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TakingOverMe Page 7

by Sara Brookes

  And to hear he was a Dom? Jesus, the man was a walking sex machine. To hear about his kinky interests did nothing to deter her. In fact, it made her all the more fascinated with him. She always thought she was open to new possibilities. He was definitely someone she wanted to teach her things that expanded her horizons.

  “I thought we were going to your house. What is this place?”

  “It’s a warehouse. I share rent payments with a few others.” He dug around in his pocket, pulling out a small ring of keys. “After college, I fell into a habit of buying properties, fixing them up, then selling them for a profit. Came across this place and there was just something about it. Couldn’t let her go.” He gestured for Allison to go inside. “I actually own the whole building outright. My apartment is on the second floor. I charge the three others rent to put toward upkeep for the entire building. Since I’m the owner, though, I named the place Sanctuary.”

  Lights flickered on as they stepped inside. Bare-wood walls created a long hallway stretching out to the left. It resembled a typical warehouse with exposed steel beams overhead and plain gray concrete floor underfoot. “Is Alex one of the other renters?”

  “Uh, no.” He gave a quiet chuckle. “Alex’s not interested in anything that goes on in here.”

  The bolt slipped into place as he locked the door. A twinge of nervous energy coursed through her at the grating metallic sound. She ordered the butterflies in her stomach to settle. They had no business flitting around. She was committed now. Damned if she’d back down.

  While she’d never partaken in anything such as this, it didn’t mean the thought had never crossed her mind. When Daniel had wrapped her wrists, she’d felt a tug inside that had been so much more than simple arousal. She hadn’t been able to put a name to the feeling then, but when it had become obvious he’d tied her up for his pleasure and not hers, the feeling had vanished into the ether. It hadn’t reappeared until she’d stepped into Perfect Shot and found a very lost man.

  Something told her Patrick would do what he could to ensure they both had an enjoyable time. Especially after the way he’d just kissed her. His kisses did magical things to her body. Special things that nearly made her eyes cross. He made her feel…desired.

  She definitely needed to explore how much deeper those feelings went. The tug she felt when he talked about dominance, submission and bondage had told her she’d been looking for something all along. Even if she didn’t know what it was.

  “So, Sanctuary? Just what goes on in here?” she teased. He smiled as he punched in the numbers on the alarm control panel. He turned, sliding her hand in the crook of his arm as they walked down the hallway. This guy is almost too good to be true. She had the distinct impression Patrick believed a man should take great care of the woman in his life. It flew in the face of the conversation about restraints and BDSM. At least as far as her knowledge of the terms went.

  “Various things, depending on whose company you’re in. They’re all friends of mine, which is how this all got started in the first place. We discovered a mutual interest for things outside of the norm and the rest—as they say—is history.”

  Whoa. She could never talk about this sort of thing with her friends. He was lucky to have people who kept his confidence, especially in a town with a large population influx every few months. “You know there’s a sex club outside of town, just past Old Man Reever’s Ranch. Some of the guys at the office were talking about it a few months ago. Elementals or something, I think. Why couldn’t you just go there?”

  “Element Twenty-Six. So named after the element—”

  “Iron,” she interrupted with a quiet laugh. Stupid high school chemistry labs. “The twenty-sixth element in the periodic table. Quite clever for a sex club, actually.”

  His gaze narrowed. “Have you been there?”

  “Considering the fact I’ve spent most of my adult life single—no.”

  “Relationship status doesn’t really matter. Despite a very vigorous screening process, they are open to just about anything.”

  She felt her cheeks heat at the deep intonation in his voice. “Oh right. No, I’ve never been. Have you?”

  “Yes. Only as a guest though. Elena goes to the club quite often. She asked me to observe a session with a new sub she’d taken on a few years ago. We discussed what I saw and I offered a few suggestions.” Patrick touched a finger to the back of her hand. “It’s mainly for those with more…eclectic taste. A lot of the people who go there enjoy playing voyeur while other people have sex. Even perhaps engaging in sexual acts with multiple partners. There’s nothing wrong with it by any stretch of the imagination. I, unlike them, prefer one partner at a time. Not to mention the fact I don’t fuck for an audience.”

  A strong surge of emotion ran through her. Without any further encouragement, the sensation swelled and her pussy began to tingle. “Mr. Conners, we seem to have a lot in common when it comes to sex.”

  “Care to find out just how much?” He spun, putting his body directly in front of her. She admired the feral heat in his eyes, feeding off the potency.

  While she appreciated the offer, a niggling in the back of her mind told her they would both regret giving in to their desires so soon. Especially after this kind of agonizing build up. Anything that didn’t involve what he’d told her earlier would be a serious disappointment. She wasn’t about to have their first time together be anything less than what he’d propositioned. Besides, she was hooked now. She wanted to know if those images in her head were anywhere close to the reality.

  But there was a piece of business she wanted to attend to. “Give me a tour first. Please,” she added when he tilted his head in question.

  “If you’re unsure about this—”

  She pressed a fingertip against his lips. “I’m fine. I just want to know a little bit more about you and this part of your life. It’s interesting, just as you are.”

