Touching Frost (A Crack in the Ice: Post-Apocalyptic Tales of Man-Love Book 2)

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Touching Frost (A Crack in the Ice: Post-Apocalyptic Tales of Man-Love Book 2) Page 3

by Harde,Leigh

  Elijah felt sick. His scarred and hated body was completely exposed to the Mayor’s view. Silent tears fell from his face onto the floor. No one had seen him like this since the hospital. He always made sure he was covered.

  The Mayor lifted Elijah off his lap and sat him down beside him on the bed. He tried to grab his chin, but Elijah twisted his face away. “That’s ok,” the Mayor said. “You can be mad.” He leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

  Elijah’s hands were in his lap covering himself. The Mayor knelt on the floor and removed his shoes and socks then pulled his pants the rest of the way off. Elijah was completely naked now, his long bangs hanging forward over his bent face. “Come on baby. Almost done,” he said and took one of Elijah’s arms.

  He led him into the master bath. Elijah stood still and kept his head down as the Mayor rummaged through a cabinet. When he heard the whir of electric clippers, he began sobbing. The Mayor pulled him closer to the sink and started shaving his head. Elijah could see his hair as it fell. He was crying so hard his whole body shook with the force of it. “It’s ok,” The Mayor said. His calm voice was steady in his ear.

  When he finished, he sat Elijah down on the rim of the tub and drew his bath. By the time the Mayor settled him into the water, his tears had stopped. But every so often, the Mayor could hear his breath catch.

  He soaped a washcloth and in a clinical manner cleaned Elijah’s body. Elijah sat still as a statue. Once he was through, he helped Elijah out of the water and dried him off with a towel from one of the cabinets.

  “Come on, baby,” the Mayor said. “I want to show you something.” He took Elijah’s hand.

  There was a large mirror above the sink, and Elijah could see his reflection. It had been a very long time since he had looked at himself naked. He saw a skinny man that looked younger than his age with big brown eyes and a buzz cut. He saw his scars. They went from his temple down the left side of his face and neck leaving his eyes and mouth untouched. His ear had scarring, but it was still intact. There was a little scarring at his hairline. It wasn’t as bad as he remembered.

  The scars continued down his shoulder onto his back. Those were the worst ones. The Mayor watched Elijah’s reflection in the mirror as he wrapped his arms around his chest and bent to kiss his scarred shoulder. The Mayor drew one of his fingertips across his nipple, and Elijah’s lips parted. “So handsome,” he said. He continued to play with his nipple, and Elijah bit his lip. His penis filled and jutted from his body. The Mayor ran a hand down his stomach and grasped him. Elijah watched in the mirror as the Mayor licked in and out of his scarred ear and down his neck while he stroked his erection. Elijah was breathing hard, and he pushed back into the Mayor’s body. He watched himself as he came on the Mayor’s hand. His face was flushed, and his eyes were half closed. “My lovely, Elijah,” the Mayor whispered in his ear.

  Elijah was sitting at the dining room table, nude, except for a pair of underwear that the Mayor had allowed him to put on. He was watching as he cooked them something to eat and had a realization. Elijah was in love. He had never been attracted to men, but it wasn’t about that. It was who the Mayor was inside that he loved. It just so happened that he was a man. When the Mayor set their plates on the table, Elijah pulled his chair closer to him. He hesitantly put a hand on his leg. The Mayor covered it with his own, and even though it was slightly awkward, they clasped hands while they ate.

  Chapter Four

  Elijah lay warm and cozy in his bed enjoying the first moments between waking and sleep. He heard the Mayor’s feet as they padded down the hall outside his room. Yesterday had been an emotional rollercoaster, but he felt like a weight had been lifted from his chest. For the first time in a long time, he felt comfortable in his own skin, and that was thanks entirely to the Mayor.

  Elijah had left the table lamp on last night so he could see. When he got out of bed, he was still in his underwear. He went to the closet, but stopped before he opened the door unsure if he should get the Mayor’s permission first. He figured better safe than sorry, and left his bedroom to find the Mayor cooking breakfast.

  “Good morning,” Mitch said when he saw Elijah, then frowned. “Didn’t the clothes fit?”

  “Ah, I don’t know. I was going to ask…,” Elijah started. “You know… If it was ok.”

