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Leman Page 17

by Serena Akeroyd

  He huffed. “These sales people, they’re not trustworthy. They lie.”

  She chuckled at his irritation. “Everyone lies. And they’re trying to sell you shit, of course, they’re going to lean on your confusion.”

  “That’s dishonorable.”

  “That’s America, baby.” He sniffed, and then, as things started to click, she asked, “Is that why I have a hundred red roses back home? Because the assistant said a hundred was the right number?”

  He grimaced. “Yes.”

  She cleared her throat; it was either that or laugh again, and he was already looking pissed off at having been taken for a ride. “Don’t worry, love. We can afford for you to keep being conned.”

  He bristled. “Wait until we’re in the other realm, and Goblins try to con you. Then I’ll be the one clearing my throat and biting my lip.”

  She snorted. “I can’t wait. I want to see a Goblin. You said they’ll make me something special to wear for court, didn’t you?”

  “Yes.” His lower lip popped out in a pout. “But I had them do something different for you. Circumstances made it so the tear stone was intact. I thought that it would be shameful to shatter it, when I managed to keep it whole.”

  “That makes sense, Ios,” she told him softly, appreciating his thoughtfulness once more.

  He was like no other male when it came to things such as this. Always seeing beneath the cracks. Looking deeper. Never taking anything for granted.

  Beneath a ceiling of twinkling lights, surrounded by people celebrating their relationships, at that moment, the feeling of rightness hit home so strongly it was like nothing else had made sense before.

  It didn’t matter that he hadn’t said it first. Didn’t matter that she’d be making herself vulnerable to him… when hadn’t he made himself vulnerable to her?

  Exploring and learning this wacky world for her comfort, learning how to fit into the coven, and live among her walkers… Then, there were touching revelations like with the tear stone.

  She could do no less than reach forward, uncaring that his eyes immediately swung down to her tits—hell, she’d worn a low cut, sheath dress for a reason—and grabbed his hand. “Ios,” she started, tone whisper soft. “I want to thank you for every single gift you’ve bought me. That you were thinking of me, so much, means the world to me.” Her eyes softened, her lips curling up in a cheeky smile that had his head tilting to the side in question. “I love you, Georgios.”

  He seemed to freeze, and then, she watched as he gulped. “The shop assistants weren’t lying then,” was all he said.

  Well, she hadn’t expected him to say that.


  “They said the chocolates and panties and flowers would make you love me.”

  She snorted. “I don’t love you because of them, dingbat. I love you because you’re you. And I love that you went to so much effort for me tonight, and all you really had to do was just give me that Dragon teddy bear. That was all you, wasn’t it?”

  His grin turned sheepish. “I saw it in a store when I was walking back from the portal the other day. I thought it was cute.” The little green monster had huge glittery wings and a big rounded snout. It was ugly as hell, but the sentiment?

  God help her that was more beautiful than anything else.

  He cleared his throat. “You know I love you, don’t you? And it has nothing to do with the mating mark.”

  “Now I feel like it has something to do with the mating mark,” she teased, watching as his eyes flared wide with distress. “I’m joking! Jesus, Georgios, calm down.”

  His grin was rueful. “I am well aware I’m not much of a catch, leman. I don’t need you to add to my woes.”

  She could do no less than gawk at him. “Are you being serious? Not much of a catch? You take that back right this goddamn minute, or I refuse to eat dessert with you.”

  Probably that alone made him realize how serious she was—exactly why she’d said it.

  Dessert was serious business now.

  “I have a past, Lara. You know this.”

  “I do, sure. But so do I. I’m not squeaky clean either, dammit. You know what I’ve had to do. What I’m capable of. You love me regardless.”

  “That’s different, and you know it.”

  His eyes flashed, but she didn’t care. That nictitating membrane appeared, because he was frustrated.

  “Why did he do it, Georgios?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. Not tonight. This is our night.”

  “It is, and that’s what makes it so important. My love for you isn’t going anywhere. But I think if you at least talk about this, put it in some semblance of order, you’ll feel better.”

  “He was jealous.”

  “Why? Of what?”

  “Everything and nothing.”

  “Be specific.”

  He shook his head. “Of her. Of other males at court. He said they looked at her, and she encouraged them. Mated or not. He accused her.”

  “I mean no disrespect, but did she do anything to feed that?”

  He sighed. “Who knows the inner workings of any relationship, leman? I would say not, but she obviously did something. Father used to be rational. I can’t believe he just went from sanity to insanity for no reason at all.”

  She pursed her lips. “Sometimes males are just bastards, Georgios. They beat on women because they can.”

  “Father wasn’t like that. He worshipped her. We always worship our lemans. We know no other way. That’s why I fought the Claiming for so long. His blood is tainted. The first in thousands of years to hurt a leman…to kill her, and to be executed for it.

  “It is not a heritage to be proud of, Lara.”

  “Maybe not, but there must be a reason.”

  He frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “Was he depressed? Had he started, I don’t know, smoking weed? Jesus, there are all kinds of reasons why a person’s character can change. And you’re talking about a different realm to this one. You have magick and all kinds of shit going on in yours.”

