Runaway Scold

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Runaway Scold Page 6

by Marie Hall

  "Io, you must eat," Xavier said turning to look at her as he slid her meal closer.

  "I am tired and I wish to retire. I am not hungry." She pushed the plate away.

  "Io, I had this meal prepared for you so you would have something." He gestured to his own plate filled again with fish. "You need to eat."

  "I am too tired." She made to push back her chair.

  "You would not be if you were not gone from the house all day. You will eat," Xavier stated and again put her food closer to her.

  "I ate in the shire and I—" she cried out when Charlotte again bumped her. She sucked in several deep breaths as the pain rolled over her.

  "Io, you need to eat if you are to heal and I think you should stay in the house until you are fully recovered."

  Was he really going to scold her? If his mother would sit still, but no, Charlotte's careless, rude actions went without reproach. He again placed the blame on her. And now he was taking away the freedom he'd given back. Why did he even bother? She wasn't going to stay all day in this house. She was not going to give whomever it was more opportunities to murder her.

  "I will not be held prisoner. You will not strip me of freedom again." Her voice grew in volume and the people in the hall started to take notice.

  "Io," Xavier ground out. "Lower your voice and—"

  "No." She used what strength she had left to push away from the table. Xavier was quick to get to his feet and block her from leaving.

  "Sit down, you will not leave this table until your meal is gone." He pointed back to her seat.

  It wasn't the best time to challenge him. Not as tired and sore as she was, knowing full well how he dealt with blatant defiance. Io gave it only a moment of consideration before she picked up the plate and tossed the contents to the floor. The dogs were on it before Xavier even realized what she'd done.

  "It is gone; may I go now?" She made to push past him only to be grabbed and pulled back. Perhaps it was the gasp or the pained expression she knew she wore, but his hold loosened.

  He opened his mouth to speak but at the very moment one of the dogs began to whine in the most horrific way. It was soon joined by two more, then another. All the animals whined in such a way as to sound as if they screamed. They one by one fell to the ground jerking and twisting, the foam at their mouths at first only tinged red soon became nothing but a steady stream of blood. The scene played out another few minutes as, one by one, each dog stopped moving and then stopped breathing.

  Io had never seen anything quite so awful in her life. For all the violence she'd been surrounded by all her life, the various attacks by raiders at any number of the houses she'd been placed, the fights over perceived insults, none of it came close to watching the poor animals as they succumbed to the poison. A poison meant for her. A deadly meal prepared for her and one her own husband tried to force her to eat. Io will be my wife until death. The words spoken by Xavier came back to her.

  Was that how he planned to get around the will of the king? Was that also why he denied his mother or the Blakes were behind the attempt on her life at the top of the stairs? Was it because he, Xavier, was the one actually trying to murder her?

  "Get her from the hall," Xavier said even as Lucas and Seth were dragging her away. "Gunther, set a guard. Sarah…" He continued to shout commands and people scrambled about to do what he ordered.

  "Io, Io, come. You cannot be down here. It is not safe." Seth pushed her up the stairs and down the hall.

  Safe? Was she safe anywhere now? She couldn't know. And she didn't know how to respond. Never before had anyone tried to do her murder. She was ill treated and uncared for but always keeping her alive was important.

  "My lady, come you must move." Lucas said pulling gently on her hand.

  "He wants me dead," she breathed out. "He wants me dead." She felt her knees shaking. But the men kept forcing her down the hall. She was in the room before she realized the room was Xavier's. "No," she yelled and rushed for the door only to find it blocked by Gunter. The man blocked her exit at the same time he allowed Sarah, Anne and Kate to pass through.

  "Io, did you eat anything at all? Did you drink anything?" Sarah asked frantically. Io could only shake her head. "Get everything out. Take it all and the cups too. Leave nothing." Sarah ordered and Io watched as all the food and drink in the chamber was removed. "Io, do not take anything from anyone save but me. Accept no offer of food or drink, do not wipe at your mouth or eyes with any cloth handed to you. Io, are you listening to me? Io?" Sarah took hold of her arms and shook her hard. "Io, do you understand?"