  “Fair enough. As I said, this place is one big warehouse.” He released her arm to walk over to the closest wall. “These walls can be erected and rearranged depending on what activities are going on. Right now, because all the walls are up, there are four distinctly individual rooms.”

  Each room was tucked into a corner so they left a wide walkway up the center of the warehouse. “And what sorts of activities happen when all the walls are down?”

  His hand skimmed over the nape of her neck, causing a shiver to travel along her spine. “Anything a person’s imagination can conjure. From what I hear, Elena had the whole floor opened up for a party for a friend once. Having heard the stories about Elena’s parties, I chose that particular weekend to pay a visit to my mother up north.”

  “A sex party? You mean an orgy?”

  “Just a regular party for a friend. A birthday party, I believe. While the vast majority of things that happen here are sexual, sometimes it’s simply used for the big space that it is.” He tapped the end of her nose and smiled. “Elena has her moments. But she has also had an orgy or two in here. She enjoys the voyeurism aspect of sex. Both watching and being watched.”

  The familiar way he spoke about Elena made her wonder if he’d ever participated with her. It certainly wouldn’t be a surprise. But his past was his own and not something she was particularly interested in. She only cared about the here and now.

  With a mind accustomed to organization, she recognized the practical application of the arrangement. “You know I get it. Not only does this provide a private environment where only those invited can enter, it’s also safe. This kind of arrangement allows the four of you to keep your living quarters completely removed from your sex lives.” Of course, being who she was, she also thought of the other uses. “Just think of the network servers you could have in here, or even set up a massive screen over on that wall—”

  “I have other ideas for that wall.” His voice resonated low, caressing her skin.

  With a sheepish grin, she shrugged. “Once a geek, always a geek. Sorry.”
  “I’m quite fond of this particular geek. She’s quite alluring. Guess I never mentioned I find smart women very, very sexy.” His mouth closed abruptly over hers. While it wasn’t as demanding as their earlier kiss, it still spoke of control and desire. It was clear he meant everything he’d said during their dinner conversation. She found herself utterly enthralled.

  He ended the kiss, continuing on as if nothing had happen as he told her about the room tucked in the far left corner. “Dade Ellingson is the one who uses this place the most, as he lives with a roommate. It seems easier to find someone who disagrees with your lifestyle choices than someone who agrees. Needless to say, Dade’s choices aren’t ones his roommate condones.”

  She waited for him to continue, but he only stared at her blankly. Finally, her curiosity got the better of her. “Okay, I’ll bite. Why?”

  “Dade isn’t exactly discriminate about his sexual needs. That’s not to say he’s unsafe or has sex with everything that moves. But he does have a very strong preference for multiple partners sharing his bed at the same time.”

  “Not surprising. A few of my friends and I had a bit too much to drink one night while we were gaming. Lots of jokes about getting between me and another female. Ultimate male fantasy, I suppose. A kind of test for a guy to see if he has the stamina to please both chicks at the same time.”

  “If only things were that simple.” He combed his fingers through her hair. The touch felt so comforting, she nearly became lost to the slow strokes. “His preference is for a woman and another man to share his bed. Dade’s bisexual. Though if you ask him, he’ll tell you he’s tri-sexual. He’ll try anything once. I’m not scaring you, am I?”

  “Actually, it’s fascinating. I’ve always heard about this kind of thing, but to know it’s actually happened right here—wow. So, that’s Elena and Dade. Who’s the third?”

  “Ryan Flynn. That’s his room.” He pointed to the door nearby, then pushed his hand through his hair, mussing it. “I have no idea what’s behind the door either, before you ask. I have my suspicions based on living above this place, but I don’t know for certain.”

  Bet that would be quite the story to hear. “Suspicions?”

  “I’ve heard Dade and Elena when they’re here on their respective nights. But as I’ve never heard Ryan when I know for a fact he’s here on a particular night, I suspect he’s soundproofed his room. I’ve always taken it as a good indication of some pretty hardcore interests. Well beyond my realm of knowledge.” From the admiration in his voice, it may have been something beyond his scope, but he still respected it. “Right now, I think everything is just collecting dust. He rarely comes here anymore except to help rearrange things.”

  She respected the whole setup. Most people kept things such as this at arm’s length or ridiculed it because they didn’t understand. These four people had found a way to make it work. Not everyone was so lucky. “You said his room is a secret, but you also said all the walls can be taken down.” Upon closer inspection, she looked to where the walls met and found the seam. He hadn’t kidded around, the damn walls were portable.

  “If someone needs anything rearranged, Ryan is the one who handles the setup and take down. That also ensures he’s the only one who knows what’s in his room. Privacy is something Ryan believes in wholeheartedly. That’s part of the agreement I made with him. So I don’t bother to ask more questions than are needed. There’s a reason the four of us have this place and confidentiality is the biggest. Besides, my interests are far more tuned to my room than the others.”

