Healing Hope

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Healing Hope Page 12

by C. A. Harms

  “This Thursday?”

  A smile spreads out over her lips as she nods. She uncrosses her legs for what feels like the fiftieth time and leans over to pick up her bag from the floor. I find myself looking away quickly when I notice the way her shirt gapes in the front, hanging low. Had I continued to stare, I’m sure I’d have seen what lay beneath.

  “Which means we need to fly out--”

  I wait for her to finish my sentence and when she does, my stomach drops. “Wednesday evening at the latest, but I’m sure my father would appreciate us earlier in the day.”

  I’d once again have to cancel on Hope, only this time I would also be canceling on her parents, too. Wednesday evening was the night I’d been invited over to their home for dinner. It was the first night I would meet them as their daughter’s boyfriend, and not the electrician they’d hired.

  “Will this be a problem?” I look back toward Kenna and find her watching me with curiosity. “I do know that there have been other proposals presented, and the board doesn't like putting things on hold.” She was baiting me, I knew it.

  “I’ll make it work.” Even saying the words made my stomach tense. I didn't want to cancel, but I knew I’d have to.

  Kenna happily typed away on her phone, a smile on her lips. “Perfect,” she coos. “Now, about dinner.” She pauses for only a second before lowering her phone to her lap and locking her eyes with my own. “I just ordered your favorite from that Italian restaurant down the road, and it should be here in less than thirty minutes.”

  “I actually have plans.” She arches her brow as if to say, oh really. By now I was well aware that if Kenna had it her way, we would be mixing business with a whole lot of pleasure. “Since I’ll be having to rearrange my schedule, I’ll be spending as much time with Hope as I can until we leave.”

  “The girlfriend.” She wrinkles her nose when she says the word girlfriend. “It’s a shame your--” She let her words fade, and I fought the urge to get pissed.

  I need to get through this trip, present my bid to the board, though I knew I already had the deal per Mr. Harland. After that, I could get the contract signed, and this game Kenna thinks we’re playing would come to an end.

  “So I apologize for the inconvenience, but it looks like you’ll be having two entrees tonight.”

  “And dessert.” I ignore the way she bites her lip and start to gather my things. The faster I get out of here, the faster I can get to Hope.

  Chapter 22


  “Hank says Kenna has been monopolizing a lot of Travis’ time.” Libby leans back in the lounger and props her feet up on the railing of my deck.

  To say I was surprised when she showed up a little over an hour ago would be an understatement, but I’ll admit it had been nice to visit. Until the subject veered to Kenna. She struck me as a spoiled bitch that was used to getting whatever it was she wanted. She was definitely not subtle about being after my boyfriend. When she became the topic of our conversation, it totally soured my mood.

  “He says Travis is annoyed by it,” she adds, before taking another sip.

  Then maybe Travis should open his mouth and do something about it.

  “I met her once, she doesn't bother me.” Lies, it was all lies. “Women like her are just so used to getting handed the things they want in life, they feel they’re entitled.” She is a whore.

  “How are things going with you and Travis?”

  I smile against the rim of my wine glass and quickly try to hide it while taking a sip. Things have been good, amazing even. He’s been sweet, attentive. “Things are great.”

  “The smile conveys a whole lot more than just great.” She giggles when I nod, completely agreeing with her words only not elaborating. I wanted to keep him all to myself, and that includes everything we share. The man was so much more than the cocky prick I first classified him as.

  “Now you won't go getting jealous that Ramona and him are walking down the aisle together at my wedding, will ya?”

  Ramona is Libby’s crazy cousin. Crazy as in crazy fun. She is wild, spunky, and she loves women. I had nothing to worry about, if anything, it would be Travis who needed to worry.

  “Absolutely not.”

  I’m just about to rehash old memories of the lovely Ramona when I hear a car door shut. Instantly my pulse quickens because the only person I’m expecting is Travis.

  Libby picks up on my excitement automatically and laughs at my side. “Look at you.” I ignore her knowing laughter. “Happiness looks so good on you, Hope.”

  I remain in place, because I had left the front door open for him. The back door was open as well, with only a screen door separating us, so it gave him the ability to look right through and see me sitting out on the back porch.

  I could hear the sound of his work boots against the hardwood floor, and it made my heart race with excitement. The moment the door behind me is pushed open making a soft squeaking sound, I grip the stem of my wine glass just a little tighter.

  “Good evening, ladies.” The deep husky voice I love so much sends thrills through me. “What are you two up to out here?”

  I tilt my head back just as he hovers over me. A grin tugs at his lips. Wasting no more time, he moves in closer, pressing his lips to mine. “Mm,” he hums, pulling back, “miss that.”

  I feel my cheeks redden and then I hear Libby sigh at my side. “I miss the falling part. It’s such a rush.”

  For a moment Travis and I just stare at one another, and even though he was trying to appear as if he was happy, I could sense there was something heavy on his mind. He always scrunches up his forehead when something is bothering him.

  “You mind if I grab a shower?”

  I shake me head.

  “Thanks, babe, you two visit.”

  He didn't wait a moment longer before moving inside the house, leaving Libby and I to stare after him.

