Chasing Down Changes (Moroad Motorcycle Club)

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Chasing Down Changes (Moroad Motorcycle Club) Page 19

by Debra Kayn

  Her eyelids fluttered. His balls tightened.

  The fucking moon wasn't even in sight, and the sun gave him a clear view of a beautiful woman dropping to her knees in front of him.

  While looking up at him, she braced her hands on his thighs. He cupped her cheek, satisfied to have her gazing up at him, trusting him, aroused, and open to him. A primal need came over him as she leaned into his touch.

  "I remember," he whispered roughly, yanking his jeans past his hips.

  Her hand, smooth and soft, wrapped around the root of his dick. His hips surged forward, pressing into her grasp. She wet her lips. His chest expanded.

  Then her sweet tongue came out and touched the tip of his cock. He locked his knees as she licked the precum off the end of him. For whatever reason, she'd made the first move, and he'd hold back, letting her set the pace.

  For all he cared, he'd stand here all day and let her pay attention to his dick.

  She slid her fingers along his length, circling her tongue around the head of his cock. He brought his hand around and outlined her lips with his thumb while she took him in her mouth.

  Fucking sexier than fuck. "Suck me."

  She opened her mouth wider. Her wet warmth embraced him. He tangled his fingers in her hair, guiding her head.

  Forward. Back. Forward.

  He rocked on his boots and pitched his hips. A shudder crawled down his spine and settled between his legs.

  He pulled her hair with enough pressure to bring her to her feet. Her open-mouthed pout over the loss of his cock in her mouth almost had him shooting his load.

  "Take your jeans off."

  She lowered her chin and concentrated on kicking off her shoes, undoing her belt, her jeans, and shimmying her panties down the sexiest pair of legs he'd ever seen. He took out a condom, rolled it on, and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and sank down on his cock. He stared into her eyes and sucked in a breath.

  Her pussy squeezed him, and he exhaled a groan, allowing him to feel her bare legs wrapped around him. Her ass in his hands. Her nails dug into the vest on his shoulders. She'd walked right back into their past, grabbed him by the balls, and reminded him of why he'd fought and loved and ached for her for all the years he was locked up in prison.

  "I've missed you." She tightened her hold on him and put her mouth at the base of his ear. "I've missed being wild with you."

  He braced his hands behind her back to protect her from the rough surface of the wall, leaned her back against the building, and showed her how much he missed her, too. He showed her how many times he'd laid in a cot and thought about fucking her out in the open. He also showed her how much he appreciated her meeting him halfway today.

  She moaned with each thrust. He grunted with each stroke.

  "Give it to me, baby." His knees weakened.

  She ground down on him, then lifted her hips. He pounded into her. Holding a live wire, he braced her as she came down hard and fast, taking him with her.

  Her mouth opened on a scream, and he captured her lips, suffocating the sound to a muffled moan. Her orgasm squeezed him, and he thrust once and came.

  His knees locked after a few minutes of pressing her against the building, and he chuckled. Hell yes, he remembered.

  He stroked the rounded slopes of her ass, her lower back, and then slid his hands under her armpits and lifted her off him. She leaned into him, gaining her balance. He tipped her head and kissed her softly.

  "You're going to be late for work." He squeezed her ass.

  "Oh, God." She whirled around, shook out her jeans, and slipped them on. "We need to hurry. Marci won't open the door without me there."

  A few minutes later, dressed and feeling good, Jeremy led her out from behind the building. The others lifted their beer, whistled, and smiled in appreciation. He ignored them all, shielding Tiff from the praise they were receiving.

  In the parking lot, he sat on his bike and caught sight of Lola standing in the doorway of her motel room. He lifted his chin, turned the Harley, and rode toward town. He wasn't going to let anyone or anything take away from the good day he had with Tiff.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Soft music played in the upstairs hallway of the Sterling Building, covering the sounds of sex coming from all of the rooms, except the Yellow Room. Tiff hurried into the main kitchen, set the last timer for the night, and threw herself at Jeremy's mercy.

  "I've got a problem," she said.

  Jeremy's body tightened. "What?"

