Dear Rose 3: Winter's Risk

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Dear Rose 3: Winter's Risk Page 10

by Mechele Armstrong

  There was that.

  “Never mind.” She scooted around to face him. “Been a while since I’ve been in the backseat of a car. Doing more than riding, that is.” She laughed. “Course, I guess I’ll be riding you. That is what you had in mind?”

  That and more things. “Yes. I can’t imagine you there, though.” He wasn’t sure why not. After all, she’d seemed like a naughty one to him from the beginning. Different from most of the girls he’d gone out with.

  “Oh? You can’t?” She giggled. “I wasn’t exactly a nice girl in my youth. I’ve mellowed a lot.”

  He reached out to cup her cheek. Such a lovely face. He could stare into it for hours. “Really?”

  “Really.” She lowered her arms to her lap and started wiggling around. He wasn’t sure what she was doing until her hand came up with a scrap of material in it. She handed it to him without preamble as he pulled his hand away from her face to take what was offered. She appeared pleased with herself.

  It was light blue and lacy and took him a minute to figure out what it was. When he did, his blood boiled over, and he couldn’t see for a second. The lights grew hazy and swam before his eyes.

  Her panties.

  A scrap of a bikini. That must have barely covered her ass and lady bits in its stretchy cloth.

  They were still warm. From her body. Her skin had been against each little fold. It had touched her pussy.

  He crushed them in his large hands. Felt this gift all the way down to his solar plexus, then to his balls and his toes. He lifted the panties up to his mouth to press a kiss on the material that was balled up in his palm.

  He could smell her. The slight scent of her musk hung over them like a cloud. He breathed in the fragrance. Not that it was off-putting. Quite the contrary. His cock reared up, reminding him how confined it was and how much it wanted out. He took a long inhale of her bouquet.

  He took the panties and put them in his pants pocket before taking out his wallet, with which he fumbled clumsily before getting a tight grip on it. He took out the condom contained within and tossed the wallet on the seat.

  She peered at him with eyes that reminded him of a deer’s. “Guess you were prepared, huh?” Her gaze lit up with a speculation that made him want to blush.

  He refused to give in to the emotion. “Always.” He scooted over to her side. Stroked her face. Left no part untouched. He gazed at the single freckle on her pert nose. Breached her mouth with his finger to play in the wetness. She let him inside and then used her mouth to suck on him.

  The way she would on his cock.

  He shuddered. That warm, small mouth on his member would be more than he could take.

  She moved her mouth around his finger in little motions that sent nerve endings jangling. She licked around him with flicks of her tongue before she engulfed it in even farther.

  He pulled back and leaned on the car door, widening his legs. “You know what I want.” There were so many things he wanted. He’d start with this one thing and see where it went. Maybe this time would be different.

  Her eyes widened. “I do?” There was a little too much innocence in that comment. A little too much wide-eyed naïveté.

  He nodded and glanced down at his crotch.

  Her gaze followed his and turned thoughtful. “I do. Are you going to ask me nicely?” She shifted herself down in the seat, seemingly already complying with his wishes even as she questioned him.

  “No. I’m going to command you to go down on me.” He closed his eyes, not watching to see what she did next.

  “Oh, you are?” She sounded amused. “You’re going to tell me what to do rather than request it?”

  “I am. Give me a blowjob.” He pursed his mouth. “But don’t make me come, Jos. Don’t let that happen. Not now.” He wanted to come inside her. Even with the condom, it would be a blowout.

  He heard her swallow noisily. Heard some shifting on the seat as maybe she was getting into position. He strained to hear her movements over her voice. “You’re ordering me to do that?” She patted his knee.

  “Yes.” She’d either comply or walk away. The latter would make him crazy, but he’d understand. The former would make him crazy but sated. He tried to listen to see what her intention was.

  “Okay.” She slipped around him. He could tell she’d assumed a position near his crotch.

  She was going to comply. Good.

