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Two Of A Kind: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 20

by Grayson, Alivia

  It took Roman two days of this before he gave in and told me to keep her with me, that it wasn’t healthy for Ava to keep getting so upset.

  So, little Ava is now living with me permanently.

  My house has been kid proofed. The old ladies of the club rallied round and made the spare room fit for a little princess, and they kitted out her wardrobe as well. She needed it. Poor kid came here with nothing. Yeah, Roman and Marley got Ava some things while she was with them, but a kid needs more than I ever thought possible. I got Ava some toys, dolls and such, anything to keep her occupied when I’m busy.

  She’s changed everything about me. I’ve grown up in ways I never thought I would. I even took Ava to meet my parent’s and sister a couple of days ago. She was shy for the first few moments, but she soon came round when my mom gave her a cookie.

  My whole family loves Ava, and she has new grandparents and an aunt she seems to love to death, plus a cousin she likes to play ball with.

  My dad was a little worried that I’d taken on the child of the woman who’d left me. It seems Red had filled my old man in on everything that happened, but as I told him, that baby won’t let me leave her, and I won’t let her down.

  My dad slapped me on the back and told me how proud of me he was of me. It meant a lot, but I’m not doing this to make anyone proud. I’m doing this because Ava is a special little girl who knows just how to get me right in the heart with her sweet little voice, her inquisitive questions, and her sweet way of cuddling up to me any time she feels like.

  More-so in those moments when she’s missing her mother. It fucking kills me to have to witness Ava crying and asking why we haven’t found her Mommy yet.

  Ava has me doing things I never dreamed I would. Like reading her bedtime stories as she sits on my lap, and she always falls asleep there every night. She has me saying the damn L word at least three times a day, it makes her so happy to hear it, and I mean it each time I say it. I even helped her bake cookies on Sunday. Seriously, I’m like some kind of domesticated woman!

  However, I can’t deny that seeing Ava laughing, knowing she’s happy here with me makes it all worthwhile. Do I worry that Fallon and Brick will change their minds and take Ava from me? The thought had crossed my mind. Along with, Never going to happen!

  Ava has buried her way into my heart so deep that I couldn’t bear to lose her now. I know Fallon is her mother, but Fallon doesn’t want Ava for whatever reason. Coming back for Ava would be Brick’s plan. Another way to control Fallon.

  Well, fuck him! There no way he’ll ever get his hands on Ava. There’s no way I’ll ever give her up! Not even if Fallon comes back for her. I don’t give a damn what I have to do; I’m keeping Ava with me. For good.

  You know, time has a crazy way of moving forward. It’s been six weeks since Fallon left, six weeks since Ava came to us. I heard through the grapevine that Brick and Fallon are getting married tomorrow. Good fucking luck to them. Fallon is definitely going to need it. I now know that she meant everything she said. She used me as a distraction and then left me to go back to that sick fuck.

  Well, fuck her. I’m done with the bitch. Never again will I let a woman get inside my head or heart — no one but little Ava.

  Ava’s asleep, tucked up in her bed. I’m sitting on my couch with a woman I met at the bar in town earlier while on a run for the club. I shouldn’t have told the girl to meet me here, but I can’t leave Ava alone. She’d already spent the day with Marley because I had to work. However, I haven’t gotten my dick wet since the last time I had Fallon. I’ve never gone so long without sex. Not since I was a damn virgin!

  I don’t remember the name of the bitch sucking my cock. Linda? Lorna? Something like that. I don’t care what her name is, all I need her for is to get me off.

  “Suck me dry,” I rut her mouth so hard she’s gagging. My cock is too big for her little mouth. Won’t stop me. I’m angry with Fallon, and I’m going to use this slut to take my frustrations out on.

  Grabbing her hair in my hand, I yank her to her feet. “You don’t want to cum in my mouth?”

  “No. Take your clothes off.” She does. She’s not half bad. Slim figure, pert tits, shaved pussy. I roll on a condom and tell her, “Turn the fuck around and sit on my cock.” Like every slut I’ve been with, in my life, she’s only too eager.