  "I can't leave, and Marci is out helping the dancers with some last minute costume changes."

  "What's going on?"

  "Hannah is in pain, it's bad, and she needs to see the doctor." She swyped her contact list up on her phone. "I'm going to call and see if Dr. Brandof will meet her at the office instead of coming here. Can you walk her down the block? He's only three doors down."

  Hannah entered the room, shuffling her feet, bent at the waist, holding her stomach. "It's getting worse."

  "Hold on, honey." Tiff put the phone to her ear. "Hi, Doctor Brandof, this is Tiff Carter."

  She covered the bottom half of the phone and spoke to Jeremy. "Hannah knows where to go. She only needs an escort."

  "What can I do for you?" Doctor Brandof's voice came over the phone.

  She removed her hand. "I'm sorry to call after hours and on short notice by one of the ladies staying at the Sterling Building is having severe stomach pain. I think she needs to be seen, and I'd prefer you to look at her first before I take her to the emergency room."

  The sheriff brought Doctor Brandof into the equation to help protect the women who worked for her and always kept things quiet. In his late seventies, the doctor was around when the last bordello was in business.

  "Bring her in. I'll be at the office in five minutes to open the door," said Doctor Brandof.

  "Thank you so much. Bye." She disconnected the call and turned to Hannah. "Are you going to be able to walk that far."

  Hannah moaned and nodded. "I think so, but it's getting worse."

  "The chick is probably knocked up," said Jeremy.

  Tiff jerked her gaze toward him and put her arm around Hannah, supporting her weight. "She's not pregnant. The ladies are protected. Please, help her get to the doctor. I'll try to get ahold of Marci in the meantime and see if she can meet you there. She's got a car and can bring Hannah home."

  Jeremy's mouth firmed, and he stroked his beard studying Hannah. "Can you walk?"

  Hannah hesitated and closed her eyes, close to tears. Jeremy growled, stepped over, and picked Hannah up. "Get on the phone now. Find Marci."

  "I will. Thank you." Tiff kissed Jeremy's bushy-bearded cheek and quickly kissed Hannah's head and said, "You're going to be okay. The doctor will find out what is going on."

  "Okay." Hannah's body folded in on itself, and she moaned. "I want..."

  "What do you want, honey?" Tiff smoothed back Hannah's hair.

  Hannah's face scrunched. "My mom."

  Tiffany met Jeremy's gaze. Each woman came to Red Light to work because for one reason or another; they cut ties with their family. She had no idea how to get in touch with Hannah's mom or if the woman would come to her daughter.

  "Let's just get you to the doctor and then we'll see what we can do." Tiff nodded at Jeremy to go. "Use the back door."

  The first timer buzzed. Tiff shut it off and hurried to the Red Room. Keely's eyes bugged out behind her customer's back, inquiring about Hannah. Tiff discreetly shook her head and followed the gentleman down the hall.

  "Thank you for visiting, Red Light. Please come again." She smiled as Mr. Yarbor nodded, and she closed the door behind him.

  She hurried to the kitchen, caught the next timer before it buzzed and went through the routine two more times. When the last customer was gone, the door locked and the alarm set, she faced Tahleena, Keely, and Amanda's concerned faces in the hallway.

  "Hannah's with the doctor now." Tiff pushed back he
r hair. "I haven't heard what is wrong with her, but I'll let you know as soon as Hannah tells me it's okay to share the news. When she gets back, I want you all to give her room. She really wasn't feeling well when she left, and until we know what is wrong, you all need to give her space."

  Tahleena wrapped her silk robe tighter around her body. "She wasn't feeling that hot earlier. She didn't eat lunch and said she felt achy."

  "I heard her getting sick in the bathroom." Amanda wrinkled her nose. "What are we going to do if she can't work?"

  Tiff held up her hand. "Let's not worry about that until we hear what is going on."

  The second-floor landing door swung open, and Marci stepped inside and shut off the alarm. "Are the customers gone?"

  "Yeah," said Keely.

  Marci hurried forward. "I got your message and hurried back. You said Hannah got sick?"