  He could feel her moving. He peeked through his eyelids. She lowered herself to the floorboard. Inching her hands slowly up his thighs, she found the fastener to his pants. She quietly undid it, unzipped him, and spread the opening wide.

  Opening his eyes, he shifted around until he could pull his pants down slightly, exposing his cock in the V made by the pants. His underwear bunched up, and he yanked them farther down.

  “No commando?” She curled her lips into a half smile even as her gaze feasted on his cock. She looked hungry. An expression that made him quiver.

  He shook his head. Quinn must have gone that way with her too. Maybe the man went that way all the time. He couldn’t help but think of Quinn’s heavy, thick dick always underneath his jeans, uninhibited. Maybe one day Zach would surprise them both and leave off the underwear. He’d let them find his lack of underclothes themselves and revel in their discovery.

  Not that you’ll be with her after this. Or Quinn either. You’re walking away, remember? As you’ve already started to think about Quinn, you see where this is going. The same place it does every time.

  He pinched his eyelids back, trying to block out his thoughts. Didn’t need them right now. Not only that, the more he stopped trying to think of Quinn, the more he’d think of him.

  She reached up and ran a hand softly over him, catching him by surprise, as he wasn’t watching her.

  He gasped.

  “No bad thoughts. I saw your forehead wrinkle just now. This is about you and me. You have my panties in your pocket. You’re about to have my mouth on your cock. Enjoy it for once.” And then her mouth went where she said it would.

  She enveloped his cock like a bath of lava, making him burn with desire. She took him inside her mouth and played with the tip by pushing it in and out. She laved him and lathered him.

  He groaned. His entire body tensed up. Too good. Such feelings. So close to things he shouldn’t be that close to. He wouldn’t last any time at this rate. “Don’t make me come, Jos.”

  She released him to talk, which gave him a minute to calm himself down, a divine thing. “But it would be so fun. I’d savor every drop of you, Zach.” She stuck him back in her mouth and siphoned any leakage of precome from his tip as if demonstrating her ability.

  His hips bucked. This wasn’t going to go well if she kept doing things. He’d never have enough vigor for inside her, and dammit, he wanted that.

  Like Quinn, she liked to push his buttons. Together they would be a force to be reckoned with in the bedroom. The two of them would gang up on him. Luckily they hadn’t figured that out yet. Good thing for him. Maybe it was prudent keeping the two of them from being with him at the same time.

  She took him in and out, making sure to keep his pants down far enough they didn’t interfere with her touching him. He couldn’t count the number of times she went down on him.

  So good.

  She lapped her tongue on his cock and swirled it over him, covering him and shaking it like an aftershock.

  He saw rainbow lights in his eyes. His body drew up with passion. So tense. All he could focus on was the desire he was feeling that threatened to spiral him out of control. It was an ever-growing mountain, and he wasn’t sure he’d survive the climb.

  Not now.

  He wanted to last longer than this, dammit. Just like Quinn, she had to drive him into this and take him on the ride of his life whether he wanted it or not. He’d never been this out of control before.

  Quinn would be right there with her. While she sucked him off, Quinn could pound into him from behind, making him
a sandwich. They would each send him off into the stratosphere as they drove him crazy. Zach clenched and unclenched his hands as they clasped the seat. Thinking of Quinn made the coming climax more intense. He needed to get a handle on this. He took a deep, calming breath that didn’t work.

  “You know I don’t listen, right?” She talked against him so her voice reverberated and shook him all over with its timbre. “I’ll make you come when and if I want to.”


  She went down on him with stunning accuracy. She took him in as deeply as she could. She engulfed him to his base and slipped him in and out over the course of a second.

  The warmth. The wetness. The feel of her against him. The fact someone might come over at any minute and catch them.

  All combined to drive him over a serrated edge. It cut him this way and that, but he didn’t care. He was in the grips of the little death.

  His orgasm spiked like a linebacker going all the way to the touchdown line, and he groaned some unintelligible things as she continued sucking him until every last drop was gone.

