by Rita Herron

Jake threw a beefy arm under Seth's shoulders to support him. "Come on, man, you gotta be brave for Mimi's sake."

  "Don't worry, first babies take a long time," Mrs. Hartwell said.

  "Do those breathing exercises like you and Mimi learned in Lamaze," Hannah instructed. "He-he-ho. He-he-ho."

  Alison dragged Brady out of the church behind the Hartwell clan, joining the chorus breathing, "He-he-ho. He-he-ho."

  When Wiley peeled the Suburban into the parking lot of the small airport, and everyone piled out, Alison stroked Brady's hand. Thankfully, the rain had eased to an almost nonexistent drizzle.

  "When did you two get married?" Hannah asked, obviously still reeling from the news.

  Alison explained briefly about the hasty marriage and annulment papers. "And Grammy Rose put them in my hope chest," she finished. "So I asked Mom to file divorce papers."

  Hannah's eyes grew big, but Wiley cut in before she could comment. "I called to see if any other pilots were available, but they couldn't find anyone."

  Brady squeezed Alison's hand so hard her fingers ached. "Ali, I can't! What if—"

  Alison pulled him into her arms. "You can do it, Brady, I know you can." She cupped his face in her hands and forced him to look at her. "Think about Mimi's little baby."

  Wiley ran ahead to check with George Frost about taking a plane. Seconds later, he returned, waving them on.

  "I've got a Cessna 206 you can take," Frost said. "Does everyone need to go?"

  Alison's mother and father and Hannah and the others all stared at one another, then nodded. "We Hartwells stick together," Wiley said.

  George laughed. "All right, there should be enough seats for all of you."

  Everyone hurried toward it. George approached Brady. "I'll be glad to fly them."

  Brady met his gaze, Vivica's comment about taking care of his wife echoing in his head. "No, I'll do it."

  Alison squeezed his arm, her smile radiant and confident. "Thanks, Brady."

  "I'll help you get her ready," George said. "I've already called about the weather. It's clearing up in the mountains, but the roads are completely washed away."

  George and Brady examined the exterior of the plane, then everyone climbed in and buckled up. Alison saw her father squeeze her mother's hand for reassurance. Jake was petting Hannah; Hannah was trying to console Seth. Brady gave Alison another pleading look, as if to say he wasn't sure he could fly, but she had enough confidence for both of them, and she intended for him to know it. She took the seat up front beside him.

  Seth lowered his head between his knees. "What if we don't make it in time?"

  "We will, man," Jake said.

  "Breathe," Hannah instructed. "He-he-ho. He-he-ho."

  The group chorused "he-he-ho" again as Brady took the controls.

  * * *

  Brady breathed deeply, trying to concentrate on the checklist, carefully scrutinizing each dial and gauge to make sure everything was functioning properly. His stomach balled into a knot, but he saw the love and trust in Alison's eyes and tried to push away his fears.

  If ever he needed to come through for someone, it was now.

  Maybe this was his chance to make up for all the horsing around he and Josh had done in the air. He silently reminded himself he'd flown through mock combat maneuvers, so surely he could fly this family to the mountains to see Mimi's baby being born.

  Mimi… She was technically his sister-in-law. Meaning, technically, the baby was his niece or nephew. Brady couldn't let his new family down.

  Alison reached out, cupped his face in her hands and kissed him. "I love you, Brady Broussard, I've always loved you and I always will." She gestured toward the controls. "Now, take me up like you promised me in your letters."

  Brady smiled, remembering the first time he'd written her from the Air Force. He'd promised her he'd fly her through the clouds, that they'd soar over the lake…

  The airport was so small it didn't have a tower, so he picked up the radio and announced his takeoff on the open frequency. Then he eased from the taxiway to the runway. Alison winked at him, and they accelerated until they reached takeoff speed and lifted off.

  The Hartwell clan cheered. Alison's face broke into a smile. Brady's stomach was tied in knots, his palms sweating, but he guided the plane over the mountains and watched the clouds roll above him, feeling exhilarated and happier than he had in a long time.

  * * *

  "Oh, my God, I can't believe you're here!" Mimi burst into tears the minute the Hartwell gang exploded into the bedroom. And explode they did.

