Chubby Chaser

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Chubby Chaser Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “I’ve never brought anyone else back here,” he said.

  “Are you sure?”

  A laugh came from him, and she turned to find him locking the door. “Of course I’m sure. I bought this after I got the store. It was a complete mess.”

  “I remember.” His home was at the end of the street, and had a garage to the back of the house. It had also been empty for the past twenty-plus years. Growing up, some kids liked to tell stories of it being haunted. She didn’t believe in ghosts and had always laughed at them. “Was it ever haunted?”

  “Totally, with mold, and bad wiring work. There were leaks all over the place, and the roof was a mess. This was my very own personal project. I love working with my hands. It’s why I knew I wouldn’t be any good at a desk job.”

  That made her look at his hands, and her own arousal went through the roof. She wanted those hands on her body, now.

  Chapter Four

  It felt right having Elena in his space. Cole watched as she glanced at his hands, and then around the space where they stood. Her nipples told the tale that her lips could not. He was never good at words, at saying what he wanted. When it came to Elena, he was always in a difficult place, where he didn’t know what to say or do.

  She was the girl he’d always watched, the woman he’d wanted, and now she was here, in his home, and they both knew what was going to happen.

  “Come here,” he said, reaching out his hand. Elena placed hers inside, and he pulled her toward him. Stroking her cheek, he stared into her grey eyes. Her hair cascading around her, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. No one could even begin to compare to her.

  Without kissing her again, he took her hand and led her toward his bedroom. The lights were already on low, and he turned toward her. With his fingers at her shoulders, he began to lower the straps of her dress until they fell down her arms, the dress still covering her breasts.

  He paused as her fingers attacked the buttons of his shirt, and when it was open, her hand pressed against his chest. Cole’s patience left him. He pulled the dress away from her body, seeing the red lace bra she wore underneath. The dress stopped at her hips, and he pushed it down until it lay in a heap at her feet.

  She did the same with his shirt.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He grabbed her hand and spun her around. He saw she was wearing lace panties to go with the dress.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been complimented so much in my life.” She had a smile on her lips. “I could get used to it.”

  Pulling her against him, he pressed his cock against her ass, knowing one day soon he was going to take that. Wrapping his arm around her, he turned her so that they were standing in front of his mirror.

  “I’m going to warn you now, Elena, I like to watch.”

  “To watch?”

  “I like to watch as I fuck, and you’ve been what I’ve wanted most of all.” He wasn’t about to admit that this house was designed with her in mind. No one else. This had been his hope for some time, and at least part of it was coming true. “Look at us together,” he said. He spread his hand out, covering her stomach. His cock was thickening as he watched them in the mirror.

  They hadn’t even done anything yet. Elena smiled. “Are you trying to tell me you’re kinky?”

  “Maybe I am. Does that scare you?”

  “It depends. Do you have whips, chains, and all that stuff?”

  “No. I like a different kind of kink. I like to watch. There’s no room for hiding from me. I want to watch as you fall apart, screaming my name.”

  His hand glided down, teasing the edge of her panties, his fingers sliding beneath the band holding them up.

  “Are you wet, Elena?” he asked.


  Moving his hand inside her panties, he ran a finger through her slit, finding her clit. She was soaking wet. Her eyes closed, and he didn’t want that. “Open your eyes. Watch what I do. Don’t hide.”

  Her eyes opened, and she stared at him as he stroked her clit. A red flush worked over her body, showing off her arousal.

  He groaned as her hand moved between them, rubbing his cock. The jeans he wore were providing too much of a barrier. Kissing her neck, he pulled his hands away from her, and stepped back. As he opened the belt of his jeans, Elena spun around, facing him.

  “So you’re talkative in the bedroom?” she asked.

  “And you’re silent.” They were a perfect match.

  He kicked off his boots, and the jeans followed, along with his black boxer briefs. He stood before her completely naked, and she looked him up and down.

  “Keep the heels on,” he said as she removed her bra, and then her panties. She stood in the heels, which meant she stood eye to eye with him.

  “You’re a heels man?”

  “I’m a woman man,” he said. “I never pick favorites. I love every part of a woman. The heels just mean I can look into your beautiful eyes.”

  Gripping her hips, he moved her toward the bed, dropping her down onto the edge. He followed, not breaking the kiss as her legs opened. Moving between them, he cupped her pussy, swirling a finger around her clit, and dropping down. Plunging two fingers inside her, he found her tight and wet.

  She gasped, breaking from his lips to cry out.

  Thrusting his fingers in and out of her, he took his time, watching as she writhed beneath him.

  “I’m going to fuck you soon, Elena. Make you mine, and then there’s going to be no one else. No one who can make you feel this way.” He took one nipple into his mouth, sucking on the large, red peak, before taking the other. He moved down, kissing his way down her rounded stomach, which he loved. He just loved her body, her mind, everything.

  The years had kept them apart for one reason or another, and now he wasn’t willing to let her go.

  Once he was between her thighs, he opened her slit, and simply stared at her pussy. Her lips were open, her clit swollen, and she was wet. He wanted to taste her, to consume every inch of her. Sliding his tongue across her clit, he moved down, circling her entrance. She gasped, saying his name as he teased her pussy.