  It was a climax of the most booming variety. He was covered in sweat, which did nothing to cool the heat rising in him. He fantasized he could see steam levitating from his skin. His heart pounded. His breathing was erratic. He’d never felt so much pour from him during a round of oral sex.

  And he hadn’t even been inside her yet.


  Only how could he curse? It had been one of the most intense rides of his life. He’d needed her, and she’d come through with flying colors. She had the most gifted mouth he’d ever met. Course, he hadn’t been gone down on by Quinn yet…

  Nor had she been able to banish thoughts of Quinn. Thoughts of another cock had still haunted him.

  Shaking that off, he looked up into her exuberant face. “Pleased with yourself?” He drew a long breath, trying to get oxygen back in places that needed it. He might have some dead cells if they didn’t get air soon.

  “Yeah. Yeah, I am.” She laughed. Freely. A wonderful tinkling sound that swept in through the recesses of his heart and soul. She had a sound that was as pure as his soul was black.

  And now she needed to get her comeuppance. “Good.” He rose up suddenly, surprising her as she’d surprised him earlier by coming up against her and then putting her mouth around him. He used his hands to lay her back against the door and seat. He pushed her legs and spread them wide.

  She observed him curiously. “Aren’t you done?” She didn’t sound as though she was disturbed. Just puzzled.

  “For now.” Maybe he’d recover in time to do more. Only time would tell on that. “But you need my attention.”

  A nervous laugh now. “Oh, I’m fine…”

  “No you aren’t.” He wasn’t about to let her get away without some response from him.


  “Hush.” He slowly began to slide up the skirt, exposing her legs to his gaze. “You didn’t listen to me. Now it’s time for your punishment.”

  “Oh?” Her voice was strangled sounding as though she was overwhelmed. He wasn’t looking at her face, but he imagined she smiled.

  “Yes.” He pulled her skirt up to above her belly button, exposing that fine pussy for his viewing pleasure. “Don’t move. And if you move, I will have to get…more inventive in my punishment. You don’t want that.”

  She stroked his shoulder. Was it his imagination, or did her hand shake subtly at the mention of punishment? That might merit some investigation later. “Really?”

  “Uh-huh.” He slipped down and put his legs on the floorboard. Definite gymnastics to make this work. He was a lot taller than she was. He pressed a kiss against her thigh.

  She jerked in response.

  He moved his hands to the sides of her hips to stay her. “Stop.” He sounded authoritative.

  She settled down in response to him. Didn’t move a centimeter as he layered kisses along her skin and moved up toward the promised land. Couldn’t wait to see if she tasted as good as she’d smelled.

  A nip here.

  A tongue lap there.

  She tried to shift her body away from him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Zach…”

  He lightly tapped as close to her butt as he could get without going there as it lay against the door. “Don’t make me spank you. I will do that.”

  Another anxious giggle. “I… You’re serious.” She sounded as though she hadn’t been sure of something but now was.

  “Yes. Don’t move.” What was wrong? Maybe she was having second thoughts about this even without Quinn being in the picture. Dammit, why couldn’t he ever catch a break? “Are you okay? Need to stop?”

  A moment of silence. Then a small voice. “I’m…productive when it comes to this. To oral sex. We’re in your car. I don’t want to…get come all over your seat.” Another titter.

  So that was what was bothering her. She couldn’t be any more prolific than he’d been with her. Or Quinn had been with him. The thought of the man in his mouth shooting his load. Ummmm. He rose up to gaze into her beautiful face, trying to push away those thoughts. Her gaze shone in the light from the street lamp. “It’s okay. I don’t mind.” He tried to reassure with his touch as much as his words.


  “Seriously.” He pulled down the back end of her skirt a little in an attempt to make her feel better, as if she had something under her. Not that it would help squelch any moisture. “I own a steam cleaner. But I want to do this now. To you. For you.” He added, “Please let me.” It was as close to asking as he’d ever come.

