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Two Of A Kind: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 15

by Grayson, Alivia

“He never would’ve told me if you hadn’t pushed.” I rub my arms, not because I’m cold, but because I have so much adrenaline coursing through me right now I feel sick. “I have to get away from this place.”

  “Come on,” Trace takes my arms gently. “I’ll take you home.”

  “No,” I turn to face him now, pulling away from his touch at the same time. “I’m leaving, Trace. For good.”

  “No, you’re not!” He tells me defiantly, reaching for me again. I step back. “I’m not gonna let you walk away from me, Fallon. You have a family here, and they love you.”

  “Don’t make me laugh.” I snarl at him. Fucking idiot! Roman doesn’t love me. If he loved me, he would have moved heaven and earth, not giving a shit who got in his way, to bring us together. The fact he didn’t shows me that I am nothing to him.

  Maybe I shouldn’t be taking this out on Trace; he loves me, I see that when he looks at me. I love him, too, but this thing between us won’t work. He’s a man-whore, and I’m a fuck up. It’s doomed before it even really starts.

  I was stupid to get my hopes up that I could be happy. So very fucking stupid.

  “This thing between us is over. I’m leaving, and nothing you or anyone else says will stop me.”

  “You think I’m just gonna...”

  “Yes,” I cut him off. “There’s nothing you can do to stop me.”

  Trace grabs the top of my arms again, pulling me to him. “You love me. I love you. We have something special, Fallon.”

  I don’t want to hurt him, but I will if it’s the only way to make him back off and leave me alone. I have to do this for my own peace of mind. I have to get away from here for however long it takes. Once I’ve sorted my head out, I’ll come back, I’ll come back for what Brick stole. I just hope it won’t be too late.

  Trace deserves better than me, and one day, I know he’ll find it. For now, I’ll do what I have to do to make Trace hate me enough to walk away.

  “I don’t love you, Trace. I’m not capable. I liked sleeping with you, it took my mind off all the shit in my life, but there’s no future for us. Did you honestly think I could fall in love with a slut like you?” His eyes are darting everywhere, but he’s listening. Good.

  “You really think I could ever trust a man who cheats the way you have? Don’t make me laugh, Trace. A big guy like you falling for the same bullshit any woman would give a man if she had no one else to cling to.”

  The grip on my arms gets tighter. It hurts but not as much as my heart. I might be laughing at him, but inside this is breaking me. However, with a man like Trace, the only way to piss them off enough to leave you alone long enough to skip town is to shatter their pride, to make them feel less of a man.

  To destroy them in the worst way.

  “Why do you think I went with Brick behind your back, Trace?” The circulation in my arms is cutting off. I can feel it. Just a little push and he should hate me – will hate me. “It had nothing to do with my grief and everything to do with the fact I wanted him. I wanted him because he knows me better than you ever could. There’s nothing between you and me, nothing between him and me either, but if I had to pick...” I swallow hard and look at my feet for a second. This is killing me, but it’s the only way. “I’d pick him.”

  “You bitch!” The venom seeping from Trace penetrates my very soul. I didn’t realize I was such a good actress. “You want that motherfucker?” I don’t move; I just look at him. “Then go to him!” Trace practically screams while pushing me away from him. I watch him turn and almost runs from me, and I don’t make a sound.

  The rumble of his bike through the trees vibrates all through me. Only when the noise is no more do I crumble to the ground and let myself cry.

  Chapter Twenty


  I finally realize what it feels like to have a broken heart. Now I know what I did to Willow when I cheated on her, and how much it hurt her. I sound dumb, I know. However, that bitch broke my heart when she left me, and she did leave that very same night.

  I thought, after storming away from her that she’d go home and get some rest, which would give me time to calm down. I knew she didn’t mean what she said about choosing Brick over me. I knew she didn’t mean it when she told me that she didn’t love me. Fallon was upset about Roman, and no one could blame her for that. She felt like everyone had lied to her, and will good reason because they had. I’d tried to get Fallon to come with me to see Roman, but she refused every time. Short of dragging her there by her hair, I couldn’t make Fallon go.

