Dancing With the Devil

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Dancing With the Devil Page 5

by Maria Herren

  When their eyes locked a chill passed through Eric's body. It didn't have any specific point of origin, and yet his whole body trembled.

  The man raised his glass in a silent salute and tinned away.

  Now I'm really getting paranoid, Eric thought to himself. One glass of champagne and suddenly everyone's dangerous.

  Nonetheless he kept a wary eye out for the steady progress of the stately gentleman throughout the evening as he came casually forward, stopping to speak at every table. Sometimes he'd take a chair at the table and stay for a longer conversation with one or more of the guests. Eric watched the situation at one table where the tall man had indicated he'd like to sit down and all of the chairs were full. Without hesitation all four of the men stood to offer theirs.

  They'd had the sweetness of the fresh fruit dessert with cream and were enjoying the soft music when he presented himself to their table. The other guests seemed pleased to see him. Eric wondered at their eagerness.

  With a stately grace he assumed the recently vacated seat beside Eric. "So!" he began, genially, "You've come all the way from America for the wedding of my godson!"

  "It was an easy trip, Sir. I've enjoyed every minute ... so far," Eric added slowly.

  Giovanni raised his eyebrows in acknowledgment, then shrugged his shoulders and laughed loudly in surprise. "You don't understand that I wasn't talking to you, yet! I'm speaking to your friend. The young lady beside you!"

  "My name is Charly!" she interjected, extending her slim hand. "I didn't hear your name."

  "I am Giovanni Terrazi, at your service," he said, grandly. His English held a slightly British accent. "In England they call me Joe, in America they call me John. Take your pick."

  "What's your preference ... sir?" Eric asked with an insolence that was foreign to him.

  "That's a very good question, Eric Tyler," he said with a broad smile. Eric immediately registered that he'd used his full name. "My mother named me Giovanni."

  The table was quiet as the other guests leaned forward to hear the exchange.

  "She made an excellent choice!" Charly interrupted, smiling a dazzling smile and breaking the tension. "It's a good name for such a handsome man!"

  "You are too kind," Giovanni said, bowing his head slightly in her direction. "I'm one of many men who've been entranced by your beauty from the moment you came to Sicily. I'm too old to be a suitor, however I'm still young enough to enjoy the grace of a dance," he finished.

  "With your permission, of course, Eric Tyler," Giovanni added, condescendingly.

  "Of course, Giovanni," Eric responded, standing and helping Charly out of her chair.


  Eric sat stiffly and watched Giovanni lead her to the floor and quietly instruct the musicians. The violins began slowly with a sweetly seductive and melancholy sound.

  All of the guests watched as Giovanni bowed deeply to Charly. She inclined her head slightly, regally, and the dance began.

  The music was hauntingly beautiful. Giovanni spun her smoothly from one corner to the other, turning her swiftly. He was surprisingly light and quick on his feet.

  The small hairs on Eric's forearms rose defensively while he watched. It was a reaction that had served him well when faced with danger throughout his military training. He slid easily out of his chair and walked through the small cluster of couples waiting on the edge of the marbled dance floor.

  Giovanni didn't seem surprised to see him standing alone in the center of the floor. "Of course," he murmured, his dark eyes flashing with amusement. "Such a pleasure," he said, smiling at Charly. He briefly kissed her hand and then he was gone.

  The other couples filled the floor again and Charly seemed to fall into Eric's waiting arms. Her eyes were soft.

  "What a beautiful wedding," she sighed, nestling against his chest.

  While they swayed together he wondered if she knew that there'd never be another woman for him.

  Carlo Carruci stood with Vincenzo. "This woman, Charly, is the one you've been talking about for so long?"

  Vincenzo nodded, accepting a drink from a passing waiter.

  "I see why you've talked so highly about her. She somehow managed to entrance even Giovanni!" Carlo said, with admiration. The two of them watched Charly and Eric for a while longer. "They're not lovers, yet," Carlo finally pronounced.

  "So maybe there's still a chance for you, my friend!" Vincenzo laughed.

  "There is always a chance for me!" Carlo declared.

