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Mitch Page 6

by Dakota Rebel

“Stop that,” I growled.

  “Why should I? You’re obviously enjoying yourself.” His tongue flicked out, licking his bottom lip. “Or did you want…”

  He unbuttoned my jeans, his eyes never leaving mine.

  “No.” Even to me, the word sounded like a lie. Before tonight, I would never have guessed my resolve was so weak. I had never been seduced away from a job before. No, I tracked them, found them and put them down. There was no room for fucking in the equation.

  He opened my zipper and brought me back to the situation at hand. It didn’t matter how attractive he was. I had a job to do. I was letting him distract me too much. I needed to forget about that night at Torque. I thought I wanted to for a minute…until I looked at him.

  I stepped backward, but his hands latched onto my legs again. I fell backward, landing on the couch behind me.

  “Much better,” he purred. He gripped my jeans and pulled. Before I really realized what he’d done, my bare ass landed on the cold leather sofa.

  I must have looked as shocked as I felt because he laughed. It was a great laugh, deep and throaty, full of sex more than any real humor.

  He wrapped his hands behind my calves, gently pulling and urging me to slide closer to him. Sitting there, near-naked and hard, I knew I had lost. I’d probably known it since I’d opened the door, but arguing just seemed pointless once he had me naked and ready for him.

  I stared into those moss-green eyes, so much older than the face that held them, and knew I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t kill him. Even if I conjured the willpower to get dressed and walk away, I would never be able to drive a stake though his chest, could never mar that perfect, pale flesh, could never look into his face and watch as his life faded away.

  I was fucked.

  Chapter Six

  “Kiss me.”

  His eyes widened slightly, but he didn’t question his good fortune. He climbed up my body, his legs straddling my hips. I reached up to him, taking another handful of that silken hair, and finally pulled his face against mine. His tongue pushed my lips apart, exploring my mouth. I moaned at the feel of that warm, wet muscle wrestling with my own. He tasted like a spicy candy, sweet and savory all at once. I found myself wanting to taste every inch of him again as if my memory of him wasn’t good enough anymore. I gripped his hair harder, keeping him pressed tight to me while I enjoyed every second of that body and mouth on me.

  He sighed into my mouth, shifting his hips up so that he was on his knees over me, his hands held the sides of my face, keeping me still while he continued his exploration. His erection pressed hard against my torso, and I wanted him. In that moment, nothing mattered but the two of us and what I needed from him.

  I let go of his hair so I could pull at his shirt, urging him to take it off. He raised his arms, reminding me of my earlier fantasy.

  “I thought you didn’t want me,” he said as I slid my hands up his ribs and arms, taking his shirt with them then dropping it to the floor.

  “I never said that.” I wrapped my arms around his back, fingers splayed to touch as much of him as possible. “In fact, I think you know just how much I enjoy being with you.” I placed small kisses across his chest. “Since the first time I saw you at Torque, I’ve wanted you. Before I knew who you were. Then, when I saw you standing on that stage, sweat dripping down your neck.” I flicked my tongue over his nipple. “And after the concert, when you stood so close to me.” I bit him playfully, smiling at the sharp hiss that escaped his lips. “I wanted to touch you again so fucking bad.”

  Jarrod slid his hands up the back of my neck, sharply pulling back my head with my hair and staring at me for a second before he dropped forward to kiss me again. I gripped his shoulders tightly, my nails digging into his skin.

  I tipped him backward, easing us both to the floor so I would be on top of him. I kissed my way over his neck and his chest, sliding down to play my tongue along the waistband of his jeans. I started to pull at his zipper, but he had other plans.

  He hooked a leg over mine, using his strength to flip us both over, leaving him on top of me. He immediately slid down me. His eyes flicked up to look at me as he repeated what I had just done to him on my way to his pants.

  There was no more teasing, no slow build up. We were past that. Foreplay had been taken care of days earlier. He took my cock in his mouth, slamming himself down until my tip hit the back of his throat then pulling back just to repeat the action, over and over again. It was just as he’d been at the Masked Ball. If he didn’t stop soon, I would finish long before I wanted to.

