to be the first to ride in my new truck,”

  Mika and Leah exchanged a questioning look.


  The Sunday following Richie’s birthday was the christening for Sara and Adam. Most of the town had not seen the twins. Leah and Mika had been very protective of their babies. They preferred to keep them safely at home, away from airborne sicknesses. Visitors had not been encouraged for the same reason. They wanted to give the infants’ immune system a chance to build before exposing them to others.

  The Bishop had volunteered to officiate the christening of Adam and Sara, so there was much ado about the clergy in their small town. Mika had made the rectory available for the Bishop and his entourage. The christening was scheduled to follow the Sunday morning services. The entire town attended. Some to see the Bishop, but most to see the twins. Samson and Delilah had been asked to be the godparents for the babies and were honored. Although Leah still considered Delilah, an idiot, she knew how much she loved children and was very comfortable with her as their godmother.

  Leah arranged for everyone to dine in the Town Hall Public Meeting Room. Just as they had done for the couple’s wedding reception, caterers had decorated the hall in elegant shades of whites and gold. Leah, Mika, Richie, Samson, Delilah and the babies sat at one large table along with Naomi, Amber, and Ruth. Emily didn’t bring a date and was very subdued.

  Richie spent the better part of the luncheon standing over the babies, beaming as he thanked people for turning out to see his siblings. The Cross family posed for photos, with Mika and Richie holding a baby and Leah seated regally in front of them. Of course, Richie had to have his picture made with him holding both babies in his arms.

  Mika and Samson watched as the boy smiled for the camera, holding both babies, so their faces showed clearly.

  “Wow, they look just like you,” Samson slapped Mika on the back.

  A sudden silence fell over the celebration as Legion entered the room. Leah instantly placed herself in front of the twins as Mika stepped forward to greet the man.

  “Legion, we’re so glad you could make our celebration,” the priest smiled cautiously at the somber man.

  “Really,” Legion snarled, “I don’t believe I was invited.”

  “Of course, you were,” Mika held the small man’s gaze. “We issued an open invitation to everyone during the worship services.”

  “The twins have been christened?” Legion questioned.

  “Yes,” the priest smiled. “They are under God’s protection now.”

  “So, you think they are safe from all evil,” the swarthy man glared at Leah, ignoring the priest.

  “Thank you for coming, Legion,” the mayor’s voice rang through the hall. “Now, I am certain you have somewhere else you need to be.”

  The pernicious little man moved his hand, but he wasn’t fast enough. At his slightest hand movement, Leah had frozen him where he stood. A nod of her head and Legion found himself sitting in the middle of the toll bridge outside of town.


  “It is about time you got here,” Legion looked up as the harbinger of evil entered his shop. “We may have a problem.”

  “Nothing we can’t handle,” his visitor’s smile turned into a snarl. “Is the witch refusing to honor her contract?”

  “Yes, and she has grown quite powerful,” Legion said softly.

  “She did destroy the demons I sent to devour this pathetic town. Surely, she’s not stronger than you,” the visitor glared in disbelief.

  “Oh, no, no,” Legion hurriedly reassured his visitor, not wanting to admit his fear of the witch.

  “The priest, then?” The visitor let the question hang in the

  “No,” Legion snorted. “She is harmless, a naive idiot. She just hides behind the queen’s skirts and follows her around like a lovesick fool. When she thought she was going to die, she clung to Leah for safety. She was pathetic.”

  “I don’t see the problem,” the visitor frowned.

  “The stakes are much higher, and the reward doubled.” Legion watched his visitor carefully. “Her first born are twins: a boy and a girl.”

  The visitor’s face twisted into a gleeful, grotesque smile. “Two for the price of one.” A hissing sound filled the room as the visitor pranced around, a growling sound rising from deep in his throat.

  “But they have both been christened.” Legion stepped back. He knew his visitor’s reaction to the news would not be good.

  As if on cue, a high keening howl escaped the visitor’s throat. The creature stalked toward Legion as if intending to destroy him. Legion threw a protection spell around himself and waited until his visitor calmed down.

