In the Life

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In the Life Page 5

by Will Blue

  "Hi, you all must be Morris' friends," a voice came from behind us. We both turned around to see Lailiana standing there. She was so beautiful. Her makeup was minimal, but enough to accentuate her facial features. Her light brown hair was pulled back into a simple ponytail. Large gold hoops dangling from her ears gleamed in the sunlight. She seemed to glow as well.

  "Yes, how are you doing? We are big fans of yours. My name is Curtis and this is Tre." Curtis obviously had to be the one to speak. I was too stuck on stupid at the moment. Lailiana sweetly smiled as she responded.

  "Thank you. I feel like I know you two. I mean Morris talks about you all so much. He is always talking about his boys back in Philly. He really misses you guys. You all are like his family."

  "We feel the same way," Curtis added. He was doing a good job playing it cool. However, I knew that in his head he was thinking "oh my God!"

  "Well, I hope you two get to come to the gathering we have tonight. It's the director's birthday and we are planning to have a little dinner for him at Dulce. It would be so wonderful of you both could drag Morris there. He hasn't wanted to hang out lately, but maybe with your urging he will change his mind."

  "I will see what I can do," Curtis said. Lailiana leaned in to give us both a quick hug before leaving.

  "It was nice to meet you. I hope to see you tonight." I relaxed enough to hug her and finally I was able to speak.

  "Yeah, we will see you there." Lailiana smiled and walked away. I looked over at Curtis. He was cheesing hard. I was too. "Wow, she was really nice just like they always be saying on television."

  "What? Did you expect her to act like a bitch?"

  "No, but… I mean, even though I am a big fan of hers, I wanted to kinda not like her after the whole thing with Morris, you know. She was almost like a villain in this whole thing; the trick who was seducing my man."

  "It’s not like she knows about you and Morris' relationship."

  "I know, but still. It would help me sleep at night if I could picture Morris being innocent in this whole thing. Him being manipulated by a crafty, sneaky diva." Curtis nodded to say that he understood what I was saying. I thought back to the conversation that had just taken place. Lailiana had just mentioned that Morris didn't hang out like he did before. Could that mean that Morris was telling me the truth when it came to him breaking up with her? If that was true, then I could fully trust Morris again. I mean, I doubt that he set this whole thing up for Lailiana just to come over and tell us that. It had to be the truth. He was only mine again. We turned our attention back to the set. After another 45 minutes, Morris was done with that particular scene.

  "My niggas," he exclaimed as he walked over to us and pulled us both into a brother hug. He embraced Curtis first and then me. When he had me close to him he whispered in my ear. "I am gonna blaze that ass later on." I don't know if that was the prop gun he had tucked into his pants or what, but I felt something hard pressing against me. Either way, I was turned on. From the look on Curtis' face, he had heard the comment too.

  "So Morris, we heard about the dinner at Dulce tonight and I know that you are going to take us, right?" Morris looked over at Curtis with a puzzled look.

  "How yall hear about that?"

  "Oh, a little birdie told us," I teased. "But you are going, aren't you." Morris thought for a second before answering. He had an unsure look on his face.

  "Yeah, we can go."

  "Why do you look like that's not what you wanted to say? Is there a problem with going?" My comment caused Curtis to look at him with an inquisitive expression.

  "Um, uh, of course not," he started to stutter. "It’s just I was hoping that tonight could be just for us… and Curtis of course." Curtis started laughing.

  "Naw, you had it right the first time, nigga. Your horny ass wants to blaze his ass, remember?" Me and Morris both started laughing as well. After a few more minutes, Morris had to rush off. All this time, we had not realized someone had been paying attention to our conversation.

  Chapter 11

  This was all so surreal. I was sitting at the very trendy Dolce restaurant in West Hollywood with movie stars. The décor was great. Black leather chairs and table cloths, dramatic lighting, and an isolated fire behind the fully stocked bar gave the restaurant a high class feel. Morris was sitting to the right of me and Curtis was on the left. Lailiana sat across from Morris. We were munching on the bread and amuse bouché while we conversed and waited for the entrees. I didn't know how I should be acting around all of these celebrities. Since Morris had been working with them for some time now, he was not fazed one bit by them.

  "So has Morris shown you all of the sights yet?" Lailiana asked me and Curtis.

  "Naw," we both said in unison. Morris gave Lailiana a look.

  "Sights? Hell, I aint even seen no damn sights. I am always on set. You know that." Lailiana reached across the table and placed her hand on top of his.

  "Well, what about all the places I showed you. I thought I gave you a great tour." Lailiana said that a little bit too flirtatious for my taste. I looked over at Morris and he had this awkward grin on his face. Curtis was hitting me under the table.

  "Yes, it was real cool, but I think Curtis and Tre could benefit from the tour, as well." Lailiana started to smile brightly.

