Kate Concealed

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Kate Concealed Page 8

by Cindy M. Hogan

  “Ellie will need to come with me if that’s okay.”

  “Sure.” He turned to Constantin. “Constantin, can you be there?”

  He nodded and leaned down to kiss Ellie on both her cheeks, his lips brushing hers as he moved from one to the other. A bit of fear sneaked into Kate’s heart.

  “In that case, how about I call you at five and let you know where to pick us up?”

  Martino grabbed her into a hug and whispered, “Can I have your number too?”

  She nodded and put her number into his phone, working hard not to let her fingers shake as she did. Was he going to try to kiss her like Constantin had with Ellie? She wasn’t sure she was ready for that. He took back his phone and dialed her number. She answered and added his name into her phone. “I’ll call. Be ready to have a meal prepared from scratch with amore and care.” He smiled and then squeezed her hands. She stiffened, not sure what was coming next. When nothing did, she let out a long, shallow breath as he walked away. She thought of all the videos she’d seen with Italians in them. This dinner was sure to be interesting. Martino had been pretty touchy and it seemed grandmas and aunts liked to kiss everyone and grab cheeks and stuff. Maybe she could get out of it somehow.

  Martino, Constantin, and the rest of them sauntered away, and Ellie fanned herself. “They were so hot, Kate. We have dates with gorgeous Italian guys.”

  Kate frowned. “Yes we do. Yes we do. What do you think they will say when they discover we are still in high school?”

  “They aren’t going to. We are nineteen while here in Italy.”

  “We are, are we?”

  They stared after the guys until they were out of sight. She didn’t dare tell Ellie at that moment about how scared she was for the date. Instead, she shared the six lessons Martino taught her about Italians because she knew Ellie would love it. They swooned a bit as she spoke.

  “And the other lessons he’s going to pass on?” She gave Kate a knowing look.

  “Stop it. Nothing will happen between us. There isn’t enough time. We have to leave in a few days.” Kate tried to convince herself that everything would be okay. If she backed out of dinner now, Ellie would be so sad. Kate had already ruined Ellie’s last vacation. Kate wasn’t about to ruin another. She would play along, but be careful what signals she gave Martino. She would keep him in the friend zone.

  An older couple walked past, hand in hand. Kate looked around and noticed there were a lot of older couples walking around together. A young couple laughed and talked loudly as they meandered fifteen feet away. It seemed at that moment everyone in the piazza were couples. A grin spread across her face. “And number seven,” Ellie said. “Italians are not only passionate about food, they are also passionate about love.”

  Kate forced a giggle. “I guess you’ll see just how much tomorrow, won’t you?”

  “I think it’ll be you finding that out before me,” Ellie said. Kate stiffened and she felt a bit of pain in her chest. She looked at the mound of gelato still in her cone and headed for a trashcan where she tossed it. There was no way she could have eaten it all. They made their way to an open bench and sat to watch and absorb the Italian spirit.

  As Kate sat watching the people pass by, laughing and talking animatedly, subconsciously she fingered the locket around her neck, trying to imagine her birth mother and father there. Trying to imagine being there as a baby, held by her birth mother just like in the picture in the locket. All thoughts of Martino fled.

  Ellie grabbed her arm. “Kate. Hello! Earth to Kate.”

  Kate blinked several times and tried to clear her head. “Yeah.”

  “What were you thinking about? I’ve been trying to get your attention forever. You totally missed it.” Ellie’s eyes fell to the locket in Kate’s fingers. “Wait a minute. The locket.”


  Kate’s hand fell from the locket. “What?”

  “Your locket. It’s from Italy.”


  “Maybe we can find out where your birth parents bought it.”

  “And what would that do for me?”

  “You could ask the person who made it questions about your mother.” Ellie’s eyes grew to the size of walnuts as she spoke.

  “And what are the chances that we’ll find the jeweler who made this particular locket?” Kate gave Ellie a seriously-there’s-no-chance look.

