Hayden's Hellion

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by Maggie Casper


  An Ellora’s Cave Publication, June 2005

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

  1337 Commerce Drive, #13

  Stow, OH 44224

  ISBN MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-4199-0130-3

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  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. They are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

  Edited by Mary Moran.

  Cover art by Syneca.


  The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. Hayden’s Hellion has been rated E–rotic by a minimum of three independent reviewers.

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E (E-rotic), and X (X-treme).

  S-ensuous love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

  E-rotic love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall word count. In addition, some E-rated titles might contain fantasy material that some readers find objectionable, such as bondage, submission, same sex encounters, forced seductions, and so forth. E-rated titles are the most graphic titles we carry; it is common, for instance, for an author to use words such as “fucking”, “cock”, “pussy”, and such within their work of literature.

  X-treme titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storyline execution. Unlike E-rated titles, stories designated with the letter X tend to contain controversial subject matter not for the faint of heart.

  O’Malley Wild:

  Hayden’s Hellion

  Maggie Casper


  To my editor Mary Moran, thank you for your patience and kindness, but most of all, thank you for believing in me.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Chevy Caprice Classic: General Motors Corporation

  Stetson: John B. Stetson Company

  NASCAR: National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, Inc.

  Chapter One

  She descended the courthouse steps mumbling to herself. Get a real job, she mimicked in the snottiest tone she could muster, trying for the same no-nonsense tone Judge Gumar had used on her not more than thirty minutes ago. She’d known the old goat since she was knee-high to a June bug and she still wanted to wring his damned neck.

  At twenty-four, Austin Calhoun was about as wild as the Old West. She enjoyed having fun and could care less what others thought of her. She had an independent streak a mile wide and figured it wasn’t her problem if the old biddies in town didn’t like the fact she made her money holding sensual parties. Hell, they probably wouldn’t know what a vibrator was if they sat on one.

  Just because she didn’t dress in fancy clothes and run off to an office every morning didn’t mean her job wasn’t legitimate. She received a very nice quarterly check. It might not be enough for a lot of extra things, but she was a simple woman happy living a simple life.

  As long as she had the necessities, she would be fine. A bit of extra gas money for Jolene and she was doing wonderful. After all, Jolene had been with her through the good and the bad. Just as good as any friend and usually a lot more fun, her maroon nineteen-seventy-six Chevy Caprice Classic was fast and sleek and could glide over the roughest terrain without fussing a bit.

  Of course, it was also the same vehicle that kept her in trouble with Judge Gumar. Just because she had a penchant for speeding and an accumulation of tickets due to that fact, didn’t make her a menace to society as the judge claimed.

  “Son of a bitchin’ asshole,” she mumbled, continuing her tirade as she stomped to her car. “I ought to drive Jolene right up his fat ass…”

  Her bitch-a-thon was cut short when she ran into a brick wall—only this brick wall had arms. Both of those arms were wrapped around her like steel bands, tight and unbending. Whoever it was may have just been trying to steady her, but instead, she felt penned in, which added to her flaming temper, pissing her off even more.

  Her struggles ceased when the breath was squeezed from her lungs. The stranger holding her set her back at arm’s length.

  “Settle down,” was the growled command.

  Stiffening as she recognized the voice, Austin slowly tilted her head back to see if she was right. Did the gravely voice belong to Hayden O’Malley? Tipping it even further, she followed the expanse of his broad chest until she was staring into hazel eyes so cold they could chill even the hottest Texas day.

  “I should have known,” she bit out as she separated herself from his grasp. “Started out a bad day, might as well fuck it up real proper-like,” she said as she propped her hands on the generous swell of her hips.

  From the top of his hat to the toe of his scuffed boots, Hayden O’Malley was cowboy through and through, the last of a dying breed. His jeans fit him like a second skin. Faded white in just the right spots, they were sexy as hell.

  The way his blue snap-front chambray shirt was stretched taut across his chest made her mouth water. Damn, what she wouldn’t give to ride him like the wind. Carefree and wild, it would be a momentous occasion.

  “I don’t know what’s eating you, little girl, but don’t you go taking it out on me. And I warned you about that nasty mouth of yours.” His voice was low, ominous. It grated across her flesh as she imagined his five o’clock stubble would, invigorating every nerve ending in the process.

  “Don’t go gettin’ all high and mighty on me, Hayden. I’m a grown-ass woman now and I’ll thank you to remember that. Besides, I’ve got every reason to be mad.”

  “Not a good enough reason for the filth spilling from your mouth. You still aren’t too big to paddle even if you are a woman now,” he said, looking down at her from his towering height.

  Sometimes being short sucked. Her five-foot, two-inch frame looked dwarfed next to Hayden’s six-foot height. It was one of the many things that attracted her to the rugged rancher.

