Runaway Scold

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by Marie Hall

  Runaway Scold

  Worship Series Book IV


  Marie Hall

  ©2016 Blushing Books® and Marie Hall

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  Hall, Marie

  Runaway Scold

  EBook ISBN: 978-1-68259-715-6

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


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  Chapter One

  His hot, slick skin rippled over the muscles in his arms. Each thrust constricted the thick limbs on either side of her body. One last thrust accompanied by a loud groan and he went still.

  "Io," Xavier breathed. His weight settled over her for a long moment. Slipping left, flipping to his back, Xavier reached for the covers.

  Io lay still, her eyes closed the way they were through the entire thing. She waited for him to settle down and fall asleep. Like everything else, the pleasure was lost to her. The mattress dipped as he rolled towards her, his arm and leg dropped over her. She did wonder if it wasn't some manner of claiming her. A few moments more and his breathing eased and a soft snore rumbled out.

  No soft words, no praising or laughing. Why would there be? She was his. His claim reaffirmed by the king. Even if they'd both have it otherwise, this was how it would be.

  Io eased out from under his limbs, heavy and warm but no longer safe and comforting. Xavier shifted but slept on. Reaching for her robe as she slipped from the bed, Io made her way into the common rooms of their apartments. She disliked wine but she poured a cup. The kitchens no longer provided her the cider she did like. Wine was her only choice, which made it no choice at all.

  No choice, it was her life. No choice and no control. Making her way to the window, she took a seat and stared out into the night. How had this become her life? Xavier promised her a house of her own, a life where she'd have what she needed and wanted. For a time, it appeared those promises would be kept.

  Io sighed and took a sip from the cup, the bitter taste suiting the moment. Outside, the thick yellow moon cast a sickly glow on the land. The night, warmer now as midsummer approached, felt like a fever on an unwell way of life. A soft breeze lifted her hair and pushed clouds across the moon's face darkening the landscape. Perhaps nature mocked her. Perhaps…

  "Io?" She turned to see Xavier standing in the doorway, naked. She couldn't deny her husband was a handsome man. His body was built for the fight. He knew how to use those powerful limbs to both build and destroy. He certainly knew how to use his hands on Io to create pleasure or pain at his will. Looking on him never failed to cause her heart to pound a bit harder. And knowing what he was capable of making her feel, kept the ache for those pleasures alive even as she willed it to die.

  Turning back to the views out the window, she lifted the cup to her lips. Pain, pleasure, lately she received neither. The clouds passed and again the yellow moon brightened the landscape. She could almost welcome pain if only to feel something.

  "Io," Xavier called. "What are you doing?" He'd crossed the room silently so when he set his hand on her shoulder, she started. "Io, it is late; come to bed." He leaned in and kissed the top of her head, slipping his hand down her arm to take hold of hers. She pulled free.

  She lifted the cup to her lips again to avoid speaking to him. She didn't want to share his bed. Too often when she lay beside him, she was alone. And knowing everyone in the house knew how their lord's lustful nature made her feel, they judged her little more than his whore. She gulped another swallow to push down the rising tears.

  "Io." Xavier took her free hand in his bringing it up for his customary kiss. "Come, I have missed you in my bed." His knuckles brushed her jaw, and, with a smile, those strong fingers pushed the hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

  Io pulled her hand out of his, and tipped the last of the wine back. "Of course you have," she muttered. Swinging her legs off the window seat, she stood and brushed past him. "I am still useful there." She moved to the table and refilled her cup. She drank watching Xavier over the rim. She needed to keep her distance. Xavier took command of more than her will when he took her as wife; he took command of her body. A look, a touch and, no matter how she wanted it different, her desire for him raged.

  "What did you say?" Xavier turned to face her. The table between them didn't make Io feel safe. She downed the wine. Enjoying the way, it made her head fuzzy and gave her a sense of courage. "Io, what did you say to me?"

  "Did you not hear me?" Io asked, knowing she baited him and wondering what she might be doing. She'd long ago learned her husband wasn't a man to challenge. Why she did now she couldn't say. Perhaps it was the wine. Or a need to feel something, even if it was his anger.

  "Io, you will repeat to me what you said." Xavier stepped up and took the wine decanter from her hand before she poured a third cup. He set it down with enough force something cracked—either the wood of the table or the pottery.

  "What matter what I say, you have not listened to me in some time." Io moved away from him. She might want a fight but she didn't want what would come if she lost. And it was a certainty she'd lose.

  "Io." There was no mistaking the warning in his tone.

  Io folded her arms across her chest and sighed. "You claimed to miss me in your bed," she paced away then back, "I only concede you probably speak the truth as I have a use there. Unlike any other place in this house."

