Runaway Scold

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Runaway Scold Page 4

by Marie Hall

  Io stared at the closed door. What was he about to want her dressed more formally? He hadn't until now said anything about her refusal to wear the clothes he provided. She only borrowed the dress to save her own clothes. What did it matter what she wore? She thought perhaps to ignore Xavier's demands. To not dress or go to the hall. Tilting to rest on one hip, she set her hand on her seat and rubbed. Xavier never threatened to thrash her and failed to follow through. She could try to make a statement to his ability to command her, but she wasn't ready to endure the likely outcome. A moment later it didn't matter. With a knock, another woman who worked in the house, pushed into the room carrying an armload of clothes.

  "Where is Sarah?" Io asked, already suspecting the answer.

  "My lady, Mistress Sarah is with Sir Lucas." The woman said. She wasn't anyone Io normally asked to help her dress. She was, Io knew, Bertha from the laundry house. Xavier probably randomly grabbed her to be of help while Lucas kept Sarah away.

  Io sighed, resistance now meant a longer separation from Sarah. Compliance would bring whatever he planned to a quick end. Still, Io didn't care to give in. "Our lord did not happen to say what might happen if I care not to dress?"

  Bertha, turned worried eyes towards her. "My lady." She looked away when Io frowned at her. "Please."

  "What did he tell you?"

  "He said," she started then stopped and looked back at the door. "He said it would not go well for you or me if you are not in the hall within the hour."

  Knowing she'd no choice, Io got out of bed and with a sigh pulled the old gown off. She wouldn't let another be punished for her actions and Xavier knew this. He knew, too, he could use that to force her compliance. It occurred to her as Bertha helped her dress and sat her so her hair could be done, that her husband's arsenal of weapons he could wield against her was growing every day. If he didn't wish to thrash her, he could strip her of freedom. If that didn't ensure his will, he could strip her of friends. Keeping Sarah from her was not a new act. And now he showed a willingness to hurt others if she didn't bend to him. She wondered now what control over her own life she really had. Had she become a yoked beast compelled to obey, do as told until she was deemed useless and taken to slaughter?

  "Done," Bertha proclaimed breaking in on Io's thoughts.

  Io took a moment, clearing her throat and blinking back tears before she stood and offered Bertha a smile and her thanks. She'd do whatever Xavier required. Give him no more resistance. If this were to be her life, she'd learn to live with it. She'd remember not to care what people thought of her. She'd show everyone what they wanted to see and keep her own council. Maybe once they believed her defeated, they'd ignore her and she could start to reconcile living the lonely life she knew before Xavier tried to convince her it wouldn't be that way anymore.

  Io stepped into the hall hardly aware she'd left the room. Bertha announced her presence. Io took a moment and looked around. The hall was mostly vacant at this hour. The people wouldn't start to pile in until Lady Charlotte came and demanded the meal be served. Everyone ate only when that woman saw fit to fed herself. It often meant hours of work lost as the whole house tried to eat at one time. But, according to the lady, it was how it should be done.

  Xavier, who stood at the table speaking with Neville, headed her way. He too was dressed a little more formally than if he intended to train with the men. "Io," he greeted holding out his hand to her.

  "I am here, what might you want of me, my lord?" Io worked to keep emotion from her voice.

  "Io," he chided taking her hand when she wouldn't give it to him. "You will come eat and then we will be on our way." His arm went around her back as he walked them to the table. The intimate gesture unnerved her.

  "Our way where?" she asked taking the thick slice of bread he held out.

  "Eat," was his response and he pushed a plate of cheese and fruit towards her.

  She wasn't hungry before she came to the hall and now with a bit of fear twisting inside her, she really didn't want food, but she took a bite of the bread and then took a slice of apple from the plate.

  "Sir." A servant stepped up and handed Xavier a large sack.

  Xavier peeked inside and with a nod dismissed the man. "Finish up, Io. I do not want to delay."

