Healing Hope

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Healing Hope Page 10

by C. A. Harms

“With all projects coming in at once, they’re requesting we get contracts worked out and signed prior to moving forward.”

  I think both Tripp and I expected Mr. Harland to come at me with new figures, and here it was. He was a businessman, but he had to accept that so was I. I wouldn't be short changed because he looked at Donovan Electric as a small fish in a big ocean. We are reliable, and we work hard. We do this right, cut no corners, and come in on time. Hell, we finished the apartments on Midland a week before the deadline.

  Tossing in his pretty daughter in order to attempt to distract me wouldn't make a difference. We’d already lowered our rates to gain the Midland job, I wouldn't be lowering them any further.

  “I’ll fly you out and pay for your accommodations. It shouldn't be more than a day or two tops.”

  “That won’t be a problem, I’ll just need a little notice in order to line things up here.”

  I continue to keep my stare locked on Mr. Harland, avoiding the perusal of his eager daughter.

  “Perfect.” He rubs his palms together, a huge smiling covering his mouth. “I will leave you in the hands of Kenna, I’m sure the two of you will be able to work out all the details to present to the board by the end of the month.” He cocks his brow, and I know the date was not my choice. It wasn't a question, it was more of a demand.

  I nod, knowing there would be no haggling, it is what it is.

  “Great.” Mr. Harland again seems pleased.

  He steps around his daughter moving toward the door, and she steps forward. “Until next time,” she coos. “I think you and I will make a great team.”

  As she walks away, she continues to look back at me over her left shoulder until she reaches the doorway. With a wink and a smirk she exits the room and I sag back against my desk.

  A deep chuckle is the only thing I hear from my brother.

  Shooting him a glare, I find his head thrown back in a fit of laughter, and it all just irritates me more. “What the hell is so funny?”


  “Me? What the fuck did I do?”

  His laughter thins as he takes a seat on the sofa and props his feet up on the glass coffee table before him. “You didn’t do anything. But that could be a problem in the end.”

  Still confused about his comment, and hell, about the last thirty minutes in general, I just stare at him waiting for him to explain.

  “That woman is gonna be trouble for you.”

  “She ain’t gonna be trouble for me,” I assured him, only I didn't feel as confident about that statement as I should have. There was definitely something about Kenna Harland that was scary. I have never in my life been scared of a woman, until now. I knew my brother was right.

  “My feet are not big,” Hope said as she used her own legs to nudge mine away.

  We lay on her bed, our legs extended up in the air, our feet side by side, propped up against the headboard of her bed. A single sheet shared between the two of us covers our naked bodies.

  This was who we were together, comfortable. Two people who didn’t hide who we truly were. I believed without a doubt I’d found the one I was meant to share my life with. There’s a relaxed feeling with us, like we’d known one another much longer than we truly had. I could be me with her, silly, goofy, and when needed, serious. She accepted all my crazy phases, and in turn, gave it right back. Hope was just as silly as I was. She loved to hassle me, harass me, whenever the opportunity presented itself.

  I couldn’t remember a time prior to this when I felt so relaxed with a woman.

  “Babe, they’re almost as big as mine.” I’m smiling, yet trying to hide it from her. It amazed me how girls got so offended by shit like this. The thing was her feet were in no way big, I just liked getting a rise out of her. “What size you wear anyway, tens?”

  “No,” she voice raises a few decimals, “they’re seven and a half.”

  I turn my head to the side and she was looking at her feet, concentration etched in her features. Her nose crinkled, her eyes squinting, she looked fucking adorable.

  “They are not big,” she states, before turning her head, bringing our faces closer together. When I smile she glares, knowing she had given me just what I was shooting for, a reaction. “You’re awful.”

  I move faster than she expects, and a surprised squeal escapes her when I have her pinned to the mattress beneath me. My body pressed firmly to hers, only a small corner of the sheet separated our bodies.

