Her Fated Wolf

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Her Fated Wolf Page 11

by Kristen Strassel

  “You are the most beautiful woman on the planet,” X rumbled in my ear. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “I’m the luckiest woman on the planet.” I kissed his cheek, then turned around to watch Cass.

  Emma stopped at almost every row. She’d see someone she knew, and pulled Cass over to them, where the guest would give both mom and daughter a hug. There was no missing Cass’ hard, round belly between them, and then they’d pulled her in for another embrace. Guests came to the middle of the aisle, everyone wanted to wish her well.

  Cass glowed. If she didn’t believe in fairy tales now, there was no convincing her. We needed to rewrite that book and make it her story. All of our stories.

  I glanced over at Delaney and Shea, who had missed the whole thing because they hadn’t taken their eyes off each other.

  Once Emma finally made it to Connie, Cass took Major’s hands in hers. Major wasted no time, kissing her so hard she dipped backward. The crowd went wild.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us today.” Shadow stood between Major and Cass. “Major Lowe is someone who has challenged me all my life and made me a better man. I’m proud to call him an ally and even prouder to call him a friend. When he asked me to be the officiant at his mating ceremony, I was honored. Today symbolizes what we fought so hard for, what tore us apart, and what put us back together. Congratulations, man.”

  Shadow held out his hand, offering one of those man handshakes, but then gave up the façade and pulled Major into a hug.

  Major squeezed his eyes closed when he let go, then blinked rapidly. Holy shit, Major Lowe was going to cry.

  Shadow cleared his throat. “We’re here today to celebrate the mating of Major and Cassidy. Mating is something we take seriously in Sawtooth Forest. We pledge each other forever. A lot can happen in a short amount of time. Happiness and sadness, triumph and loss. We believe that each wolf was born to spend their life with one other, two hearts that beat in the exact same rhythm. When we find that wolf, we give them the piece of us that completes them. Together we are whole. Together we are strong. Together we are passion, friendship, and joy. The forest grows stronger because of your love. Major, do you promise Cassidy forever?”

  I’d never seen Major look so soft, so vulnerable, so in love. “I do.”

  “Cassidy, do you promise Major forever?”

  “And one more day.” Yeah, Cass believed in fairy tales. “I do.”

  “You may seal your bond with a kiss.”

  The crowd cheered as Major dipped Cass into one more long, slow kiss. The first of many on their journey to forever.

  “We’re not done!” Shadow motioned for everyone to settle from their cheering. “Shea and Delaney, come over here.”

  Gasps turned to more cheers.

  Shadow repeated the vows. “Shea, do you promise Delaney forever?”

  “Fuck yes.”

  “Delaney, do you promise Shea forever.”

  Delaney squeezed Shea’s hands, and she bit her lip. “I...I do.” It was so soft, if I hadn’t been standing next to her I might have missed it.

  Shea squeezed her against himself in a hug, rocking her back and forth.

  Holy shit. Delaney spoke! At the absolute most perfect time.

  “Xavier and Chandra, come on over.”

  X was blurry. All the emotion I’d kept buried inside of me my whole life rushed to the surface. I’d been an outcast, a secret, and I’d felt like an embarrassment. For too long, I was ashamed of what made me me. The animal inside me made me strong. I’d been afraid to come to Sawtooth, because I wasn’t sure I deserved this kind of happiness.

  Who was I kidding, I hadn’t even known it was possible.

  I wouldn’t change a thing. I knew how precious this ceremony was. So many people lived their whole lives without a day like this. Like Cass said, I never wanted to forget this feeling. I would fight for it every single day.

  X squeezed my hands, and I didn’t hear a word Shadow said. Nobody else existed but the two of us.

  “I do,” X said, snapping me back to reality.

  “Chandra, do you promise Xavier forever?”

  Forever didn’t seem like enough. “I do.”




  Mayor Shadow Channing wasn’t that different than Alpha Shadow Channing. Pack always came first. He’d come to the ribbon cutting ceremony in jeans and a button-down plaid shirt, wiping sweat from his brow. The late September sun showed Sawtooth Forest no mercy.