  “The man is so undeniably addicted to you, I can see it.” I can't help the smile that covers my mouth. I only hope her words were true.

  “You ever think about going back to school?” He asks this as I lie with my head upon his chest. I know from this angle he can’t see my face, and in the moment, I’m glad.

  Tears pool and I do my best to blink them away.

  “I have, yes, but then I think how selfish it is for me to move forward with something he and I planned together without him. It all seems so unfair.”

  “He, as in Walker.”

  Hearing Travis say his name only made it harder to keep the tightness from forming in my throat. So, instead of responding with words, I only nod.

  “It’s not selfish, babe, it’s honorable. Do you think he’d want you to give up on your future?” I take in a deep breath as he continues. “I may not have known the guy myself, but I know people who did, and from what I’ve heard, he was as selfless as they come. I think he’d want you to live out those dreams in honor of him, instead of running away from it completely.”

  These times right here were the times that made me realize just how lucky I was to have found Travis. He always knew what to say to soothe me, even without knowing it.

  “So for dinner on Wednesday, my mother is going all out.” I needed a change of subject. “You’d think we were celebrating Thanksgiving with everything she’s got planned.”

  He takes in one deep breath, and the action alone assures me that my earlier observation was accurate.

  Lifting my cheek from his chest, I turn enough that I can look up at him. I didn't have to ask to know he was fighting some internal battle.

  “I actually need to talk to you about that.”

  My stomach feels as if it drops. Instead of saying anything, I remain quiet allowing him to continue, knowing what he was about to say wouldn't be something I’d like.

  “I just found out today that I have to go to New York. Harland’s board needs me to present my proposal in person.”

  “I thought you had already landed that job?” Or
at least that was the way I’d taken it. Why else was he spending so much time with that horrendous woman? “I thought you already had the contract?”

  “Mr. Harland came to me initially, because apparently Donovan Electric made an impression during our first job together. The problem is the board feels that just offering it to one company alone is not going to force us to be competitive in pricing.” It made sense, yet I still hated it. Call me childish, I truly don’t give a shit.

  “I just assumed the meetings with Kenna were related to a job you already had.”

  Again, I had no idea why the hell they were together so often if he hadn’t even landed the contract yet.

  “She keeps changing things on me, adding in new ideas.” Travis mindlessly traced over the contour of my shoulder blade with his finger while continuing to talk. “Then she tosses in this idea and that idea because a specific person on the board would find it beneficial or impressive.”

  “I can assure you it isn't only for the benefit of the board.”

  He grows silent, and in that moment, I regret saying anything at all. I should have just kept my opinion to myself.

  “Are you jealous?”

  Arching my brow I give him my best, I’m not impressed with your cockiness glare.

  “Well, let me just reassure you right now,” he pulls me upward and positions my body over his, “you do not have and will never have anything to worry about when it comes to Kenna. Or hell any woman, because you, little Ms. Feisty, are more than enough for me. I’ve sorta fallen for your sweet smile.”

  Always on cue, I smile because it was next to impossible not to. His grin matched mine instantly.

  When his hand cups my ass, I know his mischievous side is kicking in.

  “And this ass,” he gives it a gentle squeeze, “I dream about it.”

  “My ass?”

  “Oh yeah.” He nods, pursing his lips out in the cutest way. “It’s a nice ass.”

  “Yeah,” I offer my own nod, “it kinda is.”

  My jealousy was long forgotten when he rolls my body under his, and once I am tucked beneath him, he kisses me softly. My mind grows hazy, my legs grow weak, and I do nothing to stop him from making up for the fact that he was once again canceling on me.

  Chapter 23


  “What time is your flight?” I use my cheek to hold the phone securely in place against my shoulder.

  Lifting the two ties out before me, I decide to go with the red one versus the tan. “The car arrives at the office to take me to the airport around two.”

  “A car,” Hope fakes being impressed, “so fancy.” I can practically feel the sarcasm oozing through the receiver.

  “I was going to take a cab, but Harland insisted.”

  “I wonder if he is treating all his prospects this well?”

  I chuckle. “I’m sure it has to do more with Kenna riding in style to the airport than myself.”

  I toss the tie in my suitcase and then grab the socks and boxers I had laid out earlier into my luggage as well.

  The silence on the other end of the line has me reaching up to grab the phone, pulling it from my ear. Realizing it is still connected to Hope, I put it back in place.

  “You there?”

  “Mmhm.” Her earlier playfulness has since disappeared.

  “You okay?”

  I remember the way she got all snippy the other night when Kenna was brought up, and now she was quiet. Was she honestly jealous over her?

  “Why did you get all quiet?”

  “Just wasn't aware you and Kenna would be traveling together.”

  It was my turn to get quiet as I ran over our conversation in my mind about my trip. Each word, each action, and then I realized I didn't clarify that fact. But in my defense, her ass distracted me, and her smile, and those lips. Fuck, everything about Hope distracted me, not just then, but always. Since I met her, I’ve been living in the clouds.