  "I am going to die," Io said and the hot tears rolled down her cheeks. "I am going to die. He is going to kill me."

  "Who Io? Do you know who?" Gunther asked stepping up and shoving Sarah out of the way. "Io, do you know who?"

  The slamming door made everyone jump. "What in the name of God is happening in my house?" Xavier raged as he crossed the room towards her. Io pulled away from Gunther and dashed to put the table between her and Xavier. "Io?"

  "My lord," she watched Gunther turn his back to her and whisper something to him and she watched as Xavier's expression shift from angry to concerned and then something she rarely saw on him, hurt.

  Their eyes clashed and for a moment Io was tempted to run to him and throw herself in his arms. The days where having him near made her feel safe and even cherished were missed deeply this night.

  "You think this was my doing?" He didn't shriek but she didn't mistake his tone. The idea was beyond absurd to him. Or at least that's what he'd have her think. "Io, I did not," he denied. Pinching the bridge of his nose between two fingers he took a deep breath. "What reason would I even have, Io?"

  "What reason?" she echoed. She could name at least a dozen but the one she actually said summed it up simply. "Lady Sabrina."

  "For the love of…" Xavier started. He took two steps towards her then abruptly turned and headed for the door. He pulled it open so hard it slammed back against the wall and he had to grab for it a second time as he went out. "She does not leave these chambers and no one is to come in without express consent from me." With that he left, the door slamming shut behind him enough to make the frame rattle.

  Io spent the night in the bed she shared with Xavier. Only as she lay there trying to hold back tears, she was alone. Even Sarah didn't sleep with her. Beyond the doors she knew several men from her personal guard were sitting about. And outside the apartments in the hall, there were several more. She was protected now but at what cost? Xavier hadn't just turned her into a prisoner, he'd made it so no one dared to even keep her company in her exile. And even if they wanted to, they needed his permission. And as angry as he was, no one dared ask.

  The next morning, Sarah brought her a meal and a servant was forced to taste it. The poor girl sobbed as she bit into each item and then was lead out laughing hysterically when she didn't end the same way as the dogs. Io tossed the next meal out the window before anyone could be forced to taste it. But the next meal was tasted before it came into the room and Io was compelled to eat by her need to be strong enough to leave. Even if it wasn't Xavier who wanted her dead, he couldn't keep her safe without putting someone else at risk. She wouldn't be the reason one more being lost their life.

  It was more than a week before Xavier relented and allowed her out of the room. Only because she went without his permission was she able to go beyond the gates and she listened to him rage at her for some time before he again relented. Though she knew it wasn't because of her want to be out and about, but because Gunther reasoned she was safer in her random goings in the shires than trapped in a place where any small mistake could find her confronted by an assailant. He also reasoned Io ate better from what she found in the woods with no chance any of what she found would be tainted.

  Her escort was increased from four to nine, but she had her freedom and she made the most of it. She visited every shire, making sure nothing she started was left unfinished and everyone wou
ld be ready when Lady Sabrina's claim was complete. She kept her farewells vague and brief. Partly so no one suspected she planned to go, and partly so she didn't have to feel the loss as those she'd called friends made her long to stay.

  If anyone suspected what she was about, they didn't confront her and Io began to believe she'd have this one thing happen as she needed. She went out in the cart the next day determined to see to things in Haganshire. It was days before she returned to the house and she returned understanding she couldn't delay leaving for even a moment more.

  Chapter Seven

  Xavier shuffled through the sheets of parchment spread out before him. On one of them he'd written the names of the most likely suspects in the attempt on Io's life. The search for the one responsible was revealing problems in his house he never imagined he'd be dealing with.

