Rebound (Love Burns #1)

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Rebound (Love Burns #1) Page 4

by Yolanda Olson

  Arsen nervously chewed on his lower lip, while he waited for me to answer.

  “Sure,” I finally replied.

  He let out a huge sigh of relief and smiled. “Great! I’ll get your phone number from Max. Give me a few hours to do some work and get ready and I’ll give you a call, okay? Then we can set something up.”

  I nodded and Arsen grinned.

  In the background, I could hear the bus rolling away from the bus stop.

  Even though I knew the next one wouldn’t be along for another forty five minutes, I wasn’t mad.

  Just standing there and staring up into Arsen’s eyes was enough to make any feelings of desperation disappear.


  After I scrubbed myself clean, twice, I decided to lie on my couch. I was wearing my gray yoga pants and a ribbed tank top. I was glad I had left the window open because it was a hot day in Odessa Valley.

  The combination of the cool breeze and the fresh hot shower knocked me out in no time. When I finally opened my eyes again, it was dark outside and I smiled. I always did love the night sky here.

  I got off the couch and went over to the couch near the window and sat down. I looked up at the dark blue sky and saw a small smattering of stars.

  I sighed happily.

  I didn’t mind being in my small apartment here and I didn’t mind the city life; hell I was used to both of those. I just wasn’t and never would be used to the daily naked people writhing all over each other.

  I stretched my arms high over my head. A small blinking light on the coffee table caught my attention. I reached for my phone and pressed the button on the right side to bring the phone to life.

  Two missed calls and three text messages. Huh.

  I went to my call log first and dismissed the missed calls when I didn’t recognize the phone number.

  I opened my messenger and clicked on the new icon.

  4:03 pm: Hey, it’s Arsen.

  5:46 pm: Neve?

  7:32 pm: You must be asleep. We can go talk some other time. Sweet dreams, little lady.

  I looked at the time at the top of my phone. It was almost nine, but I decided to respond anyway.

  Me: Sorry. I fell asleep as predicted. :)

  Almost immediately I got a response.

  Arsen: It’s okay. I thought for a moment there that I scared you off already lol.

  I smiled at the text and tucked my legs underneath myself. I wanted to think of something witty to say. I bit my lip with a grin and responded.

  Me: I didn’t have to watch you have sex (if you even do that) trust me, I’m not scared.

  When Arsen didn’t respond right away, I set my phone down and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I came out a few minutes later and saw the light blinking on my phone. I jumped on the couch like a school girl and grabbed it.

  Arsen: You’ll never have to watch me.

  That’s it? It took him five minutes and that’s all he said?

  Me: Okay.

  Arsen: :)

  I rolled my eyes. Usually one word from one person and a smiley face from the other killed the entire conversation. Text messaging etiquette told me not to respond. If he had anything else to say, he would send me a message. I put the phone back down on the coffee table and went back to my other couch. After I located the remote, I laid down and turned the TV on.

  I settled on the Investigation Discovery Channel and glanced at my phone. Still no flashing light. I shrugged and tried to concentrate on the show that was on.

  I spent the first ten minutes of the program glancing at my phone, but gave up when the phone never blinked. I yawned when the show concluded. I could easily fall asleep again if I wasn’t so hungry.

  I grabbed my phone and just as I was about to call my favorite Chinese restaurant, Arsen’s number came across the screen.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “So. You’re still awake. Dirty pool, woman,” he replied, laughing.

  “Not for much longer. I was just about to call to have some food delivered, gorge myself, and pass out.”

  “What were you going to order?” he asked curiously.


  “I love Chinese.”

  I laughed. It was obvious that Arsen still wanted to hang out tonight.

  “Then tell me what you want and I’ll order it. It should get here before you do, unless you’re standing outside,” I teased.

  “No. I was earlier, but I left,” he joked.

  I laughed again and grabbed a pen and piece of paper and wrote down what he wanted.

  “Come over whenever you’re ready. And dress comfortably. I’m in my pajamas and don’t plan on changing,” I warned.

  “Maybe I’ll just throw on a pair of boxers and we can have a pajama party,” he replied.

  “Wear comfortable clothes,” I stressed.

  Arsen laughed and told me he’d be over as soon as he could.

  I called the Chinese restaurant and placed our order. I used my debit card to pay for it over the phone because to be honest, I had no idea where my cash was and I didn’t feel like looking for it.

  Fifteen minutes later, the delivery man knocked on my apartment door. Five minutes later, Arsen knocked.

  I looked through the peephole and my heart started to beat a little faster when I saw him. I smoothed out my hair and opened the door.

  “Comfortable enough for you?” he asked with a grin.

  I stepped back and smiled. He was wearing a loose pair of sweatpants, a black muscle shirt, and flip flops.

  “Come on in,” I said, shaking my head and laughing.

  Arsen dropped a bag on the carpet and looked around.

  Is that an overnight bag? He couldn’t have been serious about the pajama party.

  “What’s that all about?” I asked pointing at his bag.


  “This isn’t a sleepover party, buddy,” I replied, shaking my finger at him in mock seriousness.

  Arsen laughed and followed me as I went over to the tiny kitchen and started to pull containers out of the large brown paper bag.

  “If you look in that cabinet, there are plates,” I said, not looking up.

  While Arsen pulled out plates for us, I separated our food and reached into the drawer I kept my utensils in. I pulled out two forks and gave him one. I grabbed my container of pork fried rice, dumped half of it on my plate, and went into the living room. I set my food down and went back into the kitchen where he was busy putting portions of his order onto the plate.

  “Want a can of soda?” I asked, peering inside.

  “Sure. Anything is fine,” he replied.