  "That's a great idea! Why don't we go out before you two leave? I am always looking for a good reason to let loose and have fun with my schedule being as hectic as it usually is. And who knows, with three PHYNE men like you following me around, the tabloids may have something new to write about." We all laughed… well at least faked a laugh. Shit, the tabloid is what got us to this point in the first place.

  My meal was okay, but nothing special. The portion was so small that I finally understood why everyone in California was so skinny. The poor babies obviously don't eat. After finishing my meal, I excused myself to go to the restroom. On my way out, I bumped into a familiar stranger.

  "Oh, I am so sorry," I said after crashing right into him. I don't know what I was doing that I didn't see him coming my way.

  "It’s no problem, dude." When my eyes actually focused on his face, I saw that I was right in front of Breion Grey, one of the best neosoul singers out. I always had thought that he was attractive, but up close, he was flawless. His skin was an even toned caramel and his hair was curly. It looked like he definitely didn't have "nigga hair". I tried to play it cool. If I had learned anything today, it was not to be star struck.

  "Umm, you have a good day." I tried to get back to my seat, but Breion wasn't going to make my getaway that easy.

  "Wait a minute. You are Morris' homeboy, right." That right there, definitely made me stop. How did he know that? I guess my face gave away how puzzled I was. "Oh, my bad. I am in the movie too. You may not have seen me on the set, but I was there."

  "Damn, how many people are in this movie?" He laughed.

  "I know, right. But this is my first film and what better role to play besides a singer. I mean, it’s not a big stretch."

  "Is it a big part?"

  "Well, you are just going to have to wait until the movie comes out to see that now, won't you?" If I didn't know any better, I would swear that he was flirting with me.

  "I guess I will have to wait. Hopefully, Morris will get me a ticket to be at one of those premieres."

  "If he doesn't invite you, I definitely will." Okay, now this is definitely flirting. It is time to tear myself away from his sexy ass.

  "Uh, I think that I need to get back to the table." I started to walk away. I needed to. No matter what came out of his mouth next, I was leaving.

  "So I will see you on the set later, right?" I didn't answer. I just kept going.

  After the restaurant, I decided to go straight back to the hotel. Morris and Curtis had gone clubbing with some of the other cast members, but I didn't feel up to it. Even though it was our last night in California, I just wanted to go to bed for some reason. I had planned to spend all morning and af
ternoon with Morris before our evening flight. Morris said he had something special planned for my last day. I couldn't wait to see what that was.

  When morning came, I was ready to see my guy. I woke up and hopped right into the shower. I could tell that Curtis must have had fun clubbing with celebrities because his ass was still knocked the fuck out. After getting dressed and ready, I tried to call Morris to see what was up, but he did not answer the phone. I didn't know if I should go downstairs and partake in the continental breakfast the hotel offered. Who knows, maybe Morris had brunch plans made up already. However, after an hour or two of waiting for a callback, I caved. The breakfast was over, but there was a Burger King in walking distance of the hotel. I figured that, much like Curtis, Morris must have partied a little bit too hard and maybe even had a hangover.

  I ate my food in the room and watched some television. Finally, Morris called while I was watching old Saved by the Bell episodes.

  "Hey baby. What you doing?"

  "Waiting for you," I responded. I looked over to Curtis and he was still dead to the world.

  "You got me bored waiting for you."

  "Oh. Umm baby…" I knew I wasn't going to like what Morris was about to say next. I could hear it in his voice. Something wasn't right.

  "Yes? What's wrong? We are hanging out today, right?"


  "So, what is stopping you now?"

  "The director wants to reshoot the kidnapping scene that we shot last week. He decided he wanted it to happen during daylight instead of at night. I don't know how long this all will take, but you know you are more than welcomed to come to the set and watch."

  "Watch?" I wasn't happy it all, but I had to understand. It wasn't his fault. However, I was still feeling salty about the whole thing.

  I did end up going to see Morris. To my dismay, the director had called for a closed set so you can imagine the fun that I was having. Curtis had stayed back at the hotel. I had predicted right. He had the hangover from hell. I was about to go back to join him, but I was stopped before I could leave.

  "So I see that you are still here." I looked over to see Breion walking towards me. He was looking too sexy. There was something about him that really turned me on. He had a swagger about him and we all know there is nothing sexier than a fine nigga with a swagger.

  "Yeah, but I leave today. I had come down here to see Morris, but…"

  "He is on a closed set." Breion finished my statement and I nodded.

  "I guess I should be getting back to the hotel. I mean, I need to make sure all my stuff is packed and everything. Hopefully, Morris will be done in time enough to take me and my boy Curtis to the airport."

  "It’s possible however, I know if I was your man, I would make sure that I would have more than enough time for you. You definitely wouldn't be wandering around some movie set waiting for me." Breion licked his lips and I almost came in my pants. But what was he trying to imply about me and Morris. I think he read what I was thinking through my eyes. "Yeah, I know that Morris is your man. I can see it in the way you look at him."

