In the Life

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In the Life Page 7

by Will Blue

  "Tre, do you like me?" I could see all of Breion's emotions with his one statement. I nodded and he got up from the bed where we were laying in. He went into the bathrooom and came back with something in his hand. It was in a baby blue Tiffany's jewlery box. What the hell was in there?

  Chapter 17

  A loud, annoying sound jerked me away from my nice and peaceful sleep. I turned over and saw that it was Breion's alarm clock. I looked over at him and saw that he was still fast asleep. I knew his schedule well enough to press the off button without waking him up. He didn't have anything major to do until that night so he could sleep a few more hours. I sat up in his bed while still trying to fully wake up. It was Saturday so I didn't have anything to do either, but I did have some minor errands to run.

  I grabbed my cell phone which was placed on the nearby nightstand. I looked and saw that I had five missed calls. One was from Curtis, another was from my mother, and three were from Morris. I decided not to call him back until after my shower and change of clothes. It wasn't until I was putting on the diamond earrings, from Tiffany’s that Breion bought for me that I called him back.

  "What's up," I said plainly.

  "Hey baby. Where are you at?"

  "Don't worry about all that, sir. You called?" I was trying to give him major attitude, but truth be told, I still loved talking to him. Hearing his voice was home to me. I still loved him dearly, but I felt that he would never understand that unless I showed him how wrong he had done me. Maybe that was childish and unnecessary, but that is what I did. I was short over the phone. I avoided him like the plaque. And I was never around him for more than three minutes whenever he managed to be at the same location as me. I was spending so much time at Breion's place that I should have been getting mail there.

  "I was just calling you to tell you that I had a cover shoot for Ebony Magazine. Isn't that great? Me! On the cover of a major magazine, being heralded as the newest sex symbol!" I smiled despite what I was feeling. The tabloid shit with him being gay did not hurt his career one bit. Since Morris always carried himself as such a "man's man", not many people believed the tabloids.

  "I am happy for you, Morris. Congratulations."

  "Thank you." His response was followed by a long pause. "So…when are we gonna stop acting like this."

  "Acting like what?"

  "You know exactly what I mean. How many times do I have to tell you that I love you more than anything. You are my heart, baby. You are my reason for living." My heart melted for a second.

  "And I love you too, you know that. And I know how you feel about…" I stopped speaking at the sound of Breion waking up. "Ummm… I gotta go, bye."

  "Huh?" Morris was confused as hell, but I hung up on him before he could question me further. Sure, Breion knew the deal, but that was no reason to rub it in his face. Waking up to hear our conversation was far from kosher.

  "Hey baby," I said as I leaned down and gave him a kiss. Breion kissed back, but he did not put his all into it. He seemed hollow somehow.

  "You were talking to the competition, huh?" I did not respond, but Breion did not have to wait for an answer anyway. He kissed me once more a little more passionately and then got out of the bed. His nude body emerged from the covers. I watched his round basketball booty walk off and go into the bathroom. By the time that he had come back to bed, I was already sleeping again dreaming about Morris.

  Chapter 18

  I had finished gathering the last of my stuff from Morris' house. I thought it was best that I get my own place. I knew that even though Breion loved having me at his place, I couldn't stay there. I needed my own spot.

  Everything was now in my car, but one last box in the bedroom. I grabbed it and headed to the door. I looked around to see if I had forgotten anything.

  "I guess that's everything," I said out loud to myself.

  "What do you mean ‘that's everything'?" I jumped at the sound of Morris' voice. I did not know he was even in town.

  "Huh? What?" I stammered while still startled at his sudden presence in the room. Morris' eyes concentrated on the box for a moment and then he looked back at me.

  "Did I mess up your getaway? Are you trying to be done with me, for real?"

  "Morris, I just think its best…"

  "Best for who? Because it’s for damn sure not something I want."

  "Well, it’s not always about what you want, Morris. It’s about what I need to do. I would think that by now you would have seized everything that you wanted anyway. You are probably still sleeping with Lailiana and maybe three little new groupies of yours. What you need me for? You don't want me. Hell, you showed me that when you didn't call me for all that time when your shit hit the fan. Who knows what would have happened if I didn't get Curtis to make that three-way call for me? You probably wouldn't have talked to me ever again."

  "Now you know that all of that is untrue."

  "Do I? How do I know?" Morris didn't respond. He just looked at me helplessly. He knew that he had hurt me in the past. And I knew that he was sorry, but somehow, that provided little solace for me.

  "You didn't come to Jay‘s birthday party," Morris said trying to get the focus off of him. "Where were you at?"

  "I hadn't felt well. I stayed in bed all day."

  "And what bed was that because I know it wasn't this one. Are you seeing someone else? Is that what this is all about?"