  Pleasantly surprised, the Mayor smiled at him. “Yes, baby,” he said. “You may get dressed.”

  Mitch left Elijah in his quarters. He wanted him to rest some more after everything he had been through. Elijah wasn’t just a responsibility anymore, Mitch loved him—just as he loved Grant, Jessie, and Cole. They were his. His husbands. His heart. His life. He would do anything to keep them healthy and safe.

  The Colony had a small gym, and he met up with Grant and Cole. They worked out together most mornings.

  They greeted each other when he entered the gym. Mitch picked up some hand weights.

  “So how was the trade?” Mitch asked starting his reps. “Were there any problems?”

  “No, it went well,” Grant replied. He couldn’t help watching the Mayor’s muscles bulge as he flexed. “They gave us enough food for a couple of months at least.”

  Toward the end of their workout, Mitch said, “I got the results of the samples back.” Cole and Grant both stopped what they were doing and looked at him expectantly. “The temperature is definitely increasing faster than we anticipated,” he said. “In about a year or so, the surface will be inhabitable again.”

  “Well, shit,” Cole said sounding grim. He sat down and wiped an arm across his sweaty forehead.

  One of the smaller projects that the Colony had been involved with was producing cold weather wear for military operations. They had two prototypes when the Impact occurred and that was how they were able to withstand the cold sufficiently to explore past the Drifts. Once it became warm enough though, they would be sitting ducks for the Master’s Marauders. The Colony was impenetrable underground, but they would be vulnerable when they traded with the Compound. With no weapons and no way to protect themselves, it was a constant source of anxiety for them all.

  Elijah loved being in the Mayor’s quarters. Just having so much space to himself was amazing. The Mayor had a bookshelf with some classics, and he picked one and started reading. When he was hungry, he made himself something to eat in the kitchen. It was late in the day when the Mayor finally returned. Elijah was excited when he heard the door open.

  He rose to greet him and noticed that the Mayor was not alone. He had another man with him. The man wasn’t quite as tall or muscular as the Mayor, but he was very handsome with black hair and a strong cleft chin.

  “Elijah, I’d like you to meet Grant Spencer,” the Mayor said.

  “Hi, I’m Elijah Frost,” he said and extended his hand. Elijah was very aware that his face was exposed. He nervously examined Grant’s expression. If he was repulsed by his scars, he didn’t show it.

  “Nice to meet you.” Grant said. He smiled as they shook hands.

  “You know, I didn’t think to ask,” Elijah said. “How many people live here?”

  “Five, including you,” the Mayor said. “Jessie you met, and there’s Cole. I’ll introduce you two later. Grant and Cole are the ones who found you and brought you back here.”

  “Oh.” Elijah turned to Grant. “Thank you. You saved my life.”

  “You’re welcome.” He compressed his lips. “I wish we could have saved the others.”

  “You did what you could,” Elijah said.

  “Let’s sit down,” the Mayor said. “There are some things we need to talk about.”

  Elijah sat on a padded chair in the living room, and the Mayor and Grant sat on the couch opposite him. Elijah was anxious. “Needing to talk” was never a good thing.

  “Grant, Jessie, Cole, and I are all lovers,” the Mayor stated bluntly. He paused to give Elijah a chance to absorb this new information. Elijah sat still and tense. He didn’t say anything.

�Grant and I have been in a relationship the longest—fourteen years—since college.” The Mayor grasped Grant’s hand in his own and held it. Elijah followed the movement with his eyes. “Jessie joined us five years ago. He was about your age then. Cole’s been with us less than a year.”

  Elijah’s face was stricken. He stood up. “I understand,” he said. “Thanks for telling me.” He started walking toward his bedroom. The Mayor grabbed his forearm as he tried to pass by.

  Elijah was beyond devastated. He finally thought that he could be happy, but it was all lies. He didn’t know if he could come back from this, or if he even wanted to. But he knew he needed to get back to his bedroom before he made a fool out of himself by crying in front of them.

  “Stay,” the Mayor said holding onto his arm.

  “Please let me go,” Elijah said his voice already quivering. The Mayor stood up and tried to look at Elijah but he had his head down. “What are you thinking, baby?”