  A bigger group than I expected assembled in front of the Channing Reserve’s newest building that day. The Channings built me a cottage more beautiful than I could’ve imagined. The first thing X told me about the medical offices in town was that they were sterile and cookie cutter. The pack spent enough time on the fringe, a part of society but not really belonging, either. I wanted to create a place they felt comfortable coming to when I was asking the most private questions, and taking care of their health. I knew we had a lot of work to do, and I wanted the forest to look forward to it as much as I did.

  “The Channing Reserve is a place of rebirth, and today we have something else to celebrate. The Aldo Memorial Medical Center will serve all veterinary and alternative medical needs of the forest,” Shadow said.

  “Don’t be like that, Shadow. Say what it is. Wolf medicine!” Shea called out from the crowd.

  “Yeah, Shea, wolf medicine. I wanted to give the paper a quote that wouldn’t give the humans a heart attack.” Shadow laughed. “Dr. Chandra Lowe comes to us from Atlanta, but she understands the unique needs of Sawtooth Forest, because she’s one of us. A wolf. She’ll work with the community to serve our needs and keep us healthy for generations to come.”

  A baby cried out from the crowd. Kiera rocked Thomas on her shoulder. He was already three months old. Born healthy and beautiful, the worst thing we wound up dealing with during the pregnancy was Kiera’s blood pressure. She shielded him from the sun, so I couldn’t tell if the comment came from him or Lilly, Cass and Major’s new baby. She was born a couple weeks after Tommy, and we were already placing bets on the first Channing-Lowe love connection.

  So much for not choosing mates for our children. We wouldn’t force them, of course. We’d just root really hard for nature to take its course.

  Once Kiera announced she was pregnant, all the Channings and the Lowes caught baby fever. Something was in the water in Sawtooth Forest, and baby bumps were the new black. Mine barely showed yet. Lyssie had just ordered a bunch of maternity tops, and she wore one today, her hand resting on her swollen stomach. I’d like to think all the humans waited to see if my theory was right, that true mates were determined by love, not species, but math called me a liar. So far we hadn’t run into any major problems, I monitored everyone’s blood pressure and temperature closely, watching for any warning signs. We joked that Delaney would give birth to a baby bigger than her. She couldn’t work at the Reserve anymore, and I was close to putting her on bedrest. I wasn’t taking any chances.

  Someone would need to open a daycare in the spot next to my office.

  “Dr. Lowe, come on up and say something before we open this place for business!”

  I closed my eyes, riding the wave of nausea before joining Shadow. Didn’t want the picture on the paper’s website to be of me puking on the mayor’s cowboy boots.

  X squeezed my hand. “I’m so proud of you.”

  There wasn’t a stage, just a ribbon in front of the door. Even that was more than I’d wanted. I would’ve been thrilled with cupcakes, but Sawtooth Forest was overdue for celebrations of any kind.

  “First of all, thank you to everyone who’s welcomed me here with open arms. Christmas will mark my one year anniversary in Sawtooth Forest. It was a medical emergency that brought me to the packs. In tragedy comes new beginnings. It’s hard to see it when it’s happening, but it’s true. You’ve all made this my home. Thank you so
much for coming out for the grand opening! I usually have to trick my patients into coming to see me with treats. I can’t wait to show you the new office. We have state of the art equipment and a lab so we can analyze tests on site for your confidentiality. Come in and take a look, because I hope you all only have a need for my wellness services.”

  The crowd applauded, and Trina grabbed Shadow’s arm, hard.

  “Cut the ribbon. Now,” she commanded through gritted teeth. “My water just broke.”

  “Holy shit.” Shadow scooped her up and turned to me. “Open the door.”

  “Someone else can cut the ribbon!” I called over my shoulder, racing ahead of Shadow and Trina. It was more like a quick waddle. I held onto my belly, the baby inside me feeling much bigger than he actually was. Everything had been laid out for the walk-through that wasn’t happening now, and all I had to do was switch on the lights in the birthing room and get Trina as comfortable as possible.