  I went right over to Fallon’s place the next morning. I hadn’t slept all night wondering if she was okay. I wanted to call her, but I wanted her to stew a while first. I wanted her to miss me.

  I got to her place just after eight. Yeah, I know, I must be whipped to be up so fucking early. I got no answer. The door was locked, curtains drawn. The old guy across the way came out and told me that I wouldn’t find anyone home. Fallon had packed up the entire trailer with a little help from a friend and moved away. The place was now up for rent.

  How in the hell could she, have organized that in a few short hours?

  Whatever. Fallon was gone for good it seemed. She’d given up the home she’d shared with her brother, that told me that she wouldn’t be back anytime soon. It broke me, but I wouldn’t go looking for her. If Fallon wanted to leave me, then I’d let her.

  I found out from Willow that Fallon hadn’t gone far, she was staying with Red. He’d managed to talk Fallon into staying with him rather than running away. I was beyond pissed that Red didn’t tell me right away. The bastard knew what it was doing to me knowing Fallon had left. He told me that he didn’t say anything because Red knew if he did, I would go right over there and demand Fallon speak with me. Red told me that Fallon needed time alone to come to terms with things. Fallon isn’t dealing with knowing Roman is her father and that he didn’t tell her right away. I can understand that.

  I asked Red what he thought of his best friend, keeping such a secret from him. Red told me, ‘He was a kid, Trace. I know what Jade was like, and once she set her eyes on someone, there was no turning her down. For all her faults, she was a beautiful woman. What kid is gonna say no to a hot woman coming on to him?’

  ‘You don’t blame Roman for Jade taking Scott away from you?’ I asked.

  Red pulled a deep breath into his lungs and exhaled slowly. ‘For a hot minute I did, Trace. I wanted to break his neck, but when I looked at him, I couldn’t do it. It wasn’t just me who lost his kid, Trace. Roman never got to meet his little girl. Jade was a cruel bitch, sent Roman one picture when she never needed to send anything. She could have gone on with her life, never telling Roman about Fallon, but she wanted him to suffer for not believing her about the baby.’

  ‘Why didn’t he take her seriously?’

  Red rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, and I knew he was finding it difficult to talk to me about Fallon and Scott’s mother, though he did anyway. ‘Jade was a whore, Trace. She slept with every man she came into contact with. Roman slept with her once and used a condom. The silly idiot, in his oversexed teenage mind, didn’t realize condoms break. He thought that using one meant there was no way on earth he could have gotten her pregnant.

  ‘I lost Scott, and it destroyed me. Without Tammy, I wouldn’t have survived losing him back then. However, I got to spend time with my boy when he was a baby, a toddler, and even a few months when he came back into my life. Roman missed out on everything with Fallon. Yes, he’s an idiot for not coming forward before now. He should never have been worried about what I would say or do. Roman has always been a little brother to me, and I love the idiot as if he really was my brother. I hate that this has plagued him for so many years. All he can do now is what you need to do. Give Fallon time to get her head around all of this, and everything will work out how it should in the end.’

  I only wished I had his faith.

  According to Nova, bitch that she is, Fallon i
sn’t coming back to me any time soon. She’s had enough and doesn’t want me. However, I know it’s just Fallon’s way of protecting herself. It’s been two weeks already, and I feel like I’m dying without her. I’ve never felt like this in my life. I have never ached so much to hold anyone before. I need Fallon with me; I don’t know who I am anymore without her. So I’ll give her a few more days and then I’m going over there to see her. Like it or not, I won’t give up on her like everyone else in her life. It’s what she expects, but it won’t come from me because I’ll never give up.

  Christ, she hasn’t even spoken to Roman yet. I know it was a prick move not to tell her who he was, but she could have heard him out!

  Why the hell is Richie bringing a little kid into the clubhouse at this hour? He knows we don’t have kids here when we’re in the middle of business. It’s not a place for kids when shits getting sorted.

  Yet, there the big bastard is walking through the bar, holding the hand of a little brown-haired girl, wearing pigtails — the little girl with green eyes.