  Seth fell over his feet and landed flat on his face in the doorway. Wiley burst right past him, perspiration rolling down his face. "Mimi, honey, are you okay?"

  Jake dragged Seth up by the collar and helped him to Mimi's side. Hannah darted over with her medical bag. Mrs. Hartwell tottered behind them, looking nervous and shaky, with her blouse untucked and half her chignon falling down her neck.

  The only calm one of the bunch was Grammy Rose. "Mercy me, what's all the fuss about? Y'all act like we haven't ever delivered a baby in this house."

  Alison laughed and pulled Brady through the door. She had a feeling he was still shaking from the flight. They'd had to land on a narrow strip of pasture that had cows sleeping hither and yon, the grass saturated with rain. Except for the couple of swearwords he'd muttered beneath his breath, he'd maneuvered the landing with skill and ease. Then they'd all climbed up the hill, their shoes and hose and socks soaked.

  "Oww!" Mimi clutched her abdomen as another contraction seized her.

  Seth paled and clutched his own stomach. Hannah pushed him into a chair beside Mimi and commanded them both to breathe. "He-he-ho. He-he-ho."

  The entire group joined in. Wiley bent over Mimi and swiped at the tears rolling down his cheeks. "I love you, honey. You're doing great."

  "For goodness' sake," Grammy Rose said. "Everyone settle down. We'll go in the living room and I'll make us some tea before you all hyperventilate and I have to get out the paper bags."

  Wiley patted Mimi's hair. "Mimi, you need Daddy, you just holler, okay?"

  Mimi nodded, her teeth clenched as she struggled with the contraction.

  Grammy yanked Wiley's arm and forced him to go to the den. Mrs. Hartwell bent and kissed Mimi's cheek. "I'm here if you need me now, honey."

  "I'm fine," Mimi said brightly. "Seth's right here."

  Seth looked completely green, but his head bobbed up and down, anyway.

  "Call me if you need me to do CPR on Seth," Jake said with a wink toward Hannah.

  "Do you need help, sis?" Alison asked, suddenly feeling panicky herself. What the heck did she know about babies? What if something went wrong?

  "Do you want to fly her to the hospital?" Brady asked, his calm voice alleviating some of Alison's anxiety.

  "Oww!" Mimi's eyes widened with the contraction. "I've got to push."

  Hannah shook her head at Brady. "We don't have time."

  "Come on, everyone out!" Grammy Rose pointed to the door with her cane.

  Alison, Brady, Wiley, Mrs. Hartwell and Jake all followed Grammy Rose into the den.

  Ten minutes later, Grammy had them settled with tea, had given Wiley and Jake a Scotch, and had just finished telling them about Alison's birth when a baby's cry rang from the bedroom.

  Brady squeezed Alison's hand. He'd been so calm and comforting the last hour she'd nearly forgotten he was leaving her.

  Seth burst into the room. "It's a girl!" Her father jumped up and shouted, "Another baby girl!"

  Alison's mother burst into tears. Brady cradled Alison in his arms for a hug. Tears of joy and sadness trickled down Alison's cheeks. She was so happy for Mimi and Seth. Why couldn't she and Brady have a happy ending, too?

  * * *

  Brady wiped a tear from Alison's cheek, touched by the family's emotions.

  "Everyone can come in now," Hannah said a few minutes later.

  Alison's father bowed to Grammy Rose
and ushered her in first, then he and her mother raced in. Alison and Brady and Jake filed into the bedroom behind them and formed a circle around the bed.

  Mimi was sitting up, looking tired but radiant, her red hair piled on top of her head. She was cradling a beautiful baby in her arms. Seth had his arm wrapped protectively around Mimi, his gaze fastened on his little daughter.

  "She's perfect," Mimi said in a shaky voice.

  "She looks like her mother," Seth said proudly. "Look, she has auburn hair."

  Mimi brushed her finger gently across the baby's forehead, indicating the mop of curls. "And she has Seth's strong chin."

  Grammy Rose laid a gnarled hand on the baby's back and patted her gently. "I believe she's the first of many more Hartwell girls in this family."

  Jake eyed Hannah with a wink and Hannah blushed.

  Wiley stepped forward, swiped at tears rolling down his chubby cheeks and kissed Mimi's forehead. "I'm so proud of you, honey."

