The Fight (A Standalone Novel) (MMA Bad Boy Romance)

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The Fight (A Standalone Novel) (MMA Bad Boy Romance) Page 2

by Adams, Claire

  "I might be arrogant, but I'm not wrong," Fenton said. His eyes stayed on me. "Tell him."

  "Mr. Morris, just because my company might be interested in signing you to an endorsement deal does not mean I came to this party looking for you," I said.

  "Liar." He stepped closer to me and the other man stood up.

  "Look, buddy, we've all seen your posters, your billboards, but that doesn't give you leave to harass the lady," the clean-cut man said.

  Fenton's eyes flickered towards the other man and his whole body turned as hard as marble. His eyes went flat, and I knew I had to do something.

  "Alright, fine. I want you. Happy?" I asked.

  The man who bought me a drink frowned. "I'll be around if you need me." He shoved past Fenton, like pushing a Roman column, and strode off down the bar.

  "I want you right here," Fenton said. He pointed to his arm.

  I took it, my fingers flexing to test the chiseled rock of his bicep. He grinned and his blue eyes flashed with a devilish light. He whirled me into the crowd, people automatically giving him space. It was impossible not to appreciate his confident gait, and I clung to his arm as tame as a kitten. He made me want to purr, and I was horrified at the undeniable thought.

  He stopped here and there to sign autographs, my arm still clamped against his body as he scribbled. More than one flirtatious hopeful frowned at me, and I smiled back serenely. They all wanted to be where I was, and I enjoyed my sudden security. The Vegas nightclub was his to command and he had chosen me.

  "I am loving that dress," he said. He pulled me closer and dropped a quick look down my cleavage.

  "Yeah, well, my silver sequins are at the dry cleaners," I said.

  "Makes you stand out," he said. "Black's my favorite color."

  "Ugh. Next you’re going to tell me you ride a motorcycle." I swept a look up and down him, the same as he'd done to me. "Anything you think makes you look like a bad boy, right?"

  "Last time I checked, I had earned my reputation," Fenton said.

  "Please, I know your manager. If anyone could buy you a conviction for assaulting a police officer, it would be Kevin Casey."

  Fenton laughed, a hearty burst that kicked my heart into high gear. "Actually, that's how I met Kev. He was in the drunk tank that night."

  "So, you're a bad boy that likes the color black. What's with the blue shirt?" I asked.

  "It sets off my eyes," he said.

  I swallowed hard. He was right, and it was hard to avoid his bright blue glances. Every time I felt one sweep over me, my body tingled.

  "And, I drive a Maserati, not a motorcycle." He pulled me up the steps to the V.I.P. Lounge. "Now, I'm liking you on my arm, but I have a booth reserved, if you want to sit with me."

  My mind flashed over what his wide hands could do to me under the discreet cover of a table. The thought melted my insides. "How about another drink?"

  Fenton steered me towards the bar, where he unhooked my arm only to slip his hand around my waist. The heat of his flat palm against my stomach was enough to send fissures of pleasure through the rest of my body. I decided two drinks were enough, but I had been so distracted by the sensations he caused that Fenton ordered me another whiskey and soda.

  "Thanks," I took a long sip. "So, how did you know I was here to sign you?"

  "I saw you earlier. Kev told me about you," he said. Fenton kept his arm wrapped around me as he drank a tall beer. "Too bad I don't do endorsement deals."

  "You might if I ask," I said.

  His lips curled into another sinful smile. "And here I heard you were all prim and proper. Miss Country Club Princess."

  "You can't hold my upbringing against me," I said.

  Fenton's smile softened and my heart flopped. "I know what that's like, so you're right. I won't hold your upbringing against you." He pulled me closer. "But maybe other things, if you ask."

  I spun out of his hold. It was too easy to flirt with him and forget all about work. "Sorry, I have to respond to this."

  My boss had sent eleven messages with inappropriate suggestions for how to get Fenton's attention and expletive-filled demands for updates. James Cort had no fear of a sexual harassment suit, as he knew how much I wanted to take my career to the next level.

  "First contact now. More soon," I typed.