  “Oh, hell, Hayden, when are you gonna get over it. I was nine years old the last time you whipped my ass. I don’t sneak cigarettes anymore so you accomplished your task.”

  “I’d say from the sound of it you’re due another round.” He sounded as if his patience was running short. It was probably a good time to back off just a bit. The man always followed through with a threat, and she had no desire to have her ass paddled in front of half the town.

  “All right already, calm down,” she said giving him a mischievous grin. “I’ll behave.”

  His eyes searched her face, their hazel depths cool and calculating as they studied her. The corners were lined, adding to his rugged masculinity.

  “I somehow doubt that, darlin’,” he drawled. “You come stomping from the courthouse in a huff mumbling under your breath. I’d say you haven’t been behavin’ at all.”

  His large hand reached out and grasped her elbow forcing her to move with him. His touch was gentle yet firm. His warm palm against her skin made it tingle. The sensation ran up her arm before tumbling the length of her body, ultimately settling deep inside her core.

  “You know how he is, Hayden.”

  She was cut short by his snort of laughter. “What was it this time? Speeding?” he asked.

  A bit embarrassed, she could feel h
er cheeks heat. “I had a party in the next county that lasted longer than I planned. I was late getting home and tired so I rushed.” It sounded like a perfectly excusable excuse to her, but the deputy and the judge didn’t agree.

  “Let me get this straight. You were out alone on a deserted highway late at night driving while half-asleep when you got pulled over?” He was starting to sound angry and that wasn’t at all good. She opened her mouth to speak, but he stared her down. Glaring at him, she snapped her jaw closed.

  “You’re lucky you don’t belong to me. You wouldn’t be able to sit for a week.”

  The arrogant beast! “First of all, women aren’t belongings and second of all, I’m not a child who can be spanked for acting up so just chill the hell out.”

  She watched in utter fascination as his eyebrows snapped together. The step he took toward her was controlled but she could tell he was on the verge of being irate. Taking a step back, she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be punished by Hayden O’Malley.

  Her traitorous body hummed with the idea. Her pussy became wet making her panties damp. The throbbing ache of her clit had her thinking of the little buzzing toy she kept in the glove box of Jolene. If she couldn’t have the real thing she’d settle for something battery-operated.

  “Watch how you look at a man, Hellion. You’re all but asking me to take you to my bed with those blue eyes of yours. One of these days you might turn those baby blues on the wrong man and get more than you bargained for.”

  Shaking her head, she tried to clear all the wicked thoughts from her mind. She absently wondered if Hayden could give her more than she bargained for?

  “So what did you get this time, community service? It’s got to be something real good to have you throwing such a fit.”

  He was enjoying himself way too much, there had to be something she could do to put him in his place. He was a hard man who didn’t trust easily. He had no use for women except to warm his bed, and he had no qualms about speaking his mind on the subject.

  He was larger than life and devastatingly handsome, but that was where the good ended. Once you made it past his looks, he was worse than most—stubborn as a mule and much too conservative.

  He liked his women meek and biddable and had old-fashioned beliefs. It was probably a good thing he’d never encouraged her. With her wild independent streak, she’d forever have a sore ass.

  Her blue eyes captivated him. They shone with innocence even though he knew better. Hell, half the town knew better, the other half knew firsthand, but that didn’t stop him from wondering what it would be like to hold her curvy body against his throughout the night.

  It bothered him that she could wrap herself so tightly around him leaving him hard and ready every time. He was a man in control and would remain that way. Once, long ago, he’d given his heart and soul to a woman. Not much more than a boy himself at the time, the pain had been unbearable. He’d vowed then never to love, never to trust, and so far it had been easy, but there was something about the way Austin looked at him. The way she reacted to his closeness warned him to stay as far away from her as possible.

  “Well?” he insisted.

  She gave him an irritated look. “What are you doing in town?” she asked, obviously trying to change the subject.

  “Came in for some supplies but that doesn’t matter. What matters is you answer my question.”

  “Fine then,” she huffed. “The damned jackass told me I had to have a real job by the end of the week or I’ll be spending thirty days in his jail.” Her foot was tapping—her tiny hands with their plump fingers had once again balled into fists and were resting on her hips. Hips he could hold tight to as he thrust deeply into the tight clasp of her soaking wet pussy.

  Damn! He swore silently. Where in the hell had that come from?

  “Can you believe that shit? Now what in the hell am I going to do?”

  He wasn’t sure whether to coddle her or wash her mouth out with soap. “First of all you can watch your language. I won’t warn you again.” He hoped his voice sounded stern.

  Before his brain had time to engage, his mouth had spit out the words. “You can come work for me keeping my books.”