  "What should I tell the ladies?" Neville asked. Io didn't miss his disapproving tone. The man's preference of Lady Charlotte being in charge wasn't a secret. Io knew it was because, even though they were discrete, Neville was Charlotte's lover. He'd be happy if Charlotte was in permanent residence. That would happen when Io was set aside in favor of Sabrina.

  Xavier continued to watch Io, ignoring the man. "A few more bites, please, Io." He pointed to the plate and Io took a wedge of cheese. His smile made her chest tighten. "Drink," he said handing her a cup.

  Io took it and looked at the contents.

  "Milk, Io. I do not think you should have wine. It makes you unpleasant," Xavier said as she took a large swallow. She choked and he took the cup, patting her on the back. "That is good enough for now. We will have a larger meal later." He lifted the sack and, taking her hand, started them out the door.

  "Sir, your mother," Neville called chasing after them.

  "What about her?" Xavier asked pulling Io closer.

  "What should I tell her?"

  "Tell her about what?"

  "About…" The man waved his hands at them. "Where you have gone with… her."

  Io sighed; he didn't even want to say her name; he was ready for her to be gone. Xavier too must have taken some offense as she felt him stiffen.

  "Where I go with Lady Io and what we do are none of her or your concern. Tell her what you will," he paused then and looked at Io, "if she even bothers to ask."

  Io opened her mouth to tell him he shouldn't be inconsiderate. The woman was his mother. He wouldn't want to hurt her. Mothers were a gift. Io knew too well the hurt left when one was lost. She wouldn't wish that on Xavier. A wife was easy enough to replace, a mother not so.

  Before she could speak, Xavier started them out the hall. He dragged her behind him through the yards to the stable area. Io dug in her heels bringing them both to an abrupt halt. "No, I do not ride," she squeaked out as a groom brought Xavier's black stallion out.

  "Stop with that, Io. You are capable of riding and you will today. We will go out to the point above the lake and have a picnic." He'd turned to face her, his knuckles rested against her cheek and his thumb brushed soft over her brow.

  A picnic? What was he about with this?

  "What horse do you want for the lady, sir?" The groom asked as Xavier took the reins. The big horse stretched his neck towards Io. She stepped back and the horse stepped up almost pushing Xavier to the ground.

  "What do you mean what horse? Saddle her horse. Why has it not been done already?" Xavier asked trying to get the big stallion to hold still even as it again made to reach her. She wouldn't show this animal any affection. Not after…

  "What horse is now hers, my lord?" Christopher, the head groom, asked as he approached them.

  Io stepped first left to be away from the man. She couldn't stand him. He was mean to the animals and aligned himself with the Blake women. Rumor had it he was bedding Sabrina even as she made the push to become Xavier's wife. Stepping left though put her in reach of the horse that pushed his head against her shoulder in a bid to gain her attention. She stepped right to avoid the horse but found she was almost standing on Christopher. Feeling trapped she wrapped her arms around herself and stepped backwards only to have Xavier's strong hand stop her from making more of a retreat.

  "What do you mean what horse is hers?" Xavier's voice was tight. "The black and white mare. Wednesday. Fetch Wednesday, get the saddle on her and be quick."

  "Xavier," Io started. He didn't know. But how could he not? She'd been refusing to ride thinking he'd eventually have to buy the mare back from the family she was sold to.

  Christopher actually chuckled. "Sir that animal was sent to
slaughter weeks ago and—"

  "What?" Io shrieked. "That is not what I was told. No." She could feel her legs shaking and the tears spilling down her cheeks were hot with rage. "No she was sold to another house. She was sold; she was not sent to… No." Io pushed past the men. "Master Randolph," she yelled. "Randolph." It wasn't true. It wasn't, the evil man lied. He lied. But even as she told herself it was nothing but another attempt to inflict pain, she couldn't commit to a denial. "Randolph." The name left her lips on a scream and a sob.

  "Io," Xavier's voice floated in from some place. She felt his hand settle on her shoulder. She shook it off.

  She saw the horse master now. Randolph was coming at a run and Io surged forward to meet him. "What happened to Wednesday? What happened to her? The truth." She didn't need him to actually speak; his expression said it all. The man caught her up before she hit the ground.