  “Think how powerful our magic will become when we have control of the witch’s offspring and thus the witch herself,” Legion grinned maliciously. “We can rule this entire world. The puny humans and their weapons of war will be useless against the power we will wield.”

  “Ah, yes,” the visitor’s eyes shown with a darkness so black it was reflective, “for all eternity. Earth will be ours. We will be the gods.”

  “We must plan our moves carefully,” Legion said thoughtfully. “Leah is a formidable foe.” He dared not tell his visitor of the many times she had outwitted and humiliated him. In the end, he would have his revenge against his former pupil. No one disrespects the Vile One.


  Mika and Leah made plans for their belated anniversary vacation, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. They both had committed to return to work September first. Both were desperately trying to pass the time until their anniversary cruise and resuming their intimate relations the second week of August. They were careful to engage only in chaste kisses and soft caresses. Mika wasn’t taking any chances on doing anything that would be detrimental to her wife.

  “I think we should hire a nanny,” Mika quickly exhaled as she made the statement. They hadn’t discussed it, and she wasn’t sure of her wife’s reaction.

  Leah tilted her head to the side slightly. Mika caught her breath. Leah’s smoldering brown eyes ignited a passion she had pushed to the back of her mind.

  “I agree, darling,” Leah smiled.

  “Too bad we can’t get Mary Poppins,” Mika joked.

  “We can’t,” Leah laughed. “But I can get someone just as wonderful. I brought my Nana here. She loved me dearly and was devoted to me. She was the only one brave enough to stand up to my mother. I’m afraid she suffered on many occasions because she tried to protect me.”

  “For real,” Mika raised her brows, “I mean, can we?”

  “I will arrange it,” Leah moistened her full red lips, and Mika tried to tamp down the flame she was fanning.


  Nana was one of the employees at the largest daycare in their town and had jumped at the opportunity to serve as nanny to Adam and Sara. She moved into the guest suite on the other side of the nursery. She was excellent. It was obvious she was devoted to Leah and loved her dearly.

  Leah and Mika liked to spend as much time with the children as possible. They made a point to be home in time for dinner. While Mika and Richie cleaned up after dinner, Leah would bath one of the twins. Mika would arrive upstairs just in time to dress the baby and play with it while her wife bathed the other infant. Mika would dress the second child and play with it while her wife nursed the first one. Leah had started nursing them one at a time to spend alone time with each one of them. When both babies were safely tucked in, they would go downstairs to spend time with Richie, if he was home. Between football, school, and the band, Richie was often late getting home. They always waited for him.


  “There is sufficient milk in the freezer, should you have to use it,” Leah instructed Nana. “There is enough fresh milk in the refrigerator for eight days. Richie can probably help with any problems you encounter. I have put the number for their pediatrician on the sticky note by the phone. Of course, you have phone numbers for both Mika and me.”

  “I can handle two babies,” Nana laughed as she moved the mayor and her wife toward the front door. “I believe Richie is waiting to drive you to the boat.”

  Leah exhaled sharply. Leaving Richie, Sara and Adam was harder than she had anticipated. Mika opened the front door of Richie’s truck. Her wife entered the truck as gracefully as she had always stepped into her carriage.

  Mika and Richie had spent the previous week stocking the boat and getting it ready for the trip. Mika had welcomed the physical labor. It helped her work off some of the anxiety she was building up in anticipation of the cruise.

  Amber, Ruth, Samson and Delilah were at the docks to see them off. Richie had insisted on sleeping at the mansion. He wanted to help Nana with the babies. Emily had agreed, and Samson assured Mika that he and Delilah would be frequent visitors during their absence just to make certain the twins were okay.

  CHAPTER 14 - Our Abilities are Only Limited by

  Leah skillfully guided the boat from the bay and headed out to sea. The morning sky and water were both a beautiful blue. Almost as blue as her eyes , she thought as she glanced at her wife.

  Mika shyly eyed her wife as Leah opened the throttle on the boat, sending it slicing through the water. She felt awkward, like a teenage girl on her first date. “Are you feeling okay?” Mika made conversation as she handed Leah a bottle of water.