  “Sorry,” Trina said when Shadow laid her on the table.

  “You’re kidding me. Why are you apologizing?” I handed her a gown, taking her clothes from her as she stripped out of them. Protocol went out the window when one of your best friends depended on you to deliver her a happy, healthy baby. “You got me out of that awkward speech. I should be thanking you.”

  “Shadow loves speeches now that he’s mayor.” Trina nudged him, but then grabbed his arm, twisting it as a contraction ripped through her. She gritted her teeth but didn’t scream. “That was a good one. I’m sorry for making you run. That had to hurt like hell.”

  “I may never catch my breath.” I put on my coat, washed and sanitized my hands, and put on gloves. One of the nurses I hired burst into the room, ready to go. “She had a contraction at twelve forty-six. Trina, do you want an epidural? You have to decide right now.”

  Tommy and Lilly taught me that werewolf babies meant business. Neither of their mammas suffered through a long labor. Trina gasped, still hanging on to Shadow, and I worried we might already be too late. I hadn’t had a chance to see how far she was dilated yet.

  “Something tells me I’m gonna regret this, but no. I’ll try to do it naturally.”

  “Take the drugs,” Shadow said. “If the contractions feel anything like my arm does right now, take the drugs.”

  She glared at him.

  “I’ll rip it off and beat you with it.” She squirmed in the stirrups. “Sorry, baby. Maybe I should have it.”

  “Too late. She’s coming.” I still didn’t have much experience with human patients, but I hated telling her no. “The good thing is, it won’t be long. You’re ready to go.”

  “Get the girls,” Trina grunted. “I want them in here.”

  Shadow gathered the troops. Kiera, Lyssie, Cass, Delaney, and Mrs. Channing filled the room. Cass and Kiera helped Trina get more comfortable, explaining to her how to push. Lyssie and Delaney, next up at bat, grimaced every time Trina cried out with a contraction. Mrs. Channing cheered her on, tears of happiness streaming down her face. We all tried to distract Trina between the waves of pain. I kept an eye on her vitals. Much like Dr. Aldo, we were still working on faith and theory. There was no science to back up my claim that the wolves didn’t have to mate with wolves, just their true love. Trina’s stats had remained steady throughout her pregnancy, but I remained cautiously optimistic.

  “Let’s take bets. Who do you think the she’s going to look like?” Kiera called out. Thanks to my new ultrasound equipment, we knew what to expect. Trina was having a girl.

  “She’s got to have the Channing blue eyes,” Lyssie said, a dreamy smile on her face. “But I think she’ll be light-haired like Trina.”

  “She’ll be beautiful,” Delaney said. It wasn’t such a shock anymore when she talked. She’d started with just a word or two, every so often, but worked up to having full conversations.

  Trina screamed, twisting Shadow’s and Kiera’s hands.

  “She’s crowning!” I called out, my hands shaking just like they did every time I helped one of these incredible women do the thing they never thought they’d be able to. “Keep pushing, Trina. Yell as loud as you need to, she’s almost here.”

  Natasha Channing came into the world screaming just as loud as her mama. I wouldn’t have expected anything else from a Channing. She had her father’s fight and his blue eyes. At first glance, she was perfect, healthy, and beautiful.

  Handing the baby to her mama would forever be my favorite part of this job.

  “Hi,” Trina managed before the tears came. Shadow stared at Natasha in awe.

  “Do you want us to go?” Lyssie asked.

  Trina shook her head.

  “No. Stay. Please.” She took a deep breath. “She’s so beautiful. I never, ever thought I’d be someone’s mom.”

  That was it, everyone was bawling. I took Natasha from Trina only long enough to clean her up and swaddle her. My nurse cleaned up Trina, who wouldn’t let anyone leave the room. The guys came in to meet Natasha. She needed to get used to this bunch of loud, wonderful wolves who’d do anything to make sure she was safe and happy.

