by Sarah Berman
and KR’s IQ test
leaves school
meets KR
physical appearance
works for Consumers’ Buyline
Hutchinson, Heidi
and KR’s IQ test
on KR’s tactics
opinion of KR
and sister’s involvement with KR
hypnosis. See also neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
importance of rapport in
KR’s interest in
KR’s use of
and memory
Igtet, Basit
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Cialdini)
integration concept
intelligence testing
International Center for Change
Jackson, Mark
Jansen, Carlyle
Jeske, Barbara
accusations against by Natalie
and adoption cover story
and relationship with KR
sexual relationships
funding sources
and male and female tendencies
meeting attended by Miljkovic
and primitive hypothesis
sermon on child sexual abuse
Vancouver meetings
Vicente’s concerns about
view of women
Johnson, Sheila
Junco, Rosa Laura
jury, Raniere trial
Kahneman, Daniel
Keeffe, Kristin
approaches to Natalie
becomes involved with KR
becomes pregnant
birth of child
and Bouchey’s future
cancer diagnosis and treatment
coded language
confirmed as Gaelyn’s mother
and Daniela’s return to Mexico
and hacking of E. Bronfman
and information-gathering undertakings
joins forces with Bouchey against KR
as KR’s spiritual wife
lawsuits brought by
leaves NXIVM with Gaelyn
and phony Zuckerman intervention
physical description
praises NXIVM to Yusko
role in NXIVM
and Ross surveillance
shares NXIVM secrets with Bouchey
and Snyder disappearance
spying activities
Kirsopp, Rodger
The Knife of Aristotle
Knight, Judy “J.Z.”
Kobelt, Jenn
calls Edmondson
confronts Roberts
learns about DOS
reads of branding allegations
realizes reality of NXIVM
Kreuk, Kristin
Krowchuk, Chad
attends first intensive
changing social circle
difficulty paying for NXIVM courses
hears of NXIVM
and Mack break up
on Mack’s acceptance of NXIVM
physical description
reservations about NXIVM
sees benefits of NXIVM
Landmark Education
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit (TV show)
Leadership Dynamics Institute
Lifton, Robert Jay
limiting beliefs
Loken, Kristanna
Mack, Allison
acceptance of NXIVM idealism
arrest of
and arrest of KR
attends NXIVM weekend retreat
benefits of NXIVM
branding of
changes in personality
changing social circle
character and personality
charges against
cooperation with FBI
demand for increased collateral
devotion to KR
enlists Nicole as slave
friendship with Miljkovic
health of
and intimate photos
introduces weekly slave meetings
invited to meet KR
and Krowchuk break up
leads Ultima Acting
low-calorie diet
Miljkovic meets
and Nicole friendship
Nicole tells about blindfolded experience
pleads guilty
progress in NXIVM
punishment meted out to
role in preparing Nicole for slavery
support for KR
symbols of slavery
takes Miljkovic to volleyball game
and threat of collateral release
visits KR in Mexico
vow to KR
Marianna (sister to Daniela)
eating disorder
friendship with Cafritz
joins Daniela in Albany
lives in Cafritz’s house
pregnancy of
relationship with KR
as translator for mother
Martin, Dr. Paul
Matol International
Maxwell, Ghislane
media, KR criticism of
Mega Society test
memories, repressed or “false”
Daniela’s desire to return to
growth of NXIVM in
KR hideout in
NXIVM documentary about violence in
plan to lure Bouchey to
Michele (nanny, slave)
Milano, Alyssa
Milgram, Stanley
Miljkovic, Maja
attends volleyball game
concerns about NXIVM
decides to stay in Albany
early doubts about NXIVM
eating habits
friendship with Mack
impression of KR
interest in NXIVM acting classes
KR requests presence of
learns about NXIVM
meets KR
moves in with Mack and Vicente
on New York Times’ KR investigation
progress in NXIVM
work status in U.S.
