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Captivity Page 10

by Brenda Trim

  “I’ve thought about that, too. I’m hoping to take all of you. If that means me quitting this job and finding another, so be it. After you’re safe, I hope to get the authorities to bring charges against my boss, so I’ll probably be unemployed when this blows up. I just want you out of here,” she breathed, close enough he could feel the warm puff against his neck.

  Claiming her lips again, his hope blossomed. It felt like an old friend returning from a very long trip. He desperately wanted to believe he was getting out of this hole of misery. Could this small human pull off such bravery? He never would’ve thought his rescue would come down to the tiny female who possessed the largest heart he’d ever encountered.

  “Now, call Hannah and tell her you’re coming home,” she murmured against his mouth.

  Home. The word had never sounded so sweet.


  “I’m dying here, how much longer?” Liv blurted into the cell phone.

  The waiting game was killing her. She could only imagine what her lip looked like, she thought, as the taste of copper filled her mouth. She could hear Cassie typing away on the other end of the phone. Liv had left her friend at her house to dog-sit Milo since she had no idea how long this night might last.

  “Not much longer,” came her friend’s reply. “Are the exterior lights still on around the building?”

  Liv glanced to the front area of PRL. It was almost eleven and was pitch black except for the scattered spotlights accenting trees, a metal sculpture along the sidewalk, as well as, the double doors at the entrance.

  “Yes,” she answered as she continued watching from the RV in the parking lot.

  She still couldn’t believe she was sitting behind the wheel of the vast monstrosity. She drove it around for a few hours, adjusting to driving the beast. Long as she didn’t need to back up, turn, or parallel park, she was golden. Straight ahead was her mission for this venture.

  Bart had come through once again when she realized she would need something to carry all her passengers after the rescue. His list of connections was never-ending, and after he had made a quick call, he’d rented an RV in the next breath. Feeling doubly-efficient for covering her bases, she could only hope and pray the shifters in the lab were alive because from what she’d seen, it was doubtful. Shaking off those negative thoughts, she focused on the task ahead.

  Their plan was going to work. Failure wasn’t an option.

  “Okay, as soon as you see them go off, that’s your cue. I don’t know for sure how long you will have, but hopefully it will be plenty of time for you to get in and do what you need to do. Did you remember a flashlight?” Cassie asked.

  Cassie was another friend Liv was eternally grateful to have. She was the mastermind behind this electronic override. Liv didn’t know the first thing about hacking into someone’s computer, let alone, shutting down a corporation’s security system. But Cassie fiddled around with Liv’s laptop and her work files and, half an hour later, felt confident she could get in and do the job. Liv was very impressed and changed her nickname from heartbreaker to infiltrator.

  “Check.” Liv knew once the power was shut down, it would be impossible to maneuver through the building without it.

  “Shouldn’t be much longer now. Please call me as soon as you’re on your way to Bart’s property. Be careful, love ya,” Cassie spouted.

  “I will. Love you, too,” Liv replied then ended the call.

  Nervousness assailed and her hands began shaking uncontrollably. What was she thinking? Why had she freely offered to do this? So many things could go wrong, and a lot of people could die, including herself.

  Fisting her hands, she took several deep breaths. She could not lose her shit now. This was it, her only opportunity. Lawson was counting on her, and she refused to let him down.

  Looking down, she chuckled over her getup. She would pass for a cat burglar. Unsure of proper dress for breaking and entering, she had gone for the black-from-head-to-toe approach. Sneakers, jeans, and tank top, all black. Even donned a black baseball cap, making her feel like a total gangster. The only problem was she was so scared she thought she might hurl.

  Opening the driver door, she stepped down from the RV, placing her cell phone in her back pocket while tightening her grip on the flashlight. Come on, lights. Go out, she thought, as she bounced on the heels of her feet. Adrenaline pumped through her system as her heart pounded so hard she could feel it in her throat.

