The Love Pill

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The Love Pill Page 18

by Arizona Tape

  ‘One shot. Just one.’ Lexi whispered, the hesitation clear in her voice, but I didn’t care. It made my heart jump up and down and I couldn’t contain the gigantic grin that stretched across my face when I firmly kissed her.

  ‘One shot is all I need.’ I chirped, not believing my ears that she was willing to try again.

  ‘Don’t make me regret this. Please.’ she mumbled, while looking me straight in the eye, in a begging manner.

  ‘I promise that I’ll make you as happy as I can.’ I smiled, making the best promise that I could.

  She smiled sweetly and pulled me closer to her. ‘Come here.’

  I happily obliged and pressed her hard into her car. I grabbed her wrists and pinned them down. Lexi murmured when I let my tongue glide up her neck, higher up to underneath her earlobe. I pressed my leg in between her legs, flexing my thigh when it touched her core.

  ‘Come home with me?’ she moaned when I placed feather-light kisses over her jawline.

  I would love to go home with her, but I didn’t wanna rush things. I didn’t wanna jump in bed with her and make this about lust.

  ‘I’m not coming home with you…Yet. I first want you to trust me again.’ I sternly stated, cursing at myself, because I wanted nothing more than to make love to her. All night long.

  ‘Why not? I want you in my bed.’ Lexi seductively whispered, her fingers walking over my hip.

  I gulped and tried to keep myself composed. Remember: I wanted Lexi more than I wanted to satisfy my yearning body.

  I tried to pry my body from hers, but I couldn’t get myself to move.

  ‘Not happening, sweetie.’ I grinned, for the first time calling her sweetie again.

  ‘No? So you don’t want me to push you down in my bed? You, naked, with me on top of you. My mouth tracing kisses over your body, my hand resting in between your thighs, my tongue wrapped around…’

  I started coughing, trying to stop her from telling me all the naughty things she wanted to do to me. And I knew her pretty well, there were a lot of them.

  ‘Ahum, ahem. Don’t, you are not talking me into your bed.’ I muttered, not sounding so sure of myself.

  ‘Oh no? So you don’t wanna come home and roll around in between the sheets? Have me laying on top of you, my naked body pressed on yours, our hands intertwined, my leg pressed against your core, our mouths in a lip lock.’

  Suddenly Lexi flipped me around and pressed me against the cold metal of the car. I shivered from the sudden change.

  ‘I would let my hand glide down your body, my tongue gently massaging your tongue. I’d trail kisses up your jawline, suck on that sweet spot under your ear. Yeah, that spot that makes you moan every time when I kiss it…Right here…I’d massage your breast with one hand, my other hand going down your stomach and then down, down, down…’

  ‘Okay, stop, sweetie, stop. Damn, since when do you do dirty talk?’ I gasped, trying to stop her from whispering more delicious things in my ear. I heard her grin and she swiftly bit my neck.

  ‘Since I have to work to get you in my bed.’ she laughed, letting me know that she was just having fun. I could see that she was glad that I wasn’t coming home with her just yet.

  ‘We should take our time.’ I proposed, cocking my head to the side. She nodded and quickly pressed a sweet kiss on my lips.

  ‘Good idea.’ she smiled before rubbing our noses together. ‘

  I should get going.’

  I nodded. We had been standing here for quite some time and Manuel was gonna be thrilled when he knew what we decided. He had been pushing me to contact her or ask her out, but I didn’t wanna force anything. I was the one who messed up, so we were going at her speed. She was calling the shots.

  ‘Yeah, you should.’ I agreed, not able to contain the smile stretching across my face. I probably looked like a lovestruck puppy.

  ‘Then maybe you should step aside so I can get in my car.’ Lexi mocked, pointing out that I was still body-blocking her car door.

  ‘Hey, you are the one who pushed me against your car.’ I defended myself, finally getting my brain to work properly again.