  My dick slips inside her with a wiggle of her hips, a moan, a gasp. Thighs in my hands, legs wide open, I thrust up fast and hard. I bite on her neck, and her head falls back against my shoulder with a groan. I can taste her blood from the bite mark I’ve just inflicted on her. Her pussy grips me tightly; she’s coming, screaming, just like they all do.

  Fallon flashes inside my head, the vision of her curvy body and the way she would fuck me. Damn!

  I flip this bitch still riding my dick over onto her stomach and rail her so fucking hard she can’t catch her breath. However, it’s not her that I’m seeing, it’s Fallon. Fallon, calling my name as I ride her to orgasm. Fuck! I clutch bitch’s hips tighter and explode into the condom with force.

  I haven’t even ridden the crest before pulling out of her. I stand on shaky legs, remove the condom and toss it in the small trash can next to the couch, making a mental note to take it out before Ava wakes.

  “Get dressed. It’s time you were leaving.”

  “Are you serious?” Oh, here we go. She’s one of those women. Wants to be fucked like never before by the bad boy biker, cums her fucking brains out multiple times, then thinks said biker is going to cuddle up to her all night. Ain’t happening. That isn’t me, never will be.

  “Daddy!” Yeah, Ava’s taken to calling me, Daddy. I got sick of correcting her on it and Roman’s fine with it... now anyway, so I don’t anymore. I am her, Daddy.

  “You have a kid?” Bitch’s eyes bug out.

  What the hell is so strange about that?

  Okay, it was a really shitty thing to do, bring a woman to my house where Ava is, but I made sure she was asleep. It’s not like couples with kids don’t have sex in their homes. I’m no different.

  “Yeah, I have a kid. Now get your shit together and leave.” She does. Just like that without one word. Good. Just the way I like it.

  Ava just needed water, and she fell right back to sleep afterward. I showered, and now I’m lying on my bed, ignoring my cell. I don’t recognize the number, and it’s late. I’m not in the mood to talk. Whoever it is can go fuck themselves!

  I can’t stop thinking about Fallon and the fact she’s marrying that cunt in a few hours when it should have been me.

  It should have been me, dammit!

  I changed because of her. God, I wanted to give her everything. I fell so hard for her, so fucking hard. I would have done anything for her.

  I hate that she’s hurt me like this. I hate that she tossed her daughter aside for a man whom no doubt beats her half to death all the damn time. It’s crazy that her daughter should become mine, and she is mine. Ava made me realize that I’m not dead inside. Her mother hasn’t destroyed me completely.

  Somewhere inside of me, I will always love Fallon, and somewhere inside me, I hope she’s happy with the life and the decisions she made. Because once she’s Brick’s wife, there will be no way out.

  I had hoped Fallon would come to her senses and stop this crap, that she’d realize that Brick can’t hurt the Snakes. He’s a little fish in a very big fucking ocean. We’d bury him and his fucking club! The only reason we haven’t is that Shepard doesn’t see a reason to. Yes, Brick admitted to taking out Scott, and Brick will be dealt with, but Shepard has spoken to the Cutthroats VP, who swears blind they had nothing to do with Scott’s death. Shepard believes him.

  None of us has any clue what’s going to happen to get rid of Brick, but we do know it won’t be good. Fallon may well fall with that prick, and I don’t know if I can handle that. She should have come home to me, to her father!

  However, she chose to stay, and Shepard is right, I can’t force her to c
ome home to me if Brick is whom she wants. I guess it’s just a bitter pill to swallow.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  The party is huge.

  Why would Brick organize a party the night before the wedding?

  Who needs an excuse to party?

  Although, he called it his last night of freedom party. Which means, he’ll take a couple of whores to his room, the room I sleep in with him and fuck them. I don’t give a shit if he does. It’s not like he stopped doing things like that. Since he forced me into this, Brick likes to have his cake and eat it. I’ve said nothing about it because Brick would only beat the hell out of me and make me watch. He actually told me as much when I first got here. Plus, my belly is starting to pop out even more at the bottom. I finally have a pregnancy belly. It’s small, but I can’t stop touching it, knowing my baby is in there, Trace’s baby. My stomach turns Brick off. Good. Because I can’t take much more of his hands on me.