  “You didn’t think I was awful about thirty minutes ago.” When I say the words I make sure to shift my pelvis to hers, and she gasps when she feels my hardness. She didn't even have to try to get a rise out of me, it was instinctual. My body craved hers, always.

  “Yes, I did,” she challenged me. “I just fake it really well.”

  There was one thing a guy didn’t want to hear when referring to pleasing his girl. Fake, faking it, whatever. I knew she was taunting me, but that shit still set forth the animalistic urge in me to remind her just how there was no faking her reaction to me. That shit was a rule, hardcore real, as in explosive. A man knows real versus fake, fake wasn’t a vice grip on my dick, and her fingernails penetrating the skin along my shoulders and back. Nope, I had the marks to prove it.

  “I think we both know you didn't fake anything.” I push my hardness against her. “If you want to challenge me, princess, I think you need to come up with a better line than that.” She narrows her eyes at me. “Or you need to make sure your body and mind are on the same page. Because your body is very,” I skim my tongue over her collarbone and she whimpers, “very responsive.”

  She wanted to argue, in fact, she started to, until I continued to torture her. Dipping my head, I took her hardened nipple between my lips and sucked gently. Her back arched, she fists the sheets at her side, and all resistance and playfulness fades.

  Chapter 18


  I’ve heard many, many times over the last few weeks how it’s good to see my smile again. It’s not just from my parents, but those friends I used to talk to, that I’ve sorta reconnected with. Even Ms. Ivan at the bank, or Heidi Milton, the sweet lady behind the counter at the post office, have mentioned my smile.

  I’ve noticed it, too.

  Each morning when I get ready, I spend a little more time and effort on my appearance. I forego the frumpy shirts and jeans, choosing something a little more cutesy and fashionable. I felt like a new me, and yes, I still at times felt guilty about it, but I would move on from it. I tried to believe Walker would want me to be happy, even in his absence.

  I missed him, every single day, but I’ve come to realize life had to go on. Travis has given me hope again. He’s given me something to look forward to, things to smile about.

  I no longer hid in my house with the curtains drawn, but instead pulled back the curtains and opened the blinds, allowing the outside world in. I’ve even planted a few colorful flowers in the flower box outside my kitchen window. Okay, so it was Travis that actually bought the flowers, filled the box with dirt, and buried them, not me. But I watered them, so to me that counts for something.

  I stood at the counter, staring out the window, listening to the birds chirp. Simply appreciating the peacefulness it brought my morning. I should be working. I know that, but I couldn't bring myself to walk away from the kitchen. I loved this time of year, the change in the weather, the coolness of the morning. The leaves changing just before they began to fall and land on the ground beneath.

  It was my absolute, most favorite time of year.

  I’d missed feeling this at ease, and now that it was back, I was afraid I’d miss it if I didn't take the opportunity to treasure each second.

  My phone ringing somewhere off in the distance gains my attention and I push off the counter in search of it. The excitement I felt was related to the fact that I already knew who was calling. It was the same call, every morning around the same time. But one thing never faded, that feeling I got when I’d see his name on
the screen.


  “Good morning, handsome.” I smile the instant I hear him chuckle.

  “Good morning to you too,” he says. “How was your night?”

  “I think it would have been better if a certain someone wouldn't have canceled on me and showed up with my favorite dessert.” There was something else Travis seemed to bring out in me, honesty. The inability to hide what I was feeling at any given moment. With him, I couldn't hide what was going on in my mind--I said it, I expressed it, and I loved it.

  “Dessert huh?” He sounded slightly confused. “Was I supposed to bring something?

  “Yes, you.”

  I hear a deep breath escape him and I bite my lip to hide my laughter.

  “Babe, you’re killing me.” I knew that voice, that husky strained tone. I’ll admit I loved hearing that I could effect him that easily. “I’m sorry about last night, the meeting ran longer than I was hoping.”