  ‘I know. I like you against my car.’ Lexi grinned, flashing me a cocky smile. Not something she did very often. ‘I’d like you in my car.’ she suggestively added.

  I snorted and shook my head, not believing that this was really happening. Lexi seducing me, doing dirty talk, our bodies pressed together. It was the best thing that happened all evening, no doubt.

  ‘You are still blocking my door.’ Lexi repeated, giving me a cute wink.

  ‘Fine, fine.’ I gave in, stepping aside and opening her car door for her. ‘My lady.’ I mocked, enjoying our playful banter.

  ‘As always, the gentlewoman. Very cute. Will you call me later?’ she nonchalantly asked, but I could hear the doubt in her voice.

  I nodded, of course, I was gonna call her later. ‘Definitely.’ I affirmed, melting away any insecurity.

  She smiled and stepped into her car. I closed her car door and was surprised when she opened the window.

  ‘So, what are we?’ she suddenly asked, curiosity clearly in her eyes.

  ‘What ever you want us to be.’ I answered, not caring what she was gonna say. I would take whatever I could get. Casual lovers, dating, girlfriends, heck, I’d even accept a marriage proposal right now.

  ‘I’d, eehmmm, I’d like us to be exclusive.’ she shyly said, looking down, like she was embarrassed that she had admitted how much she wanted me.

  ‘I’d love for us to be exclusive.’ I smiled, my whole body tingling from excitement.

  We are exclusive. We are exclusive. We are exclusive.

  A little voice sang inside my head, making me wanna do a happy dance. It was official.

  ‘I really got to go now. I have to get up early tomorrow.’ she said, a satisfied smile on her face. She also looked happy.

  ‘Okay, bye for now.’ I grinned, the excitement probably showing clearly on my face.

  ‘Yeah, I’ll see you around.’ she casually stated, like she didn’t care, but I knew her well enough. She was also liking this, I was certain of it.

  She rolled up her window and started the car, finally driving off.

  ‘Yeeeessss.’ I cheered, pumping my fist in the air.

  Lexi was mine. Mine.

  36. Summer

  Lexi Zellichman

  The grass was tickling my bare feet when I walked over it and I smiled when I remembered how much I liked summer. The sun was burning hot on my flesh, but I was enjoying the heat. It had been too cold for far too long. I took in a deep breath, loving the salty air that was common when going to the beach. I looked around me and found two familiar figures sitting on beach towels.

  ‘Damn, girl, let me in on the action!’ I heard Ruben shout, so loud that I could clearly hear him, even when I was still ten meters away from them.

  Cara punched his arm and I saw her shaking her head in dismissal. I paused and stood still, just to admire Cara from behind. God, her toned back was so sexy. I walked closer until I was standing almost right behind them.

  ‘I’m gonna swim.’ Cara declared, waving away Ruben’s filthy comments. I heard Ruben groan in frustration and smirked when I recognised the usual scenario. Ruben was always asking about the action and fishing about details, but Cara never gave him anything.

  ‘You suck.’ he pouted, earning a wicked smile from her.

  ‘Not anymore, I do other things with my mouth and tongue.’ she winked, sticking out her tongue. Ruben wanted to make another remark, but Cara stood up and brushed the sand off of her body, effectively shutting him up.

  Damn, she looked good in that bikini. I let my eyes trail up and down, obnoxiously checking her out, feeling like a pervert. Damn, she had a great ass. But hey, she was my girlfriend, I was allowed to check her out!

  I wasn’t the only one who thought so apparently, all the males in the area, including Ruben, were staring at her, although a bit more subtly than
I. Except for one goon in the corner who was clearly drooling over her. Bleh, time to claim her, show them she was going home with me.

  ‘You have indeed a very talented tongue.’ I finally spoke up, making Cara and Ruben turn their heads around. I’m pretty sure Ruben was also checking me out, but I was only interested in Cara her actions.

  I could see her approvingly look at me, her eyes filled with lust.