  Simone walked up and hugged Vincenzo tightly around the waist. "You remember Carlo, amore mia?"

  "Yes! I meant to say si!” She smiled at Carlo. "He's teaching me all of the easy words, first," she explained.

  "Of course he is!" Carlo smiled back at her. "You're the envy of all of the young women here tonight, Simone. Most of them, including my sister, Catrina, had hoped that they would catch his eye and someday be his wife."

  "Oh! Catrina's your sister!" Simone exclaimed in surprise. She tilted her head to inspect him more closely. "She introduced herself with a group of her friends out on the balcony earlier this evening. Vincenzo never mentioned her to me before."

  "He had no reason to mention her," Carlo said, smoothly. "Unfortunately it's been a very one-sided affair that my sister carries on in her mind. I hope that she had the good manners to make you feel welcome."

  Simone nodded slowly. "Of course she did."

  "Carlo's been waiting all night to meet Charly," Vincenzo interjected, feeling a little tension between them.

  "Now is probably not the best time for an introduction," Simone said, turning to watch Charly and Eric dance slowly together.

  "You're right, of course, amore mia," Vincenzo said, taking her hand. "Let's go show them how it's really done!"

  Carlo stood at the corner of the long bar, staring so hard at Charly and Eric that it took him several seconds to turn to the man who'd clapped him hard on the shoulder.

  "Giovanni! Where've you been? I've been waiting all night to talk to you!" Carlo declared.

  "Really?" Giovanni said with mock surprise. "I think it would be much more honest for you to tell me that you've been waiting all night to talk to the young American woman, Charly."

  "You're right. She's really something special," Carlo said.


  The music had changed to a seductive tango and Charly was moving her hips to the beat, outside of Eric's arms.

  Giovanni reached in his breast pocket for his cigar case. He took his time selecting one. He rolled it lightly between his fingers until it was lit by an alert waiter He blew the smoke out slowly. "She would be an excellent wife for you, Carlo."

  "I'm always interested in beautiful women," Carlo continued. "I'm not looking for a wife."

  Giovanni smiled at Carlo's words. "This one is different," he said. "Were you here when I danced with her?"

  "Of course. You were as graceful as always, Zio Giovanni."

  Giovanni nodded. "Grazie. It becomes harder to dance with a light step once you've reached my age. Most beautiful women are burdened either by their actions or their reactions. This one, Charly, is different. Watch her. Her actions and movements only enhance her real beauty," he sighed, dramatically. "I'm becoming too old to dream this way."

  "You'll never be too old," Carlo countered.

  "Speaking of dreaming, your sister Catrina is on her way over here. Be prepared! She looks unhappy," Giovanni observed.

  Catrina was standing at his elbow by the end of the sentence. She smiled, sweetly. "Unhappy? Why would I be, Zio Giovanni? It's such a lovely wedding, don't you think?"

  Giovanni brushed her cheek lightly in acknowledgment. "Excuse me, please. I have more friends to speak with," he said, leaving them together.

  "I'm sorry you had to hear that, Catrina," Carlo said, brushing her long hair behind her ear and then holding her close to him. "I know he's hurt you, badly," he murmured. "He was right for you in some ways, and wrong for you in too many others. In the end he
did what was right. If you had married him you would not have had a happy life. You have similar goals, but your personalities are too similar. Your egos are too big."

  "That's not true, Carlo," Catrina sobbed. "He loves me! I know it!"

  "You're right, Catrina. He told me how he felt about you before he ever asked you for a date. He's loved you for years. Now he loves her, and they don't fight the way the two of you always did. He loves her more than you, and she's right for him. Stop being a baby. Everyone we've ever known is watching you. Hold your head up high, and tell me that you're okay," Carlo demanded.

  "I'm not okay, yet," Catrina said, leaning her head against his shoulder. "I despise Americans.”

  "Really? Even Eric Tyler?" Carlo asked, innocently.

  "Well, mostly the women!" Catrina said, raising her head with a smile. "You know, that Charly. She's unpleasant. Truly unpleasant. Unkind. Vicious, I think!"