  "She's in pain." Tiff grabbed Marci by the shoulders to calm her down. "I need you to drive your car to Doctor Brandof's office, so you can bring Hannah back to the Sterling Building when he's done checking her out. Jeremy's with her now, but she needs a woman with her."

  "Okay." Marci handed Tiff a plastic bag. "Here's the clips the dancers need for their blue halter dresses. Tell them only to catch the material on the ends or when they undress, it'll rip. The clips are tighter than I wanted, but it was all I could find on short notice."

  "It'll be fine. If not, they can wear a different costume." Tiff stepped out of the way. "Call me as soon as you find out what is wrong with Hannah."

  "I will." Marci hurried away.

  Tiff leaned against the wall in the hallway, unsure of her next step. Over the years, they'd experienced a few emergencies from migraines to sprained backs with the women who worked at Red Light. Only having each group of women around for three months meant they worked hard for ninety days and when they rotated out they had the option to vacation or take time off before jumping back on the schedule and traveling to the next bordello.

  "What can we do?" Keely's lips pressed together.

  Tiff shook her head, straightened her shoulders. "Nothing yet. Go ahead and take your showers, get ready for bed, and I'm going to go change before it's time to open Silver Girls."

  "But, you'll let us know...if you hear how she's doing, right?" Amanda latched hands with Tahleena.

  "I promise." She shooed them back to their rooms. "One-hour ladies and we're on lockdown. After that, televisions don't come on until ten and no loud music."

  She hurried into her suite, pulled out her phone, and groaned. Where had she put the phone Jeremy gave her?

  She'd promised him never to call him from her work cell.

  After searching for five minutes, she found the right phone in the bedroom under a stack of mail. She texted Jeremy. "Marci will stay with H."

  She shut off the phone and put it back on the dresser. Time ticked away from her. She needed to hurry if she planned on opening Silver Girls on time. Any sign out of the ordinary raised people's curiosity, and she needed everything to go on schedule.

  Showered, made-up, dressed, and exhausted, she slid on her heels and wondered why Jeremy hadn't returned. She was growing more worried the longer she waited without any word.

  Her phone rang. She grabbed the cell without looking to see who was calling and pushed the button. "Hello?"

  "It's me," said Marci.

  "How is Hannah?" She walked into the living room.

  "Not good. I'm taking her to the hospital. Dr. Brandof scheduled her to have emergency surgery to take her appendix out. Supposedly, it's about to pop or rupture. It's infected, too. The doctor is in front of me on the interstate. We should be there in five minutes."

  "Oh, God. Poor Hannah." She paced the room. "Before she goes in for surgery, see if she wants us to call or contact anyone."

  "I will." Marci paused. "I'll call you later and update you."

  "Wait, hang on." She changed her mind about asking after Jeremy. "Thank you."

  She disconnected the call, knowing she couldn't mention Jeremy's name on the business phone. There was nothing she could do about the situation anyway, so close to the time to open Silver Girls.

  She grabbed the bag Marci gave her earlier and went searching for the Red Light women to inform them of what was happening with Hannah. She found Keely in her room and was informed the others were still in their showers. "Hannah's at the hospital. The doctor is going to take her appendix out. I'm not sure how long she'll be there, but she's where there are nurses and doctors to help her and she'll be okay."

  "Oh, shit." Keely covered her mouth and shook her head.


  Keely lowered her hand. "She was planning on working until the end of rotation here and would have enough money saved to go back home. She wanted to reconcile with her mom. If she can't work, she won't have enough money and will have to work next quarter at a new bordello. If she can. I don't even know what all is involved with having her appendix taken out. That's major surgery or something. Will she be able to have sex afterward?"

  "Yes, but I don't know how long it'll take her to recover." Tiff's phone vibrated. "That's my alarm. I need to go downstairs. Fill in the other ladies, and let me deal with what happens next for Hannah. There's no use worrying or getting her upset."

  "Okay." Keely inhaled deeply, pressing her hand to her stomach. "Thanks for taking such good care of us. Some bordello owners, well we don't have it as nice as we do here at Red Light."

  Tiff reached out and squeezed Keely's hand. "What you do for a living is only a fraction of what you ladies are about. You deserve respect and appreciation."