  ‘Why don’t you two ladies show me?’ Ruben grinned, looking hopefully at the two of us. We both laughed and shook our heads.

  ‘Never, ever happening.’ Cara smirked, stepping in my direction and taking my hand in hers.

  ‘You think I’d share this with you?’ she asked, pulling my body flush to hers.

  ‘I wish.’ Ruben muttered, his eyes trailing up and down.

  ‘Okay, I know I started it, but stop looking at my girlfriend like that.’ Cara growled playfully, but I could hear the possessiveness in her voice.

  ‘We are going swimming.’ she decided and grabbed my hand. ‘You look great, by the way.’ she added, the lost comment only meant for my ears.

  ‘Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.’ I returned the compliment, making her lightly blush. I pulled her body close to mine and softly kissed her on the lips. I swept my tongue slowly over her bottom lip, making her open her mouth. Normally I would deepen the kiss, but instead, I pulled out. She opened her eyes and looked at me in confusion.

  ‘Race you to the water?’ I chirped, not giving her time to react when I spurted to the water. I heard her yell “cheater” behind me, but quickly enough she was on my tail.

  ‘You are gonna lose.’ she yelled, still behind me.

  ‘Yeah right, first catch up with me.’ I yelled back, still running as fast as I could.

  ‘Done.’ she laughed, taking a sprint and suddenly passing me by, slapping my ass in the process.

  ‘Aww, damn it, woman!’ I yelped, but all I could hear, was her cheering when she reached the water seconds before me. I shook my head in amusement and also ran in the cold, salty sea.

  ‘You cheated and I still won. Very smart, kissing me to distract me. Didn’t work though.’ she gloated, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

  ‘Whatever.’ I retorted, slowly and sneakily wading closer to her. She wasn’t paying attention to my actions because she was too busy boasting and looking smug. So when I suddenly stood right behind her, she shrieked in surprise. I smirked and jumped on her, making her legs give in and we both fell down in the cold water.

  ‘YOU LITTLE WITCH!’ Cara yelled when she came up, spluttering and gasping for air. I just rolled my eyes, straightened my bikini top and looked away, like I didn’t do anything.

  ‘I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME, DON’T PRETEND OTHERWISE!’ she shouted, spit flying around in frustration when I kept ignoring her. I simply smiled and started wading back to the shore. She was too easy.

  ‘Payback is a bitch!’ she suddenly screamed, her voice coming from right behind me.

  I didn’t react quickly enough and felt Cara pull my legs from under my body, making me fall down in the water, head first.

  ‘Tasting the sand, sweetie?’ Cara sweetly asked, but her crooked grin betrayed her. She was an expert in fake innocence.

  ‘It’s quite good, why don’t you taste it for yourself?’ I smirked, throwing the handful of sand that I picked up when I went down, in her direction. She tried to jump to the side, but she was still waist deep in the water, so she wasn’t nearly quick enough. The blubbery hand of sand I threw, hit her straight on the upper body with a splash.

  ‘Oooooh…You just didn’t…’ Cara growled, trying to be intimidating, but it didn’t have any effect on me. Especially because she looked ridiculous with the muddy sand drooping from her chest.

  ‘Ooops. Did it again!’ I chirped and threw another hand full at her.

  ‘Now you are going down!’ she venomously whispered.

  I saw her reaching down in the water. I wasn’t gonna wait for that!

  ‘Don’t think so.’ I cheered and sprinted out of the water. I heard Cara snarl when she realised that I was already too far away. I only turned around when I was standing safely back on the beach and saw that she angrily threw the sand back on the water, splashing herself in the process too. She was a sore loser.

  ‘Ohh, is my poor baby mad?’ I playfully taunted, making her even growl harder. God, what a turn on.

  ‘I’ll get you back, don’t worry.’ she promised and started wading back to the shore. I smiled sweetly and extended my hand. She huffed, but still grabbed my hand and we walked back to where Ruben was laying. He was, as usual chatting up a girl.