  “I feel wonderful, darling,” Leah laughed, tossing her head back to move her hair from her eyes. “Do you feel okay?”

  “Of course,” Mika frowned slightly, “but I’m not seven weeks out from having twins.”

  “Well, then” Leah smiled, “Perhaps you could give a girl a decent kiss.”

  Mika hesitantly put her arms around Leah and drank in the beauty of her lovely face. She lightly kissed the small scar over Leah’s lip then gently nibbled at her soft, full bottom lip.

  Leah slid her arms around Mika’s neck and pulled her lips firmly against hers. Her lips moved slowly against Mika’s, thrilling to the smooth fullness of her intoxicating kiss. Her tongue gently explored Mika’s mouth.

  Overcome with the need for her, Mika pulled her closer pressing her mouth urgently against Leah’s, her tongue exploring Leah’s mouth, seeking, asking permission to go further.

  “The answer is definitely yes.” Leah smiled as she pushed Mika away gently, “but let’s sail the boat further out so we can drop anchor and forget about it.”

  “Yes,” Mika said breathlessly. She stepped behind Leah putting her arms around her, pressing Leah’s back against her breasts. Mika’s hands lightly moved between caressing Leah’s stomach and her breasts.

  “Instead of driving us both crazy, why don’t you set the navigation system and fix us some lunch,” Leah turned in Mika’s arms to kiss her once more.

  “Good idea,” Mika grinned. “We do have several more hours before we reach our destination.”


  “I am having a great deal of discomfort,” Leah moaned as she sat down on their bed. “I need your help.”

  Concern darkened Mika’s face. “What’s wrong?” She quickly sat down beside Leah and put her arms around her small shoulders.

  “At home, I’m used to nursing the babies every three or four hours,” she blushed slightly. I wasn’t thinking. My breasts are becoming very painful.”

  Mika carefully lifted Leah’s blouse over her head and realized she had on no bra. Her breasts were larger than usual and extremely tight.

  “I can…do you want me to…?” Mika stuttered.

  “Yes, please,” Leah whimpered, lying back on the bed.

  For almost an hour, Mika chastely fulfilled her request, careful to nurse and not arouse. Fin
ally, Leah’s soft moans and gentle caresses let Mika know Leah was now ready to be a willing participant in their lovemaking.

  Their passion moved from slow and easy to grasping and frantic as they sought to dispel the raging desire that had been pent up in them for over three months. They slipped in and out of sleep, making love and falling into an exhausted state somewhere between dreams and reality. Leah couldn’t hold back her magic any longer and used Mika mercilessly to satiate her needs. She rode her hard and demanded that Mika do the same to her.

  They fell asleep only to awaken one another with further requests for intimacy. Mika couldn’t tell if the things that Leah whispered in her ear were real or dreamed. Her dreams of Leah and their actual lovemaking merged into a daze. Mika ached for her. She used Leah. She loved Leah with everything in her, both physically and mentally.

  Leah moaned into her mouth as she nibbled at Mika’s lip. Mika slipped back into an exhausted sleep.

  They made love off and, on all night, finally waking to the midday sun high overhead. Mika pulled Leah tightly against her, nuzzling her hair as she whispered her name against her ear. Mika loved the scent of her, her hair, her bath soap, her natural aroma. For the past three months, she had driven the thrill of Leah’s cries and moans to the back of her mind. Now she reveled in them and joyed to the sound of her name whispered from Leah’s lips.

  Leah wrapped her arms around Mika and slowly slid her soft feet up and down her legs. She kissed Mika gently. She loved tasting herself in Mika’s mouth and greedily sucked her lip and drew Mika’s tongue into her mouth. “I have missed this so much,” Leah murmured.

  Mika moved to pull Leah beneath her, but she pushed Mika back onto the bed. “I can’t take anymore right now, my tireless lover,” she laughed teasingly.

  Mika was glad. She wasn’t sure she could perform anymore without rest. Leah snuggled into Mika, lying quietly in her arms.

  “Tell me,” Mika said softly, “were you screaming ‘ride me hard’ or did I just dream that?”

  “Um, maybe,” Leah buried her face between Mika’s breasts.


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