  “I felt the same way,” I said, pushing a piece of hair out of Trina’s face. She didn’t notice, she couldn’t take her eyes off her daughter. Later I’d give her my gift, a new copy of the book that brought me here, A Sawtooth Wolf Finds Her Mate. “As soon as I met all of you, my life changed. We were brought together for a reason.”

  “I agree,” Lyssie said softly, with Dallas’ arms wrapped around her. “You can choose your family. And I can’t think of any better one than ours.”

  The End

  Thank you!

  I HOPE YOU LOVED THE Sawtooth Shifters series as much as I loved writing it! I never expected to take this journey with these characters, and when I typed the end, I burst into tears. All of these characters have become a part of my life in a way I never expected. In Granger Falls, I created a place that I wanted to live. Minus Ryker and Ember, of course. But like Kiera said in Her Guardian Wolf, if there was really a forest full of hot werewolves somewhere...don’t mind me while I pack my bags.

  Thanks to all of you! I’ve received the loveliest emails and messages from some of you—laughing and crying with and routing for these characters. They always show up exactly when I need them the most. It means the world to me that these characters touched you enough to keep reading six books, and to care enough to insist everyone lived happily ever after. Aah! I’m going to cry again.

  I hope you all find your happily ever after.



  Here’s the place where I’d usually put the first chapter of the next Sawtooth book, and it’s so weird that there isn’t one.

  That’s not true anymore. Readers couldn’t get enough of this series, and neither can I.

  Granger Falls makes an appearance in The Real Werewives of Alaska series. When the hardest working woman in show business, Real Werewives Producer Tessa Williams, gets swept away to Sawtooth Forest for a Christmas trip with her husband and grown daughters. Intercepting Christmas was just supposed to be a fun mashup, and a chance to catch up the Channings and Lowes. Which is was, but then Tessa’s daughter Jasmine and a rogue wolf Marcus stole the freaking show. And The Real Werewives of Sawtooth Forest was born. I’m so excited to return to Granger Falls and I hope you are too!

  Book 1 is Claimed by the Rogue Wolf and it’s coming January 16, 2020!

  When an enemy pack captures me the night of my very first shift, all seems lost until one of them claims me as his fated mate.

  Marcus is a captive too. A rogue wolf with a shaky history and nothing to offer me. But everyone deserves a chance, even this wolf my family is convinced is using me to gain his freedom. I see a different side of him...and I’m glad to have him by my side as I learn to be a wolf.

  But the alpha of the pack is back from exile and looking for retribution. Will Marcus protect me from his former leader or is forever much shorter than I anticipated?

  Preorder Claimed by the Rogue Wolf now!

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  Keep reading for an excerpt from Claimed by the Rogue Wolf:

  Chapter One


  “You’ve got to let her go.” Mom had tears in her eyes when Jessica and I separated. In nineteen years, we’d never spent more than a couple hours apart. But now, as we stood shell-shocked in the middle of an airport terminal, that was all about to change.

  She was going back to Los Angeles, and that wasn’t my life anymore.

  Not even two days ago, I’d shifted into my wolf form for the very first time. Jess was the older one, the outgoing one, the more everything one, and everyone had thought for sure she’d be the first to shift. No one wanted them to be right more than me. I’d pushed my shift off as long as possible, but when I’d been surrounded by the enemy, my wolf decided to fight.

  As a reward, I got a crash course in pack rivalries, and a very near brush with death. Wolves might not have nine lives like cat shifters, but I definitely used one of them on that mountain. Now I was staying behind in Idaho with the wolf who’d saved my life by claiming he was my mate.

  And I saved his life too. The wolf who said I belonged to him had been a slave. Now, after claiming me as his mate and an intervention from my dad and the Sawtooth pack, Marcus was a wolf without a pack.

  My ex-linebacker dad, another wolf without a pack, hadn’t stopped rumbling since Marcus made the claim. He’d only helped him get away from the Montana pack that had imprisoned him to keep me safe in that moment. But that moment would last a lifetime.


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