  “Why?” Elijah asked. “Why would you do that with me if you—?” he indicated Grant sitting on the couch with his hand.

  “Grant doesn’t have anything to do with how I feel about you,” the Mayor said. Elijah snorted.

  “I love Grant,” the Mayor said. Elijah tried to jerk away, but the Mayor held on to his arm. “And I love you.” Elijah stopped struggling and searched the Mayor’s eyes.

  “You love me?” he asked unsure.

  “I love you.” The Mayor pressed his lips to Elijah’s. When he pulled back, Elijah looked at Grant. He was still sitting on the couch watching them, his expression inscrutable.

  “I don’t understand,” he said.

  “Come with me.” The Mayor put his arm around his shoulders and led him to the master bedroom. Elijah twisted his head around and saw that Grant was following them down the hall. Once they were all in the bedroom together, Elijah watched as Grant sat on the bed and began removing his shoes. The Mayor brought Elijah’s attention back to him with a kiss. His tongue teased the seam of Elijah’s mouth until he opened for him. He only broke their kiss a moment when he pulled Elijah’s shirt over his head.

  The Mayor said he loved him. It was all that mattered to Elijah. He wasn’t sure what the Mayor was expecting from him, but right now he didn’t care. He didn’t resist when the Mayor pulled his pants and underwear down and took his shoes and socks off.

  He led Elijah to the bed. Grant was completely naked in the middle sitting on his ankles. “Climb up on the bed and face Grant,” the Mayor said.

  Elijah gave one hesitant look then did as he was told. He mirrored Grant on the bed sitting on his ankles, but he kept his hands in his lap covering himself and his head down. The Mayor pulled a chair from the corner of the room to the center and sat down.

  “Elijah, I want you to look at Grant.” Elijah lifted his head. He was embarrassed to meet his eyes, but when he did he saw tenderness and concern.

  “Kiss him,” the Mayor said. Elijah briefly brushed his lips against Grant’s.

  “No, baby. I mean kiss him. Like I showed you.” Elijah leaned forward. “I’m sorry,” he whispered to Grant then kissed him again. This time he licked into his mouth and swirled their tongues together. He was scarlet when he pulled back.

  “Why did you say you were sorry?” Grant whispered to him when they broke apart.

  “Because you’re having to do this with me,” Elijah said.

  “What do you mean?” Grant asked incredulous. “Believe me, I want to do this with you. Can’t you see how hard you made me?” Elijah had been avoiding that particular part of Grant, but his question made him look down. His groin was shaved and his penis jutted from his body. It was smaller maybe four inches, but he had a large scrotum.

  “That was good, Elijah,” the Mayor praised. “Now I want you to touch his penis. Can you do that for me, baby?” the Mayor asked. Elijah had to move one of his hands out of his lap, but he leaned forward and hesitantly caressed his fingertips along Grant’s erect penis. Grant drew in a quick breath, and Elijah looked up. His pupils were dilated, and his face was starting to flush. Elijah was surprised that he could cause that kind of reaction in someone.

  “Good job, baby. Now get under the comforter and lay on your side facing away from Grant.” Elijah was relieved that he was able to cover himself. He heard Grant opening the nightstand drawer, and he could see the Mayor undressing. When he was down to his underwear, the Mayor crawled under the blankets with Elijah and started kissing him. He pulled Elijah’s leg over his hip and held it there. Elijah could feel when Grant got in bed behind him. Something hard and wet touched his anus, and he jumped.

  “It’s ok,” the Mayor said. “It’s just his finger.” He tried to distract him with more kisses. Grant’s finger slowly entered his butt. It didn’t hurt, but he felt like he needed to go to the bathroom. The Mayor licked in and out of his mouth as Grant’s finger slid in and out of his butthole. The two sensations together were making Elijah hard. He felt a second finger join the first inside him. It burned, and he felt overstretched.

  “Relax, baby,” the Mayor soothe. He played with one of his nipples while he continued to kiss him. Once he relaxed enough that he was getting hard again, the fingers left him.

  The Mayor was still holding Elijah’s leg over his hip, and he grasped his butt cheek and pulled slightly so that his anus was exposed. As Grant pushed the tip of his penis inside him, Elijah scrunched his face in pain. He buried his head in the Mayor’s muscular chest.