  Suddenly, the area around the building went black as the night sky. Cue to run, she told herself, but her feet remained cemented in place. After several attempts, she finally managed to force movement and took a few steps. Her body responded with another jolt of anxious energy. Sprinting to the entrance, she almost turned around to go back and grab her entry key then remembered she should be able to open the door without it.

  Pulling the handle when she reached the glass door, it gave way and opened. So far, so good.

  As she stepped inside, blackness assailed her. She didn’t realize it would be this dark. She couldn’t even see her hand in front of her face. Willing away her panic, she pushed the button on the flashlight, her hands shaking as a beam of white light blasted a pathway down the hall. Sweat dripped down her spine and a hoard of worms came to life in her stomach.

  As she headed straight for Lawson’s room, she listened for any unusual sounds. Nothing. It was eerily quiet in the building, and she hoped that was a good thing. This late at night there should only be the security guard, or guards, on duty. Lawson would detain whoever tried to prevent them from leaving.

  When she opened the door to the hallway leading to his room and shined her flashlight, she was surprised to see Lawson’s illuminated frame standing several yards in front of her.

  Shielding his eyes, he whispered, “Liv, is that you?”

  As soon as the lighted keypad on the cuff went blank, Lawson knew the escape plan was underway. Popping the metal bracelets from his wrists, he rubbed his skin. He’d been wearing them so long there was a permanent indentation, and he wondered if it would ever go away.

  Noise in the hallway had him on his feet and running from his room. It was pitch black but his enhanced vision could see fine until bright light blinded him. Lemony sugar tickled his nostrils, and he shielded his eyes, whispering, “Liv, is that you?”

  She lowered the beam of light and he barely recognized her, dressed all in black. Her long red hair was shoved up into a baseball cap.

  Moments later she was in his arms and stretching on tiptoe as her lips quickly found his in a searing kiss that left him breathless. The kiss annihilated every coherent thought, and he got lost in the moment. The connection he felt to her was undeniable. Lips so warm and soft he wanted to devour them.

  A loud boom echoed through the hallway, startling them. Lawson pulled away, searching for the source of the sound. She pointed her flashlight in all directions, but he saw nothing.

  “Come with me,” she instructed, pulling him along behind her.

  She ran to the room next to his and opened the door. A quick flash of light through the space told them it was empty. Same with the next room. And the next.

  Confused, she grabbed his hand again, “Let’s see if they’re in the lab.” When they reached the door, she turned the handle. “What the hell! It’s locked. How can it be locked?”

  “Move. Let me see if I can get through,” Lawson ordered and wrapped a hand around Liv’s waist, moving her out of his way.

  Taking a few backward steps, Lawson rushed forward, throwing his shoulder against the steel door. It didn’t budge. He stepped back again, this time lunging with his foot to the panel. Nothing except a sharp pain to his bare sole.

  “I’ll be right back. I want to check the other rooms,” Liv announced, leaving him to continue the assault on the door.

  Every blow he delivered sounded like a stick of dynamite going off, and he could feel the vibration of the impact, but the door remained solid.

  Suddenly, he h
eard Liv’s panicked scream. “Lawson, come here! Quick!” Running to the end of the hallway, he froze at the sight that greeted him. In the corner, a man curled in a ball looked up, eyes reflecting in the darkness. He was a shifter.

  Moments later, recognition sparked, and the man jumped to his feet. “I thought I was the only one left alive. What’s going on?” the man asked. Lawson could tell he was malnourished but seemed in decent physical shape, otherwise.

  “We’re getting out of here, now! We’re running out of time,” Liv yelled, grabbing Lawson’s hand and leading them to a section he’d never seen.

  He hated leaving the others behind if there were others, but she had told him there would be limited time to get out of the building.

  As the three stepped into a large hall, a piercing whistle blared through his eardrums.

  “Stop right there! What do you think you’re doing?” a security guard shouted as he appeared from doorway to the hall, pointing his flashlight in their direction. In the next second, he pulled a revolver, pointing it towards them. “Don’t take another step!”

