[clxxv] Ibid.
[clxxvi] Livy, 34, 3, 143.
[clxxvii] Livy, 34, 5, 147.
[clxxviii] Livy, 34, 8, 151.
[clxxix] http://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-europe/gambling-ancient-civilizations-00931
[clxxx] Near modern day Selcuk, Turkey.
[clxxxi] Livy, 33, 49, 140.
[clxxxii] Scipio Risen, pp. 399-400.
[clxxxiii] Rome's patricians and equites would buy insulae as an investment. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/roman-insulae.523981/
[clxxxiv] Now known as Ampurias, Spain.
[clxxxv] Livy, 34, 14, 155.
[clxxxvi] Ibid.
[clxxxvii] Livy, 34, 15, 156.
[clxxxviii] Ibid.
[clxxxix] Livy, 34, 16, 157.
[cxc] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomenclator_(nomenclature)
[cxci] https://followinghadrian.com/2015/03/16/a-taste-of-ancient-rome-pullum-numidicum-numidian-chicken-and-conchicla-cum-faba-beans-with-cumin/
[cxcii] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Roman_gladiator_types
[cxciii] "The ancient Romans had a set rituals at public performances to express degrees of approval: snapping the finger and thumb, clapping with the flat or hollow palm, and waving the flap of the toga." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Applause
[cxciv] These slogans are based on the ones found on the walls of Pompeii. https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/ancient/pompeii-inscriptions.asp
[cxcv] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Tables
[cxcvi] Ibid, Article 18a.
Scipio Rules Page 46