My Laird's Seduction_Scottish Historical Romance

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My Laird's Seduction_Scottish Historical Romance Page 2

by Tammy Andresen

  Ewan ignored his father-in-law, though James saw his fingers tighten upon his glass. “McPherson, you are welcome to stay here, of course. We owe you a debt of gratitude.”

  James waved his hand. “If it’s all the same to you, while I appreciate your offer, I’d be just as content to stay in a nearby village. The repairs will require me to keep long hours.”

  Ewan grimaced. “The nearest village is at least an hour’s ride from here.”

  Hell and damnation. He silently cursed. He didn’t want to be in a house with babies, and happy couples, and tempting little hens. “Then I would be honored to accept your offer of hospitality.”

  Ewan gave a nod but James saw his lips turn down and he bit back a sigh. If Ewan didn’t want him here, he shouldn’t have offered.

  Chapter Two

  Ainsley, having finally changed her gown, made her way to Clarissa’s bedroom. It had become the hub of the entire house. With little Ava, servants and guests alike were always traveling in and out of the room. Ainsley herself hadn’t spent much time there, though she was desperately awaiting her turn.

  But Agnes and all of the mothers had been clucking around the baby and she hadn’t much opportunity.

  Making her way into the room, she found Clarissa and her mother standing about the baby’s cradle. “Where is Agnes?” she asked as she entered.

  “Napping,” Clarissa let out her own jaw-splitting yawn. “I love this little whelp, but a nap sounds absolutely delightful. I’ve hardly slept since the birth.”

  As if on cue, the baroness gave an equally large yawn.

  “The journey was exhausting.” Her aunt yawned again.

  “What happened?” Ainsley asked.

  Aunt Millicent sighed. “We got caught in a storm and made to hide behind an island but it was rocky and the hull crashed into a large boulder.” Her aunt rubbed her forehead. “Captain McPherson was already harbored there to wait out the storm and rowed out a boat to save us. Plucked me from the water with his own hands.”

  “He did what?” Ainsley reminded herself to breathe. It really was insufferable that he was so perfect.

  “Your uncle too.” Aunt Millicent nodded. “What keeps turning over in my mind is that he didn’t have to do it. In fact he put himself in great danger.”

  Well, that was something. But it made her niggle deep inside that a man who went around saving her family found her so lacking. She pushed it away. What did she care?

  Instead, she focused on the baby. “If you’re tired, I can take Ava. I can take her for a walkabout while you rest a little? Dinner is sure to be a longer affair this evening.”

  Clarissa gave her a surprised glance. “Are you sure? What if she starts crying?”

  Ainsley gave a tiny huff at her cousin’s lack of confidence. “I am surrounded by babies in the village. I can stand a little crying. I’ll simply bring her back to her mama.”

  “Well in that case, please do. She loves to be carried about.” Clarissa picked her up and brought her over to Ainsley. “She’s just eaten so she should be content for a bit.”

  “We’ll do just fine, won’t we, Ava?” She took the baby, carefully supporting her head, and then kissed the tiny little forehead. “Go get some sleep before it’s time for her to eat again.”

  With a parting smile, Clarissa disappeared.

  Her aunt took a step back as well. “I think I’ll take that nap too. I’m so glad to be back on land.” And then she was gone.

  “Finally,” Ainsley giggled as she looked down at the beautiful little girl. “Some time alone.”

  Making her way down the hall, she sang softly to Ava, who seemed quite content to be held while walking.

  She made little cooing noises, grunts and murmurs, as her little fist waved about the air and then tucked back in. Ainsley had to confess to being completely delighted. She understood better than she ever had before the desire to marry and start a family.

  While she’d always loved the attention that a new beau brought, this feeling, a baby in her arms, was so much deeper.

  And what she saw between Ewan and Clarissa or even Agnes and Keiran made her ache with longing. It wasn’t just affection. The kind that all too soon faded away. Those men loved their women fiercely, and the ladies returned it.

  Making her way down the center hall, she thought of the two men she’d met today. While she’d always been more drawn to men like Lord Rotheport, perhaps it was time to really consider a man like Lord—drat, she still hadn’t asked his name.