  ‘Hey, Rube, who is your friend?’ Cara asked, her voice all sweet and sugary, which was a huge contrast to a couple of minutes ago. I knew what that meant, she was pretending like she had forgiven me so she could get back at me when I least expected it.

  ‘This is Jessica. Jess, Cara and Lexi.’ he introduced us, all charming. Cara and I smiled friendly and the girl nodded, flicking her eyes over Cara’s body, stopping at her boobs.

  I recognised the way she was checking her out and instinctively pulled Cara closer, my arm wrapped tightly and possessively around her waist. I knew I was being silly, but I just wanted to make sure that this Jessica knew that Cara was taken. I coughed, grabbing Jessica’s attention and threw her a foul look.

  ‘How was the water?’ Ruben asked, both him and Cara oblivious to the subtle exchange of looks.

  ‘Cold. Ice. Cold.’ I said, still looking Jessica dead in the face. She flinched and quickly looked elsewhere. That’s a good girl.

  ‘Sandy.’ Cara grinned, teasingly squeezing my waist.

  ‘Cara did some deep sea diving.’ I nudged, squeezing her back.

  ‘So did Lexi.’ she smirked, not only grinning because of her comment, but because her hand had travelled down and was now cupping my ass.

  ‘Let’s sit down.’ I proposed, pulling my body away from her over-enthusiastic hands and dropping down on her towel. The smirk on her face immediately changed in a scowl, then she pointed at me.

  ‘Yes, sweetheart?’ I lovingly asked, batting my eyelashes innocently.

  ‘You are sitting on my towel.’ Cara scowled, trying to pull her meanest face. I winked and patted the sandy spot next to me.

  ‘You can sit next to me. After all, you seem to like the sand?’ I proposed, keeping up my virtuous act. I chuckled when Cara growled in displeasure. I laid down and closed my eyes. She was so easy to agitate.

  ‘We can share my towel if you want?’ I suddenly heard. My eyes shot open and I saw Jessica lustfully look at Cara. Sharing a towel with that Jessica girl? Not happening.

  I nonchalantly stood back up and stretched my body, immediately gaining Cara’s attention. I could feel her eyes running all over me.

  ‘I’m about to acquire myself a refreshing beverage. Are you interested in joining me, darling?’ I asked in a posh voice, giving her a playful wink. Cara nodded and I grabbed her hand, pulling her away from Jessica and her lusting eyes.

  ‘You want something?’ I politely asked, but I’m sure Jessica understood my glare. She quickly shook her head, as did Ruben.

  ‘Okay, back in a jiffy.’ I said with a cheerful tone and walked away with Cara’s hand in mine. She easily matched my pace and we strolled towards the bar. We both ordered a cocktail, clinked our glasses together and took our first sip.

  ‘Shall we go back to Ruben?’ Cara proposed, making me shake my head.

  ‘Let’s just stay here for a bit? I don’t like that Jessica girl.’ I honestly admitted.

  ‘You too? Me neither. I think she is against gays. She kept throwing me these looks.’ Cara responded, disgust in her voice. I snorted and rolled my eyes.

  How typical that Cara didn’t understand the lusting looks from a woman. How could she have missed that?

  ‘I don’t think she is against gays, in fact, I’m pretty sure she is into women herself.’ I huffed, getting angry again
when I remembered how she had looked at my girlfriend.

  ‘Why would you think that?’ Cara curiously asked, her head cocked to the side.

  ‘She kept checking you out.’ I explained, trying to keep my voice steady so that I wouldn’t lash out.

  I knew it was stupid, especially since Cara and I had worked hard to make this relationship solid and yet I was still dealing with some insecurities that I couldn’t seem to get rid off.

  ‘Really? Huh, didn’t notice a thing.’ Cara shrugged, not caring about Jessica at all.

  ‘You didn’t spot her? I think your gaydar is broken.’ I teased, while pulling her down next to me. We snuggled up together, the warm sand comfortable underneath us.


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