  He shook his head. “The court asked him why. He just said he was compelled to act.”

  “And you don’t think that’s weird?”

  “Of course I do, dammit,” he seethed. “But it’s not like it makes it any better.”

  “Georgios, don’t be stupid. It makes a huge difference. If he was acting under the influence, then it wasn’t him doing the deed, was it? After what happened with Megan and the coven, surely, you can see that?”

  He scowled. “What kind of ‘influence?’ I know of no magick or potion that could cause something like that.”

  She snorted. “Then obviously, the Goblins haven’t been trying hard enough. Any anti-psychotic meds here can turn people batshit. I read once about this woman who was on meds, and rather than helping her, it turned her into this psychotic serial killer. She started plotting the deaths of rapists.”

  He gawked at her. “This is a thing in this realm?”

  Jesus, his innocence astonished her sometimes. “What? The rape or the serial killing spree?”

  “Well, yes. Those, but also, anti-psychotic meds? What are meds?”

  “Medicine.” She shrugged. “Sure.”

  His thoughts turned inward a second, but he shook his head again. “I would like to think that there was a reason for his behavior, but it’s unlikely, leman.”

  “It might be, but until you look into it properly, ask around, you won’t know. I don’t feel like that’s something you’ve ever done, Georgios. The way you talk about it, I feel like you’ve probably been repressing everything since it happened.”

  He grimaced. “It was easier to deal with the pain.”

  “And that makes perfect sense, but now, you can see the situation through fresh eyes. You know what it’s like to have a leman. You have to imagine what it must be like to feel the one woman made for you, suddenly doesn’t return your feelings... What would that do to a mated Dragon?�

  He frowned. “Do you find no other male attractive?”

  She ran her finger around the wineglass… Wine was another new treat. She knew of other Vampires who’d appreciated the alcoholic beverage, but she’d never liked it. Until recently.

  “Physically? I guess. I can appreciate male beauty, just as I can look above us and appreciate how pretty this ceiling is, and how lovely that flower decoration is over there.” A great tumbling of orchids swept from overhead in a bountiful cascade of blooms, which swirled around the tables nearest the display. “Emotionally,” she tagged on, “I’m not interested.”

  He rubbed his chin. “Would I be jealous if I knew you appreciated another male’s appearance?”

  “I don’t think you’d like it if I shoved it down your throat,” she admitted. “But I don’t think it would make you overly jealous. You’d probably try to fuck the dude out of my memory. I think most guys would. But at the same time, I have no desire to make you jealous. Why would your mother want that? I mean, they were together a long time, sure. Was she bored?”

  “Though I know you’re unaccustomed to our ways, dearling, no,” he told her wryly. “Lemans, and their mates, do not grow bored of one another. They say that as the years pass the orgasms get better.”

  “That I can’t believe.”

  He nodded. Utterly serious. “It’s true. Especially after bearing a Dragonling. Everything intensifies.”

  She couldn’t help it, she gulped. “Seriously?” she whispered, tone hoarse. “Like, tonight, that could be better?”

  He shrugged. “Yes. According to other couples I know.”

  She blinked. “Jesus. No way another guy’s going to steal a woman’s interest if your own male can make you feel better than what I felt tonight.” She shook her head, somehow trying to come to terms with the fact sex would get better over the years, not staid.

  He’d kill her with orgasms.

  It was a nice way to go, but damn…

  “Now I refuse to believe your mom was eyeing up other guys. I want you to look into this, Georgios. I want it to be your real Valentine’s gift to me. I want you to find out what happened to your mom and what made your dad turn.”

  He blinked at her and, then, pulled their joined hands toward his mouth and kissed the backs of her fingers. “You are a wonder, dearling.”

  She grinned. “I know.”

  “Excuse me,” the server murmured, shooting them a happy look as she tried to put their plates in front of them.

  They smiled at her, asked for water, and let her bring the bottle to them before they tucked in.

  A faint gush of wind came through every time someone walked into the restaurant. It was barely noticeable, but it was enough to curl about her calves and make her glance over at the door.

  Mid bite of her salmon carpaccio, she peered up at the door and tilted her head to the side in surprise.

  “What’s wrong?” Ios asked, apparently picking up on the fact something was amiss. Probably because she’d stopped eating, which was her new favorite thing to do aside from being fucked by him. Or fucking him. Same difference considering each time, the pleasure was phenomenal.

  She pursed her lips. “You remember the Wolf Pack Alpha who attacked Max?”

  “How could I forget?”

  “Well, he just walked in through the door.”

  He blinked, then turned around to face the entrance. Seeing what she could see, a large bulky male in an ill-fitting suit—probably because he was uncomfortable in it, not because it didn’t fit him properly—with a very small woman, wearing a long dress with long sleeves. It could have been sexy, but it wasn’t. Somehow, it was baggy around her waist and hips. Like she was trying to cover herself up rather than be sexy by hiding all of her curves, yet having them on display at the same time.

  This was trash can liner sex appeal, which wasn’t very sexy at all.

  A little surprised that Max’s uncle’s female would be so plain, she reasoned it made sense. A man with as big an ego as he had would need to dominate those around him. Mates included.