  "Dirty minx. Don't do anything I wouldn't."

  I shook my head at my boss' response and tossed my phone back in my purse. I had built my career on a sterling reputation and I was not about to throw it away on one Vegas prizefighter. As I turned back to Fenton Morris, my resolve weakened. He leaned against the bar, his blue shirt open wider, and my fingers itched to tangle in his chest hair.

  He caught my look and smiled. "I've decided you can try convincing me. After we dance."



  I could still hear the club music. It thumped in my ears, but not as hard as the hangover. I knew it was bright on the other side of my eyelids, but I could not force them open. Flashes of the night before burst out of the fog, and I cringed in my hotel bed.

  Fenton had dragged me to the dance floor, the crush of the crowd pushing me tight up against him. It seemed like the perfect excuse to let go, just for a moment. One song turned into a hypnotic loop and we kept going. I remembered my palms flat on the hard rock of his chest. The surge of desire I felt helped fight off the waves of aching hangover.

  At one point, a stunning spotlight of memory, we were back in the V.I.P. Lounge, close together in the booth. He ordered champagne, and we toasted to our private corner in the packed club.

  Fenton's blue eyes intense on mine, his voice soft as he had told me, "I don't know how, but you're different. I just wish we hadn't met so soon."

  I had giggled, confused by the sincerity on his stubbled face. Of course now, in the painfully bright light of morning I understood. He would not sign the endorsement deal until after he won the title fight. That way, he would get more money.

  I groaned and pried my eyes open. I could not laze around in bed waiting to feel better. I had to find Fenton and convince him to sign with me right away. The white sheets tangled around me were softer than any I had ever slept on. I savored one more stretch over their softness before my body went rigid with terror.

  These were not the same sheets on my hotel bed. I was in someone else's room.

  Suite, I corrected myself as I glanced around in a panic. The penthouse suite was enormous, all clean lines and jaw-dropping views. The Vegas Strip was far below me, already baking in the sun. Hazy swirls of heat reflected off the buildings, and I spotted my hotel, The Tropicana, across the way. The answer nagged at me, but I wondered where I had ended up.

  I lifted my head off the pillow only far enough to read the stationary pad on the bedside table. The MGM Grand. I had not gone far from the nightclub. I dropped my head back on the soft pillow and squeezed my eyes shut. Another wave of memories burst in my head like fireworks.

  Champagne, more dancing, and Fenton's hands on my body. The remembered heat flared over my skin again. The sureness of his strength, the precise movement of his muscles, and the magnetic pull between our bodies had been more intoxicating than the bubbly wine.

  And, somehow, he had felt the same about me. Even in conversations with fans, trash talking with rival fighters, and flirty exchanges with other women, his hands had reached for me. His arm was around my waist, I slipped my hands around his bicep, and we pressed closed together, whether the crowd was around us or not.

  Safe in the privacy behind my closed eyes, I admitted I was attracted to Fenton Morris more than any other man I had ever met. His thick black hair, piercing blue eyes, smirking lips, and even the rough rub of his stubbled chin and cheeks ignited my body. He made me hot, buoyant, electric, and liquid all at the same time.

  It was no wonder I remembered riding the elevator up to his penthouse suite – his lips plunging over mine, the taste of him deep in my mouth.

  A cold blast of p
anic shocked my eyes open again. I could just make out my crumpled dress, dangling over the open bedroom door. Outside, in the middle of the suite's living room, one red heel leaned against my spilled purse. Casino coins were scattered around the carpet.

  "You make me want to believe in luck," Fenton had said.

  The slot machine had spat out coins, as I had tried unsuccessfully to catch them in the small hem of my dress. He had knelt in front of me and scooped the coins into my purse.

  "You don't?" I had asked him.

  "No. I want to earn what I get. That way I know it’s mine," Fenton had said.

  "Then, why do I make you want to believe in it?"

  "Because if I can't say I feel lucky to have met you, then I don't know how to explain this." Fenton had wrapped me up in a searing kiss, the coins spilling out of my hands and open purse.