  I cried out at the feel of his throat convulsing around me. My hands snaked into his hair, pulling gently to try to get him to stop or, at least, slow down. He knocked my arms away with his own hands, apparently not ready to give up yet.

  “I’m going to come if you don’t stop,” I said, a slight growl in my voice. “Please, Jarrod, please stop.”

  He let my cock fall from his mouth then climbed back up to kiss me. He had shifted his body so he was no longer directly over me but more to the side. I broke from the kiss and sat up, exhaling shakily.

  “Bedroom?” he asked.

  I nodded, allowing him to help me stand. I led him to my room. He walked in first, and I shut the door behind us. When I turned, he pinned me against the door, kissing me deeply. Our hands flew over each other’s bodies, touching whatever we could reach. Our tongues wrestled so violently against each other that he nicked me with his fang. He tried to pull away, but my hand on the back of his head stopped him from moving.

  He ran his tongue over mine, the coppery taste of my blood filling both of our mouths. He growled, the sound of it causing a shiver to crash through me. He backed away. His chest heaved, and there was fire in his eyes.

  “I want you to fuck me, Mitch. Please. It’s all I’ve thought of since you showed up at the concert. I need to feel you inside of me. Right now.”

  I kissed him again, leading him backward with my body until his legs bumped against the bed frame. He slid off his pants, kicking them aside before climbing onto the mattress, all the time watching me with a look of complete ownership. I stared at him and wondered if my eyes looked the same to him.

  Seeing him naked on my bed ignited feelings in me I don’t think I’d ever felt before. It was more than just want or need for the man. It was possessiveness. I felt as if I were claiming him as mine. I wanted him to be mine forever. I wanted to come home every day to the sight of this man naked and waiting for me in this bed.

  The thought made me draw back a little. I barely knew him, and what I did know of him wasn’t good. There was no reasonable explanation for my reaction to him.

  “Are you okay?” Jarrod reached out, taking my hand in his.

  I nodded, not wanting to talk about anything just then. I kept our fingers intertwined while I climbed over him then sat on his thighs, pinning his hands to the bed with my own. Staring into his eyes, I found myself wanting to drown in them. It wasn’t vampire powers—I wasn’t really sure what it was—but he was so beautiful.

  Before he could ask again if anything was wrong, I leaned forward to kiss him. I let go of his hands so he could touch me. His fingers played lightly up and down my back, as if he were using them to write secret messages on me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up at the feel of it. I groaned against his mouth, inching my ass up slightly to grind my erection against his.

  Jarrod pulled away from my mouth.

  “I want you,” he said again, his tone more urgent now. I was glad to hear he sounded as close to desperate as I felt.

  I moved off of him to get a condom and some lube out of the nightstand drawer. I was pretty sure the protection wasn’t necessary. Vampires and humans can’t spread disease to each other, but it was a habit I wasn’t looking to break.

  I rolled the latex down my cock then squeezed some of the lube onto my hand. I ran my hand around my shaft a few times, making sure it was slick enough that I wouldn’t hurt him. I crawled
back onto the bed and looked at him.

  “How do you want me?” I asked.

  He rolled onto his stomach, his ass even more gorgeous naked than it had looked in his jeans. I moved over him, kissing my way down his spine. I used one of my lubed fingers to spread his ass cheeks apart. I ran the finger between them and gently pushed at his opening. The muscles tightened at first, resisting my probing. Gradually, he relaxed against my hand. I worked first one then two fingers inside him.

  He raised his hips as if encouraging me to hurry up and fuck him, but I wanted to take my time. I figured it would be my last chance to be with him, to explore his amazing body, and I didn’t want to miss a second of it.

  He didn’t speak, only shifted occasionally as I fingered his tight hole with one hand and ran the other over his back, his thighs and his ass. His skin was so soft, so smooth, it seemed almost unreal. I had never been with any man who had felt as amazing as Jarrod did under my touch.