  "What is going on here?" Xavier asked as he pulled Io from the man. She felt no comfort in Xavier's arms. "Where is my wife's horse?"

  "Sir," Randolph started. "I… we…" he stammered, looking away when Io tried to catch his eye. “ The little mare is no longer a part of the stable."

  "You sent her to slaughter," Io accused. "You lied to me. Why? Why would you do that?"

  "My lady, Io," again he stammered over his answer.

  "Where is Lady Io's mount?" Xavier demanded to know.

  "My lord?" Io turned to see Gunther running towards them. "What happened?"

  "Someone told her…" Randolph explained and all eyes turned to Christopher.

  "Why would you do that?" Gunther asked stepping up to the younger man and grabbing his shirtfront. "Everyone was told to—"

  "Lie to me," Io interrupted. "You lied to me. Why?" Io jerked free of Xavier's hold. This is what they wanted wasn't it? They wanted her to be destroyed by these acts. And maybe she was but she'd be damned to hell before she gave them the satisfaction of seeing her hurt.

  "My lady," Gunther started.

  "Fuck the my lady," she yelled at him.

  "Io," Xavier warned. He hated her to curse. Well for shame. She hated being here and everyone would know it.

  "You did this," she screamed turning to look at her husband. "You. You gave that bitch my horse. You gave her my horse, my fabric, this house and like the things that came before, she destroyed Wednesday. She destroyed all of it. You gave her what was supposed to be mine and now everything is gone." Io picked up her skirts and ran. She wanted to run through the gates but she'd be stopped so she ran for the back yards. When the time was right, she'd go. She'd go and, this time, no one would bring her back.

  "Io," Xavier called after her. She didn't even pause. There was no hope left. There was nothing left to hold her here.

  Chapter Four

  "God damn it," Xavier snarled. "Where is Io hiding? You will tell me now."

  Lucas was on his feet and standing between Xavier and Sarah by the time Xavier reached the woman. "My liege?"

  "How could I know where Io is? I am not permitted to attend her," Sarah stated not looking up from her needlework.

  "Where is she hiding?" Xavier was done with this. He hadn't been able to find Io since she ran from the stable yesterday morning. He had to find her. The look on her face when she learned her little horse was dead… God help him, he feared what she'd do.

  "If she hides I would not know where she is, that is why it is called hiding," Sarah said.

  "Sarah," Lucas warned.

  "Why does she need to hide from you now? What did you do?"

  "Sarah!" Lucas's sharp tone at least made the woman pause her needle and look at them. "You will not disrespect Lord Brice. Not ever, and most certainly not in his own home." Lucas then turned to face Xavier. "I beg pardon, my lord. Sarah."

  "Beg your pardon," she muttered with no sincerity. "I do not know where Io is I have not seen her."

  "It is the truth, sir. Sarah has not been out of my sight and we have not seen Io at all. What happened?"

  Xavier blew out a breath and scrubbed at his face. He was tired. The strife in his home was wearing on him. It was more exhausting than any battle he'd engaged in. And he knew, without a doubt, if he lost, Io would be the one hurt.

  "Xavier?" Lucas's questioning look prompted him to speak.

  "I meant to take Io from the house for a while but when I asked for her mount…"

  Lucas moaned and dropped his head. "She found out?"

  "Found out what?" Sarah asked coming to her feet and stepping around her brother. "She knew Wednesday was sold off to…"

  "She wasn't sold to another house, Sarah. Lady Charlotte sent her to slaughter," Lucas said sadly.

  Sarah gasped then pressed her hands over her mouth. For a moment she was speechless, only for a moment though. "You should have told me," she snapped and punched her brother in the arm.

  "You would have told Io. We thought it better if she—" Lucas explained. Xavier was told everyone hoped if Io was given time to get use to the idea her horse was gone, if she'd a chance to find another one to pamper and treat as a pet she'd not be so devastated if she ever learned the truth. No one expected her to be so stubborn, to hold out for Wednesday's return. Xavier might have laughed at their stupid logic. Anyone who knew Io knew she wasn't the sort to give up. And that no one told him, how did they think she might be convinced? He'd not been able to act to help her because he'd not been told. That disturbed him more than them not telling Io. Perhaps they thought she'd say something. Communication was breaking down in this house and that would bring troubles.