  “I want to hear you scream my name, Elena.”

  “Please, Cole, please.”

  He’d gladly take begging as well. He wasn’t picky, not in the slightest.

  Plunging two fingers into her cunt, he sucked her clit into his mouth. She tasted amazing, and knew he’d gladly lick this sweet pussy for the rest of his life.

  He pulled away and looked up at her. “Play with your pussy. I want to see how you like it.”

  She eased her fingers between her thighs and began to tease her clit. He watched, seeing what she liked. How gentle her touch was, and what she did that had her moaning. She turned him on even more by playing with herself. When he could no longer stand to just watch, he flicked her clit, meshing his tongue with her fingers as they both fought to bring her to orgasm. He wanted her soaking wet when he finally took her.

  “Come for me, Elena. Give it to me,” he said.

  Her cries rent the air. She arched up, begging for more, and he pushed her over that peak, licking up her orgasm as she came. The pleasure was instant, intense, and it took every ounce of control not to keep on going. He pulled away, and reached over into his drawer to pull out a condom. Tearing into the packet, he rolled the latex over his dick, and then pressed the head of his dick against her opening.

  “Open your thighs wide for me, baby.”

  She spread her legs, but as far as he was concerned it wasn’t wide enough.


  She did as he asked, and then he plunged in deep.

  “Fuck, you feel so good,” he said. Running his hand from her knee up to cup her ass, he rested his other hand beside her head. Unable to resist, he glanced down at where they were joined and another moan escaped him.

  They looked perfect together, her pussy opening up to receive him as he slid in. Pulling out, he wished the condom wasn’t between them. He
slammed inside her, doing a few smaller thrusts until he finally plunged every single inch of him inside.

  Together they screamed, and, staring into her eyes, Cole knew there was never going to be anyone else for him. Elena was it for him, from the moment he’d met her. It had just taken them both a long time to get to this point, and he was never going to let her go.

  Releasing her ass, he grabbed her hands and pinned them to the bed. Taking possession of her lips, he plundered her mouth with his tongue, and she submitted to him. Her hands held his tightly, her legs wrapping around him, holding him close.

  Thrusting harder, he relished her moans, which he muffled with his mouth.

  This was better than anything he’d ever imagined, and it wasn’t long before he pushed into her a final time, and was shocked to feel her own orgasm, as well as his own, taking them both over the peak.


  “You scared me to fucking death,” Juliet said. She stood near the door, holding a baseball bat.

  Elena held her hands up in surrender and glared at her friend. “You could have battered me. What the hell?” She flicked the light on, so that they could both see properly.

  “Wow, talk about the walk of shame. Didn’t he allow you to spend the night?” Juliet asked.

  Staring down at her clothes, Elena released a sigh. “He doesn’t know I left. It’s three in the morning.” She placed her heels on the floor. It had taken her an hour to get from his home to her own, and she hadn’t walked in those fuck-me heels either.

  They had hurt her feet, and it didn’t help that she kept thinking of the way he’d stared at her when she walked in them either. The shoes had gone from being a luxury purchase to one of pure sex.

  She headed to the kitchen, as there was no way she was going to get any sleep today anyway. Grabbing the kettle, she filled it with water and placed it on to boil.

  Tomorrow she was supposed to work, and she didn’t know what she was going to do. The sex with Cole had been amazing. He had probably spoken more words to her tonight than any other time in their lives. Something told her he wasn’t much of a talker unless it was in the bedroom.

  “Are you okay?” Juliet asked.

  “I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be? Do you want one?”

  “I’ve got to get more sleep. What happened?” Her friend sat down at the table, and instead of doing her a coffee, Elena did her a quick hot chocolate in the microwave, with the powdered kind of hot chocolate.

  “We had sex.”

  “Already figured that out.”

  “Did you know they called him chubby chaser?” she asked.

  “I didn’t have any idea. Does that mean he had the hots for you back in high school?”

  “I don’t know. I’m so totally confused right now.” Handing the hot chocolate to Juliet, she took a seat and drank her coffee. “I snuck out.”

  “He didn’t seem the kind of guy to make you walk the streets dressed like that.”

  “I know. He’s a gentleman really.”

  Juliet reached out, putting a hand on her arm. “What’s wrong? Really?”

  “Ugh, I don’t know. I’m all over the place. It was amazing tonight. Being with him, and … something was missing.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know, a conversation I guess. I thought I could handle the whole sex thing, but after it had finished, and he went to sleep, I was still awake, and … I felt cold.”

  “Sometimes conversation takes time, sweetie.”

  Elena smiled, forcing her lips up. “I know. I’m just being crazy right now. Ignore me. Everything will be fine in the morning.”


  Only it wasn’t fine in the morning. She was still at Cole’s DIY store, and when she stood at the front door, she glanced at the time to see why he hadn’t arrived. It was a little after eight-thirty, and she had walked here, needing to clear her head, and to wake up. She hadn’t slept at all, and right now, her nerves were not doing all that great.