  “I think pretty high because this is a special piece.” That surprised Kate. “It was never mass produced.” Ellie touched the locket. “It’s an expensive piece of jewelry. I’m betting this little beauty is a signature piece people will recognize.” She grabbed Kate’s hands. “What do you have to lose? Seriously. I can see four or five jewelry stores right here that we can check. If nothing comes of it, no big deal, right?”

  Fire burned in Kate’s belly. She sighed. “But, I already decided to stop looking for my birth mother. It’s too painful.”

  “Why did you bring the notebook then?”

  “Don’t rub it in.” She hadn’t realized Ellie knew about the journal, but she should have known she couldn’t keep that from Ellie.

  “It’s only painful when you run into a dead end. This opens doors, it doesn’t close them.” Ellie put her hand on Kate’s.

  Kate didn’t know what to say. She knew Ellie was putting a positive spin on it. It very well could end up making her hopeful only to make her crash in the end. She didn’t want to risk it. Understanding her Italian heritage was one thing, but finding her birth mother was another.

  “I don’t know, Ellie. Remember what happened last time? What if something like that happens again?”

  “This is Carmela. Hello. The FBI agent.”

  “But, she’s not. If she was, Special Agent Johansen would have found her.”

  “Come on. You’ve been dying to find your birth mother for so long. This is your one last opportunity. Look at it like that. Five jewelry stores. We’re throwing up a prayer here. Besides, I could do with some more jewelry.”

  “Fine. But, only the five stores.” Kate figured she wouldn’t have time to really hope if there were only five stores to ask.

  “Yes!” Ellie said, squealing and bouncing on the bench. “You won’t be sorry. Come on. Let’s go.” Ellie still loved the mystery. Kate figured that would never change.

  Kate’s heart beat hard and wild in her chest and she felt a bit weak, but with Ellie leading the charge, she grabbed hold of the courage she needed to keep walking.

  The first three stores gave them nothing. Despite that, the shopkeepers were kind, suave, and knew on sight they were Americans, just like the guys they’d eaten gelato with had.

  “Does it bother you that everyone somehow knows we’re Americans?” Kate asked Ellie.

  “No. I love that. It sets me apart and makes people notice me.”

  “But we’re here to observe and hopefully absorb the Italian culture.”

  “You have a point there.”

  “How about we go clothes shopping and ask for help to become less obtrusive.” Kate wasn’t sure any change in clothes would hide the fact that Ellie was an American, but she was willing to try.

  “After the jewelry stores, you’re not getting out of your promise. You said five and we are going to five jewelry stores.”

  Kate stopped in her tracks. “I’m willing to go to the final two.” Her stomach clenched at the thought. “Nothing’s going to come of it, but I’m serious about the new clothes. I really want to fit in and pretend to be Italian.”

  “You are Italian, but I like how you think. After the jewelry stores, it’s clothes shopping time.”

  The next two jewelry stores stood right next to each other. The girls stared at the two shops. “Let’s hit the ancient looking place first.”

  “Yeah. I think it’s our last chance. The other place looks like it only carries cheap tourist goods.”

  Kate nodded. “I’m so excited about getting some real Italian clothes.” She was thrilled about it, but would also
need something to keep her mind off Carmela and the fact that she hadn’t found any information about her. Hope had seeped into her soul as they’d questioned the shop owners even though she hadn’t wanted it to.

  “Me, too. Now’s a good time for you say a word up to that god of yours.”

  Kate grimaced, but couldn’t help herself. She thought a quick prayer and heat spread through her gut. After a deep breath, she followed Ellie into the shop.

  A tall, thin guy with red hair and pasty white skin full of large freckles greeted them right off. “Ciao and welcome.” He spoke Italian, but he had red hair. He couldn’t truly be Italian. Maybe this would be a dead end after all.

  “Ciao,” Ellie parroted. “Guess we stand out as Americans.”

  “Bellisimo. I’m Gallo and I’m glad to assist you. Come look at these—”

  “Sorry. We have a question first.”

  He nodded.

