Guardians: The Fallout

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Guardians: The Fallout Page 20

by Lola St. Vil

  “You know what it’s like to be in love; why are you trying to take that away from Emmy?”

  “Yes, I know what it is to fall in love. But I also know what it is to trap the person you love and condemn them. Every single day I have to live with what I did to Femi. She could have been in the light by now. She could have found peace but I stopped that from happening.”

  “That has nothing to do with me.”

  “It has everything to you. Don’t you see? I can’t stop the Council from punishing both Femi and me. But I will not let you drag our child into this. I lost her mother and I will be damned if I lose her too.”

  “I wasn’t the one who involved her in this, Julian, you know that.”

  “Yes, but you can get her out of it. Give her a chance to live a normal life. Let her go to school, go to movies, go to parties. Let her go on dates with guys who won’t get her killed.”

  Finally, the anger in Marcus’s eyes is receding. He moves away from Julian and begins to pace back and forth. When he addresses Julian again, his voice is somber, troubled.

  “She won’t agree to the demands of the Virus. You are going to killing her.”

  “She loves you or at least she thinks she does. You can convince her to agree to it.”

  “Emmy isn’t going to agree to anything.”

  “You are the leader, you can make it happen, Marcus. You save my damn child. The one you say you love.”

  “I told you she won’t agree to forget me.”

  “You can change her mind.”

  “You have no idea who your daughter is. She doesn’t let others make up her mind for her. She’s willful and unbending.”

  “Whatever I know about my daughter, I’m sure it’s more than you know about your team.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “It means that you are a screw-up. And yes, I am the reason you’re down here on this mission. But I’m not the reason why the mission is failing, you are. Instead of focusing on the problem at hand, you choose to satisfy some schoolboy crush. That’s why your team no longer respects you.”

  Marcus attacks Julian with the force of a thousand storms. He rams Julian into the ground. The floor gives way to the pressure. The roof now breaks beneath us; both Julian and Marcus plummet down to the floor below us. I barely have time to get out of the way.

  Marcus holds Julian firmly by the neck with one hand. One slight move and Julian’s neck will snap. Marcus speaks in a fire-filled tone that I have never heard before.

  “I’m done playing with you. Recall the Virus. Now.”

  “Unlike you, I love Emmy and I’m willing to die for her. So, go ahead and kill me. But kill me, you kill her.”

  “You would sentence your own child to death just so that she does what you want?”

  “I know what the Virus does. She would suffer but then it would be over. But if she stays with you, there is no telling how many cycles of torture the Council, Omnis or even Atourum would subject her to. I want her to live a good long life. But if she has to die she will die by my hands and no other.”

  Marcus throws Julian across what’s left of the room they crashed into. Julian lands among the shattered glass of the many pieces of fallen artwork that once hung in the living room.

  Julian shouts out at Marcus, “You want to save her, you can. Just tell her you don’t really love her. Tell her that you were just using her to get to the Triplex faster. Tell her that she means nothing to you. That way she will be all too happy to get rid of any memory she had of ever having loved you.”

  “I will not break her heart like that.”

  “Then you have commended her to death.”

  I’m not sure what set Marcus off: Julian’s last words or the look in his eyes. But whatever it was, Marcus attacks once again.

  There is something different about the way Marcus moves this time. It’s less controlled than his usual movements. It’s like he’s being driven by rage and not by an actual goal.

  He rams into Julian and begins to use his power on him.

  Marcus breaks into Julian’s mind, finds his worst fear, magnifies it, and then reflects it back to Julian.

  This is the first time Marcus is using his reflective powers full force on a human. Yes, Julian used to be a Guardian, but as of now, his body and mind are human. That means he is very likely to die if Marcus even reflects a tenth of Julian’s worst fear back to him.

  He looks into Julian’s eyes. Julian screams and shakes. Marcus holds him in place while reflecting his worst nightmare back to him.

  “Marcus, you’ll kill him,” I warn. But he is too deep in the trance to hear me. He continues to torture his girlfriend’s father.

  Then a light begins to grow from both Julian and Marcus’s eyes. Suddenly, the light explodes sending both Marcus and Julian flying to the end of the block.

  The explosion causes a small earthquake that shakes up all of Manhattan.

  As soon as I gain my balance, I go check on Marcus who is now lying on the ground.

  “Are you okay? What happened?” I ask.

  “I tried to reflect his greatest fear back to him but his fear ended up…attacking me.”

  “How’s that possible?”

  “His greatest fear is mine too; that Emmy will die and it will all be my fault.”

  Marcus looks at Julian, who’s a few feet away, trying to sit up.

  I feel a vibration from my pocket. I take a look and find a text message from Miku.

  “The second mixture is ready. We have to go,” I say to Marcus who is still somewhat in a daze.

  “It won’t work, Marcus. You can’t fight this Virus. Lie to her. Break her heart to save her life,” Julian says weakly.

  “Let’s go,” Marcus says as he takes to the air. As I am about to follow, Julian calls out to me in a weak but deadly voice.

  “You will pay for bringing him to me, Guardian, and the price will be very high.”