  Passing by the library, she didn’t bother to look up as she heard men talking. It wasn’t a conversation for her, and Ava had captured her full attention. If she’d stopped to think about it, that in and of itself was an oddity for her. She was always interested in a group of men talking.

  “I’d like to have the ceremony post haste.” Keiran’s voice was sharp with irritation.

  “What is it with you Scots and your rushed weddings?” her uncle replied, sounding annoyed at best.

  “Agnes would like Ainsley and Rhona to attend before they have to return for Christmastide and I would see her wish granted,” Keiran replied even more loudly. Ainsley finally slowed then, at the mention of her name.

  But her uncle’s deep voice booming over the conversation halted her completely. “Ainsley.”

  Snapping her head up, she finally looked in through the open doors of the library to see all the men they’d left in the entry gathered upstairs. Including Lord Rotheport and the other lord, whatever his name was. “Yes, Uncle?”

  “Is that my granddaughter? Bring her here.” He stood then and Ainsley entered the library as all eyes turned to her.

  “Of course, Uncle. Would ye like to hold her?” Ainsley ignored the other men. Well, more precisely, she ignored Lord Rotheport. She was content holding Ava, more content than she’d been for quite some time and she was sure looking at him would ruin everything. She would not care about that man or what he thought of her.

  Her uncle nodded and so she moved to stand in front of him. Rubbing her nose against Ava’s, she sighed to herself. Then, she carefully transferred the baby to her uncle’s grasp. “Hold her head now, she’s too little to do it herself.”

  “I know how to hold a baby,” he grumped but his eyes filled with wonder as he looked at her. “She’s more beautiful than any child I’ve ever seen, other than her mother, of course.”

  Ewan had joined them and his large hand gently skimmed the top of the baby’s head. “I agree wit’ ye there.”

  Suddenly Ava made a grunting noise and it was followed by the loudest wet sound Ainsley had ever heard.

  “What in the bloody hell was that?” her uncle looked to her with wide eyes that were full of fear.

  Ainsley bit back a laugh. Apparently, despite his assurances that he knew about babies, baby poo was a complete mystery to him. “Dunnae tell me that ye don’t ken.” Then she reached for Ava. “Hand her over and I’ll take care of it.”

  Ewan gave Ainsley a hesitant glance. “I am sure Clarissa or one of the—”

  Ainsley rolled her eyes at him as she gave Ava a little kiss right on her tiny nose. “I’ll not wake her for such a small task.” Then with a little giggle she added, “Though that sounded rather large for such a tiny behind.”

  All the men let out a chuckle as she made to exit the library. Without meaning to, she glanced up and found the eyes of Lord Rotheport staring fixedly at her. They weren’t condescending this time but neither were they approving. He looked…pained.

  Glancing back down at Ava, Ainsley shuffled out of the room. It wasn’t her concern.

  James watched her walk out the door, unable to tear his eyes away. She was a master at capturing a man’s attention.

  When gowns hadn’t worked, she’d trotted a beautiful baby in front of him, looking all motherly as if she’d known that would do the trick.

  But she couldn’t have, could she? It didn’t matter. What he knew was that he needed to stay away from the likes of Ains
ley McDougal. She was infuriatingly captivating and he didn’t like it at all.

  Standing he made his excuses to the room. It was time to begin the repairs on his ship. The sooner he left, the better.

  But as he walked to the door, Ewan followed him. “I’d like a word,” his host commanded rather than requested.

  James took a breath. This was the part where his host warned him to keep his hands to himself. He wasn’t sure if it was his looks or his attitude, but men seemed to assume he was a rogue of the first cloth. “Of course.”

  Ewan fell in step next to him and gestured for James to continue. “I’ve a favor to ask ye, actually.”

  James started in surprise. “Yes?” Ewan was a tall, dark, and broad man with a deep voice that would leave many men afraid and, he’d wager, plenty of women wanting. He’d expected Ewan to use that strength for intimidation, not camaraderie.