  "Really?" Carlo said with interest. "Vincenzo never mentioned her acting that way at all. Perhaps she was provoked?"

  Catrina's silence was his answer.

  "You shouldn't play games with our guests," Carlo admonished.

  "She has no manners and I don't like her at all. Veramente per niente!" Catrina declared.

  "Piccolina, little one. You've had a difficult day. It's late. Let's thank our hosts and I'll take you home," Carlo said.


  Eric stood outside the door to his room and watched Charly come down the hall toward him. Her hips swished lightly side to side against the dress. Her eyes were soft but her smile was beguiling. She's an enchantress, he thought. And I am forever caught in her spell.

  They stood together. Close enough to touch but neither of them reaching to do so. If I reach for her will she simply disappear? Eric wondered.

  Charly watched him battle with himself. He'd taken off his jacket and beneath his shirt she could see the rise and fall of his hard chest. The strong arms she'd enjoyed throughout the evening were relaxed at his side. Without thinking, she stepped closer.

  She felt the heat from his body and watched the strong, pulsating beat of the veins in his neck.

  She stood on tiptoe and softly placed her lips against his neck. She heard his groan of pleasure when her tongue came in contact with his skin. The taste was salty, warm and exciting. She slowly licked a path to his ear, then down the rugged terrain of his high cheekbone and the light stubble on his face. She paused in the hollow beside his lips. They were slightly parted and his breathing was shallow. Finally he gave in, encircling her in his arms and dragging her the few inches to his mouth.

  His tongue was more expert than she'd ever experienced. Not too wet, not too harsh. He explored slowly, but without reserve. His lips were firm, but yielded sweetness to her demand.

  They backed slowly into the darkness of his room. He shut the door behind them. He took a deep, shaky breath in the darkness. "Charly, I don't know if this is a good idea..." Charly stood on tiptoe and kissed him again. That kiss took away his concerns and he slowly began to undress her. His hands were unhurried, trembling at first then sure and steady as he unbuttoned each button. He ran his hands from her neck over her shoulders and down her arms to rest them on her naked waist. Sinking to his knees he pulled her pelvis toward him and enjoyed her scent.

  "Wait," Charly said, softly. "I want to feel you, too. Can we move closer to the bed?"

  "It'd be a shame for me to waddle forward like this and break my nose on my belt buckle or something!" Eric laughed. "Seeing you naked for the first time has got me frozen on my knees!"

  Charly giggled, then laughed outright and helped him to his feet.

  Standing chest to cheek he whispered over the top of her head, "We're at the point that I've got to decide whether to pull them up or down."

  She stood away from him, arms over her head and did a slow, full turn.

  "I've never been totally naked in front of a man before," she said, not in the least bit self-conscious about it.

  "Wow. You're perfect, Charly. You're so beautiful I can't tell you. Really. You're amazing."

  She laughed with delight at his admiration. "All of me is beautiful to you?" she asked.

  "Every little part of you is perfect," he said.

  "What do you think about my ankles?"

  "I haven't looked closely, yet," Eric admitted.

  "Then I guess you don't really know me as well as you thought, do you?"

  "Charly, I don't know you at all," Eric said, truthfully. "I think we need some light," he added, finally stepping out of his pants and walking into the bathroom. Charly appreciated his silhouette when he flipped the switch. The dim light accentuated the shadows in his sculpted body. He was muscled the way she'd always thought he would be.

  When he turned to look at her she was propped on one elbow, her bare legs resting gracefully, one against the other. He walked forward and kissed both of her knees. "The day I met you neither of these had any skin on them," he murmured.

  "I took a lot of hard falls," she said.

  He held her ankles. His touch was gentle. "Which one of these got injured the most?" he asked.

  "Somehow it seems like I always manage to fall to the left," Charly said.

  "No significant scars," he announced, inspecting the turns of her feet. "Have you broken any of these bones?'' he asked, massaging softly.

  "A few twists and sprains. Nothing broken. Don't stop! Sprains hurt, too!"

  He licked slowly up the inside curve of her leg, spreading her gently when he reached the triangle of her thighs. Taking in a deep breath laden with the scent of her he cradled her legs and nestled close.