  "No, I am not and this is about you and your actions!" Okay, so I kind of lied, but I couldn't tell him about Breion. Plus, we were just kicking it.

  "Then where you been at?"

  "I don't need this." I turned away and walked out the room with my box in my arms. I did not want to stay for this. Not only had I not planned on seeing him today, I did not like lying to him about who has been occupying my time.

  I had made it all the way downstairs and to the front door when I heard Morris call out my name. I looked back to see tears running down his face.

  "Baby, come on. I love you. And you are right. I have been thinking a lot about what I want and need. But babe, I know that you need me as much as I need you. I was made to love you. I am supposed to be the one in your heart. All of this attention and fame that I am getting means nothing if you are not here to share it with me."

  By now, I too was crying. Morris gently wiped some of the tears away. I let him touch me, at first, but then I backed away. I put the box down and wiped my own face. He stepped closer to me and took hold of one of my hands. He pulled me to his body as he kissed me. That kiss was the sweetest thing that I had ever known. My body let go off all tension and I collapsed into his arms. I had missed this. We broke from the kiss and he led me back to the bedroom.

  I laid on the bed and he got on top of me. He kissed my neck and let his tongue tease my hot spots. My hands glided down his body and went down to his ass. I squeezed it as Morris made me moan with his foreplay. He then undressed me. I tried to take some of his clothes off too, but he would not let me. Morris discarded his shirt, but kept the rest of his stuff on. I almost came when I felt the warmth of his mouth on my dick. After a while, the pleasure I was receiving become so intense that I laid my head back and kept my eyes shut. I felt my climax coming and tried to warn Morris, but he didn't budge. He wanted to be submissive to me and focus on me getting as much pleasure as I could take.

  Chapter 19

  For the next week, I went everywhere that Morris did and vice versa. It seemed like we couldn't even go to the bathroom without the other one at least standing outside the door or inside watching. I could tell that Morris missed me as much as I had missed him. He knew what he had done wrong and now we could move on. Everything was great. I couldn't help but smile all the time. My man was back home where he should be.

  I must have been off in lala land or something because Breion shook me to get my attention. I had agreed to come watch a movie while Morris had went out with Jay and Brent.

  "Are you there, sir?"

  "Oh my bad. What's up
?" Breion looked at me funny and then just shook it off. He went into the kitchen to get something for us to drink. Meanwhile, my phone started to ring.

  "Hey you," I said into the phone as I picked it up.

  "What is my baby doing?"

  "Just at a friend's house about to watch some movie, but I don't think I am the best company though. I just wanna be chilling with you."

  "Is that right?"

  "Yeah," I said softly. Okay, first off, let me say that yes I was acting like a little love sick bitch, but what can I say. Love can do that to you.

  "Well, you know I can cut this shit short over here. I can be home in like a half hour."

  "Boy, yall gone to that club. You need your time with your boys. I know they have missed spending time with you too. I can't be selfish and take all your time."

  "You know you my baby, right?" I was cheesing so hard. Breion came back in the room and looked at me oddly. I could hear Brent and Jay in the background over the phone. I knew that they were probably ready for him to get off the call.

  "Yeah, I know. I love you."

  "I love you too. I will see you at home."

  "Okay, bye baby." I hung up the phone still smiling. Breion passed me my glass without saying a word. He inched over to the other side of the couch and started the movie. We started watching Talledega Nights which I thought was hilarious, but Breion had not laughed once. He didn't even look like he was into the movie. I reached over and grabbed the remote control and put the flick on pause.

  "What is wrong with you? You have been acting funny ever since I got here."

  "I can't believe you asking me that shit, Tre." I sat still clueless.


  "You just got finished cupcaking over the phone with that no good nigga AGAIN! You spending all this time with that bitch and not giving me the time of day."

  "What are you talking about? Breion, you always knew that I was with him. It never bothered you before so why are you acting like this?"

  "It always bothered me, Tre!" Breion said as he stood to his feet. "It always fucking bothered me, but I thought that you would see that I was the one for you and not him. I fucking love your ass. I would rather have a part of you than nothing at all, but I can't do this shit. My heart won't take this abuse. For all these months, I have tried to deal with you talking about him all the damn time and even calling him when you are hugged up with me. I have even tried my damnedest not to dog him. But I can't do this shit, baby. I can't!"

  "What are you trying to say to me?"

  "Are you not… oh my God." Breion let out a loud audible gasp and started to pace the room. "You know what… I give up. I fucking give up."

  "Okay," I said unsure of what else to say. "Maybe I should just leave. I will talk to you later." I grabbed my coat and started to head for the door.

  "And you just gonna leave like that?" I whipped back around to face him.

  "What the fuck do you want from me, Breion? You knew the deal and…"

  "Do you love me?"

  "Huh? What are…"

  "Do you fucking love me? Answer the damn question!”