  She looked almost as surprised as he felt. Then her mouth broke into a wide smile showing a full set of white teeth. Her lush lips were coated with peach gloss. He wondered if it would make her mouth taste like peaches. And would it come off if she were to drop to her knees in front of him and stretch her full lips around the head of his cock?

  Good Lord! Get a grip, he chided himself.

  She squealed as she launched herself at him. “Thank you, Hayden. I promise I’ll do good, you just watch and see if I don’t.”

  Narrowing his eyes, he set her away from him and prayed she hadn’t felt his engorged length as it vied for freedom from the confines of his jeans.

  “How long do you need a job?” Please let it be short-term, he begged.

  “The judge said I had to have a steady job for at least six months and if I got another ticket in that time, I’d be in big trouble. You know what, Hayden? I think he means it this time.”

  “I’ll give you a job, but it’ll be on my terms. What I say goes, so it would be in your best interest to watch that sassy mouth of yours and tread lightly.”

  He could tell she had a hard-core retort all lined up but must have thought better of it. Although her eyes shot blue daggers, she said nothing.

  There would be many things he would address while she worked for him. For one, she wouldn’t be traipsing around the ranch half-dressed. He looked her over from head to toe, which wasn’t a long way.

  In height, Austin Calhoun was a tiny woman. What she lacked in height she made up for over and over again in womanly attributes. Her cherubic face was lightly freckled, making her upturned nose seem pixie-like. Both cheeks dimpled deeply when she smiled, and she smiled a lot. Bright red hair stuck up every which way, there was no telling what color it would be next week, and for the life of him, he couldn’t remember what color it had been last week.

  She preferred clothes better suited for a hooker, and thought nothing of the fact. She’d just come from a court of law wearing a black T-shirt with a picture of a cowboy half-dressed. Below the picture was the inscription “Save a horse, ride a cowboy”.

  Bet the judge loved that one, he thought wryly.

  It was stretched tightly across the largest set of breasts he’d ever seen. Of course, he’d only ever seen them clothed. They were definitely real, it just seemed she’d never grown into them. Her waist narrowed briefly before her hips curved out. She was voluptuous but didn’t seem to care that she didn’t fit in with the latest style. Her confidence made her a very attractive package.

  The skirt was short enough to hint at what was below. Made a man want to drop something at her feet to see whether she’d stoop or bend. Either way, someone would get a free show.

  Her skin was smooth and tan. He knew she was often spotted sunbathing in front of her trailer or at the lake. He’d not had the pleasure of seeing her in a swimsuit in years, but often heard what a view it was.

  She grabbed his arm bringing him out of his lust-induced daydream. “Come on, Hayden. Let’s go tell Judge Gumar the good news.”

  Her excitement evident, she bounced beside him, causing her breasts to sway and jiggle beneath the shirt.

  “Just remember what I said, darlin’, my way, on my terms. I won’t put up with any of your crap. You cause me any grief, and I’ll see to it you’re too sore to sit for a mighty long time.”

  She said nothing in return although he could almost see the smoke billowing from her ears. It was going to be an interesting six months. The one thing that bothered him was the fact she could have his blood pounding south of his belt buckle without even trying.

  He needed to remember that she wasn’t his type. When he finally decided to settle down, it would be for companionship and children—love or true emotion would have no part in it. It
would also do him good to remember the rumors that had followed Austin Calhoun over the years. The one thing he didn’t want was to fall for a woman who had slept with every young buck in town.

  With those thoughts firmly imbedded in his mind, if not in his groin, he followed her up the steps to the courthouse.

  Chapter Two

  God she wanted to kill the man. No wonder he couldn’t keep a bookkeeper, he was a sadist in a Stetson. Who in the hell ever heard of a cowboy being a perfectionist? She’d been at the ranch two damned weeks, and in that time he’d complained about everything from her language to the way she dressed.

  She had warned him she’d never kept books before, but he’d promised to teach her how. If she’d known exactly how little patience he had, she might have opted for the thirty days in jail. The man was a tyrant!

  On the other hand, she’d not been able to hide her true feelings. Since the day he’d whipped her ass all those years ago for sneaking cigarettes, she’d been in love with him. Of course, it had started out as a young girl’s crush before it blossomed into the first love of a teenager and now she was just head over heels and there wasn’t a damned thing she could do about it.

  Very frustrating, and to top it all off she knew she was making a pest of herself but couldn’t seem to help it. When she was working, she would constantly go to him asking for help whether she needed it or not. Her need to be near him was a very real thing.

  She was well aware that some of the ranch hands were whispering about her. Well, let them whisper, she thought not really caring what was said. Little did she know that the rest of the town was also speculating. The fact she conveniently ran into Hayden every chance she got, even when she wasn’t working, made her fair game for local gossip.


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