  Lawson recognized him. He was one of the night guards for PRL. He locked eyes with Lawson. He and Liv discussed the probability of someone trying to stop their escape. The last thing he wanted was to kill someone but he wasn’t willing to negotiate. They were leaving this fucking place, no matter what.

  “I don’t want to hurt you. Step aside, and we’ll be on our way,” Lawson replied calmly.

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that. You three need to return to your cells and wait until the power comes back on. Jim is on his way,” the guard answered, stepping a few feet closer.

  Lawson looked to the shifter then to Liv who gave him a quizzical look. The guard assumed Liv was a male with her hair crammed inside the hat. As for Jim, that piece of shit had best stay the fuck away because that was a male Lawson was itching to pummel.

  “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. I do not want to hurt you,” Lawson relayed, shoving Liv behind his back to protect her. He stalked towards the guard while Liv and the other shifter brought up the rear.

  A loud pop echoed, and Lawson felt a sharp sting on his arm. The fucker shot him. Rage built and he knew this wasn’t going to be peaceful. The male was about to feel his wrath. He took off running towards him and another round echoed. Pain lanced through his leg, and he fell to his knee. He heard Liv scream but ignored it, hopping to his feet before she reached him. In moments, he was on guard, right fist connecting with his jaw. The security officer went down faster than an anchor thrown over a boat, landing with a loud thud.

  Liv ran to his side, shining her flashlight on the guard. He was out cold but Lawson could tell he was breathing. She shined the light to Lawson next.

  “Are you okay? You’re bleeding badly,” she exclaimed, inspecting his injuries.

  “I’m fine. Let’s get the fuck out of here!” Lawson shouted.

  Nodding, she took off, and the two males followed as they hauled ass to the exit.

  Bursting from the building into the warm night air, Lawson froze. He couldn’t remember the last time he smelled fresh air. Crisp and clean, it energized his wolf, like nothing else. To be outdoors roused his beast. Closing his eyes and tilting back his head, he breathed deeply. It was then he picked up other scents. Fresh cut grass, nearby honeysuckle, the asphalt parking lot, and even pollution in the air.

  He welcomed it all.

  It was the scent of freedom.

  “Is everything okay? Maybe I should take you to the doctor,” Liz offered, breaking his meditative state.

  Opening his eyes, he lowered his head and met her sparkling green eyes.

  “Do you have any idea how incredible fresh air smells? I didn’t think I would ever feel it against my skin again,” he explained.

  Walking to him, Liv wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed him tightly.

  “You’re free,” she muttered.

  “Because of you,” he replied, pulling her against his chest.

  He could feel the rapid beat of her heart as it matched his own. This human female had done the impossible, rescuing him from his eternal hell and he would be forever indebted to her.

  A throat clearing snagged his attention. “Uh, not that I don’t appreciate the fresh air, too, but are we leaving? If not, my ass is hoofing it.” It was the shifter, and when Lawson glanced his way, he was standing there, arms turned upwards in question.

  Liv chuckled, “I agree. We need to go before Jim arrives,” she directed as she led them to a large vehicle in the parking lot.

  “Is this yours?” Lawson asked with a lift of an eyebrow.

  The vehicle was an awfully powerful machine for such a small female.

  “No, it’s a rental,” she responded as she climbed into the driver’s seat.

  Lawson and the other male stepped up and took their seats, Lawson beside her on the passenger side.

  “Ever driven one of these before?” the male interjected from behind Liv, fastening his seat belt.

  He looked worried, and Lawson couldn’t help but laugh. As if the male had a better option.

  “Yeah, no sweat,” Liv answered, but Lawson saw her chewing on her lip, something he noticed she did when she was nervous.

  He laughed again. Wouldn’t that be his fucking luck? Escape prison only to be killed in a car crash.


  Maneuvering the large vehicle onto the access ramp, Liv breathed a sigh of relief. Straight shot on I-24 for about a hundred miles. All she had to worry about was staying in her lane. She was pretty damn proud of herself that she hadn’t run over anything or anyone. Grabbing her cell phone from her pocket, she exhaled another sigh of relief when there were no messages from Jim.