  He was close behind me in the king-sized bed. I could feel his heat. I peeled back the covers and cringed when I realized I was wearing nothing but my black lace underwear and bra.

  Could be worse, I thought, I could be naked.

  Not wanting to know how far I had let things go last night, I slipped out of bed and tiptoed across the large master bedroom. I thanked hotel maintenance for a bedroom door that did not squeak. Even though my exit was silent, I glanced back to make sure Fenton was still asleep.

  The square cut of his jaw was relaxed in sleep and I noticed the dark crescent his eyelashes made against his cheeks. He was stunningly handsome, even without his laser blue eyes open. My eyes wandered over the stark muscles of his arm and my cheeks warmed again. Fenton Morris was a dangerously attractive man – asleep or awake.

  A small sigh escaped me as I tried to remember what had happened with him in that wide bed. My brain was still fogged over, some patches thicker than others, and I could not remember anything past the elevator. It was a shame I was in no shape to enjoy him properly.

  What are you saying, Kya? I asked myself.

  There was no way I regretted not savoring every second of wild sex with Fenton Morris. He was business, nothing else. I would have room for fun when I had reached my goals. I grabbed my other stray red heel off the bedroom floor and straightened my shoulders. It was time to get dressed and get back my professional dignity.

  My phone had skittered a few inches away from my purse and, before I took one step out of the bedroom, it rang. I had turned the volume all the way up before entering the nightclub, where it still had not been loud enough. Now, the ringer was deafening.

  Fenton woke up and stretched, his long legs tugging down the sheet as he straightened them. I could have stepped out and shut the door behind me, but I was caught staring at the trail of dark hair that tapered from his belly button down below the thin border of the sheet.

  "Good morning, beautiful," he said.

  "You're naked." I snatched my dress from the top of the bedroom door.

  "I always sleep naked. You should try it some time." Fenton stretched again, then sat up, his washboard abs standing out in sharp relief. "How about now? It’s too early to be going anywhere."

  He held out one wide hand. His thick black hair was rumpled and his smile fuzzy and sleepy. I felt a tug low in my belly and pressed my dress against my body to ward off the temptation.

  "Don't you have training to be doing?" I asked. "I've got to go. I've got to go to work."

  "I thought I was your work," Fenton said.

  "I'm not that kind of girl," I told him. "Whatever happened last night, you can rest assured our relationship will be nothing but professional from here on out. I have a reputation for integrity, no tricks or dirty deals. I hope you, sir, can say the same."

  Fenton ran a hand through his black hair and frowned. "I fight clean. One of the reasons I stay away from endorsements. What I do, I do for myself and my reputation. So tell me, Ms. Allen, what do you honestly think I tricked you into coming here?"

  I clutched the black dress to my chest and straightened my shoulders. "No."

  "And, did I force you to drink champagne into the wee hours of the morning?"


  "Then, come back to bed," Fenton said. "There's nothing wrong with admitting we're attracted to each other."

  I ducked behind the open door and quickly yanked on my dress. "Whether or not I find you attractive is not the point. I make it a professional point not to get involved romantically with my clients. It sets the wrong tone for our business dealings."

  Fenton chuckled and hitched himself back on the bed to lean against the long headboard. "Yes, please, save us from setting the wrong tone. I much prefer my business dealings to be uptight and nervous."

  I zipped up my dress and bumped the bedroom door open again. "I am not nervous. My behavior last night was inexcusable and I am sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. I don't sleep with clients."

  "That's too bad. I was in the market for new vitamin supplements," Fenton said.

  My cheeks burned, but this time it was not desire. "I probably drank too much champagne so I could put up with your rudeness."

  His hearty laughed shook the whole bed. "Oh, keep your panties on, Ms. Allen. Remember, you're trying to set a business tone here. By the way, your little lace slip is over there on the mirror. I like it. What's the word? Demure. Like another layer of sexy."

  I stomped over to the mirror and brandished my one red heel at him. "I don't know what kind of women you are used to, Mr. Morris, but where I come from, women wear more than scraps underneath their dresses."

  "You're right. You will take a little getting used to," Fenton said. "How about we start with breakfast? You could order room service. Business breakfast? Has a nice tone to it."