  “As it should be.” Since he mentioned his room, it seemed as if it would be a perfect time to ask him the question that had been on her mind since they’d arrived. “And your room is?”

  “Not as exciting as you probably think.”

  The sound of her laughter echoed off the high ceiling. That delightful noise caused the fire at the base of his spine to flare to life again.

  “Patrick, you own a warehouse and rent it out to your friends so they can use it to fulfill their sexual needs. From the sound of it, they’re pretty varied interests. Somehow, I think that’s pretty damn exciting.”

  He smirked. “When you put it that way, I suppose it does sound interesting.” When she grinned, his heart rate spiked. His room was an entirely different matter. Showing her would totally expose him. Display every kink he had with one quick sweep of the room. In there, he wouldn’t have anywhere to hide.

  “You know, I could hook you up with some type of key card device instead of a tumble lock. One good kick and someone would have no problem breaking in. May be something to keep in mind, considering how tight-lipped one of your roommates tends to be.”

  There was something special about her. Here he was mulling over how she’d react to his room and she’d just tried to sell him security equipment. “Most women wouldn’t try to sell me a new security lock for an interior door when I have them in such a precarious position.”

  A flush of pink tinged her cheeks as her gaze fell to the floor. “Now you understand why I’m single.”

  A stab of anger lanced through him, overtaking his apprehension. His fingers trailed over her shoulder before they wrapped around her upper arm. “Any jerk who broke things off with you because you were simply yourself is a complete ass. One who deserves to have his balls twisted in a knot and secured until they fall off. They have no idea what a good thing they let go.”

  His mouth took hers as he swung them both into the room. The door slammed shut. She melted in his arms, pushing hard against the ridge of his cock. He wanted nothing more than to take her against the wall. But he needed to see her in his leather. He reluctantly pulled away, his lips throbbing from the kiss. “On the other hand, maybe I should be thanking them for their idiocy. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here with me right now.”

  He tapped the rocker switch to flip on the lights, lighting the darkest recesses of the room. He leaned against the wall, watching her as she took it all in. Even after all the years he’d been a part of this agreement and all the time he’d spent here since then, he still marveled at the fact he’d made this space his own. He’d worked long and hard to make sure anyone who accompanied him through the door felt as comfortable as if they were in their own home.

  He’d kept the colors soft and muted. The furnishings simple and understated. While he’d spared no expense, he’d purposefully set out for a low-key and sedate atmosphere. A wide row of windows along one wall currently sat uncovered. With the touch of a button, light-blocking curtains would swing into place. He took his privacy very seriously. Especially when it came to the warehouse.

  “This is the only room with windows. One of the perks of being the landlord. I got to force my hand about which area I wanted.”

  “You made a good choice. Totally not what I expected at all.”

  “Did you expect a dimly lit dungeon with floggers, ball gags, ropes and whips?”

  “As silly as that may sound—yes.”

  He didn’t blame her. Most people had those same preconceived notions about what this sort of lifestyle entailed. The St. Andrews cross he’d attached to the wall behind them was just the kind of thing most people thought of when they heard about BDSM. It also showed he wasn’t entirely opposed to the darker aspects of the lifestyle. It was the one piece of equipment in the room that stood out as bold and downright sinful.

  “Don’t get me wrong, those things have their place—for the right person. I’m more apt to mix seduction with my tastes, which don’t run toward whips and chains. I find a certain fascination with tying someone up. It’s well beyond slapping leather against skin and ordering someone to do what I want. This is definitely not about getting each other off.” He paused, studying her eyes. When they remained clear, he continued. “What gets you off, Allison? Tell me.”

  She leaned in, pressing her forehead into his chest. He slid his arms around her shoulders, pulling her closer. A lot had been dumped on her in a very short period of ti
me. He fought the tightness in his chest as he waited for her to respond while he also battled the urge to push her before she was ready.

  “Definitely not orgy, multiple-partner type stuff like you described earlier. I’d rather be focused on just one person at a time.”

  A surge of energy revved the thoughts forming in his mind. “How do you feel about leather?”

  She jerked against him. He lifted her face again, relieved to find her smiling. She gestured to her hips with the sweep of her hand. “My ass is so not made to wear it.”

  He laughed as he caressed her jaw. Moving away, he stepped to a table near the door. The delicate silver latch felt cold under his fingers as he flipped open the ornately carved box. Situated in the center of the white silk were the items he’d bought a week ago.

  He turned, presenting his gifts to her. “While I’d dispute how I think your ass would look encased in leather, I was thinking more of the wrist area.”

  Chapter Five

  Allison stared at the circles of leather he offered. Those butterflies in her stomach suddenly increased tenfold. Her fingers shook as she reached out a tentative finger to touch the edge of one of the cuffs. The leather was smooth and surprisingly warm. For some reason, she’d expected it to be cold to the touch.

  Patrick cleared his throat. “You should know I bought these recently. Just a day or so after we first met, in fact.”

  She pulled her hand away, unsure if she wanted to touch them any longer. A thread of doubt slithered through her stomach. “Some would say that’s a bit presumptuous of you.”


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