  The maître d’ guided the couple to a table, but as the female took a seat, the Alpha veered off course and headed their way.

  Before Ios could do more than bristle at the male’s affront, she shot the bastard a smile.

  “I’d say it’s a pleasure, William, but we both know that’s a lie.”

  Shifter collectives never broke bread well with Vampire covens, but they were all aware of one another.

  They, uneasily, rubbed shoulders with one another for the sake of keeping a fragile peace among their races.

  William placed his hands on the table and loomed over them. His attempt at aggrandizing himself failed. Neither she nor Ios looked all that impressed at his puffed out chest, but she curled her foot about her mate’s leg just to be on the safe side—better to keep him close than have him leaping to his feet in defense of her.

  “I’ve heard about what went down in the flower shop. If you want to start a war with my Pack, you come to the man in charge, not some fucking florist.”

  She blinked at him, surprise filling her. Then, putting two and two together—the hundred roses accounted for her mate approaching a florist of late—she placed her hand on William’s. Then, before he could do more than blink at her fingers in bewilderment, her nightwalker appeared.

  Her nails didn’t turn into claws like they did in the Vampire movies, but her fingers grew stronger so that when she dug her nails into the back of his hand, she had the strength to shove her manicure deep into his skin.

  She didn’t stop until the scent of blood turned her eyes quicksilver.

  “If I want a war, I’ll declare it. Don’t worry, William. You’re safe, for the moment.”

  His mouth worked, and a faint moan of pain gurgled from between his lips. She retracted her nails from his hand and watched him as he shot a glare at her and her mate, and then, cradling his hand, strode off.

  She looked down at her nails, and the red French manicure she was now wearing.

  “Will you think badly of me if I lick my fingers?”

  Georgios wrinkled his nose. “Do you have to?”

  “It’s a waste to just wipe it off. Wolf blood tastes good.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I’ve been around,” was all she said, making him grunt with irritation. She grinned. “Anyway,” she said, licking her nails clean. “Be grateful I’m not angry with you. What did you do? It had to be you. It can’t be a coinkydink that you’ve been to a florist recently, and one who has caused trouble with the Pack.”

  He grimaced. “The florist was Pack. She was Max’s aunt, and when I asked after him and told her who you were, she gave us the roses as a thank you.”

  Lara blinked at that. “In truth?”

  “Yes. In truth.”

  “What else did you say?”

  “That we’d have Max’s back when he was old enough to challenge that prick.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Unless he’s recording her somehow, how would he know about any of that?”

  “If he’s concerned about the boy, maybe he has eyes on those closest to him. It’s the best way to prepare for a mutiny.”

  “Well, whatever he learned it wasn’t enough to go head to head with us, but enough to want to warn us off.” She hummed as she sucked the last of his blood off her fingertips.

  As unconcerned about the male’s posturing as she, he jerked his thumb back at William. “Glad I did now. Meeting the jerk doesn’t exactly make me like him more.”

  “Packs are always infighting. They’re the most blood hungry of the lot of them.”

  Ios nodded his agreement. “Dragons rarely fight. Unless it’s over lemans.”

  “Their safety?”


  She studied him, ever curious. “Don’t get me wrong, I always know you’re ready to step in and will take control of the situation if I can’t handle it… but you always wait. Let me take my own m

  “Because I know you can handle yourself in most situations. There’s no need for me to wade in where my interference would cause more hindrance than harm.”

  “That’s a very modern way of thinking.”

  He shrugged. “It makes up for my delight in knowing your belly may soon sport my mating mark.”

  She snorted. “You and that damn mark.”

  He grinned. “They’re important.”

  “If you say so.”


  “Where’s Mia?”

  Remy cocked a brow at him as he ran a hand over his hair and smoothed it back into place. He’d only just shifted back into this form, so Georgios forgave him his preening. “Why?”

  “I like the wench. Plus, she keeps you calm.”

  “What have you done?” Remy immediately demanded, shoulders bunching as though he were preparing himself for a hit.

  “Nothing!” he grumbled.

  “Then why do I need Mia to stay calm?”

  Georgios just grunted. “You take me so literally.”

  “How else can I take you? You can be an outright shit sometimes. That’s half our trouble. You get us into so much shit with the other factions that I spend half my time not dealing with House BS but Georgios BS.” Remy narrowed his eyes at him. “And don’t look so damn smug about it.”

  “You’ll be happy someday soon.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” came the immediate comeback.

  Rather than reply, Georgios beckoned Remy deeper into the cavern.

  As they strode toward a smaller seating area, where the air was humid thanks to the hot spring, as outside, the day was a tad bitter, Remy murmured, “Still no Lara?”

  “No. But we think she’ll manifest a mark on her stomach.”

  “That’s unusual.”

  He shrugged. “Nothing surprises me anymore.”

  “I can understand that,” Remy retorted and, as he took a seat, demanded, “Come on then, less of the secrecy. Why am I here?”

  “There’s a reason, but I have a question to ask first.”

  Remy wafted a hand. “Ask away. There’s no need to stand on ceremony, Georgios. Never has been. You know that.”


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