  I grabbed two Cokes and went back into the living room. I sat on the couch and crossed my legs underneath myself, my plate on my lap, and cracked open my can. Arsen walked around the table and sat next to me. He handed me a napkin and sat back.

  “Thanks,” I replied absentmindedly as one of my favorite shows came on.

  “You’re welcome.”

  We sat and ate in silence for a little bit, while the first story came and went. By the time the third and final part of the show had come on, I put my empty plate on the table and Arsen had stopped eating to stare at the program.

  “What the hell are you watching?” he asked.

  “It’s a show about women killers. It’s pretty cool; my favorite on this channel,” I replied.

  I felt his eyes on me as he stared but I didn’t turn to meet his gaze. It was the same look that Addie always gave me when I had this on and all I could do was an internal eye roll.

  “Trust me, this sure beats watching people fucking all day,” I said dryly.

  He chuckled and went back to eating his food. The program usually lasted a half an hour or so, but since I could tell he was uncomfortable watching it, I made up some bullshit excuse about how these were reruns and that there was a movie on Netflix I wanted to see.

  I flipped through the new arrivals section until I found something that looked
halfway decent and pressed play.

  Arsen finished his food and stood up, grabbing my plate as well, and went into the kitchen. I heard them clink slightly as he placed them in the sink and ran water over them. I glanced over and saw that he wasn’t just rinsing them off and leaving them there, he was washing them.


  I turned my attention back to the movie, when my phone screen lit up. I leaned over and glanced at it.

  “Adesynne Lee,” I exclaimed into the phone.

  “How’s it going over in sex world?” she asked with a laugh.

  Arsen made his way back to the couch, but stopped and picked something up off the ground curiously. I became mortified when I saw that he was holding the bra I had taken off when I walked in the door earlier and tossed. He turned it around and looked at the tag curiously, then grinned and set it down on the couch.

  “What was the point of that?” I asked him.

  “The point of what?” Addie asked in confusion.

  “Not you. Hold on,” I said into the receiver, before I put the phone against my chest.

  “Well?” I asked him.

  “Curiosity, I guess,” he replied with a shrug and a grin.

  “Pig,” I said rolling my eyes. “Hello?” I said, putting the phone back to my ear.

  Arsen was laughing in the background which immediately piqued Addie’s interest.

  “Do you have a boy over, Neve?” she asked excitedly.

  “Yeah, we’re having a pajama party,” I replied.

  “Put him on the phone! I wanna talk to him!”

  I glanced at Arsen who was watching the movie with his head leaned back on the couch and his arms crossed over his chest.


  He kept watching the movie without responding.

  “Arsen?” I said, giving him a gentle shove.

  “Sorry, I didn’t know you were talking to me,” he replied with a sheepish grin.

  “My cousin wants to talk to you,” I said, holding out the phone.

  Please don’t embarrass me, I prayed silently as he took the phone.

  “Hello?” he said with an overly deep voice.

  I reached over and gave him a shove and he laughed.

  I did my best to tune out their conversation. I knew Addie wouldn’t be able to keep it to herself long anyway, so eventually I would hear about it.

  I curled up into a ball and rested my head on the arm of the couch. Five minutes later I heard Arsen say his good-byes and heard him set the phone down on the couch.

  “Can I ask you something?” he asked, clearing his throat.

  “Sure,” I replied with a yawn. “I hope she wasn’t too embarrassing, by the way.”

  He let out an uneasy laugh and I shifted myself so that I could look at him.

  “Why did you take the job at Devil’s Den?” he asked, glancing over at me.

  “Addie. She tricked me. She told me she found a job that would be perfect for me considering my Master’s. She said she had already spoken to the HR department there and they said they would love to have me on board. She gave them my phone number, I did a phone interview, and here I am,” I replied.

  “But if you’re not happy there, then why stay?”

  I sighed heavily.

  “Because it’s the only job offer I’ve got. Not to mention that they took a chance on me; I’m not going to just jump ship. I’ll stick around as long as they need me or as long as I can stomach this pornography mess. Whichever comes first.”

  Arsen scoffed and shook his head before he sighed and leaned back on the couch again.

  “Why? What did Addie say to you?” I asked suspiciously.

  “Nothing,” he replied.

  “She must’ve said something if you’re asking me about Devil’s Den,” I replied.

  “Where do I sleep?” he asked changing the subject.

  I rolled my eyes. Apparently this was a sleepover. I adjusted myself on the couch again so that I could watch the movie.

  “There’s a door to the right of the kitchen. That’s the bedroom; it’s all yours for tonight. I prefer the couch,” I said.

  “I think I’m going to turn in. Good night,” he said getting to his feet.

  I reached out and grabbed his leg as he walked past me. He glanced down at me questioningly.

  “She’s going to tell me eventually. I love Addie, she’s my best friend, but the girl can’t keep a secret to save her life.”

  “Good night, Neve,” he repeated softly as pulled away from me and grabbed his bag. I heard the bedroom door open then close.

  I reached over for my phone and sent Addie a message.

  Me: What did you say to him? He’s all weird now.

  Addie: Told him about your v card.

  My mouth dropped open. Of all the things she could’ve said to him, she decided to tell him that I was a virgin?!

  Me: I wasn’t going to sleep with him, you know!

  Addie: It’s not that Neve. I just feel bad about you working in Pornlandia and I thought he could help you get out of there.

  Me: I’m a big girl, Adesynne Lee. I can take care of myself. You don’t need to tell everyone that I’m still a virgin. It doesn’t make me any less human or more fragile than the next person.

  She didn’t respond. I decided to turn my phone off, because even if she did, nothing she said was going to make me any less angry at her right now. I sat up and reached across the table for the quilt I slept with. I pulled it up over my head and shut out the world for the rest of the night.

  Not that the night cares what a virgin does anyway.




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