  There was a distinct schism and there wasn't a section of his home not affected. Everyone from the soldiers to the servants either stood with Io or they stood waiting for Lady Sabrina to take her place following only Lady Charlotte's will. Io hadn't been wrong at all in her assessment and he knew he'd been a fool to not take more seriously her concerns the house was lost to her.

  Although those who stood with Charlotte were not great in number, they did seem to be people who were stronger in influence. While the women who worked the laundry all seemed to want to do Io's bidding, the one woman who directed them sought out his mother for instruction. It was the same in most all aspects. Most frighteningly was within the ranks of men charged with protecting the house.

  The split there was a little clearer. The men who'd traveled all those months to bring her here stood firmly with Io, and while they were the better trained, more experienced and greater in number, they were also the ones more likely to be away from the house keeping up their skills or on patrol. The men who'd been left behind when Xavier originally set out, those who'd spent time under Charlotte's direction, were also the ones likely to be assigned gate duty. They knew best the workings of the house, the schedules of the servants and the routine of the lord and lady. They'd know which doors opened without a sound and which alcoves to hide in while waiting for the chance to push Io down the stairs.

  He'd done much in the last days to make changes. Making the rotations more inclusive so no one was able to avoid either training or guard duties, he also reassigned the men so groupings were no longer all those who were loyal to Io or all loyal to Charlotte. He'd made it clear to everyone they owed all their loyalty to Io and Io alone and he'd made note as to who seemed most displeased. It was the names of those men he now searched for.

  Shouting and something crashing drew his attention away from the task. He was rounding the table on his way to the door and he was nearly hit in the face when it swung open. "Sir," Thomas gasped. He tried twice to get out whatever he needed to say. The look of panic on the squire's face and the shouting he could hear drove Xavier to grab the man by the throat and shake him. "Sir," Thomas squeaked and clawed at Xavier's fingers.



  "Then what?" Xavier let go his hold and Thomas again gasped for air.

  "The mine at Arton has clasped. People are trapped inside."

  "Get men out there. Make sure they take equipment with them and load supplies in the wagons. Saddle my horse." This wasn't a complication he needed. He didn't even know why people were in that mine. It became unproductive years ago and he closed it. "Thomas," he called his man back. "Where is Io?"

  "She is already there, my lord," he said, then turned and ran to do as he needed.

  "Damn," Xavier muttered, reaching for his cloak and sending up a prayer no one was killed. He didn't think Io could survive even one more tragedy.

  He rode into Arton to find a scene only a little less than complete chaos. People were everywhere trying to move the bodies recovered and treat the injured. Having seen such injuries in any number of battles, he knew many would be fatal. Some would be dead by this eve. Others, sadly, would linger in agony.

  "Lord Brice," someone in the crowd acknowledged his presence. "Lord Brice is here."

  Xavier dismounted and handed his reins to the nearest person. "What happened?" No one was quick to answer. Maybe because they all still rushed about. "What happened?" he repeated.

  "The ceiling collapsed, and even as people tried to get out, the entrance fell in," Gunther told him as he approached. The man was stripped to the waist and dirty. "Only a dozen or so of the workers escaped and none of them children."

  "Children do not work my mines," Xavier said and searched the crowd for Squire Waverly. "Where is Waverly?"

  "We have not seen him. Io wanted a list of people in the mines. The numbers are not clear," Gunther said brushing dirt from his hair. "No one has seen him. Io sent runners to each man's house to see which men had come to work here."

  "I ordered this mine closed more than a year ago, no one should have been working." Xavier again looked over the crowds. He didn't see Io anywhere.

  "My lord?" Gunther was clearly startled by the statement. "Sir, this mine was in operation until only a few months ago. Io ordered it closed. We had no idea it was being worked when we heard of the collapse."

  Xavier knew he paid for at least forty men to work the mine before he'd closed it the first time. Waverly shouldn't have reopened it without his consent, but if it'd been open for Io to order closed, the man far overreached his authority and was, in fact, responsible for these deaths. "Would there be a reason anyone might not be working?" The number of dead would be high but if there were a chance, he'd hope for it.