  When I was able to get three of my fingers all the way inside of him, I knew he was ready for me. I pulled my hand away and lifted his hips, changing the angle of our bodies so it was as if he offered that sweet ass to me.

  I placed my cock at his tight opening and slowly pushed my way inside of him. When I had the head completely sheathed in his hot little ass, I pushed harder, forcing every inch of myself inside. He groaned under me, but it wasn’t a pained sound. It was a sound that made me want to pull him back against me, to force myself inside of him and fuck him as hard and as fast as I could. But I resisted. I let him adjust to the sensation of being stretched wide around me then I began to move. I started slow and steady, sliding in and out of him as gently as I could.

  “Mitch?” Jarrod’s voice was soft and small, almost scared though I knew he wasn’t.

  “What, Jarrod?”

  “Fuck me. Please?”

  It was the “please” that did it. If he had just asked me to fuck him, I might have held back, tortured him for a few more minutes. But that small “please” undid me.

  I gripped his hips in my hands and did as I’d wanted only a few minutes earlier. I wrenched him back against me, so hard that the slapping sound of his ass connecting with my body resonated through the room. I pulled out and slammed into him again and again and again. His hands clenched into the sheets under him while mine pressed so hard into his flesh he would have bruised if he’d been human.

  My rhythm faltered as I came closer and closer to orgasm. My balls tightened against my body, and I braced myself for ejaculation.

  “Stop!” Jarrod’s voice was so loud it shocked me, my orgasm backing off immediately. I pulled out of him quickly, afraid I had hurt him somehow.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He rolled over, a smile on his face. “I want to watch you come.”

  “You scared the hell out of me,” I said with a shaky laugh.

  “Sorry.” But he didn’t sound sorry. He sounded highly amused with himself.

  “You think that’s funny?” I said. I moved his hips and slid my cock back into him.

  “No, it’s not funny. Fuck, Mitch, that feels so fucking good.”

  I pounded into him again. It was much better to be able to look at his face while I was inside of him. He wrapped his legs behind my back, using his feet to urge me forward to kiss him. It was awkward, and my rhythm slowed, but neither of us minded.

  I gripped his hands in mine again, licking a line of sweat that had rolled behind his ear.

  “Can I bite you?” he asked softly, his lips almost pressed against my ear.

  “Yes.” There was no thought involved. A bite didn’t seem like a bad idea at all. I was so close to losing my mind that I might have let him do anything to me in that moment.

  He bit my shoulder, and I came, screaming his name and gripping his hands tighter. My cock spasmed inside of him. My orgasm seemed to be drawn out by the feel of his fangs inside of me. He released my shoulder, and I collapsed on top of him. He must have come when I did because I felt it between us on his chest.

  I pulled out of him and let him help me roll onto my back. We were both panting and smiling at each other. I felt the bite mark on my shoulder already closing up from the coagulate in his saliva. I wasn’t sure why I’d let him bite me, but I wasn’t sorry.

  I pulled off the condom, throwing it in the trashcan next to the bed. My hand found his, and we lay together staring at the ceiling. When my heart stopped trying to beat its way out of my chest, I turned on my side to look at him.

  “You are amazing; do you know that?”

  He laughed then kissed me. “That, my love, is you.” His face fell a little. “I should go,” he said softly, squeezing my hand gently.

  “You don’t have to. I mean, if you want to stay, you can. My bedroom is blacked out, so you don’t have to worry about…you know. I mean, if you want to go, that’s cool. I just want you to know you don’t have to.”

  “Do you want me to stay?”

  I did want him to stay, but I wasn’t entirely sure why. I just knew part of me might die if he walked out the door right then. I told myself it was wrong, that letting him stay would make everything worse and more complicated later. Part of me just couldn’t care though.

  “I’d like you to, yeah.”

  He kissed me again, lingering on my lips for a minute before pulling back. “Can I use your shower?”

  I nodded.

  He got up and walked to the door. He opened it then paused. “Do you want to come with me? I know you just took one, but I wouldn’t mind the company.”