  “It’s the company jet, and since she is here and needs to be there.” I got a strange empty feeling in my stomach. “I guess I never actually stated that fact, but I figured it was apparent she would be. I’m sorry, Hope, I just--”

  Again with the silence, yet I could hear her rifling through something on the other end of the line just before what sounds like a cabinet door shuts hard.

  “Are you mad?”

  “Nope,” she pops the P a little more than needed. “Not mad, just curious.”

  “As to what?”

  “Why you give her so much control over everything? Since when did Donovan Electric become Travis and Kenna’s business?” It would appear Hope has a fiery attitude when jealousy strikes, and I try not to smile.

  “Do you like that she flirts with you?”

  The earlier smile I felt fighting to win suddenly disappears.

  “I’ve never once given her or you indication that I enjoy any part of her flirting. In fact, I have made it known on several occasions that I’m with you.”

  “Well, apparently your approach is weak.”

  “What would you like me to do, Hope? Open my mouth and piss off the one that is my lead in to closing the biggest deal my company has ever had?” When she says nothing, I don’t wait. “Because this contract could set Donovan Electric for the next five to ten years, Hope. It is that fucking big. I’d be able to ensure that my company stays afloat and my men are secure. I can’t let some flirtatious woman ruin that for me. So yes, I ignore her weak attempts, I look past her comments, because nothing will fucking come of it.”

  By the time the words are out. I am breathing heavily, trying my best to gain some control.

  “Sure, fine.” Hope’s voice sounds like more of a whisper, and suddenly I feel like the biggest asshole.

  “Babe.” My pulse races. “Listen, I promise you that nothing--”

  “It’s fine,” she cuts me off, her voice rising just a fraction.

  “No, it’s not.” I didn't like how it made Hope feel. Fuck, I didn't like Kenna’s shit any more than Hope. “I just need to lock this deal then--”

  Again she doesn't allow me to finish. “Listen, I have to go, I have a call coming in from my boss.” I knew that was a lie. “Have a safe trip, and if you get the chance to call me later,” she pauses before finishing, “or if not, I understand, too.”

  “I will have time.” Fuck, I would talk to her the entire flight there, all night long, and up until the minute I walked into the meeting tomorrow if I could. “Once I’m at the hotel, in my room, I’ll call you.”

  Another reason I knew no one was calling is because no call takes that long before getting sent to voicemail.

  “Okay, well, I better grab this.”

  I don’t call her out on her lie, yet instead allow her to end the call. The worst part about it was there was no silly banter or sexual innuendos shared before we hung up. That was us, it had become us, and I didn't like that, that part was different. Because of one fucking woman that thought if she pushed hard enough I would cave and give into her attempts. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, would make me stray. I was Hope’s, and that wouldn't change, even if she pushed me away.

  “Would you like something to drink, sir?”

  I pull my gaze away from the small plane window and look toward the stewardess to my left. She was a petite girl, who didn't look like she could be old enough to legally serve alcohol herself.

  “Can I just get an ice water please?”

  With a soft nod, she walked in the direction of the front of the small jet to retrieve my beverage.

  “You do know that everything is free.” Kenna’s voice now grated on my nerves. Ever since my conversation with Hope prior to my flight, I wanted nothing more than to tell the woman to drop the fucking act. Instead, though, I kept telling myself I needed a signed contract.

  “Water is fine.” I don't even acknowledge her as I watch the young stewardess begin to move back in my direction. “Here you go, sir.” She holds out a small glass of ice and
a bottle of water. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “No, I’m good, thank you.”

  My head was already beginning to throb, and I wished I had foregone the private jet and booked my own flight in coach upon a crowded and noisy airplane. Maybe I should have invited Hope to accompany me. She would have been the perfect distraction.

  I lift the glass now full of water to my lips and take a long drink, the coolness making my chest ache slightly.

  Placing the now empty glass onto the tray before me, I let my head tilt back, resting it against the seat behind me. Closing my eyes, I can't help but grin as Hope’s face fills my mind. Friday morning could not come soon enough. I would be back in Kansas City, making up for the distance I feel between us now. I’m not referring to the miles, but the wedge I felt our bickering had caused.

  “You don't need to stress about the meeting.” Kenna places her hand on my forearm and offers it a reassuring squeeze. “You have this, I can guarantee it. This entire thing is to please the board, but my father and I have both made it impossible for any other company to outbid you. They like simple, cost effective planning. These other companies have come in with high bids filled with unnecessary expense.”

  I only nod, allowing her to go on believing the tension I felt was related to the impended meeting. She didn't need to know that at this point, I couldn't care less.

  I didn't like the way things were left with Hope. I felt unsettled and I liked things in order, with my business and my personal life. I’d finally found someone that made everyday feel great, regardless of struggles I may be facing. She gave me something to look forward to, she always made me feel better.

  Once we landed and the car that awaited whisked us away, I found I wasn't staying in a hotel. In fact, I was staying in a penthouse that belonged to Mr. Harland himself.

  Mr. Harland only used this penthouse for clients and his friends. It was huge, with an entire staff on hand to serve me if needed. I wasn't exactly sure why I was being offered such a treatment, but I had a feeling it was something Kenna may have convinced her father to supply for me.


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