  He was usually on time, so this was new for her.

  Pushing her hair into a ponytail, she began to pace. Ten minutes later, his truck finally came into the parking lot. Cole climbed out of it and glared at her. Neither of them spoke, and he rested his hands on his hips.

  “I would have opened up, and started work, but everything is locked.”

  “You were gone.”

  “I know.”


  She stared past his shoulder and released a breath. “I don’t know. I needed to go. I didn’t want to stay.”

  “I came to pick you up. Juliet said you’d been home since three in the morning. Do you have any idea what could have happened?”

  “I wasn’t thinking, okay?”

  “Did I do something wrong?” he asked, stepping toward her.

  “I’m not having this conversation outside.” What was worse, she felt so bad for doing what she did. It hadn’t been her intention, and yet she did it. When she was with Cole it was like she couldn’t think properly.

  He growled, shoving his keys into the door, and within seconds they were inside. He didn’t let her go far as he pulled her toward his office. The door was closed, and he had her pressed up against it. His lips were on hers. Grabbing his shoulders, she had every intention of pushing him away, but she didn’t. Gripping him tighter, she refused to let him go, kissing him back with a passion that startled her.

  Cole bit her lip, his hand going to her hip as he tugged her close.

  The only sound in the room was that of their combined panting. He pressed another kiss to her lips, and rested his head against hers.

  “What did I do wrong?” he asked with a sigh.

  “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I must have done. You ran from me when I was asleep.”

  She chuckled. “I didn’t run. I walked around quietly, got dressed. It was no big deal.”

  He sighed again. “Tell me.”

  “Chubby chaser, fatty, just the memory of it all.”

  “It was just a name,” he said. “They’re just names, and they mean nothing. The way I feel about you, that should be the only thing that matters right now.”

  “We’ve never talked, Cole. I’m … confused, and I’m scared. The most you’ve ever spoken was in the bedroom. Those names, what if you get laughed at in town because we’re dating? I don’t want that for you. You make me nervous, and I really enjoyed last night. I’m confused, which I keep saying, and to be honest, I’ve never slept in another man’s bed before.”

  He pulled away at this, and stared at her. “What?”

  “Weren’t expecting that, were you?”

  “You weren’t a virgin.”

  “I never said I was, Cole. I’ve been with other men, but I’ve never done the whole sharing a bed thing. I’ve always left.”

  “You didn’t have to leave. I wanted to wake up to you this morning.”

  “I had work today,” she said. It was another excuse, one she hoped would appease him. It didn’t.

  “I was going to make you breakfast.”

  “Was it going to be silent?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Come on, Cole, you’re not stupid. You and I both know you don’t talk a whole lot, and you’ve not said anything about what others will think. I can’t just go around pretending I know what you’re thinking or feeling. I need actual words. It probably sounds too much for you.”

  “Okay, stop, stop. First of all, I hear anyone bad-mouthing us, they will see how damn good I am with my hands because I’ll fucking hurt them. Don’t worry about what others think. All that matter is you and me. And I can talk, Elena. You want to get to know me, then ask a question and I’ll answer it. The truth is … I like listening to you. I love the sound of your voice, and you make me smile, and laugh, and I don’t think I have anything better to say.”

  She frowned. This wasn’t going like she thought it would. In fact, she was starting to feel completely stupid, and she was. All
of her life she’d tried to tell herself not to listen to anyone, and the first chance she had of living her own advice, she failed. “What breakfast were you going to make?”

  “Waffles. I love them with warm maple syrup.”

  “I love them, too.”

  “See, you know something about me. We’re making progress,” he said. His thumb rubbed her waist, and she couldn’t look away from his dark gaze.

  “You’re my boss.”

  “Then give me more time, Elena.”

  “You asked me out on one date to prove to your friends you weren’t a bore. I don’t … this is really weird right now.” She glanced past his shoulder at the time. “I need to get to work.” She placed her hands on his chest.

  He pulled away and sighed. Neither of them said another word as she left the office. There wasn’t much to say. She punched in her employment card, and got to work on where she’d left off. Deuce arrived early, and for the first time in her life, she was glad to see the guy. He was a bit of a stoner, but he knew everything about the store.

  Danny and Vincent came to visit with Cole, and even though she wanted to talk about last night, she couldn’t do it.

  Last night had been one of the best, if not the best moment of her life. She couldn’t help but smile when thinking about it, even with Tiffany being a pain in the ass, and saying horrible stuff. It wasn’t things she hadn’t heard before. They just didn’t matter, but hearing Cole called a chubby chaser, it just really … bugged her.

  She didn’t know why. She was a woman with curves, and even though she loved her body, there were times she had doubts. Sometimes nasty words didn’t roll off her, or disgusted looks did affect her.

  Her armor wasn’t always in place.

  It was clear she was losing her mind. Cole was a fantastic guy, a great one. He had been her fantasy man for so long, and she hated that her insecurities had pushed him away. He was such a good guy. It was like Tiffany’s words had turned her into that bullied little girl, and she loathed feeling that way again.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Deuce asked.

  “Nothing. I’m fine. Just mentally kicking myself.”


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