  "When Io closed the mine, she put everyone to work doing other things so they could still support their families…"

  "Of course she did." Xavier shook his head. His wife was a thorough landowner. She was the leader he always knew she could be.

  "When last we were in the shires," Gunther cleared his throat, "before you restricted Io to the house, those working at other things seemed very pleased with Io's decision. Only a few were not happy in the change."

  "So it is not to say some of the men are still at other work and not in that hole?" Xavier asked and finally spied his wife as she was doing her best to hold up a woman as they approached the line of bodies. The woman must have identified one as her kin for she crumpled and Io was taken to the ground with her.

  Xavier used his long stride to get to the woman lying nearly on top of his wife. Gunther pulled the wailing woman up as Xavier put his hands under Io's arms and pulled her back to her feet. Others were already coming to tend the new widow.

  "Are you hurt?" he asked, pulling Io up then around to face him. He knew that look on her face. It was the same as when she'd been attacked in the glen at the Forks and those children died. "Io," he gave her a shake, "are you hurt?"

  "This should not have happened." Io looked all around. Things seemed to be settling a bit as the immediate rush to find missing loved ones and to try to dig out those that were nearer the entrance was passing. Her troubled eyes finally lifted to his. "This should not have happened."

  He opened his mouth to tell her something but shouts rose up along with clattering and then a dull thud as the entire front of the mine fell in on itself. They both turned to see a few men stumble out but beyond those few, Xavier knew no one else was coming out, ever.

  "No, no one goes back," Xavier ordered as men tried to rush forward to dig anyone else out. "No one goes back. We have lost enough. Stand back." The order seemed to confuse those at the rescue effort. He looked down at Io and she too seemed to think his command unreasonable until the ground beneath their feet rumbled and the entrance fell in even more. The mine was still collapsing and no one would get in. Worse, no one else would get out.

  "Mathis," a woman screamed out as she ran towards the disintegrating entrance.

  "Beth," Io called and pulled from him. "Beth, no." Io stepped in the woman's path and grabbed her.

  "Mathis, mistress, my husband? My sons?" Beth again tried to push past.r />
  "Your husband went back to the mines? Beth, why?" Io pulled the woman to her.

  "He said he was no man to work at a task set by a woman. He told the boys they were not men if they did not come back with him. Io, my sons. My sons." Beth reached out towards the mine.

  "Mayhaps they were not inside. Mayhaps…" Io said, sounding as desperate as the woman who'd likely just lost her entire family.

  "Someone find Squire Waverly," Xavier yelled and watched men scramble.

  "I do not understand. I closed the mines. I closed them." Io continued to hold the woman but was again looking around with a frightened and confused expression.

  "Lady Brice had them opened again, weeks ago," Beth said with a sob. "Squire Waverly said any man who did not return would be taxed twice. Some refused; they said they would take the matter to his lordship. Then Lady Brice came again and said any man who did not return to the mine would not be taxed but they would not be paid the same wages. Only some refused after that. Only some."

  "Lady Brice?" Xavier was now confused. "You mean Io? Io ordered the mines reopened?"

  "I did not," Io denied as the woman looked at him and shook her head. "I did not open the mine. I closed it. I closed it months ago."

  "Lady Brice opened the mine, not Io," Beth said again. "She opened it not long after I delivered the cloth."

  "Charlotte opened the mines?" Xavier ground his teeth.

  "The same as she did two years ago when she was here and found it was closed." Beth said, then perhaps hoping for news, she pulled away from Io and rushed to another man.

  They both watched her as she said something to the man who was covered in dirt from head to foot. The man only shook his head at her. She said something again and, this time, the man pointed back towards the mine said something else and then left as Beth, screaming, crumpled to the ground. The man must have delivered the worse of all possible news. Io's hands came up to cover her own sob.


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