The Don's Baby: A Bad Boy Romance

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The Don's Baby: A Bad Boy Romance Page 30

by Sophia Hampton

  “Okay then yes. That is exactly what I was doing. I love the feel of your cock in my hand, but I didn’t want you to come on the road. I wanted to play with you all the way to wherever we were going. I was thinking about all we talked about at that diner, and I’m not sure what’s next, but I want to have at least one more time before I leave your side.”

  “Well, you are a woman who knows how to get her way. You knew keeping my cock between half-mast and full mast for a good while would get you plowed really good. Who am I to deny you that?”

  The only answer he got to that was a slow moan and that sound went right to his balls. She arched higher, and he rubbed the tip of his cock tip against Emma’s wet pussy. It would have been easy to slip right in, but he wanted to give her a taste of what she’d been doing to him all the way here. The head of his large cock slipped between her closed thighs, and he slid it in the tight opening. The hiss of her breath told him that he had passed his aching throbber over her clit. Good. Now, they both wanted a good hard fuck.


  “Yes,” he responded, like they were going for a walk in the lilies and he had no idea what she could have possibly wanted.

  “I don’t want to play anymore. Fuck me.”

  “Ohhh, a few seconds of rubbing on your clit, and you don’t want to play; but, you played with me for quite a while. Don’t you think paybacks are in order?”

  She chuckled, and he liked that she still had a sense of humor even though she was so very aroused. “Paybacks are probably in order but I don’t want them right now.”

  “Hmmm,” he said, as he continued to slowly push his cock between her thighs and pull it out again. She was trying to angle herself so he could slip into her wetness and give her some relief. As she moved her hips, she was putting on quite a show. He decided to oblige her since she was making him hotter than hell just wiggling up and down his cock like that. She gasped, as he fully inserted himself as deep as he could at this angle. He just stood there catching his breath and thought that there was no way it should feel as good as it did, entering her like that. He pumped a few times and was so close. He wanted to finish this somewhere that he could rest afterwards. When he withdrew his hard, throbbing thickness, she moaned—and what a sorrowful sound it was.

  She turned around and looked like she was prepared to give him hell. Looking at her, still in the helmet, somehow seemed humorous. But, there was no way he going to add insult to injury.


  Emma couldn’t believe there was ever a time she was so turned on. Rafael had her outside bent over his motorcycle with her pussy out and his helmet still fastened to her head. This was something straight out of her fantasies, and she wanted to complete the fulfillment that was so close she was almost shaking with it. He’d stopped, and when she turned to look at him, he had the nerve to look like he was fighting back laughter. She stood up, took off the helmet, and set it on his bike.

  “Emma, I can see you’re pissed off, but I wanted to see you in my bed—and that’s where we are going to finish up.”

  It was evident that he’d been with a lot of women because he knew when one was going to blow. She was torn on what to do though. Should she pull up her pants or take them off, because she wasn’t going to be able to walk into the house with her pants acting like a binder around her thighs. She shouldn’t have worried about that because Rafael picked her up in his arms. With his arms around her back and under her knees, her bare ass was swinging in the breeze—but it didn’t even slightly cool off her naughty bits. It actually made her more aroused because she knew what they were getting ready to do.

  He walked her into the house and up the stairs before setting her on the bed. “Thanks for the lift,” she said, trying not to be upset about her interrupted outdoor fun.

  “Anytime, Emma.” He had a great smile and was very charming. She’d known that but seeing it firsthand beat hearing about it.

  He took off his clothes, and she scrambled to take off the rest of her clothing, so she could be done when he was.

  “Get up on your hands and knees in the center of the bed,” Rafael said in a voice that was thick with desire. She didn’t think she’d ever moved that fast, but it still took a bit to get to the center of what had to be the biggest bed she’d ever seen.

  She could feel him climb on the bed and her pussy clenched with anticipation. He was very quiet and she didn’t know what to make of it since he was so good at being vocal. In fact, she was kind of missing the dirty talk.

  He rubbed his hand over the right side of her rump allowing her to get used to his touch before he patted her a few times. It wasn’t hard enough to even make a little noise and then he did the same to the other side. She moved her hips from side to side, like she was trying to wave a flag in front of a bull, enticing him to find her target and begin the launch.


  She felt the moderate slap on her right cheek, and she shuttered almost falling over the cliff into her orgasm. That hadn’t ever happened before. “What do I have to do for you to do that again?” she asked.


  He slapped the other side of her ass, and she couldn’t stop her hips from riding the imaginary cock that would get her off immediately.

  “I can see that you really like that,” Rafael said in a low murmur. “I knew that you would. I’m pretty good at figuring out what you like, but any time you want your ass warmed, you can feel free to let me know.” He took that moment to reach between her legs, and she knew he would find her sopping wet.