misogyny, in NXIVM
Daniela’s preference for
KR deception about
KR’s views on
Muktananda, Swami
multi-level marketing. See also Consumers’ Buyline; pyramid schemes
business model
challenges of
Jness as
KR closes companies
KR starts nutritional supplements company
KR view of
and self-help industry
failure of
Myers, Ben
Natalie, Toni
dissension with KR
harassment by KR
hypnotherapy and
information gathering on
as intimidation “patient zero”
joins Consumers’ Buyline
lawsuits against
leaves KR
meets KR
moves to Albany
physical description
rape acc
usations against KR
relationship with KR
reliance on N. Salzman
neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
confusion techniques
critics of
eye movement theory
founders of
importance of rapport in
KR interest in
KR techniques used by
N. Salzman as practitioner of
techniques used in NXIVM
Nicole (actor)
ambivalence over KR’s requests
blindfolded by KR
and branding
and collateral concept
commits to the Vow
and demand for collateral
emails with KR
friendship with Oxenburg
goes for walks with KR
Hildreth tells about NXIVM
initial assessment of acting classes
instructed to reach out to KR
introduced to and joins the Vow/DOS
KR asks for trust
KR describes master-grandmaster relationship
KR reveals as Mack’s master
and Mack friendship
and Massachusetts weekend getaway
meets Hildreth
meets KR
meets Mack
meets with KR in executive library
preference for stage acting
relationship with KR
resistance to Vow practices
sexual relationship with KR
takes first NXIVM class
takes Source classes
testimony of
tied up by KR
undresses for KR
victim statement
wants to leave the Vow
and weekly slave meetings
Novello, Antonia
NXIVM. See also collateral/collateral concept
accusations against Kobelt and Edmondson
acting and writing classes
advancement opportunities in
alarm within at allegations
appoints new members to board (2009)
Bronfman investments in
business model, practices, and funding
case against Ross
class content
compared to Scientology
conditioning techniques used by
constraints on students
contradictory principles
cost of courses and programs
critics and enemies of
as a cult and cult-like aspects
culture of
denies link to DOS
educational programs for children
enters Canada
founding of
growth of
hacking attempts
influence of Scientology on
intimidation methods
lawsuits undertaken by
meaning of name
misogyny in
Mobius classes
as multi-level marketing enterprise
and New York Times story
opinion of couples’ relationships
political connections
and poor public relations
proposed Halfmoon training center
real estate ownership
recruitment techniques
response to NXIVM Nine
rules and rituals
secrets shared in classes
stripe path
structure of
and suppressive people
surveillance schemes
teachings of
Ultima program
women’s attraction to
Yusko’s reporting on
obedience experiments
Odato, Jim
O’Hara, Joe
and adoption cover story
concern about NXIVM children’s programs
concern for Gaelyn
intimidation of
lawsuits against
open marketing
Outrageous Betrayal (Pressman)
Oxenberg, India
Padilla, Daniella
Padilla, Sandy
Park, Grace
Parlato, Frank
Patel, Krishna
Patrick, William Penn
Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson (Bandler and Grinder)
Penza, Moira Kim
Piesse, Bonnie
Plyam, Natalia
Plyam, Yuri
Powers, Kenny
Pre-Paid Legal
Pressman, Steven
primitive hypothesis
The Program (Natalie)
pyramid schemes
racketeering charges
against KR
against L. Salzman
Mack conviction
N. Salzman pleads guilty to
against NXIVM leaders
racketeering legislation
Rainbow Cultural Garden
Rambam, Steve
Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment
Rand, Ayn
Raniere, James
Raniere, Keith
acting theories
admits to secret relationships
arrest in Mexico
athletic abilities
attitude to women
beliefs about sex and monogamy
books consulted by
calorie intake and discipline theory
character and personality
charges against
claimed accomplishments
claims about Consumers’ Buyline
claims of innocence
commodities trading
confirmed as Gaelyn’s father
confrontation with Daniela
creates language program
and Daniela confinement
defends hacking
demand for vow of obedience
desire by others to please
desire for own country
discipline and control methods
disputes cult label
early years and education
evidence against
on facing fears
first job
and Forbes article
found guilty
and graphic photos
grooming and recruiting methods
high IQ myth
influences on
interest in hypnosis
interest in money making
language and manner of speaking
launches Consumers’ Buyline
lawsuits instigated by
legal defence
legal team
on love and pain
makes claims to ordering killings
manipulation/use of women
and media analysis
meeting with NXIVM Nine
and Mexican kidnapping/murder
money and value philosophy
moves to Clifton Park
myths about
New York Times’ investigation into
noncompete agreement
and Parlato battle
physical description of
on power
power of
preferred female types
and primitive hypothesis
pubic hair preferences
ublic image vs. private reality
rape accusations against
reincarnation theories
on roles of men and women
scouting for women
secret relationships
self-help theories of
sentencing of
sexism of
sexual preferences
sexual relationships
slaves of
sleeping habits
and Snyder disappearance
speaking style
spiritual wives of
spying activities
tactics and techniques used by
as teacher
teaches creative writing
theory of investment vs. charity
Times-Union story about
trial of
underwear obsession
use of abortion
use of word “slave”
Vanguard role
views on birth control
Rational Inquiry
Raz, Amir
readiness drills
Rees, Maegan
reincarnation beliefs
Robbins, Tony
Roberts, Lucas
Ross, Rick Alan
information gathering on
NXIVM legal cases against
NXIVM surveillance of
opinion of NXIVM
and phony Zuckerman intervention
poor quality of surveillance on
Sutton intervention attempt
Roswell (TV show)
Russell, Kathy
Salinas, Emiliano
Salinas de Gortari, Carlos
Salzman, Lauren
admits to lying
arrest of
and arrest of Raniere
becomes slave
belief in KR
and branding ceremony
collateral of
cooperation with FBI
and Daniela’s confinement
defence of initiation ceremony
defends DOS practices
desire to have KR’s child
editing of branding video
and Edmondson friendship
and “family photos”
feelings of exclusion
health of
joins NXIVM
lies to Edmondson
meets KR
meets with Daniela
need for KR’s approval
as NXIVM employee
offers position to Daniela
physical appearance
plea deal
and problem of Daniela
reasons for joining NXIVM
recruits Edmondson into DOS
relationship with KR
returns to NXIVM board
role as peacemaker
testimony in KR trial
Vicente expresses concerns to
warns KR of Edmondson and Ames anger
Salzman, Nancy
admiration for KR
arrest of
and Banks’s milk allergy
Bouchey concerns about
claims of celibacy
coaching Daniela
cooperation with FBI
and Daniela theft
dispute with Banks
and Dones conflict