  I tried to fight him off the last time he forced himself on me. He was drunk, and I could smell another woman on him. I didn’t want him touching me, so I pushed him away and told him to leave me alone. Brick smacked me around so badly I thought my cheekbone was breaking. He beat me and took what he wanted, no matter how much I protested. That broke me a little more, just like every other time he’d done it.

  I wanted to escape, to run, but where would I go? I made sure the Snakes Henchmen hate me, would want me dead. They all think I used and betrayed them. Red hates me, and my Dad hates me. Trace hates me. My heart aches in ways I didn’t even know were possible.

  I’m still in love with Trace, but I have no doubt that after six weeks he’s moved on. I can’t blame him for that. I just hope he’s happy.

  I wonder every day how Ava is and if she’s happy with Roman and Marley. I miss her all the time. It’s not a new feeling, but now that I don’t have Scott to keep my mind occupied, the feeling is so much stronger.

  I think to myself as I watch bikers and whore alike drinking, dancing, making out and practically fucking, what would Scott do if he was here?

  He’d kill everyone in this clubhouse, that’s what he’d do — saving Brick for last. Scott would make Brick pay for everything he’s ever done to me. I’ve lost everything because of that man!

  The crazy thing is, every other member of this club has treated me with respect. They respected my brother, understood why he did what he did. Most of these men still see me as a little girl, and even though none of them would go against their president, they’ve voiced their opinions once or twice over the past couple weeks about the way he treats me. Brick doesn’t give a shit.

  Take right now, for instance. Brick has his right arm slung around the shoulder of one whore, the left around another, walking drunkenly to his room, not even giving a shit that I’m sitting here — not caring that I have to sleep in that damn bed when he’s done.

  I feel so alone right now.

  The music is too loud. Mortar is in the far corner with four other members, deep in conversation, eyes flicking over to me now and again. They feel sorry for me. I don’t need their pity; I need air because I feel like I’m suffocating in this room with them all.

  I get out of my seat and rush outside. The air is cool and crisp. Winter is coming; I can feel it in the air. I’m not wearing a jacket, and the cold hit me fast. It was so hot in the clubhouse that I welcome it. I breathe it in, my lungs expanding with it. It feels good.

  “You okay?”

  I’m not surprised that Mortar followed me out here. Brick doesn’t like me going outside. Hell, he doesn’t like me going anywhere, especially not alone. Not even to the bathroom to pee or shower. I have to do that when Brick is not around if I want privacy. He literally has me followed wherever I go, even if it’s to the toilet.

  I guess Brick knows deep down that I don’t love him, that I don’t want to be here. He knows that if I got the chance, I’d run. I guess that’s why he slaps me around a lot, to keep me in line. What did I really expect? That he’d change for me?

  Yeah, dumb, or what?

  “Sure, Mortar. I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  He leans back against the wall of the clubhouse and lights a cigarette.

  I fold my arms around myself as he blows a cloud of smoke into the air.

  Mortar is a tall man, and he’s built like a bear. He reminds me of Red sometimes. Mortar is not as old as Red is, but he’s not in his thirties any longer either.

  He and May were the ones who fed me when all that stuff happened with Scott. They were the ones who told me that I would always have a family with them. I pushed them away after they took over Ava’s care. I shouldn’t have, but I was hurting too much to be around them back then. Now I don’t know if I can trust them any longer.

  “Because you don’t want this, Fallon. You don’t want to marry your brother’s murderer.”

  I swallow hard. How does he know? Brick forced me to keep it to myself. He knew as well as me that the club knowing Brick killed Scott in cold-blood would cause war within.

  Then again, maybe not. It’s not like anyone has done anything about Brick killing half the members of this club and their families. The club might not have killed those people themselves, but they stood by and did nothing. It makes them just as bad, in my eyes.

  The Cutthroats are nothing like the Snakes Henchmen. These men have no morals and no qualms about killing.

  Wait. Nor do the Snakes.

  However, what I mean is, the Snakes would talk to whoever did wrong, make sure they got all the facts as to why that person did what they did in the first place before sentencing them to death.