  She tried not to whimper. He wasn’t the only one who was good with sexual tricks, but somehow he kept her off-balance. Had she ever forced a moan for a reaction? Yes. Had she ever acted like the sex was good when it wasn’t? Sure. She didn’t know what to do with this one because it seemed like he knew where all her buttons were and exactly when and where to push them. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, she’d just never experienced it before.

  “Mmm, you really do like that. You are so ready for me,” he said, touching her too lightly to bring her to climax. She could only grunt as an answer.

  He moved behind her, and she knew it was going to be a wild ride. She liked when he pushed in aggressively earlier, but this time he went in slow. She could feel him work in every inch of his hard cock, and she really liked this entry, too. She wanted to push back but thought that she would wait to see what he was going to do. When he slammed the last two inches into her, she could feel his balls swinging. Then, they smacked against her pussy on the second slide into her. He got close to her and reached around to rub her nipple. She couldn’t help but buck against him, and he smacked her ass as he drove deep inside her.

  She could feel the trembling deep in her womb, her body tightening with an orgasm working its way to its highest point. Her stomach clenched, and she laid down on the bed because she didn’t have the strength to hold herself up. The waves of pleasure rolled over her like a tsunami. She couldn’t stop the moans coming from her throat or the way her hips tried to grind her greedy pussy down on Rafael’s cock to get him to pump harder and faster. When she finally finished, she realized she’d missed most of her partner’s orgasm. The groan that left his lips stuttered out like he was having trouble catching his breath.

  When he pulled out, he fell on the bed next to her, and she rolled over to look at him. He had a light sheen to his skin, evidence of the hard work he’d just put in.

  “We have to do that again,” he said still slightly out of breath. “There’s no way I can go to my grave only experiencing that once.”

  She laughed with him on that one. “You’re right. We’ve had sex a few times tonight, but we seem to do our best work in the bed.”

  “Who knows where else we can get our rocks off? It seems to me that each time we bump uglies it gets better and better.”

  “Bump uglies? Where in the world did you get that from,” she broke out in laughter because she knew he must be overly tired. She’d only heard
the older men use that expression, and she’d thought it was funny when he said it.

  He chuckled too, but he was closer to sleep than she was.

  “Is your bathroom through that door?” she pointed to the other door in the room beside the one they entered.

  “Yep, feel free to help yourself,” he told her.


  She got up and cleaned herself off a little—just so she could get some sleep. She wasn’t sure if sleep was what was next or if she was on her way home—and she didn’t want to show up smelling like she’d been in an all-night fuck fest.

  She looked around the nicely decorated bathroom and wondered who had gone through such trouble to make this look masculine and stylish. Maybe the club girls did it for him. They had done something similar for a few of the fellas that didn’t have much style and wanted to have a homier looking home. It shouldn’t make her even the tiniest bit jealous—but still. He was a grand lover, and she knew that before he’d even touched her. Word of mouth was powerful and the network of women were usually pretty accurate.

  Why was she getting wrapped up in someone from another club? She had been trying to work on getting out on her own. She had plans of maybe going back to school and becoming a therapist for foster children or something like that. This thing she was involving herself with wasn’t going to get her out of club life, but it may opt her out of living all together.

  She found a few washcloths and wet them with warm water. Staring at her image in the mirror as she wrung them out, she had to say that she looked more alive than she had in a good long while. Rafael seemed to have what it took to bring out a glow on her face. When he woke up, they were going to have to talk about a few things…like how she was supposed to get home. He couldn’t just drop her off in broad daylight. Plus, what should she say if people questioned her absence? She rarely did anything alone for too long of a time, and although she could have gotten an apartment at any time, she just stayed at the clubhouse apartments.

  If this was going to be a one and done—like his usual—then she probably wouldn’t have any problems explaining this away. But if he did want something with her, they were going to have to think this through.

  She finished stalling and hoped that Rafael would be sleeping when she got out there; but, when she opened up the door, he was propped up on his pillow still naked as the day he was born. Walking over, she went to clean him up a bit before she lay down, but he took the wet cloth from her hands. “If you do that, we’ll just end up back at square one,” he said good-naturedly. She didn’t think his assessment was far from the truth.

  “Rafe?” she said, as she watched him rub the dried white substance off and wished she was the one cleaning him off.


  “We probably need to talk about where we go from here.” She was paying attention to any visual cues because maybe she was overstepping her boundaries; but, he appeared to be listening and thinking so she prodded on. “I’m fine if this is the end. I knew when we started a few hours ago that you don’t do more than a few times per chick.”

  “So, you’re alright if this is the last time we see each other?” he asked, as he lay upon his pillow, looking like a tiger ready to pounce.