  “Do you have any idea where this came from?” Ellie pointed at the locket around Kate’s neck.

  “Could I maybe get a closer look?” He was the first one to ask to see it. Maybe this would prove promising.

  Kate nodded as she unclasped the locket and handed it to him. “Are you Italian?” Kate couldn’t help herself.

  “What makes you think I’m not?” His eyes gleamed with mischief.

  “Maybe the red hair.”

  Gallo chuckled. “I was adopted, but yes, I’m Italian, through and through.”

  “You were adopted?” Kate looked at him in surprise.

  “What else would explain this?” he said, pointing to his red, curly hair.

  “Sorry. I’m adopted too, but my parents were Italian.” She looked at Ellie who was grinning.

  “That’s nuts, right? That you were adopted to an American family and I was adopted to an Italian one. If I weren’t significantly older and a different gender, then I’d have to scream foul play. But, my, you do look Italian.”

  “I bet you’re asked every day.”

  “I am. Almost.”

  “Where are your birth parents from?”

  “No clue and I don’t want to know.” Surety sat in his voice and eyes.

  “Really? Why not?”

  “It’s not like knowing where my parents are from would change anything. I am who I am. I am Italian.”

  “What if you found out your birth parents are English?”

  “It wouldn’t change anything.”

  “Do you think it might help you understand who you are?” Kate couldn’t still her curiosity. He really didn’t care who his birth parents were.

  “Not at all. I have control over who I choose to be and knowing the origin of my parents wouldn’t change that.”

  Ellie cleared her throat. “All very interesting.” Kate figured she didn’t want this salesperson to deter her from the importance of finding Carmela. “But, we were hoping to get some information about that piece of jewelry in your hand.” He stared at it as if he’d just now noticed what he was holding.

  “Ah, yes. This is before my time. Let me see.” He looked it over, making a few little noises of appreciation and then saying, “This is a fine piece.”

  Kate nodded. “But it’s not from here?” Relief and sadness washed through her.

  “No, but I think I might know someone who might know where it is from.” Kate kept waiting for his accent to sound different than the ones she’d already heard, but it sounded the same. He sure seemed Italian.


  “There’s no guarantee, but maybe.” He handed the locket back to Kate.

  “Okay.” Kate pressed her lips together in appreciation. “That’s all we can hope for.” Gallo left them, going into a back room.

  The two girls browsed the jewelry cases while they waited. He returned, an older gentleman in tow.

  The older gentleman was stooped and full-on gray, but had a twinkle in his eye when he saw the two girls.

  “Ladies, this is Manfredo.”

  Manfredo spoke, but in Italian. Gallo interpreted for him.

  “So, you have a lovely locket, do you?”

  “Sì.” Kate held it out to him. They took the remaining two steps forward and he took the locket from her. “Uh. Sì. Bueno. Uh, huh. Mmm.” From there Manfredo shuffled behind the cases of jewelry and brought out a leather tool roll and untied it, revealing small tools of all sorts. He spoke again and Gallo continued to translate. “Do you mind?” The old man held out a metal looking pick.

  “What is he going to do?” Kate moved toward the locket in one big jerk, her voice wavering and her mouth drying out.

  “Open it up.”

  Kate looked at Ellie, who nodded. “Maybe there’s a signature inside or something.”

  “Go ahead.” Kate nodded once. Her skin tingled as sweat began to form on her brow.

  Manfredo used the tool to carefully pry open the portion of the locket behind the picture. Kate hadn’t even realized it could be opened. The old man placed a small magnifying glass in front of one eye and examined the opened locket. “Sì. Bueno.” He smiled and continued to look while speaking in rapid Italian for a few seconds before setting both the locket and the magnifier down on the counter. He spoke quickly and gesticulated and smiled and laughed. Gallo took on the old man’s same mannerisms as he told them what was being said, translating for both the girls and the old man the rest of the time.

  “It was made by a man he apprenticed with. A lovely man. He would know his work anywhere, but he had to confirm it. The man is gone. Dead.”