  I wriggled into the lace slip, too angry to care that his laser blue eyes watched every inch as I pulled it up. I tugged my black dress into place and ignored the molten feeling his look caused. Fenton was offering me a chance to pitch him the endorsement deal, something I was sure I had lost just minutes before. The only problem was my body betrayed me. The hangover was gone, but the desire was not. I wanted to kiss that smirk right off Fenton Morris' face.

  "Like I said, I have to go. How about we plan on lunch?" The dignity of my offer disappeared as a casino coin dislodged from my bra and dropped to the floor.

  His hand snaked out and caught my wrist. As he reeled me into the wide bed, I wondered if he could read my thoughts. The kiss was searing hot, his lips hungry. I was off balance and had two choices – tumble into his arms or straddle his lap. I threw a leg over, hoping to level the playing field.

  Fenton rubbed his hands around my waist and down the curve of my back, pressing me down onto him. I gasped when the thin sheet did nothing to block his obvious arousal. I pushed up on my knees, unlocking our lips and accidentally bringing my breasts to his mouth. He growled, the guttural friction of the sound making my nipples tingle.

  "Sorry," he said, releasing me. "I just wanted... Never mind, bad timing."

  I sat back on his thighs, unable to break from the magnetic pull of our bodies. "I didn't mean to lead you on," I said. "I don't do that."

  In the other room, my phone rang again. I hesitated, not sure of the shattered look in Fenton's blue eyes.

  "Go ahead and talk to your boss. And, by the way, Ms. Allen, I do not take advantage of drunk women."

  "You mean, we didn't sleep together last night?" I asked, halfway across the room.

  "We slept, but that was it. For now," Fenton said.



  I imagined the punching bag was Mario Peretti. He was razor thin and fast. I would clip him and then come back around to finish him off. He would never see the combination coming. I concentrated on the new moves, but kept missing the hard hits. Even a quarter of an inch off was too much for me. I ground my teeth and tried again.

  It was her taste on my lips that threw off the punches. I had only meant to tease her, shut up her nervous chatter. Instead, when I grabbed Kya and kissed her, it hit me harde
r than a TKO. I had expected shocked and pliable, but she was stronger than she looked. Kya kissed back.

  The punching bag bumped me, and I thumped my fists together. I needed to shake her off. Mario Peretti was a whirlwind fighter. I needed a clear head. He jumped fast between strategies, and I had to keep moving, watching what was coming. I never saw Kya Allen coming. I had pursued her at the nightclub, thinking I had the upper hand. Now, she deflected every attempt I made to focus. As I circled the black punching bag, all I saw was her little black dress.

  She had still struck me as prim and proper when I saw her walk past the bouncer and into the nightclub. Gone was the crisp work shirt and pencil skirt. It must have been in her walk, the way she held her head so high. The Country Club Princess slumming it amongst athletes most people still confused with cage fighters.

  I was going to look my fill and be done with her. Kya was slender, but curvy, with a sway to her hips when she walked that I'm sure she never noticed. Many men did. There were taller women, flashier dresses, longer legs, and more skin on display, but when Kya Allen walked by, heads turned. I liked that. She had an unidentifiable quality that made men take a second look.

  Some people call it class. Kev called it a challenge. Kya was the kind of woman that had enough confidence she could make anyone work for her attention. She had mine and I enjoyed every minute of it. Then, I saw that clean-cut, khaki-wearing guy buy her a drink.

  I had gone up to the bar before I knew what to say. So, I let my reputation talk for me with some terrible line about wanting her on my arm. I had been shocked when it worked, when her arm slid through mine. That was it – only shock. Maybe attraction. Maybe a bit of heartburn from too much steak at dinner. She did not notice and I swept her through the nightclub, still seeing heads turn.

  I could have been done with her then. She admitted she wanted me to sign an endorsement deal. I should have dropped her, like all the other money-grubbers that sniffed around my hard work. Instead, she made me laugh and I asked her to dance. It was more of a challenge and her green eyes lit up. Kya did not turn away from a challenge.


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