  These guys? Not a chance. I have no doubt they’ve already decided Brick’s fate. Because in all honesty, an idiot could see what’s coming for that man. Do I want to die alongside him?

  Fuck no, I don’t.

  I don’t know whom to trust!

  I’m terrified that if I put my trust in anyone here, even this man, then I’ll end up dead. I have to protect my baby and my family, no matter what. However, if I don’t trust someone, I’m going to end up dead. I don’t want to die; I have so much to live for, my babies, my siblings. God, I want to go home!

  “Tell me why you’re doing this, Fallon. Trust me, princess. Nothing you tell me will get back to Brick.” I swallow hard. Mortar seems to be telling the truth. I’ve always been able to trust this man before now. “The man is a monster, to you. He shot you, beats the crap outta you, fuckin’ forces you to have sex with him whenever there ain’t a whore around to please him. He fuckin’ shot Scott down like a damn dog! So, tell me why the fuck you would leave the man who loved you and would’ve loved Ava had you told him about her and stay here like this. Why, Fallon?!”

  My lower lip is between my teeth, tears in my eyes. I’m pregnant, tired – exhausted, actually – beat down, and emotionally drained. I have nothing else to lose by telling Mortar the truth. If it is a trick and he tells Brick, he’ll kill me, but I honestly just don’t care anymore. I need this to end. Now.

  “I have to protect my family, Mortar. You have no idea what Brick threatened to do. He shot me, Mortar! He shot me and told me he’d do the same to Ava. My baby girl! That’s why I begged May to take her to Roman. I knew if she was with my Dad, Brick couldn’t get to her. I only agreed to all of this to protect my family, my tiny little girl. She deserves the best life, Mortar.”

  “But you don’t want this, do you?” I hold his gaze for a moment before giving in and shaking my head, the tears falling. “Come here.” He holds me in his big arms, and I let him because I need this right now.

  I feel him reach for his cell from his pocket, but I don’t move. My eyes suddenly feel heavy. “Thirty minutes.” I hear him say. “Send Tonya in there. That’ll keep him busy for an hour... Yeah. I’ve got her... It’s happening now; just keep him here. He should pass out soon enough... I’ll be back as quick as I can. Wait for me... No, I’ll be fine.”

  I don’t k
now whom he’s talking to, but I have a feeling this night may well be Brick’s last night alive. I can but hope.

  Is there a worse way to go, being killed by your own men? I guarantee it won’t be an easy, quick, and simple death, but it couldn’t happen to a nicer man.

  Mortar takes my face in his big hands. “It’s time to go, princess.” I narrow my eyes. “Don’t fear me, Fallon, I would never hurt you. I made a promise to your brother that I’d take care of you. I haven’t done enough of that over the years, but I can do it now. I’m taking you home.”


  “No, “but’s” Don’t worry about anything. I’ve already spoken to Shepard,” He has? “And Roman.” I gasp. “He’s waiting for you, but we have to go now.”

  He doesn’t need to tell me twice. With my hand in Mortar’s, I jog beside his long strides and straddle his bike as he hands me his helmet. I shouldn’t be riding on the back of a motorcycle in my condition, but I’m in no position to turn it down. I’m terrified that somehow Brick will realize what’s going on and stop us leaving.

  What the hell am I thinking, he’s probably still balls deep in one of his whores. By the time Brick realizes what’s going on, I’ll be long gone, and his men will be charging and sentencing him for what he did to my brother. He’ll never be able to hurt my family or me ever again.


  It doesn’t take us long to reach Roman’s house on Mortar’s bike. It’s dark out, but it’s not too late. Ava will be in bed, however. I just want to see her; I won’t wake her. I just want to see with my own eyes that she’s okay. I want to kiss Ava’s little head and tell her that I love her. I never realized just how much until I couldn’t see her anymore. Not that I’ve really seen much of her since Brick gave her to May. But not seeing her at all this month and a half has killed me.

  I stand behind Mortar as he knocks the door. I’m actually really scared right now, shaking all over, and I don’t know why. The door swings open so fast the cold air from it whooshes past me. “Where is she?”


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