  I turn to look at him. I’m not sure if he’s a concerned father or a raging psychopath. But when he says that I will pay, I believe him. Somehow, in some awful way, Julian is going to get back at me for telling Marcus he’s the Caller.

  I thought he would tell Marcus about me and Rage outright but he didn’t. That means he’s found another way to inflict as much damage as possible.

  Well, like father, like daughter. Emmy takes away my love. Her father will take away my much- needed diversion.

  Sometimes I really hate humans.



  The moment we step foot out of the opening that divides Wal-Mart from Daraquin, we are bombarded with questions from Jay and Miku.

  “Was it Julian?”

  “What did he say?”

  “Is he going to recall that Virus?”

  And so on the way to the Healing Academy, I fill them in on what happened with Julian.

  “So he’s not gonna recall the Virus?” Miku says incredulously.

  “No. He’s willing to let her die,” Marcus says bitterly.

  We land in the Academy. Marcus enters her room first, and we are a few steps behind him.

  The second mixture is about to start floating above Emmy’s body.

  “Were you able to get it recalled?” Gray asks.

  “No. Is the mixture stronger this time around?”

  “Let’s hope so,” Gray says as she spreads the liquid-like substance in the air. It hovers across Emmy’s fragile body.

  Everyone is quiet. Emmy’s eyes are glazed over. She looks far away and broken.

  The mixture is supposed to change color and glow if it is working. So far it is not.

  Gray reminds us that we may need to wait a few minutes. I survey the room.

  The concern etched on the Guardian’s faces makes my heart ache. Marcus isn’t the only one who loves this girl.

  Rio impatiently taps his fingers on his dark jeans. His sister stands perfectly still as if willing Em
my to get better.

  Jay can’t bring himself to look at her anymore so he has taken to studying the skyline of Daraquin.

  Marcus says what none of us are will to say out loud.

  “It’s not working.”

  He runs his hand through his hair, bites his lip in frustration and leaves the room. I follow him out.

  “You should recharge,” I tell him knowing full well he won’t listen to me.

  “You think Julian is right about what he said? Am I the reason this is happening to her?”

  “Julian has a warped sense of things. I wouldn’t go by him.”

  “Her life was fine before we came into it. Before I came in to it.”

  “You could tell her you never loved her like Julian said. That may be the only way.”

  “I would hurt her if that means she gets to live but she won’t believe me.”

  “It’s worth a shot.”

  “I know her; she’ll be pissed off if I even try.”

  “Better pissed than dead.”

  So, we go back into the room. Emmy is somewhat more awake now.

  “Don’t even try it Marcus,” she says. Marcus looks back at her, stunned.

  “I asked Rio what you were feeling and he said great regret. He also said that you were about to lie.”

  Marcus looks at Rio.

  “She insisted. Sorry,” Rio says.

  “You’re gonna try to convince me that you don’t care about me and that letting go of the memories is best because you never loved me.”

  “How do you know that’s what the waves mean?” he asks her.

  “I wasn’t sure until I looked in your eyes. It won’t work. You love me. Deal with it.” She smiles faintly. Even Jay can’t help but marvel at her flippant courage.

  “Did you find the maker?” She asks as the mixture swirls around her pointlessly.

  Then we realize that she didn’t hear us when we talked about Julian’s involvement. She must have been in too much pain to pay attention.

  “No,” Marcus says, before any of us can answer. I’m guess he doesn’t want her to know that her own father was okay with ending her life.

  “What is that place out the window?” she asks.

  “It’s the White Forest. It’s one of the entry points to Daraquin. It’s also known for its peaceful energy. Many Paras go there to contemplate. There is also a special tree there called the Maker. It provides what it thinks you need spiritually to be strong,” Gray informs her.

  I think back to the last time I was in the White Forest; all the crying I did. While I’m not sure if the Maker tree was right about what I needed, I’m certain I don’t want the group to know what happened.

  “Can you take me there?” she asks Marcus.

  “When you get better.”

  “Now. It’s the city of angels and all I’ve seen of it is this room.”

  “You’re sick. It wouldn’t be wise,” Gray cautions.

  “Marcus, you owe me a date.”

  “You should stay here where you can be monitored,” Miku says.

  Emmy addresses Marcus. “Just ten minutes and then we can come back. Please?”

  Marcus looks doubtful. Emmy begs him with her eyes.

  “Okay, but just ten minutes and then we come back.”

  She smiles as he picks her up from the bed. Gray looks on, concerned.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll be right back,” he assures the Healer.

  The two of them take off and head for the White Forest.

  “One of you should go in case something happens,” Gray says.

  “I think they need to be alone,” Rio replies.

  “Yes, I can understand that, but if she dies while they are in the Forest I would think one of you would want to be with Marcus so that he’s not alone.”

  “Gray’s right, I’ll go.” I know everyone will have an objection, so I run out before I can hear any of it.

  I should not have volunteered, but I wanted to be there just in case Marcus needed me. Sad, huh? Also, I just have to know what they say to each other. Yes, it hurts like hell, but for some reason I can’t stop myself.

  I am careful not to be seen as I follow them. They get to the White Forest and Marcus sets Emmy down gently on the edge, where she can have the best view of Daraquin.