  “My poor baby,” the Mayor said sympathetically and kissed the top of his head.

  Grant continued until he was all the way inside. He paused to give Elijah a chance to recover. He could feel his ass muscles trying to push him back out. Elijah’s hands were balled up, but he never made a sound. Grant slowly started working in an out of his butt.

  It hurt. Elijah had to clench his teeth, but he was used to pain. The Mayor continued to hold him, and kiss him, and rub his back. It seemed to take forever, but finally Grant’s body stiffened, and he came.

  When he pulled out, Elijah told them he needed to go to the bathroom. Grant got up and let him off the bed. Once he was inside he couldn’t go, but he cleaned himself up. He was glad for a moment to gather himself.

  When he came back out the light was off, and he stood awkwardly outside the bathroom wondering if he was supposed to go back to his bedroom.

  “Are you alright, baby?” the Mayor asked from the darkness.

  “I’m fine,” Elijah answered him.

  “Come back to bed,” the Mayor said.

  Elijah left the light in the bathroom on and the door cracked so that he could see to walk. Grant was standing up, waiting on him beside the bed. He put his hands on Elijah’s upper arms.

  “Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked trying to search his eyes in the darkness. Elijah nodded, and Grant hugged him. He pulled the covers back, and Elijah climbed into bed. Grant and the Mayor slept holding hands with Elijah in between them.

  Elijah woke to the most incredible sensation. He opened his eyes. The table lamp was on, and the Mayor was on his side watching him. Elijah looked down his body. All the covers had been drawn away, and Grant’s head was between his legs nursing his already erect penis. Elijah moaned and couldn’t help thrusting up into Grant’s hot mouth. One of Grant’s lubricated fingers found its way to his sore butthole and pushed inside. He winced, and the Mayor turned his head with a hand on his face and kissed him. Grant’s expert mouth was too good, and Elijah came quickly his butt spasming around Grant’s finger.

  “Good morning, baby,” the Mayor said.

  Grant kissed his inner thigh. “Good morning,” Grant said.

  “Wow.” It was the only word Elijah could form. He let his head fall back to the pillow and closed his eyes.

  The Mayor and Grant left after breakfast. He asked Elijah to stay in his quarters again and rest. The Mayor had given him specific instructions that he was not to masturbate. Elijah knew that wouldn’t be difficult since i
t was something he rarely did. Also he had come more in the last couple of days than he normally did in a year.

  The Mayor also told him that he would only be allowed to orgasm from now on when there was something in his butt. Elijah thought that if that something was a penis, he might never come again. He didn’t like anal sex, last night confirmed that, but he was willing to do whatever the Mayor asked.

  After they finished their daily workout and the Mayor left the gym, Cole asked Grant the question that had been on his mind all morning. “So how’d it go with the kid?”

  Grant had been concerned about Elijah. He knew that he had hurt him last night even though he tried to be careful, but it wasn’t just the sex he was worried about. The Mayor could be heavy handed, and Elijah seemed very fragile. It still bothered him that he had apologized before they kissed.

  When they were in college, Grant worshipped Mitch. He was brilliant and though Grant was two years his senior, they graduated together. Mitch dominated his life, and he loved it.

  When the Mayor brought Jessie into their relationship, he thought that things couldn’t get any better. Then the Impact happened.

  Grant and Jessie had chosen their situation, but the Mayor decided for Cole and Elijah. Grant would never go against the Mayor, but he hoped that he knew what he was doing. Grant loved Cole, and he was already falling for Elijah. It would upset him if they were unhappy.

  He didn’t want to talk to Cole about the thoughts running through his head, so Grant replied, “Well, he wasn’t a wuss like you.”

  “What do you mean?” Cole asked on the defensive.

  “Oh! It hurts! It hurts! Take it out! Take it out!” Grant mimicked in a high whiny voice.

  “Asshole!” Cole said outraged and slightly embarrassed. He punched Grant in his shoulder. Grant smiled and punched Cole in his shoulder. Cole smiled back and punched him again. They started wresting, but Grant was bigger and more muscular. Cole ended up flat on his back with his arms pinned above his head. They were both breathing hard and staring into each other’s eyes. “Looks like I’m on top,” Grant said.


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