  Mimi reached up and hugged him. "Do you want to hold her, Dad?"

  Wiley's face broke into a smile. "Of course I do."

  Everyone laughed as he awkwardly lifted the baby and angled her toward the family circle for everyone to see. Wiley nuzzled her rosy little cheek with his face. "You're lucky to have such a good mama and such wonderful aunts, you know that, honey? And if you ever need anything, you know you can come to your grandpa Wiley."

  "You'll spoil her rotten, Dad," Hannah said with a grin.

  Wiley rocked the baby back and forth. "That's what grandpas are for, isn't it, sugar?"

  "What are you going to name her?" Alison asked.

  Mimi clutched Seth's hand and they both smiled. "Well, I wanted to call her Wiley, but we decided to save that for our son's name."

  Wiley slapped his cheek and grinned.

  "So we decided on Margaret Rose," Mimi finished.

  Seth traced a finger over the baby's cheek. "We're going to call her Maggie."

  "That's beautiful," Hannah and Alison both said at once.

  "But Margaret is my middle name," Mrs. Hartwell said in a whispery voice.

  Mimi nodded. "I know."

  Mrs. Hartwell began sobbing. "I can't believe it. You're naming her after me?"

  "I want her to know her grandmother and her great-grandmother," Mimi said softly. "And to always appreciate how special families are."

  "But I don't deserve it," Mrs. Hartwell said. "I was such a horrible mother. I don't blame you girls for not wanting me around. I neglected you all those years."

  The girls exchanged sad but hopeful looks.

  "You can change that now," Wiley said, putting his arm around her. "You can be the best grandmother in Sugar Hill."

  "Yeah, you can learn from Grammy Rose," Mimi said with a wink.

  Grammy Rose giggled and hugged Mimi. "Oh, sweetie, you girls made being a grandmother easy."

  Alison laid a hand on her mother's shoulder. "That's right, Mom. You're here now. That's all that matters."

  Her mother's chin quivered. "Oh, Ali, you called me Mom."

  Wiley placed the baby in Janelle's arms and she sat down on the bed beside Mimi. Hannah and Alison gathered beside them, each placing one hand on the baby's back as a sign that Margaret Rose would bring them all back together.

  "Wait, don't move!" Grammy Rose yelled. She grabbed a camera from the dresser. "I have to get a picture – this is definitely a Kodak moment!"

  * * *

  Chapter 21

  « ^ »

  Alison felt a rush of emotions squeezing her throat. She'd never imagined her mother coming back into her life and staying.

  She'd never imagined Brady coming back into her life and leaving.

  "I say we all have a toast." Wiley gestured to Grammy Rose. "You wouldn't happen to have some wine or champagne around, would you?"

  Grammy Rose chuckled. "I surely would. Had a couple bottles left from Mimi's wedding." She hobbled off to get them, and Hannah rushed to help her. A few seconds later, they returned with filled glasses and passed them around.

  "Here's to Margaret Rose, the newest member of the Hartwell family," Wiley said.

  "And to her mother," Seth said, planting a kiss on Mimi's cheek.

  "And to her aunt Hannah, who helped bring her into the world," Mimi added.

  "And to Brady, who flew us all here," Alison's father added.

  "Oh, and I guess we should toast Alison and Brady."

  "I think I missed something. What's going on?" Mimi asked with a grin.

  "They're married," Hannah announced.

  "This I have to hear," Mimi said.

  Alison glanced at the clock and realized their divorce was final – unless the technicality was true.

  Oblivious to her turmoil, her family clinked their glasses, then sipped heartily. Emotions overwhelmed her and she turned to leave, but bumped Brady, spilling champagne all over his jacket.

  "Better take that off and put some cold water on the spot," Grammy Rose said.

  Brady removed the jacket and Alison took it from him. "Here, I'll take care of it."

  She carried it to the kitchen, tears glittering in her eyes.

  Brady moved up behind her. "I can just have it dry-cleaned, Ali."

  "Heavens, no, it's no big deal." She was ready to dab water on it when she felt something in the inside pocket. Not wanting to ruin whatever it was, she reached inside and pulled out several envelopes. Her eyes widened when she realized what they were.

  Her letters.