  Liv gave Cassie a quick call telling her they were on their way to Hollow Rock. When she mentioned their desitnation, Lawson and the other shifter shared a look that she couldn’t decipher and made a mental note to ask Lawson about it later.

  Glancing at the clock on the dashboard, she did some quick math in her head. It was well past midnight, and they still had a few hours of driving ahead of them. She knew she’d start losing steam, but at least the worst was behind them. Cassie said all was good at her house and that she’d stay there with Milo until Liv returned.

  Lawson grunted, drawing Liv’s attention. He had taken off his sweatshirt and was applying pressure to one of his gunshot wounds.

  “Oh, look in those bags, um…what’s your name? We haven’t been introduced. I’m Olivia Kimbro,” she offered as she looked in the rearview mirror to the passenger sitting behind her.

  “Knox Pierce,” he replied. I owe both of you a huge thank you.” His slight smile was genuine and his blue eyes held a world of gratitude.

  “Nice to meet you, Knox. If you don’t mind, look through those bags behind you and grab a towel for Lawson. I packed several things, not knowing what we might need. There are also extra clothes, snacks, even a first aid kit, not that it will help you, I’m afraid,” she admitted, looking to Lawson. “Oh, and the refrigerator has sandwiches and drinks, so help yourselves. We have a little over three hours of driving to do. Would you mind grabbing me one of the energy shots from the fridge?”

  “May Gaia bless you. I’m starving,” Knox blurted as he handed a couple of towels to Lawson then retreated towards the rear of the vehicle.

  She couldn’t help but grin when she heard his sounds of approval as he rummaged through the small refrigerator. Men and their appetites. They were all the same.

  Looking to Lawson, she cocked her head. “Who is Gaia?”

  Pressing a towel to his shoulder and another to his leg, he grunted, “She is the Goddess we worship. She is one with Earth and nature,” he answered, gray eyes pinning her.

  Instantly, arousal spiked, and she had to turn her eyes to the road ahead. The man was too much of a distraction and she couldn’t afford to lose her focus with this oversized vehicle.

  “Like Mother Nature,” she postulated.
/>   “Yes, exactly,” Lawson affirmed. Knox came back, handing her the small plastic bottle and Lawson a paper plate loaded with food. “Thank you. I’m Lawson, by the way. Lawson Scott,” he said, picking up a turkey sandwich and taking a bite.

  When Liv didn’t hear a reply, she briefly looked in the rearview mirror. Frozen in place with a sandwich inches from his mouth, Knox’s eyes bulged. Finally, he opened his mouth but she wasn’t prepared for the words that followed.

  “Lawson Scott. I know you. Well, I’ve heard a lot about you. From your dad and brother,” Knox explained.

  Before he could utter another word, Lawson interjected, “You’ve seen them? When? Where?”

  “Just a few days ago. They’re back at the lab,” he muttered, taking a large bite of his sandwich.

  Liv could hear him smacking and chewing his food and had to bite her tongue. It reminded her of Cassie and the gum chewing. Poor manners were her biggest pet peeve and she reminded herself that instead of it being his persona, maybe he was starving from lack of food.

  “We have to go back, Liv. I can’t leave them there!” Lawson demanded, pulling his sweatshirt back over his head.

  “Hold up. That’s a negatory,” Liv countered, her mind reeling from the news about Lawson’s family, as well, but she was highly aware of the danger in returning. “You’re injured and I’m sure Jim is at PRL by now. If we go back, you could end up chained to the wall again. Not gonna happen. We stick to the plan, and when we get to Bart’s, we decide our next step. I can’t risk losing you,” she confessed, reaching over to squeeze his hand.

  He held her hand, quiet for a few moments then slid off his seat to his knees and made his way to her side. She was trying to pay attention to the road but when she felt his warm body crowd her space, it made it difficult to concentrate.

  Sliding an arm behind Liv’s back, Lawson leaned down and kissed her cheek then moved along her jaw, kissing a path to her neck and up to her ear. Arousal shot straight to her core, and she clenched against the painful need.


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