  "Of course I would have told her," Sarah shouted. "Who are you to decide such things for her? All you did, all you did, was give her false hope. You stupid…" Sarah turned and ran. Because she gave no clue where she might seek out Io, both men gave chase.

  They lost her though in the twisting halls and stairwells. When Sarah too managed to vanish, Lucas suggested they look in the garden.

  "I have looked there several times," Xavier told him.

  "Did you look in the tree?" Lucas asked leading the way to Io's private garden.

  "The tree?"

  "She climbs up in it when she wants to be some place she cannot be seen but can still see most of the happenings." Lucas stepped aside so Xavier could go alone into the yard Io stopped tending months ago. She was so pleased to have the space at first. She spent a great deal of time working the soil or sitting in the sun. She no longer tried to make it someplace she called her own and that should have told him more about her acceptance of the king's edict. Io wasn't happy, she hadn't been for some time. Still he held out hope once he rid the house of the other women, he'd make her as happy as she'd ever been.

  "There is nothing left, Sarah."

  Xavier stopped, hearing Io's voice from somewhere among the leaves.

  "Io, there is still a chance—" Sarah was saying

  "No, not now."

  "Io, I am still here. I will not—"

  "You need to go, Sarah."

  It wasn't the first time he'd heard his wife ask her friend to leave her alone for a while. Some things Io wanted to work out on her own.

  "Io, I cannot leave you." Sarah sounded more desperate than Xavier thought she needed to be. Io always reestablished the closeness she shared with this woman.

  "Pack your things. Have Lucas make the arrangements. Be gone from this house by the week's end."

  Xavier started at the command.

  "Io, I will not."

  "I will not allow them to hurt you too. I could do nothing for the others and now knowing how far they go to strike at me—no, you will leave this house."

  What others? Xavier stepped back when the rustling above indicated someone was climbing down. A moment later Io dropped to the grass. Before he could grab her she was running for the house. More rustling and Sarah dropped from the tree.

  She heaved a great sigh when she found him there. "You listen in now to private conversation?" Xavier felt a flush creep up his neck. "It matters not. I am not
leaving." With that she, too, ran for the house.

  * * *

  Xavier pushed the chamber door open slowly. The room was dark; no one had lit so much as a candle. "Io?" he called, hoping she'd answer though she hadn't so far. She may not be here. When he searched out Sarah to ask for Io's hiding place, Sarah hadn't hesitated to tell him she was in this room.

  "She is in my chambers." The woman never stopped stabbing at the piece of linen with her needle.

  "I looked there. I have looked there several times. Where else might she be?"

  "She is in that room. It is the only place in the house she feels safe."

  "I am telling you she is not—" He'd become impatient with this game. He didn't dare wait any longer to speak with Io. Death wasn't something Io handled well and it seemed even the death of an animal could bring her low.

  "She is under the bed," Sarah snapped tossing aside her sewing. "If you would take time to seek her out, you would not find it so hard to find her."

  "I should not have to seek under beds. She is my wife not a child and she should not behave like one," Xavier yelled. Sarah didn't even flinch.

  "A child? You think her a child? She is not behaving like a child. She is behaving like the wounded animal she is. She is broken and hurt and doing everything she can to make sure no one sees least she be attacked before she can heal. But, of course, you think she is acting like a child. You, the one person who should do everything to end the attacks, the one man she should be able to count on to protect her. No, you are the first and the loudest to declare her intolerable. You are the first to poke at her with sharp words. What more do you want of her? She has nothing at all left to give. She is all but dead now. If all you want is to beat her down, then kill her because no animal should suffer so much."

  Xavier took a deep breath and knelt down beside the small bed. Before his eyes could adjust to the darker space he heard her. "Io?"


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