  A soft sigh. He felt her body rise and fall with it. “Okay.”

  He went back to nibbling her skin along her thigh. Such a supple muscle. Hers was smaller than Quinn’s. Less packed. Less hairy. So odd how he could like them both despite them being so different. Yet he did. Couldn’t get one out of his mind when with the other. Much to his chagrin.

  Unless they were together at the same time…

  He’d be pounding in Josie’s pussy while Quinn lay behind her and pressed into her anus. They would have to slide her back and forth as they worked together to bring her to orgasm.

  A wonderful image.

  But not what he was doing currently. He tried to refocus on the woman in front of him. He moved up toward her pussy and noticed something he hadn’t before.

  She was trimmed.

  Not bare. But she had obviously worked with a razor on the intimate bits. His body shuddered.

  A cock was just as beautiful. Especially Quinn’s cock.

  He banished his misgivings as best he could. He needed to give this woman pleasure. And he’d succeed if it killed him.

  He drew his tongue along her inner thigh.

  A moan.

  From her.

  He could feel her shaking.

  He drew up, and she trembled more. Anticipation of what was to come. He was a little off-balance himself.

  He thrust his tongue into her and licked from bottom to top, letting his tongue delve in.

  She spread her thighs as wide as they could go. She grasped at his shoulders. Clumsily. As if she couldn’t quite get purchase.

  He started at her top and wiggled his tongue through her, swinging side to side as he left no spot unlicked on his movement down her fine pussy. He tasted her. The woman. Her flavor was as good as her smell. He could feel her panties still bunched up in his pocket.

  He flicked his tongue back and forth over her as quickly as he could make the touches.

  She rolled her hips around with a deep moan. He heard her scratching at the door, the sound loud in the quiet car.

  He centered on her clit and kept his tongue moving it around and around. Inserted his index finger into her depths and created a rhythm similar to the one his mouth kept up.

  Her juices ran freely. She was wonderfully wet. So wild. Each touch of his mouth ignited her.

  Just like Quinn.

  Quinn’s cock had bee
n something to savor. His thick and heavy dick. His wonderful muscles.

  So different from this curvaceous thing in front of him.

  Yet so much the same.

  They’d each be a wonderful complement to the other when they made love with him. If only he could believe he could get that.

  He sucked her clit into his mouth, trying to banish all thoughts of cock. He was rough, not careful at all.

  She keened, crying his name with a high-pitched scream that echoed in the lonely vehicle.

  He didn’t stop but kept right on strumming her. Drumming on her. Until she came again. Her hips bucked wildly.

  Only then did he relent and pull away.

  She panted, staring up at him with eyes that shone in the darkness like headlights. Her body glittered with a sheen of sweat.

  He captured her gaze with his and moved up. He quickly retrieved the condom as he shook out his leg. His knee hurt from the enforced position he’d been in. He slipped the condom on his engorged cock.

  She let out a small gasp. “Ready to go again, huh?”

  After doing that to her, of course he’d be ready. He’d brought her over the edge into orgasm.

  Her face had been beautiful.

  Like Quinn’s when he climaxed.

  He shifted his body up. No cock thoughts. An impossibility. But he’d focus on the pussy in front of him.

  He slipped into her easily. Even with the sheath on, he could tell she was drenched in her come.

  Making him wet with her juices.

  He shuddered.

  Started slow but quickly sped up the pace. In and out, until he was pounding. Pounding into her succulent flesh.

  Until he couldn’t take it anymore.

  And exploded.

  His body shattered into a million pieces. At least that was what it felt like. He came down from a cloud, still in the uncomfortable position he’d been in.

  He couldn’t catch his breath. It kept running from him.

  She pressed a small hand to his chest, and he moved from her. The condom hung from his cock, full of white. “Do you have a tissue or something?”

  He couldn’t speak but pointed to the front. It was all he was capable of right now. Even that move rattled all his senses.


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