  Richie makes his way over to our table. Jett, Tank, Hammer, men I never thought I’d be sitting with after what happened with Willow – Roman, Wrench, Hawk, Stryker, and me, all are drinking beer while waiting for some of the others to get back from their run with Shepard. Its been a long day of collections, and I just want to go home.

  However, we have business to discuss due to one or two silly old fuckers acting out about their payments being too high. There shouldn’t be a discussion to have. Break their damn hands, and they’ll learn not to fuck with us! However, Shepard won’t allow it. I swear to God the man is going soft in his old age.

  “What the hell is going on here, Richie?” Veep snaps while trying to keep his voice light as not to scare the kid. Having two little girls of his own, Jett knows how to behave around them. “And why didn’t we know you had a kid?”

  “Probably didn’t know himself until five minutes ago.” Stryker belts out, making us all laugh.

  Richie’s a big guy, a tough monster of a man. Kids are usually scared of him at first sight. This little girl doesn’t seem bothered at all by our new member, not from the smile on her face; she’s not scared of any of us either.

  “Funny, you fu... guys.” Hearing Richie trying not to curse is even funnier! Every other word out of his mouth usually is a curse word. “I found this little one at the gates. Said she was looking for her grandaddy. Said he’s a member here.”

  There’s a lot of mumbling, chuckling, assumptions. Whose grandkid is this? No one around this table, that’s for sure.

  “What’s your name, little one?” Jett smiles, kid smiles back.

  “Ava.” I’ve never heard such a tiny voice in my life before. I have no idea of her age, but she isn’t very tall, yet her speech is older than a toddler. She’s a cute little thing, has a familiar look about her. Her blue skirt, white t-shirt, pink socks, and pink babydoll shoes, teddy bear backpack on her shoulders, pigtails, and huge un-scared smile prove just how young and innocent she is.

  Why would one so innocent be here? Moreover, who in the hell brought her and left her here? Because there’s no way, she could have walked here by herself.

  “Who brought you here, Ava?” Jett asks.

  “Miss May drop me outside.”

  “How old are you, sweetie?”

  She giggles before answering, “I am three years and two months of age.”

  Everyone one of us is thinking the same thing. Who the fuck drops a three-year-old outside a motorcycle clubhouse and leaves? Are they crazy?

  “Where are your parents?” Hammer asks her.

  “Mommy is in a room,” She lowers her little head, hand still in Richie the monsters. “She can’t come out.” That could mean anything, even prison.

  “What about your daddy?” I ask her.

  “I don’t know who he is. Uncle Brick said Mommy is bad,”

  Every single person’s body stiffens. Brick, the son of a bitch, sending his niece in here alone. Three years old! He’s mental. Probably planted something on the kid in order to get info from within. What the fuck is he playing at?! Everyone knows we don’t hurt children, so the bastard probably thinks he’s smart. He’s not.

  Little girl giggles as Hawk takes her backpack from her shoulders. He’s thinking the same thing I am, wants to check she’s not carrying anything she shouldn’t be.

  “Mommy got hurt one day, and then I came.” She continues. “Mommy couldn’t take care of me ’cause she was too young. I had to live with Uncle Brick, but he didn’t wan me, so Miss May look after me. Uncle Brick said it don’t matter how old Mommy gets, he won’t give me back, so I not can ever live with her.” Her words are a little muddled, shows how young she is. She talks like my nephew.

  “I saw Mommy in the room, and she told Miss May to take me away. Miss May stole me and brought me here ’cause she said Uncle Brick is a very bad man. He’s gone kill my mommy.”

  The sad tone of her little voice isn’t lost on any of us. Yeah, we’re downright dirty, murdering bikers, but we don’t have swinging bricks for hearts.

  “If Mommy dies, I will be all alone. Miss May said I can’t stay with her no more, that my grandaddy lives here, and he will take care of me, but I want my mommy.”

  “What’s your mother’s name, sweetheart?” She looks at Roman, curiously, as most people do upon first meeting him. He’s a handsome prick, massive in size, catches the eye of every woman he meets. Even little women it would seem.