  "Yes," I said without hesitation. I didn't want to say it, but that was the truth. Breion walked over to me and kissed me passionately.

  "That's all I needed to hear," he said as he broke away.

  "Please, don't make me choose," I pleaded more for his sake than mine.

  "I know. I know. But you will be mine. You just know that." I knew I had to leave after that otherwise I would have followed Breion back to his bedroom.

  Chapter 20

  "I don't understand what his problem is." I looked around the pool table for my next shot. Curtis was out playing pool and shooting the breeze. I looked up to him and he was taking a sip from his beer. He almost looked like he wasn't paying attention to me. "I mean, okay, I admit that me and Breion had something going on, but he knew about Morris. I never hid that from him. Hell, he knew I was with Morris when he first met me. I mean, come on now! Curtis, can you believe him?"

  I finally took my shot and missed my target, the five ball. I looked back at Curtis and he just stood there still with his beer. I repeated my last question.

  "Curtis, I said can you believe him?"

  "Very much so." I was taken aback by Curtis' answer. He continued speaking as he surveyed the table. "I have been telling you like forever that you have been playing a fool's game. I have been telling you that you got to pick one of them, but you didn't listen. You always say that you can handle it, but you never thought about if Breion could. Sure, Mr. Neo Soul man has acted like he was all understanding and cool with the situation, but you and I both knew he wasn't. And don't lie and say that you had no idea. He treated you like gold." Curtis took his shot and made it.

  "But I really didn't know!"

  "Now, give me a break, Tre." Curtis stood at attention and looked at me. "Has he been seeing anyone besides you?" I shook my head. "Okay, and when you talk about Morris to him, does he ever encourage your relationship?"

  "He listens to me…"

  "Yeah, but does he even ask about how things are going between the two of you?" I shook my head again. "That nigga loves you and wants to be with you."

  "But he knew that was not going to happen."

  "Did he really? I mean, you and Morris kept going on this up and down rollercoaster. Sometimes, I even doubted that yall would even get back together. And then you are always curled up under Breion when Morris isn't there and sometimes even when he is. You even told him that you loved him more than once. You never had to wonder how he felt about you. Hell, he treats you better than Morris does."

  "So what are you trying to say?"

  "I am trying to say that I have always thought that Breion was the one for you and not Morris. I love Morris dearly like a big brother, you know that, but I think that when all is said and done, Breion is your Mr Right."

  I thought about what Curtis said for a moment, but quickly dismissed it from my mind. I loved Morris! Well, I loved Breion too, but it wasn't the same. Morris and I are so perfect together and I loved being with him. But what Curtis said about Breion was true too… Oh, this was beginning to make my head hurt!

  "So have you talked to Breion today?" Curtis made another lucky shot.

  "Umm, he left me a voice message earlier and said that he loved me. He said he would still be there for me." Curtis gave me a look. You know the one that says "I told you so".

  "Plan on giving the brother a call back?"

  "I don't know. Probably. Later on tonight, I guess."

  "Well, don't wait too long. Men like Breion don't wait for long."

  "And who said that I wanted Breion to wait. I got Morris, remember? I know where I need to be." Curtis chuckled as he lined up for his next shot.

  "If you say so." Curtis gave me a knowing smile. "Now, let’s see what we have here. Eight ball, corner pocket." I had been so wrapped up in the conversation that I hadn't seen that Curtis had been kicking my ass. He hit the eight ball with ease. "I win which means that you are buying the next round of drinks."

  Chapter 21

  I cursed my radio alarm as I heard it go off one Saturday morning. Normally, it wakes me up for work, but it was the weekend. I looked over to my right and saw that Morris gone. I looked back over to the clock and saw it was 7 am.

  "The gym," I mumbled to myself as I realized where he must be. He loves to go early before all of his favorite machines and equipment was taken. If I had to wake up this early, however, I would have loved it to be because of an early morning quickie. I wished he had been there. Maybe feeling the warmth of his body against mine would have lulled me back to sleep.

  The next song that came on the radio was one that I was very familiar with. It wasn't until after I had song almost the whole song that I realized that it was Breion. I had been singing the song that he had recorded in California when I was out there to see Morris. I smiled as I thought about that day. I had seen a hit be born. It had gone to #3 on t
he R&B/ Hip Hop Singles chart and #15 on the Hot 100. It had become his biggest single to date. It even garnered him a Grammy nomination, his first.

  I grabbed the phone to give him a call. I hadn't called him back the night before when I had played pool with Curtis. After hanging out, I went home to my man and we did… grown up things.

  Breion picked up on the second ring. I could tell he was in the car from the background noise. I could hear him turn the radio down before speaking.

  "Hey babe."

  "What's going on? I heard your song, or should I say our song on the radio."

  "You know that your inspiration is the reason why I now have a gold record on my wall, right?"


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