  “I didn’t say that. It’s just that I’ve heard how you work, and I’m all right with that. I just wanted to know how this all was going to work.”

  “You seemed to have heard a lot about me. What? Do the women I’ve been with put out a newsletter?”

  “Not really, but you are a hot topic.”

  “So, what do they say about my home?”

  “That’s the thing. I’ve never heard anyone say anything about your house. With as beautiful as it is, I would have thought that someone would have said something.” With that, she noticed a smirk pass over his face. “What’s the smirk for?”

  “No one has ever been to my house. Except for a few choice club members no one knows where I live.”

  “Yet, you chose to share that information with me?” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “Yup. Does that give you any clues about where we’re going next?”

  “That just leads me to many more questions. How are we going to do that? What are the consequences? What if we get caught?”

  “Shhhhhhh,” Rafael said, moving her into his arms. “Let’s get a couple of hours of sleep and then maybe we can come up with something—even if it’s just a way to see each other a few more times. We’re both too tired to think about much of anything right now.”

  “I guess you’re right.” She wanted to sort through all of this, but he was right. They were both beat and her mind wasn’t functioning the way it would be after a few hours of sleep and a strong cup of coffee.

  He tucked her in the little spoon position, and she could feel his still prominent sex limp on her butt. Not a bad way to fall asleep.


  Something was beeping, and she was so disoriented she could barely think of why she knew that sound. It would stop and then start all over again.

  “It’s your phone,” a masculine voice said above her head. She leaped up and scrambled off the bed before she remembered all that had happened the night before.

  “You’re a wild one even fresh from sleep. Calm down sexy,” he said, as she tried to pull herself together. “It’s your phone making that noise. Someone has been blowing up your phone, so I’m thinking you are missed.”

  She grabbed her phone and turned it to silent because she just couldn’t deal with it before she’d gotten a bit of caffeine. “How long have we been asleep?”

  “You’ve been asleep for about 5 hours; I woke up about an hour ago,” he said, watching her as if she needed to be handled with kid gloves.

  “Don’t worry. I may have woke up a little off kilter, but I’m okay now,” she said, as he looked a little less wary.

  “What did you do? Turn off your phone or put it on vibrate?”

  “I put it on vibrate.”

  “Good because if you turned it off, it would look even more suspicious. Not that anything you say isn’t going to be suspicious.”

  “Let’s just get a cup of coffee and forget everyone for a little while longer.” She knew that wasn’t the answer, but she didn’t want to face it all at this moment.

  “The world stopped for us for a good few hours, sweetheart. Our time is about up,” he said, as he handed her a large t-shirt and watched her pull it over her head.

  “I know. I know. It’s just that I’m not ready. I’ll be out of your way in a little bit. I promise.”

  “It’s not that I don’t want you around. I just don’t want this to be harder on you than it needs to be until we can figure this out.” He dressed quickly and stood against the doorframe waiting for her. He looked even better than he had in the darkness.

  “Alright.” She looked at him and thought about how much fun she’d had last night. Her fantasy had come true. Plus, she’d gotten more than just a night with the man she’d desired for as long as she could remember. The thing she knew for sure was her life was going to be different. Win, lose, or draw, she wouldn’t be muddling around in a bored mundane life and for all of those things she was grateful. She walked over and gave him a light kiss on the mouth. The phone rang in the ominous ring tone she’d given for the president of the Headless Reapers. It was the ring that was exempt from the normal silencing.

  She must have gasped as she turned to look at her phone.

  “Who’s that?”

  “That’s the president of the Reapers calling,” she said with a tremor in her voice. She burrowed into Rafe’s arms, needing him to ward off the chill of fear that had suddenly swept through her body.


  “You know you’re going to have to face the music sometime,” Rafael Neal the VP of the Mountain Tribesmen said calmly into her ear—the one that wasn’t pressed against his shoulder.

  Emma Walsh was a club girl from the Tribesmen’s rival
motorcycle club, the Headless Reapers. Rafe had crashed the Reapers’ first annual masked party and had swept her away. The connection they had was fun and powerful, but after the night of sex and exploration that had just ended, it appeared their good time was a thing of the past. The light of a new day was where they stood now, and she refused to be cowed. Was she in the wrong? According to the club rules, the ones that said there shouldn’t be contact with a member of another motorcycle club—especially if the clubs were rivals—then yes, she was totally in the wrong. However, according to how she’d always felt about the man who now held her in his arms, she’d have to say that answer was no.

  “I just wanted to spend a few more minutes alone with you before we have to face all of this,” she said, wanting to preserve her time with him a little longer.

  He untangled her arms from around his waist, moved to pick up her phone, and held it out to her, as he returned. Emma really didn’t want to take it, but she knew he was right. The jarring ring started again, just as he placed it in her hand.


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