  “Ainsley and her mother were supposed to leave next week, but will stay on to attend the wedding.” Ewan took a breath. “They are no more than a day’s trip north on a strong ship. Would it be possible to have you escort them home when you leave?”

  He wished he could say no. That his ship would have been long repaired and that he would already be on his way, but the truth was, it would take him at least that long to patch the hull and fix the sails. “Of course. I appreciate your hospitality.”

  Ewan waved his hand. “I’ll owe you, I’m sure.” Ewan stopped walking and stepped closer. “And in terms of Ainsley…”

  Here it came, the part where Ewan told him to stay away from his sweet innocent charge. “What about her?”

  “I’d recommend you leave her be. She’s a heart of gold, but she doesn’t seem to know it yet. Her attention can be rather fickle. And her father wants to see her married. You don’t want to get caught in Haggis’s trap.” Ewan raised his brows then, driving home his point.

  James was rendered momentarily speechless. He’d known, from the very first moment he’d seen that Ainsley was trouble. He’d known her type. She cared little for others, her own vanities taking precedence over everything else. But, if he’d just heard correctly, he’d been given a warning that Ainsley was trouble. Not the other way around. That might be a first for him. “You’ve nothing to fear from me,” he replied. “I want little to do with women in general and even less with a lady whose father would like to see her married. But you ought to deliver that warning to Callum.”

  Ewan gave a shake of his head. “Not necessary.”

  “Why?” James crinkled his eyes now truly confused and honestly a little impressed by Ewan.

  Ewan gave a knowing smile. “She doesn’t give a pile of sheep’s dung about yer friend.” And then Ewan walked the other way, returning to the library.

  He was left in the hall staring after him. Did she give a pile of sheep’s dung about him? But then he gave himself a shake. He didn’t care. Not one bit.

  Chapter Three

  Ainsley made to dress for dinner. At first she grabbed a beautiful gown made of lace and silk but she realized she’d be overdressed for the occasion. Which was annoying, really. Because yesterday she likely wouldn’t have cared.

  But in all honesty, it did seem silly to overdress tonight. Lord Rotheport was not all that interesting, after all, and the other one, well, she’d have to remember his name before she declared her intent.

  Instead, she chose a lovely pale green gown made from a fine silk. It was still beautiful but far less adorned than the other dress had been.

  She chose a simple style for her hair too, though she quite liked it. It was loosely tied at the nape so that it was still free to trail down over her shoulder and come loose at the face. It was soft and though it hadn’t taken hours, she felt rather pretty.

  Making her way downstairs, she could hear most everyone already assembled in the salon as she approached the double doors. Out of habit, she found herself waiting until there was a lull in the conversation before she entered.

  Everyone turned to look at her, and triumph made her chest swell. Most held indulgent if not complimentary smiles. With the exception of Lord Rotheport. His gaze had returned to one of smug judgment. The kind that made her bristle with irritation. All her joy at her grand entrance lost.

  “You look lovely,” Agnes beamed at her, coming to take her hand. “I was just telling Lord Blackwood that we’ve only known each other a year. Can you believe that?”

  Lord Blackwood. Ainsley attempted to commit the name to memory, her eyes moving to the man himself. He wore a kind smile, the kind that set her at ease when his friend’s gaze was so completely different. Lord Rotheport’s smirk made her insides quake with a hectic sort of irritation. “It’s nearly impossible to fathom. You’re like a sister to me.” She meant it. Truly, Agnes marrying Keiran and staying in Scotland was more wonderful than Ainsley could have imagined. Not only were they the same age, they even looked like one another. They could pass as sisters.

  Lord Blackwood stepped over to them, giving a gracious bow. “Good evening,”

  “Good evening.” She returned a curtsey.

  “Now that everyone has arrived, shall we make our way to dinner?” Ewan gestured toward the door and Ainsley gave a start.

  “Did I keep you waiting?” A blush stained her cheeks. While she had paused for a moment outside the door, she hadn’t deliberately been late.

  “Yes,” Lord Rotheport’s low unmistakable growl silenced everyone for a moment before Clarissa stepped forward.