  "Am I that obvious?"

  "Naw, you're not. But it’s easy to pick up if you are someone like me who is captivated by your every move." I know that this conversation is leading to nowhere good, but I couldn't help myself. Like I said earlier, there was just something so sexy about this man. You could even hear it in his music. It’s like he exhaled sensuality.

  "You watch me like that?"

  "Yeah… I do."

  "I think it’s time for me to go… you know… packing and stuff."

  "Well, I can give you a ride… I mean, if you don't mind making one stop with me. It will be fun. I promise you." I was playing a fool's game, but I followed him out the studio. Where we were going was a mystery to me, but that was kind of exciting. What was the harm in getting to know Breion a little better? He could become a really great friend. Well, at least that's what I kept trying to tell myself over and over again as he opened the passenger door for me to jump into his black BMW 6 Series Convertible. This was just going to be an innocent afternoon… right?

  Chapter 12

  Whenever you feel so gone

  Like no one can understand

  Hiding, in search of calm

  I will be here as your man

  When the victories are few

  But the pain seems to surround

  Know where you can run to

  Because I will always be around

  I will always be here

  You don't have to ever fear

  Until now becomes forever

  I will be your protector

  As Breion sang his song, I sat back in awe. He had taken me to a recording studio. I thought it was so cool to see him at work. In the matter of a half an hour, he and the producer had written this great song and they even asked me for my input. Does this mean I have songwriting credit? I mean, I did help with a few words. Wait a minute… what if this gets nominated for a Grammy?! I could have a fucking Grammy! Am I getting a little ahead of myself? Maybe… but who cares?

  Breion was singing the hell out of that song. I thought his vocals were perfect, but he insisted on wanting to go back and rerecord different parts. When he was done, he came out of the booth smiling.

  "Why you cheesin like that?"

  "You know I was thinking about you while I was singing, right?" I couldn't control the sigh that came from my mouth. I mean, I thought that Breion was a really cool guy and I would be lying if I said that I wasn't attracted to him, but I had Morris and was happy with him. We were rebuilding from the whole Lailiana issue, but I knew that was just a test that would ultimately make our relationship stronger.

  "Breion… you know…"

  "Yes, I know about you and Morris and I don't want to interfere with that. I just can't help what I feel."

  "Come on now. You don't even know me."

  "Not yet, I don't. You can't blame a brotha for trying though. Just give me a chance."

  "And how do I do that? I live in Philadelphia and you live way out in…"

  "Philly," he said with the biggest smile on his face.

  "You’re from Philly?"

  "Yeah, born and raised. I thought for a second that you were going to say you live in Mississippi or something. I mean, that's some accent that you have there. It’s cute."

  "I’m from Alabama, actually."

  "So can I get your number? Maybe we can chill sometime when I am in town." Once again, that voice in my head was saying that I was playing a fool's game, but I ignored it. We programmed each other's number in our phone. As soon as I had saved his number, Morris called me. That should have been an omen right there.

  "Hey babe, where you at?" I looked over at Breion. I knew I couldn't tell Morris exactly where I was at. Even though nothing was going on between the two of us, I knew that saying that I was in a recording studio with an incredibly attractive and talented R&B singer would not be a good thing. So, of course, I lied.

  "I’m out on my own, doing some exploration of the city. Since you were doing your thing and Curtis is still hung over, I decided to just look around."

  "Well, we are about done here, I think. There are some equipment problems that are cutting the day short."

  "Oh okay."

  "So where are you now? I can come and pick you up if you want."

  "Umm, naw that's okay. I will take a cab."

  "A cab? But babe, I can just come get you."

  "I know, but I will just see you shortly. I am about to go back to the hotel now. I will meet you there." I hated not being totally honest, but it was a necessary lie. I got off the phone with Morris shortly after.

  "You ready for me to take you back," Breion asked me.

  "Yeah and… thank you for letting me see you at work here. It was really cool."

  "You know you can see a lot more than that." I smiled at the idea.

  "Come on, superstar. Let’s get out of here." I nudged him towards the door so I could g
et back to the hotel.

  Chapter 13

  "You sure you want to eat here, babe," Morris turned to ask me once we had entered my favorite, yet crowded restaurant.

  "What do you think?" Against his better judgment, Morris headed to the host stand to put our name on the seating list.

  Morris had been back in Philly for about three months now. The movie was finished and was about to be released soon. I knew I had to cherish this time that I had with my man while I could. Before I probably could blink an eye, he would be off promoting the film or possibly shooting another. I knew my baby had talent and he was going to go far. Unfortunately, he was beginning to know that too. The movie hadn't even come out yet, but he was already getting a big head.


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