  Kate’s heart sank despite having told herself not to hope. It had been impossible after all.

  Ellie asked the first question. “Did he ever ship them to America?”

  “No, they were only sold in Italy.” Ellie swung her hip into Kate in triumph.

  “Few were ever made. The shop is in Venice. It’s still there. Run by the son.” The old man began cleaning the locket with fine tipped tools and a couple of different cloths.

  “Um,” Kate said, not knowing if she should be worried.

  “It’s okay,” Gallo said. “He’s cleaning it for you. He will polish it and it will be like new. He’d like to honor his old master by doing this.”

  Kate wasn’t sure she wanted the locket clean and shiny. She really liked how it had a vintage look about it, but the old man looked so delighted and seemed to be taking such care with the item, that she let him.

  Gallo spoke up. “Venice is only a few hours by train. A day trip from here if you want to go. You could talk to the son. I’m sure he’s worked there all his life. ”

  Kate looked at Ellie who shrugged. “I’ve always wanted to go to Venice. Now we have a good excuse. We could get away from the college scene. The graffiti, the angst. Let’s go to Venice. The city of love and canals. We can ride in a gondola and all of that.”

  Kate frowned. The locket. It wasn’t a dead end yet. “Excuse us for just a moment.” Kate took Ellie’s arm and led her a few steps from Gallo and whispered. “I don’t know, Ellie. The guy who made the locket is dead. His son owns the shop now. He won’t remember my parents even if he ever met them.”

  “Don’t be a pessimist, Kate. This isn’t like you. What are you so afraid of?”

  “Hello! Remember what happened when we followed the trail to my birth father? I can’t put you into any more danger.”

  “We already addressed this. Just because Vinny is a bad guy doesn’t mean Carmela is. I choose to think she’s a good person and who knows, maybe she’s the one who saved you when you were a baby.”

  “But if she was so good, why wouldn’t Vinny have told me about her?”

  “I can’t answer that and since he wasn’t willing to share, you need to find the answers yourself.”

  The spark that had lit inside Kate two years ago flickered back to life and an excited ache formed in her chest. She did want to find Carmela. Desperately. But, Carmela could be a bad person like her father. She could be dead. Kate wasn’t sure she could handle either
of those findings. She looked at Ellie’s hopeful eyes and nodded. “Okay. We’ll go. But I’m scared, and I don’t want to put you in danger.”

  “Let’s talk about this later.” Ellie looked over at the counter where Manfredo was now putting the locket back together. He was humming to himself as he did. “He’s almost done. Let’s get the address or name or whatever we need to find the shop.”

  Kate nodded and asked for the information from Gallo. Manfredo moved from behind the counter and carefully, lovingly even, he put the locket around her neck and clasped it. He then took her by the upper arms and leaned in to kiss each of her cheeks, telling her something in Italian. She smiled. This man truly had loved his old master. “Thank you,” was all Kate could say. The man’s smiling eyes caused hers to burn and she had to look away to stop the tears from coming. She had a solid lead and despite her agreement with Ellie, she couldn’t shake the fear she felt. She couldn’t shake the thought that following this locket could lead her onto a dangerous path. A path that she might regret ever getting on. Gallo returned with a piece of paper where he’d written the information about the other jeweler and handed it to Kate. Ellie was looking at some things in one of the jewelry cases. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” He smiled and she had this sudden urge to hug both Gallo and Manfredo, but she held back.

  “Do you think I could look at these right here?” Ellie said from across the room.

  “Certainly,” Gallo said, giving Kate one last kind look.

  While Ellie bought a ring and a necklace, Kate got restless, wanting nothing more than to get out of there. She looked at the locket that now shone with a brilliance she hadn’t dreamed it could possess. It seemed to mirror the brightness of the excitement she felt at coming one step closer to finding her birth mother. A pressing feeling of claustrophobia had set in though and she had to keep glancing outside to keep herself from bursting out into the sunshine. She needed to find Carmela. To help the time pass, she thought she’d text her mom and dad, but found a text from Johansen.


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