  Io watched Xavier reach up and scrub his hands over his face before dropping his hands to his sides. He took a deep breath and Io watched his chest rise as his shoulders were drawn back. "Io," he started, only to pause for a long while before continuing. "I do not know anymore what I might say to you. Mother is gone, you have the house if—"

  "I have nothing. I have less now than before you took me from Dramore," Io shouted at him. Why couldn't he admit the truth? He'd taken everything she had and used it for his own pleasure and then he took everything he'd given her and gave it to his mother in preparation of taking another woman as wife. Only because the king interfered were they still wed.

  "Io, you have all you could need if you would stop refusing it," Xavier yelled back.

  "I refuse?" she asked, then moved to a chair and dropped down i
nto it. The wine was now making the room tilt. "I refuse? What have I to refuse? That I so much as ask for water, I am denied. If I fetch it not myself, I should die of thirst and even as I go to the well, I am condemned for the act. What would you have me do?"

  "I would have you come and speak to me that I can—"

  "Speak with you? When, sir, should I do this? You are never in this house. You have no time for me at all unless it is in that bed." She pointed back towards the bedchamber. "Perhaps you might like me to speak of problems in this house while you are shoving your cock up my arse—"

  "Io," he yelled.

  "It is rather hard to speak when you have me on my knees with it down my throat," Io went on, daring to risk his temper now. "I would say something when we are face to face as you sate yourself but even now those times grow briefer with each go." She gripped the chair when the drunkenness nearly caused her to tip out.

  There was something momentarily empowering about screaming at Xavier the way she did. If it was strength or if it was the drink, she wasn't sure. If it was the wine, she might consider developing a taste for the intoxicating stuff. The sensation was fleeting and it was gone before Xavier's expression became unreadable. With a shake of his head, he turned and walked back to the bedchamber, slamming the door closed behind him.

  * * *

  Io lifted her knife and picked at the fish on her plate. She pushed aside the limp greenish brown rape leaves. One of the few vegetables the kitchen served was made inedible because it was cooked with the fish. Slumping down, she tried to block out the aggravating din dominating the hall at meal times.

  She wasn't sure why she'd thought things would change. The fight with Xavier did little. The only difference was she slept with Sara on the other side of the house. Xavier barred the doors of their apartment and told her she was no use to him in those rooms. She wanted to be angry, but in truth, she was hurt. It wasn't quite the same as being left standing on the road, but it was no less the abandonment she'd always suspected would come. A quick glance at her husband showed he wasn't overly affected by the separation. He went about his business, unconcerned about her feelings. Often he spent days away from the house. She didn't know what he did. He didn't tell her. She did know there were whispers. People talked about the vast difference in her relationship with her husband.

  What was once a marriage with laughter and passion was now one of distance and dissatisfaction. Maybe she should chance another letter to the king begging him to reconsider. Xavier didn't want to be with her. She went back to poking at the fish. Her head hurt and, given the meals, so did her stomach.

  Xavier spoke but the noise in the hall made it impossible to hear him. He leaned in but she only caught part of what he was saying. When his hand slapped down over hers and forced her to drop the knife, she finally turned to look at him.

  "Io, eat," he said, then lifted his hand and went back to his own meal.

  "Eat," she muttered. Pushing away from the table, Io stood. Again Xavier grabbed her hand, effectively ending her escape.

  "Io," he started. Io could see his lips moving but the din in the hall grew as some argument at one end was moving up the tables like a fire in dry forest.

  Io snatched her hand back and stepped away from the table. "I cannot hear a damn thing you say in all this fucking noise," she said loud enough there was no chance she wasn't heard. The lowering of the tumult proved she was.

  Xavier glared at her. His responses were slower, more measured since the annulment was denied. She gave him her own hard look before turning and leaving the hall. None of it mattered. She was stuck in this house. Reminded every day there was no such thing as home. No place she'd find peace and comfort. She lifted her skirts and made to head to her chambers.

  "Io." Xavier grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. "You will come back to the table and eat," his voice was hard. But the fire in his eyes said he'd soften for her if she asked.

  "I do not eat fish." She jerked free, climbing the stairs before she turned to him for comfort.

  "You put it on the menu, you will eat," Xavier said going one step above her and crowding her back down the stairwell.

  "I did not put it on the menu. I do not set the menu." She pushed back against the wall when Xavier stepped closer.

  "Io, we will not do this again. Mother is gone. You are mistress here. You will attend those duties. The menus are your duty and you will eat what is put on the table according to the menu." He took her arm and started them back towards the hall.

  She struggled to get free of his hold but his hand tightened. "You are the only one who believes I have say over anything."

  He stopped. "You are mistress, Io. Everyone knows this."