  “I could have brought you dinner.” It would have been the perfect excuse, because even a day without him felt like forever.

  “Harland paid for dinner.” I didn't know this Harland person, but I know one thing, I hated how he was monopolizing Travis’ time. “You could bring me lunch though.”

  Closing my eyes, I find I can almost picture his smile.

  “I’ll be in the office pretty much all day, going over financials. I think a visit from a beautiful girl would actually help brighten my day.”

  “What sounds good?”

  His voice, still laced by that same huskiness, he gives me his recommendation. “Just you.”

  Suddenly the playfulness inside me shifts and I find I, too, am panting with anticipation. “Noon?”

  “Make it eleven,” he insists. “And Hope, wear something that will be easy for me to remove.” My legs tremble, my lower stomach tenses, and I actually nod as if he can see me. “Don’t keep me waiting, princess, I’m hungry.”

  “You must be Hope?” An older woman sat behind the mahogany desk just inside the front entrance of Donovan Electric. The entire office was more than I had envisioned. Nothing like I would have pictured as an electrician’s. It just proved that Travis was more successful than I originally imagined.

  “Yes I’m Hope.” I extend my hand toward the woman and she smiles. She reminded me of a grandmother, kind and generous. Instead of reaching out to shake my hand, she stood from the desk and walked around it. Surprising me she wraps her arm around me and hugs me close.

  “It’s great to finally meet you, sweetheart. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  When she releases me, I give her a look of confusion.

  “I’ve known Travis and Tripp their entire lives. Maryanne and I are best friends, and have been since we were in grade school ourselves. I’ve never seen Travis so intrigued by a female.” Her words gave me butterflies. “He’s talked about you so much, I feel like I’ve know you as long as I’ve known them.”

  “Carol, what kind of lies are you telling out here?” I look to my right to find Travis hovering in the arched doorway that led back to what I assume is his office.

  “I was just telling this sweet girl that if she knew what was good for her, she’d hold on tight and never let you go.” She offers a wink at Travis, and then faces me once more. “I’m gonna head out to lunch. Just let the calls go to the answering service. I will take care of them when I return. You two kids enjoy your lunch.” When she wags her eyebrows suggestively, I feel my cheeks heat.

  I watch as she gathers her bag, followed by her keys before walking out the front door of Donovan Electric.

  A strong set of arms wrap around me from behind and Travis pulls my body back against his. His lips find my neck and he nuzzles me. The prickly feeling of his stubble rubbing against my jaw as he kisses me causes chills to cover my body.

  “I missed you,” he whispers as he sucks on my earlobe, and I swear I feel it in every part of my body. “Your soft skin, how sweet you smell, I’ve grown addicted to the way it makes me feel.”

  Arching my neck, I rest my head back against his chest and close my eyes.

  “I see you did as I asked.” Before I was able to ask him what he meant, I feel his hand slip beneath my short skirt and cup my ass. “Maybe we should take this to my office.”

  I nod my head, still completely focused on the way his hand glides over my hip and moves toward my front. The moment his fingers crosses the barrier of my panties and skim over my clit, I am done.

  Turning in his arms, I place my hands behind his neck and pull him toward me. Our lips crash together in a heated kiss, and he begins backing down the hallway. Growing completely lost in his kiss, I hadn’t registered where we were until I heard the door shut, followed by the click of a lock.

  “Here?” I asked, looking around for windows.

  “Yes here,” Travis says once again, allowing his hands to roam over my body. “The blinds are closed.” He wraps his hands around my waist and lifts me like I weigh next to nothing. “No one is in the office but us.” Suddenly I am placed on the desktop as he steps between my parted thighs. “I’m starving.”

  His voice was demanding and eager, and I knew I was the meal he craved.

  “Last night, all I could think about was you.” His palm glided over my thighs as they pushed up my skirt. “The way you tremble when I touch you, the way you whisper ‘more’ when I’m pleasuring you. Sometimes I wonder if you even realize you’re begging me to keep going.”