  “Do you want me to take you to the Maker tree?” he asks her.

  “No, I have everything I need spirit-wise. Come sit next to me.”

  He does as she asks. She looks out on to the city before her.

  “Daraquin is so beautiful.”

  “I don’t see the City of Paras. All I can see is you.”

  She turns to him, studies his eyes and speaks with sincerity.

  “I’m sorry,” she says.

  “Sorry for what?”

  “Dying on you. It’s a kind of a sucky thing for a girlfriend to do.”

  “Then don’t. Agree to the conditions of Virus.”

  “Marcus, there’s more than one kind of death. The death that comes from the Virus is the death of my body. But losing all memory of having loved you is the death of my heart; my soul.”

  “So I’m supposed to let you go, just like that?”

  “I won’t agree to forget you. You belonged to me. You’re the only thing that has ever made me feel wanted. I can’t give that up.”

  Suddenly he is furious and barks orders at her.

  “Emerson, you change your mind right now and agree with whatever the damn Virus wants.”

  “No,” she says softly.

  “You’re so selfish. You don’t care what happens to me.”

  “You’re all I care about.”

  “Then do this for me. Please, Emmy. Do this for me.”

  “No,” she replies with deep regret and sorrow.

  Seeing how distraught her resolve has made him, plump round tears make their way down her face. Fragile and shaking, she places herself in his lap. He cocoons her in his arms.

  He tilts her chin up with his hand and looks achingly into her eyes.

  The flash of fury is gone. He doesn’t seem like a leader-in-command any more. He’s just a sixteen-year-old boy who’s about to lose the girl he loves.

  He whispers the next few words so softly; the wind barely carries them to me.

  “Emmy, how do I live in a world you’re not in?”

  She has no answer for him.

  The wind picks up causing the white leaves to gently rain down.

  They hold each other and surrender to the silence.


  Not long after, the two head back to. Marcus places Emmy back on the bed. “Hold my hand,” she says softly to him. He takes her hand in his. Everyone in the room looks uncomfortable to be there.

  “We can go,” Miku says.

  “No, stay; I want all of you to--”

  The last words die in her throat. She twitches slightly as her eyes roll to the back of her head. I think we were all expecting that she would die screaming. But when she just stopped talking…it seems to be a much crueler end.

  “Emmy?” Marcus calls out.

  There is no response. There is only peace and calmness where once she had been in agony. Gray pulls back the sheets and the green vein-like things had spread to Emmy’s chest.

  Emmy is dead.

  The room grows absolutely still. Marcus is frozen in sorrow. Rio comforts his sister close to his chest.

  Jay puts his head down and gasps as if he’s his been struck.

  I thought I would be filled with conflicting emotions but I’m not. I just feel…empty.

  Just then a quick, thin white spark begins to form around the second mixture. The flash was so quick that none of us spoke for fear that it may just have been in our heads.

  We all wait with abated breath to see if the mixture is actually working.

  The white spark grows. It encircles it over and over again; each time picking up speed. Gray makes a series of wavelike motions as she guides the liquid over Emmy
’s body.

  The mixture is now blinding white and turning at full force. It gathers itself and flies into Emmy’s mouth.

  It does nothing. We stand still. The clock ticks. Gray studies Emmy’s body. Nothing happens.

  Suddenly an inner light emanates from every point on the human’s body. It jerks her off the bed and onto the ceiling. She comes crashing down soon after.

  Emmy’s body reminds perfectly still. Then suddenly she wakes up gasping for air and clutching at the sheets around her.

  “It’s okay. You’re okay,” Marcus says.

  She looks at him, then at us.

  She reminds me of a child that has just woken up from a nightmare. She is fearful and uncertain of her surroundings.

  “Hey, baby girl.”

  Jay grins at her. She tries to smile back but she’s too weak to pull it off.

  Miku is beaming, as is Rio.

  Suddenly the Sage pops up on his Port.

  “The Hun has broken the final mind lock; Arden and the Witness are under attack.”

  Marcus takes a quick glance at Emmy.

  She nods slightly letting him know that she is okay with him leaving her.

  He touches her lips with his fingers and speaks with certainty.

  “I won’t be long,” he says.

  “Be careful, all of you,” she says, surveying the room.

  “Do we have a plan?” Miku asks.

  “Yeah. Save Arden and the Witness; kill everyone else.”

  “Good plan,” Jay confirms.

  We rush out of the room and take to the air. Our speed and intensity far surpass what I thought it would be. It seems that after everything that’s happened, the Guardians aren’t just ready to fight; we are looking forward to it.


  The City of Barrow, Alaska is facing a snowstorm. Everything in the area is frozen over from the ground to the telephone poles. It looks like a frozen winter wonderland. I’m sure it’s nothing they aren’t used to. But for us, the snowstorm is a major problem because it makes it difficult to navigate.

  We are able to locate the Arden and the Witness by following Rio’s direction as he reads their wave. But the snow is falling so heavily, even Rio’s reading is a little off. He says it’s hard to make out the individual waves when it’s surrounded by that much snow. Finally, we locate them about ten miles outside of Barrow town hall.


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