  Her eyes flit from his face to his cut and back again. This time, she’s smiling. She let’s go of Richie’s hand and walks around the table, past me, past Stryker, and right up to Roman. She points to his patch and his name proudly stitched there. Since the day he was patched in it’s been there. “Ro-man.” She reads. The kid is fucking smart for a three-year-old.

  “That’s right.” He smiles. The guy is huge, a monster of the worst kind, but he’s a sucker for kids. “You’re a very smart little girl to be able to read.”

  “I can’t read. Mommy taught me your name today before she told Miss May to please bring me here.”

  “Wait. What?” He’s confused, we all are.

  “Mommy said Roman is my grandaddy. She said you are her daddy, and you will take care of me when she is gone. I don’t want Mommy to be gone.”

  My heart is banging hard against my chest. Fuck.

  “What’s your mother’s name?”

  “I think that’s pretty obvious, Roman!” I snap at him. Jesus. Why didn’t she tell me she had a kid?! And where the hell has she been all this time? Moreover, where the fuck is Fallon?

  “Shut your mouth, Trace!”

  “Oh!” Ava’s little eyes turn to me. “You are Mommy’s boyfriend!” Was! “Mommy told me, ’bout you!”

  I can’t even bear to look at the kid.

  “You gave Mommy a baby in her tummy!”

  My heart just stopped. What the fuck! That’s bullshit. I’ve never gotten anyone pregnant in my life! Why the hell would Fallon tell her kid that she was pregnant with my baby?

  Roman senses my discomfort, and takes the kids arms and turns her to face him. “Tell me, your mother’s name.”

  “Uncle Brick calls her bitch,” Roman’s eyes are stormy. “Miss May calls her Fallon, but I call her Mommy.” Fuck it all to hell! “Grandaddy, are you going to save Mommy before she dies?”

  “Where is your mother, little one?”

  She shrugs her little shoulders. “I don’t know. In a room. Uncle Brick said she is gone die. She took something that wasn’t hers.” She shrugs again.

  “Jett?” Roman looks to the Veep for help. Me? I think I’m in fucking shock!

  “We’ve heard nothing...” He stops talking. The Prez is back. The clubhouse is full — too much talking. I’ve never felt this lost in my entire life.

  Fallon has a daughter. One she kept secret from me, from all of us. If this kid is to be believed, Fallon is also pregnant with my kid. She’s twenty
years old! She’s just lost her brother and found her father. Her whole life is a damn mess right now, so why the fuck would she want another baby? Now she’s missing. God knows where she is. Is she even alive?

  I have to find her. There’s so much I need to know, and I can only get my answers from Fallon.

  “Uncle Scott’s Daddy!” Everyone, even me, turns to look at the excited little girl now pointing at Red. He’s as confused as the rest of us. How does this little girl know who Red is when Fallon didn’t?

  “Ava?” She looks at Roman. “You know Red?”

  “Uncle Scott’s Daddy.” She repeats.

  “How do you know this?”

  “Mommy told me, and she showed me a picture of him and Uncle Scott together. The picture Tammy gave her. Please, can I hug Uncle Scott’s Daddy?” Roman nods and hands Ava to Red, who’s smiling curiously.

  Red holds her for a moment while she giggles happily. “Mommy said you would give me a big hug. She said if I hug you, it will feel like Uncle Scott is hugging me like he did when I was a baby.”

  Red smiles and strokes her face with his knuckles when she sits up and looks at him. “It’s very nice to meet you, little one. You look just like your mother.” Ava laughs and hugs Red again.

  When she’s finally had her fill, she holds her arms out to Roman, who takes her from Red. “Ava, do you think you can stay here for a few moments with Tammy? She’s Red’s wife; she’ll take care of you.”

  Little girl grabs Roman, arms around his neck, clinging tightly, crying into his shoulder. The kid must be terrified.

  Roman manages to calm her enough for her to sit with Tammy. Long enough for us to call church. Time to figure out where we go from here.

  * * *

  We’ve been in this goddamned room for half an hour. Prez is talking about where we go from here. It’s come to the point of basically calling Brick to find out if what that kid said is true. If it is, why hasn’t he called to tell us what the hell he wants? It has to be, how else would Ava have so much information?


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