  “I don’t.” I get so lost in him that I forget where I’m at on most occasions.

  “It confirms then what I already know.”

  “What’s that?” I felt my mind growing hazy, like I was strung out on some really great meds when his thumbs sneak below the elastic band of my panties. The gentle way he touches me made me lose my mind.

  “That we’re meant to be together.” I gasp when his thumb makes contact with my clit and he applies only a small amount of pressure. “That you and I are good together.” I couldn’t argue because I felt it, too.

  He kneels on the floor between my parted legs yet never once taking his eyes from mine.

  “What are you doing?” I look down at him as he begins to lower my panties.

  “I told you I was starving.” I blush at his words, and when he licks his lips, I swear I almost melt to the floor myself.

  I should have been embarrassed by the way I now sat exposed on his desk. A desk he works on daily and I’m sure others do as well. But all that embarrassment goes right out the window when he moves in and places his lips over my clit.

  I grip the sides of the desk and do my very best to hold myself upright while he works me over. Unexplainable sensations rip through me as he touches me and tastes me. The mixture of his fingers and tongue over my most sensitive areas makes me shake with desire.

  “Oh my,” the deep ache inside me intensifies, “don’t stop.” I was well aware of the demanding tone my voice had taken on. “More.”

  I ignore the chuckle Travis releases just before he does as I demand.

  I explode, my hips jerking toward him, and I grip the sides of the desk harder. A deep moan falls from Travis, and he continues to accept what I had to give, never missing a beat.

  “Fuck.” That deep husky tone I love so much fills the room just before he begins to rise from the floor. When I’m able to focus I watch as he began unbuckling his pants and lowering both his boxers and jeans. His erection springs forward, and he wastes no time opening the condom that seems to appear out of nowhere.

  Sheathed and ready, he bring his body closer to mine with his cock fisted in his hand. We both focus on his movements, and I whimper when the head of his erection glides over my sensitive clit.

  “So sexy.”

  I had to agree, because it was just that so unbelievably sexy.

  I think I hold my breath as I watch him move in closer. The moment he pushes forward and begins to enter me, I gasp. Each time with Travis feels like the first.

; Looking at him, I find he is already watching me. A look of admiration maybe, mixed with lust. “I can’t get enough of you.” It was like he read my mind, because I felt like I couldn't get enough of him.

  His mouth covers my own as he begins to move. I can taste myself on his lips, and I swear it drives the need inside me even more. It was so sinful, and I just wanted more.

  My own hips begin to move against his, matching his movements. Travis moans against my lips.

  I never pictured myself being someone that would enjoy desk sex, but my god, it was so dirty. I loved it, the thrill of it. Knowing that at anytime someone could show up and hear the sound of raw sex spilling from his office.

  “There you go,” he encourages. “Damn, Hope, yes, so good.”

  With each stroke, my body raced closer to my release. His cock twitched as he bites on my lower lip, and with one more hard thrust of his hips I ignite.

  “Yes,” I scream with my head thrown back, my hands squeezing his biceps.

  “Jesus.” A shiver runs through Travis, his muscles tensing beneath my fingers. “That was incredible.”

  Too out of breath to agree with words, I lock eyes with him and offer a nod that only makes him smile arrogantly. He could have it, this sense of manliness I know he was feeling. I wouldn't take it from him by offering him sass. Because holy hell, he deserved it.

  Desk sex was so much more than I ever anticipated. Or maybe it was the man I shared it with instead that makes it amazing.

  Travis grins before pressing a kiss to my lips. Yes, it was most definitely the man.

  Chapter 19


  I walk behind Hope, my hand in hers as she leads me toward the front office. Admiring the way her hips swung from side to side, making her skirt sway reminding me of only moments ago having it pushed up and gathered around her waist.

  I will never be able to sit at my desk again without remembering what she and I just shared atop it.

  Sexiest damn thing ever.


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