  “Not at all,” she said as she looked at Rotheport, her mouth turning down. “You were with Ava while the rest of us got ready. It was to be expected. And we’ll delay dinner just a touch longer to allow Ainsley time to settle in.”

  “Don’t mind Lord Rotheport,” Ainsley also gave him a glare. “He seems to be under the mistaken impression I need his guidance.”

  Then she turned pointedly to his friend. “Lord Blackwood,” she drew it out slightly, both to make a point that she was now ignoring the other man and to commit the name to memory. “Tell us how an earl finds himself a sailor.” She linked her arm through his as they made their way to an empty settee and he politely held her hand as she sat then he took the seat next to her. It was delightfully civilized. Though she attempted not to notice, she was aware that Lord Rotheport followed.

  Blackwood laughed low and deep. It was a pleasant sound, like the man himself. She forced her thoughts back to him, attempting to once again ignore Rotheport. “I am not truly a sailor and I intend to go home soon. I simply needed time after the war to find myself again before returning to my former life. My lands and holdings remain well tended in my absence.”

  Ainsley nodded sympathetically as she glanced at Keiran and Ewan. They’d both needed time to acclimate back to normal life. She’d seen it firsthand. “I am glad to hear your property has done well enough to afford ye some time.”

  She heard Lord Rotheport mutter. It was under his breath, but loud enough to be heard by her and Lord Blackwood. “I’m sure you’re very glad his property has done well.”

  She was tempted to call him an arse in front of the entire assembly but she chose to ignore him instead. Turning so she better faced Blackwood and couldn’t see Rotheport, she gave him her best smile. “It’s a luxury not everyone has. I know Ewan could have used more time, but his duties here called him back far too soon. I’m glad fer ye, is all I’m trying to say.”

  His eyes were fixed on Rotheport and Ainsley was pleased to note, full of disapproval. But he finally turned back to her. “Thank ye fer yer kind words.”

  “Now are there any adventures you can share with me?” She didn’t have to pretend with this smile, she truly wanted to know.

  “You wish for me to tell you of our travels?” His return smile was warm, friendly. She liked it immensely.

  “I had hoped this trip was my grand adventure. It’s the first time I’ve traveled without my father. But alas, we’ve spent most of our time closed up in the house.”

“A peacock does need an audience,” Rotheport started again. “Have you ever seen a peacock, Lady Ainsley?”

  “James,” Blackwood bit out sharply. “That is enough.”

  James, she noted. The name suited him perfectly. It was as arrogant as its owner.

  “They are beautiful birds with large plums of long feathers that open and display. Strutting around, begging for other’s notice.”

  Ainsley’s temper flared. Her sister, Fiona, was the fieriest of the McDougals but Ainsley was no saint and he’d gone too far. She stood then and, in the middle of the salon, shoved him, her hands pushing against his chest.

  She clearly caught him off guard because she wouldn’t normally move a man his size but he stumbled back a few steps. “I am the peacock? Strutting around?” Her voice was growing louder with each word. “You, with your long hair and your cocksure swagger, are calling me a peacock? Do you know what I think? I think you can’t stand that I am not paying attention to you.” She took a step closer then, her fist balling at her sides. “Why else would you follow me around like a little schoolboy, insulting me until I pay attention to you?”

  “That is—” he started.

  She didn’t allow him to finish. “Let me make this clear. I would never be interested in the likes of you. So take your barbs and opinions, formed in the span of an afternoon, I might add, and stuff them up your arse.”

  She had moved closer with each word until she was nearly pressed up against him, her chest heaving with anger. Her face tilted up to his, her breath coming out in short gasps.

  He looked down at her, not blinking, just staring. His expression was tight and his eyes grew more intense by the second so that their caramel color near singed her with heat. Then, without a word, he turned and walked to the door.

  She blinked twice. Who did he think he was? She turned back to Blackwood for a moment, her mouth open though no words came out.

  “Good fer ye, lass,” he gave her a wink. “He’s not normally like this. I don’t ken what’s gotten into him.”


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