  Had that only been tonight? It seemed as if a lifetime had passed since he’d shown up at my door. I climbed off the bed, standing on wobbly legs for a minute to get my balance. I followed him into the bathroom and turned on the spray.

  We took turns soaping up each other and rinsing ourselves off. I stood under the water with Jarrod pressed against my back, his arms around my waist. I leaned my head back to rest on his shoulder and sighed. He kissed my cheek then licked a drop of water from my face. I smiled, turning my head to kiss him.

  He nudged me, silently telling me to turn and face him. His hands went to my hips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. His cock stirred against my body, and mine twitched in reply.

  “How long until the sun comes up?”

  “About twenty minutes,” he answered quietly.

  “Perfect.” I dropped to my knees in the shower, cupping his balls in my hand while I licked water from his hardening cock. I took his head into my mouth and sucked it softly coaxing his pre-cum onto my tongue.

  We shifted enough that I wouldn’t drown in the falling water, and I started to slide him in and out of my mouth. I heard a loud thump and looked up to see him steadying himself with a hand on the wall. He watched me with wide eyes.

  I dropped my gaze back to his cock and pumped his shaft in my hand to the rhythm of my mouth. I used my other hand to gently squeeze his balls, rolling them in my palm. He cried out my name as my mouth filled with the familiar taste of thick salt. I swallowed hard, not wanting to lose a drop of his flavor.

  I stood up. The cool water spilling over me again was actually warm after being out of it for a few minutes. He placed his hands on my face, pulling me closer for a kiss, licking the inside of my mouth as if trying to taste himself there.

  “We should get in bed,” I murmured against his lips. “Dawn’s coming.”

  He sighed but backed away. I turned off the shower, and we toweled off before going back into the bedroom. We climbed into bed together, me on my side with him behind me. He draped an arm over me and kissed my neck.

  “Thank you for letting me stay.”

  “Thank you for staying,” I said, squeezing his hand in mine.

  If he said anything else, I don’t know because I was asleep before he died for the day.

  Chapter Seven

  I woke up with Jarrod’s arm over my chest. His body was freezing and hard, as if rigor mortis had set in. It had been a long time
since I’d felt a vampire during the day. I’d forgotten how strange it is.

  Sliding out from under him, I rolled out of bed to my feet. I grabbed a pair of jeans off the floor, pulling them over my hips while I watched Jarrod for signs of life. It was around four in the afternoon according to the clock on the bedside table. I hadn’t slept so late in years. And to be honest, all I wanted to do was crawl back in bed. I wanted to be there when he woke up. Unfortunately, I knew there were things I should be doing.

  I didn’t know what time he would wake since all vampires are different depending on their powers. Some can’t come back until full dark, but Jarrod seemed stronger than that. It could be fifteen minutes or three hours before he woke, so I gave one last look at the bed before closing the door behind me with a muted click.

  I walked down the hall with nothing but coffee on my mind and jumped about a foot when I realized Reagan sat on my couch.

  “Jesus.” I ran a hand through my hair and gave a shaky laugh. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “I came to apologize for last night,” she said. She was on the couch with her arms wrapped around her knees. Her shoes were on the floor next to Jarrod’s shirt. Fuck.

  “I was going to come wake you up, since the day is almost over. Then I thought maybe you were sick and needed some rest. But then I began to wonder why your clothes are all over the living room floor. I mean, you’re like freakin’ Martha Stewart. You never leave a mess anywhere.” She raised an eyebrow at me as if waiting for me to say something.

  “Were you going to ask a question? Because you’re staring at me like you’re waiting for me to say something, but I have nothing to say.”

  I walked into the kitchen and started making coffee. I looked out the window and realized it was raining. There were distant rumbles of thunder, almost too faint to be heard yet, but it was looking as if we were in for one hell of a storm.

  My shoulder twinged so I reached up to rub it and felt two distinct puncture wounds under my fingertips. Shit. I rifled through the drawers, but there weren’t any bandages in the kitchen. Besides, Reagan had probably already noticed, and if she hadn’t, she would wonder about the bandage anyway.


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