  "Just because you say it does not make it so. What everyone knows is you preferred things as your mother set them and they work to keep it that way. I am ignored by everyone." She managed to get free of his hold and climbed up a few steps to be away from him. "I am not going back to that hall. It is worse than Dramore with its noise and smells."

  Xavier's expression grew dark and he stalked her as she moved up the stairs. "If the hall is not how you care it to be, change it," he almost snarled.

  "I did and it was changed back."

  "Then change it again."

  "Why when this is how you prefer it?"

  "I never said I—" Xavier stopped slightly beyond reach.

  "Your silence spoke volumes, my lord. You could have spoken. You did not, thus your silence is an agreement." Io watched carefully. His posture became less predatory. He didn't want to fight. These days he didn't want much of anything to do with her. The pain of the knowledge only added to the misery of her life. What happened to them? How had what they built been so easily ripped apart? "I could even this moment go scream my wants from the battlements and I would be drowned out by your silence. No one here listens to me and that is your doing." She pointed at him. "You declared to everyone what I established was not in accordance with how a proper lady runs a house. I was stripped of my duties for incompetence. I am as barred from the kitchens as I am from your chambers. I have worn out any and all usefulness. Well, you should set me out and make everyone happy." Io turned and fled. She didn't want to hear him tell her to take her things and go and she wasn't sure he wouldn't tell her that.

  Chapter Two

  Xavier tossed the pack over the horse and moved to tighten the cinch. He didn't want to leave the house. Not with Io so miserable. He thought the king's refusal of an annulment would settle her. He'd hoped she'd find the happiness she knew before his mother arrived. Xavier was pleased with the king's decision. More pleased Io returned to his bed. At least until she expressed her dissatisfaction of his attention.

  He'd perhaps acted rashly shutting her out. She might not understand how her criticism struck at him. Their chamber doors were open and he hoped she might again enter, willingly. She hadn't so far. He simply wanted to make sure she knew it was her choice. He wouldn't force her to submit to him, especially if she didn't enjoy it. Perhaps while he was gone she'd take up residence there.

  Xavier hoped, too, if he continued to give her time, she'd find her footing in the house. He'd be better served if he'd ensured the people understood Io had to be obeyed. He'd not thought he needed to state the obvious, but when he went to the kitchens to tell the women Io would have a new menu, he was confronted with resistance. His grip on the cinch tightened causing the stallion to stomp.

  The kitchen's head mistress told him, rather boldly, his mother's menus were appropriate for a house such as his. His demand Io make the menu left the woman sputtering even as he walked away. Io had said something before about the people being in the habit of obeying Charlotte, so if her attitude was normal, he couldn't say. He'd placed Io in charge without thinking he needed to endorse her. He was endorsing her now and he expected Neville to ensure Io was obeyed in anything she commanded. He knew she wouldn't bother with a challenge such as he was met. Xavier would send her with people to help enf
orce her orders.

  It wasn't ideal. Io had a valid stance. She hadn't needed anything other than her own requests before his mother came. By not speaking up as his mother encroached on Io's domain, he'd given the impression his mother's will ruled. There was confusion now and it'd take time to sort out. First, Io needed to start giving directions so he could show support.

  "Sir?" the soldier who'd go with him today called and when Xavier looked, the man nodded towards the house behind him.

  Xavier turned as Io made her way partially down the steps and took a seat. The reds and oranges of the morning sun glinted off her hair turning the strands a vibrant gold. Her skin glowed warm. Xavier ached to touch her. He'd give every possession to see her smile and hear her laugh. She'd not seemed happy in so long he could barely recall when she last was.

  Finishing with the cinch, Xavier headed towards his wife. He knew she wasn't waiting to see him off. She spent most of her days sitting on those steps looking out the gates. He could go and come without any response from her. How had it come to this? They should be enjoying every day together. Being home should have made things better. But they'd been more content together on the road, in tents.

  "Io," he said as he approached. She looked up briefly then dropped her head and picked at her nails. "I will be gone at least ten days," he told her, not sure how much of the situation she knew. They didn't speak anymore.

  "Good travels?" she said with a shrug.

  Xavier took a breath and released it slowly; he wasn't going to let her indifference affect him. "I spoke with the women in the kitchens." Her head jerked up. "They wait a new menu and will put meals you prefer on the table." He gave her a hard look. "You will eat, Io. I am not going to stand by while you waste away. The kitchen is in your control." He went on. "You will make your status here known." He held his hand up when she opened her mouth to speak. "You are lady here and you will assume those duties. If you are challenged, take the matter straight to Neville…" He was perplexed by her scowl. She never spoke poorly of his long time chamberlain. He dismissed it. "I expect to see your mark on this house again, Io. Have it well started before I return or you will not find my dealing pleasant."


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