Two Of A Kind: Snakes Henchmen MC

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Two Of A Kind: Snakes Henchmen MC Page 25

by Grayson, Alivia

  “Just wanna thank y’all for voting the right way.”

  Ain’t no other way for us to vote. As I said, he was an amazing VP for years, and he’ll be one of the greatest presidents this club has ever seen.

  “As we’re now a VP down, it’s my job to nominate someone. I don’t want no messing around. Either Aye or Nay straight round the board. If the vote is against my nomination, then you’ll each have the chance to nominate who you think should take the job.”

  “Prez!” Few of the guys yell out.

  Over the years I’ve been with this club, I’ve watched it grow into something spectacular. We’re a huge club, well-respected. If you can believe that from a motorcycle club, but we work for the good of the people in Tennessee. Sure, we kill, we steal, we sell firearms to underground criminals, but we also fight for justice where justice is needed.

  But you already know this by now, right?

  I’ve seen brother’s die, retire from old age, new brother’s join us, we’ve grown in size, and we’re stronger than ever. We’ll continue to be strong, continue to grow because we’re the Snakes Henchmen!

  “I nominate Tank!” No surprises there. They joined the club together as kids, brother’s in every way but blood. Although, I think it’s come as a shock to Tank if the look on his face is anything to go by.

  “Couldn’t think of anyone better.” Hammer shoots across.

  “I’ll second that.” I tip my head.

  Ain’t ten-seconds before Tank is voted in as Vice President. Loads of congratulations and slaps on the back; he’s a happy man. With Jett and Tank at the head of the club, we’re in good hands.

  “Now that’s sorted, VJ will be released next week.” VJ. Our new Prez’s younger brother. Member of this club since he was eighteen. A violent, unpredictable, evil son of a bitch if ever there was one. “Bones, I want you to collect him. Bring him straight here. Some words need to be had with him, by me.”

  I remember the day VJ was born. His old man knew the moment he looked at that kid that there was something special about him.

  He grew and was a smart kid. Manipulative. Dangerous. Sexually explicit, but not in a rape a woman kind of way. The kid just knew what he wanted and went after it.

  Kid. We all still refer to him as that when we shouldn’t, he’s twenty-six years old — been in prison for the past eighteen months. Beat the fuck out of some guy who attacked Max, his younger brother. VJ would’ve killed the guy if the cops hadn’t caught him redhanded. Fucking psycho that he is punched out a cop too.

  VJ would’ve gone down for ten years if it wasn’t for Shepard’s connections. Still, he ended up serving eighteen months due to the fact he never knows when to shut the fuck up. The man is a psychopath; I have no doubt about that. There is no remorse in him for the things he does.

  He’s due out next week. Not one of us has seen or heard from him since his sentencing. Refused visits and phone calls from anyone. Even his mother.

  VJ has been a handful his whole life, seemed to get worse once he was patched in with the club. He’s an unpredictable shit but never underestimate VJ. I tell everyone who’ll listen, the man is dangerous. Trouble seems to follow that boy, and it’ll follow him out of prison and back to the club. You mark my words.

  * * *

  There’s nothing like coming home to my wife and kids after a long day, riding, fighting, voting in our new Prez and VP. I’m standing against the kitchen doorframe, watching my wife sitting at the dining table as she helps our daughter with her homework. Ain’t never known a mother and daughter to look so much alike. But they do. Christ, Ava is Fallon’s double, and they’re so damn beautiful.

  My Fallon gets more beautiful as the years pass by, and as she looks up and smiles at me, I realize that I’ll never stop falling in love with her.

  “Daddy!” My boy rushes me. I lift him and hug him tightly.

  “You been a good boy, Scotty?” Scotty was named after his uncle. It’s what Fallon wanted, and I would give that woman anything.

  It meant a lot to Red. It’s his name too, but I haven’t heard anyone call him Scott in years, and he idolizes my boy. Treats him like his own, as he does Reed and Ava.

  “The best, ’cause I’m the best.” Modest as ever. “Reed is asleep.”

  “He is?” It’s not unusual for my youngest son to be asleep early evening. He’s only three years old, after all.

  Scotty nods his little head with wide eyes and a smile on his face. He loves his little brother, but he gets lonely when Reed sleeps.

  “Don’t worry, Scotty, Reed will awake soon, and you guys can play ball with Daddy.”

  “Yay!” I chuckle as he throws his arms in the air and laughs.

  I try to spend as much time with my kids as I can. I want them to know what they mean to me and how grateful I am to have them. I never want them to think their dad doesn’t love them more than anything in this world because they are that and more to me.

  “Hey, handsome.”

  “Hey, beautiful.” I pull my wife against me and kiss her ferociously, my beautiful schoolteacher wife. So fucking smart she is. She made her dream come true while taking care of three kids. She amazes me each and every fucking day.

  We’re changed people these days. Yeah, we fight, we fuck hard, and we love harder. Ain’t nothing ever going to change the outlaw biker that I am or the sassy, sexy minx that Fallon is. However, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  About the Author

  So, heres the thing. I’m quirky and crazy, and I’m not afraid to be just who I am. Why should anybody have to be afraid of who they are?

  I live in London, England with my man and three children, whom I love more than life itself.

  I am also a teacher of history and I enjoy every aspect of it. I love children, they can teach you just as much as you can teach them.

  A child’s mind is a sponge that absorbs informations from every person around them. Teach them well and they can do anything, be anyone.

  I’m probably too talkative sometimes, or so I’ve been told by my older siblings once or twice. But I believe it’s good to talk!

  So don’t be afraid to get in touch any time!

  Also By Alivia Grayson

  Snakes Henchmen MC

  The Presidents Wife: Prequel (Shepard, President)

  Strike Fast (Stryker)

  The One I Need (Tank)

  All For You (Hammer)

  Never Give You Up (Jett)

  Kill For Me (Hawk)

  Vidal!: Mafia - MC Crossover (Draven)

  Die For Me (Wrench)

  Crucify Thy Demons (Roman)




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