  "Eric! What are you doing?" Charly asked, slightly alarmed. "I think maybe I'd like you to kiss me . . . first."

  Eric lifted his head. "What did you just say?" he asked with surprise. "I'm your first?"

  "That's not what I said," Charly countered, shaking her head in denial. "That's not what I said, at all," she repeated, vehemently. She'd put too much energy into it, she realized, too late, staring into his knowing eyes. "All right then," she said slowly. "You're my first."

  He settled himself in the cradle of her knees. "Isn't that something," he said, staring at the ceiling. "All these years of college, always a new man in your life," he stopped, abruptly. "Are you going to wait until you're married?"

  She stroked his curly dark hair. "I didn't really plan it this way. I guess I've just been waiting for you."

  Her words hung in the air for several humid minutes when he didn't respond. Finally he said, "I'm not sure what to say. I just don't know if this is the right thing to do. I don't want to ruin what we've already got by doing something stupid."

  "We're both naked," Charly said.

  "I may be stupid but I'm not blind," Eric countered.

  "Really, truly naked. Together," Charly continued.

  "I'd agree with that," Eric nodded.

  "You're the expert, Eric, where does it go from here?"

  "If it was anyone else I wouldn't be having this discussion," Eric said, honestly.

  "What are you really trying to say, Eric?" she whispered, staring out the window with tears in her eyes. "I'm like your best friend, your little sister?" she said, her voice breaking. "I'm no one that you have a romantic interest in? You just can't see us together that way, can you?" The tears spilled over her long lashes. "I shouldn't have embarrassed us this way. I've made a big mistake," she finished.

  "What are you talking about? Are you crying?" he asked with concern, moving up to hold her face in his hands. "What did I do?" he moaned, as her tears spilled over his fingers. "I'm sorry. Whatever I did. I'm so sorry."

  He caught a tear with his tongue. "Please don't cry, Charly," he begged. "I don't ever want to hurt you." He wanted to tell her that he loved her. He knew that she wouldn't believe him. She'd think he was just trying to stop her tears.

  "It's okay, Eric," she said, wiping her eyes. "After all these years I should have known you're not really interested
." She started to get up. "Let me put something on before I really embarrass myself."

  She started to roll away from him out of the bed, but he grabbed her around the shoulders and waist, pulling her close to his stomach. "Don't go," he growled softly in her ear. He pressed his lips hard against her neck. "You've never written or called, Charly. I don't know what you're doing. Simone tells me there are guys crawling all over each other to be close to you."

  "I really hadn't noticed," Charly said, honestly. "I don't pay much attention. I almost never hear anything from you. Are you going to bite me?" Charly asked curiously when he bared his teeth in a grimace.

  "Maybe somebody should! I've started a few letters, but I don't seem to be able to say the things I want to say the right way. Tonight's a pretty good example."

  "What kind of things do you want to say?" she asked, turning in his arms to look at him.

  "How beautiful you are," he said, taking her face in his hands and kissing her gently. "How wonderful you taste," he said, licking her shoulder. "How much I've always wanted to taste you here," he said, sliding down her body and positioning himself between her legs.

  He teased her the way she'd teased him in the hallway. Softly at first. He followed her signals. The soft moans that escaped from her were an erotic stimulus, tempting him to enter her. He fought the temptation. He didn't want to rush her. He felt the coiled tenseness in her that was building toward orgasm. When the spasms finally came they were hard and violent.

  He raised his head with a grin. She had both of her arms wrapped around her head. Her legs were still shaking as he stroked her thighs. "Where did you learn to do that?" she asked, shakily.

  Eric knew enough to know that it was a question he shouldn't answer. She whirled around in his arms. "Let me try!"

  Her mouth followed her hands down the ridges of his flat stomach. Her lips were warm but her tongue was hot against his skin.

  "It's not the right time," he said, bringing her up to kiss her. "We really shouldn't do this," he muttered. "You've really never done this before?"

  "You taught me how to ride a bike, didn't you?" she asked, reaching for him.


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