  Keely nodded and smiled. Tiff took a big breath. "Okay, I need to get downstairs before the dancers wonder where I am."

  On the main floor, she found women from Bantorus MC and Moroad MC talking up a storm in the dressing room. She knocked on the open door to get everyone's attention.

  The room quieted, and all eyes looked at her. She smiled. "I have clips for your outfits."

  Katie from Moroad handed out the needed supplies. Tiff caught Lola standing with the Moroad women and decided to leave the room. Shari had everything covered with the dancers, and the last thing she wanted was Lola snitching on her for being out of Jeremy's designated safe zone.

  She wandered out into the main room, pulled out a chair, and tried to force herself to relax. An upset schedule played havoc with her head. Her legs were already tired from working upstairs, and she still had the whole night to go.

  "Would you like a drink?" Teri, one of the servers setting up the mobile bar, held up an empty glass.

  "Water, please." Tiff's stomach gurgled. She'd skipped lunch and...shit. With all the hectic pace of the evening, she forgot to order dinner for the Red Light ladies.

  Teri set the water glass in front of her. "Here you go."

  "Thanks." She used her cell to call Marci, waited for her to pick up, and said, "Hey, I totally forgot to order dinner upstairs. When you get back can you tell them I'm sorry and there's food in the fridge. They'll have to make do. I'll make it up to them tomorrow night by ordering from Lenny's."

  Marci promised and let her go, she set down her phone, and drank from the glass. Usually, she stayed away from drinking before a long night, afraid a bathroom break would hit her at the worst moment, but if she didn't keep herself busy, she was going to stress out in front of the customers.

  A knock sounded at the double doors. She swiveled on her chair and spotted the new deputy standing out front. Looking around the room, she found no bikers in the building yet, but two servers remained at the bar. She stood and walked to the door, opening it with a smile.

  "Deputy, how are you tonight?" She stepped back allowing him to come in.

  Her hand went to the side of her thigh, and she almost cussed out loud. She always, always strapped her small pistol to her leg when she worked, and in the commotion upstairs, she forgot.

  "I'm good. Thanks for asking." Deputy Williams took off his hat and flashed h
er a smile. "I'm early. I thought I'd come inside and get a good look around before the customers arrive."

  "Sure." She swept her arm to the side. "The dancers are dressing in the back, so I'll have to ask you to respect their privacy. My boarders are in their rooms upstairs and because they're paying guests and not part of Silver Girls, the second story is off limits."

  Deputy Williams strolled around the main room, touching the back of chairs, gazing at the erotic velvet pictures hanging on the walls, and peeked behind the mobile bar before returning to her.

  "I'd heard this wasn't the original building, and everything got destroyed by a fire years ago." Deputy Williams put his hat back on his head.

  "That's correct." She clasped her hands behind her back. "That was before I became the owner, but from what I've been told, the builder tried his best to replicate the times and architecture from pictures the previous owner gave to him."

  "Fascinating." The deputy gazed over at the stairs. "When it's convenient for your guests, I'd love a tour of the upstairs."

  Her heart raced. "I'm sorry. Like I said, I respect my guests' privacy. Those are private living quarters and not open to the public."

  Deputy William's gaze shot back to her, and he raised his brows, beaming an extra big smile that never reached his eyes. "Never say never."

  She dipped her chin in acknowledgment and dropped the subject. "If you'll excuse me, I need to check on the dancers and give them their ten-minute warning."

  "Of course." He remained where he was with no intent to wait outside.

  She turned and hurried out of the room. What a jerk.

  Lola intercepted her, startling her out of her escape. "Jeremy told you never to be alone with him."

  "Stop shaking me." Tiff shrugged off Lola's hands. "There was nothing I could do about it, and the servers were in the room. Was I supposed to ignore an officer of the law?"

  "Stay back here until it's time to open the doors or until one of the bikers arrives." Lola's eyes softened. "Or, stay with me."

  The last thing she wanted was to wait with Lola and have one of the men rescue her from a bad conversation and a deputy. Tiff exhaled loudly and walked around Lola when the back door opened.


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