  A half dozen of the letters she'd written to Brady when he'd been away. He'd kept them with him, even after he'd told her he wanted the divorce.


  She saw him standing by the kitchen table, one hand in his pocket, his eyebrows furrowed. Afraid to hope, she raced to the front porch and stepped outside. The night sounds buzzed around her – crickets, frogs, birds, the sound of raindrops splashing onto the roof from trees overhead. The air smelled of rain and wet grass, and then Brady.

  "Ali, are you okay?"

  She whirled around, angry and hurt and aching for him. "You kept my letters with you?"

  He nodded, his gaze intent.

  "Why, Brady? If you were so sure we shouldn't be together, why didn't you throw them away?"

  "I meant to," he said in a low voice. "I planned on it."

  "But you didn't?"

  He shook his head. "I couldn't."

  "Why, Brady? If you could throw our love away, why couldn't you get rid of these?"

  * * *

  Brady saw the hurt and confusion in Ali's face and knew he couldn't hurt her again. And he couldn't deny his feelings any longer.

  "Because I love you."

  Her mouth opened with a soft gasp.

  "I've always loved you. Even if I'd thrown the letters away, I would have still loved you."

  "But you said—"

  "I didn't think I deserved you, not after what happened with Josh." He lowered his head, the guilt still on his face, his emotions raw. "I thought I could never fly again, that you deserved someone whole, that I'd never be that man again."

  "You told Vivica that nobody was perfect, Brady. I didn't want you to fly for me. I wanted you to fly again because I knew it would make you happy."

  He moved toward her. "I know. And you helped me do that, Ali. Today."

  She started to turn away, to fight her feelings. But Brady lifted her chin and forced her to look into his eyes. "I'm so sorry I hurt you, that I pushed you away, but I was hurting so much."

  "I understand about the guilt, Brady, I do. But loving someone means for better or worse. That was in our vows, and I meant them. If you didn't—"

  "I did mean them, but my pride got in the way, and I couldn't accept the man I'd become."

  "Oh, Brady. I love you and I want you any way I can have you."

  Brady pulled her into his arms. "You still want me as your husband?"

  Alison's face broke into a smile as she raised on tiptoe to kiss him. "Always, forever
and ever."

  The kiss seemed to last forever, but definitely not long enough. Alison curved her arms around his waist, clutching his sinewy muscles as he explored her mouth and gave her a taste of passion. When he finally broke the kiss, they were both breathless.

  "Then I suppose we'd better talk to your mom."

  Alison jerked his hand. "What if you change your mind again?"

  He pulled her to a halt and cupped her face. "I'm never changing my mind, Ali."

  Alison suddenly felt a presence, and glanced up to see most of her family peeking through the screen.

  "Does this mean you two want to stay married?" her mother asked.

  "Yes," they both said at once.

  Her mother's smile faded. "I'm sorry, honey, but it's already official."

  "We're divorced?" Brady said in a gruff voice.

  Mrs. Hartwell nodded sadly. "That is, unless you were, um, together during the thirty-day waiting period."

  Alison swayed as she glanced at Brady. If she told him she'd known about that detail, would he think she'd tricked him?

  "You knew about that technicality?" he asked in a gruff voice, as if he'd seen her reaction.

  Alison bit down on her lip, tempted to lie, but dishonesty was no way to start a marriage, so she nodded slowly. "Vivica mentioned it."

  "Vivica." Instead of anger or distrust, a tender expression darkened his eyes. "I guess I owe my meddling sister, after all." He cupped Alison's chin in his big hand. "So you're still my wife, Ali?"

  "Yes," she whispered, tears clogging her throat. "But I didn't do it to trick you, Brady."

  He traced a finger along her cheek and she heard her family's footsteps and giggles fade as they left them. "Ah, and I was hoping you wanted me so badly you'd do anything to keep me."

  Alison smiled at his husky whisper. "Listen, Brady, I already swallowed my pride a dozen times."

  He brushed a kiss across her lips. "Well, then, would you marry me again? Will you plan another wedding, Alison – our wedding this time? One we can share with our families?"

  Excitement danced in Alison's chest as he kissed her ear. "I don't know. Your sister's was pretty hectic."

  "We'll make this one simple." Brady narrowed his eyes, then nipped at her earlobe. "And I'll make it worth it, I promise."


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