Kate Concealed

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Kate Concealed Page 10

by Cindy M. Hogan

  “But you’re at a party. Certainly you didn’t expect to get away from here alcohol free.” He gave her half a smile. Definitely a player and not Italian. He’d be singing a different tune if he knew she was in high school still. At least she hoped he would.

  “I did. I’m only visiting and I don’t want to miss a thing in an alcohol stupor.”

  “No one said anything about getting drunk.”

  Kate lifted an eyebrow.

  “What I mean is, just let yourself get to the point where you feel good and stop. We could share a taxi.”

  “Not tonight. Thanks, though. And for the record, I feel great already.” And she did. She felt relaxed and was truly enjoying herself.

  “Just one glass.” He was a persistent bugger.

  Kate shook her head and finally, after several more short arguments, he left her alone. She couldn’t help but notice how comfortable everyone looked despite their semi-formal dress. They were obviously used to dressing like this for parties. The guys all looked awesome in their button up shirts and jackets. Not a one wore jeans. Perhaps that was why no one was totally out of control on the dance floor or elsewhere. She loved the atmosphere and even found the choppy, Italian-English conversations she had with everyone totally fun.

  Someone came up to her and whispered in her ear. The familiar voice of Martino filled her mind. “Looks like you got the memo on rule number seven: Dress to kill. Always.”

  Kate turned her head to look at Martino and laughed. “Actually, that was number ten, right after number nine: Italians love to give constructive criticism. And if you ask advice about buying clothes to fit in as an Italian, you should be prepared to receive advice about everything else.”

  He chuckled and joined her at the table. “Having a good time?”


  “So, this party was your plan for tonight?”

  “Yes and we had dinner with friends.”

  “I couldn’t believe it when I saw you standing there alone. Why aren’t you on the dance floor with the hottest guy here?”

  “Because the hottest guy is standing next to me.” She was flirting and she wasn’t sure why. This guy was just a lot of fun.

  He smiled and looked at her glass, the contents almost gone. “Mineral Water?”

  She nodded.

  “You don’t drink?” He put his beer up to his lips.

  “Not here. I don’t want to miss anything by getting into a drunken stupor.” She was being coy. But he didn’t have to know that. She never drank alcohol.

  “But you’re at a party.” He took a long swig of his drink.

  “Yes, and I’m having a great time.” If he was going to start pressuring her to drink, she was going to have to leave him.

  “This is a new concept for me.”

  “I don’t mind if you drink.”

  “You don’t drink and you don’t dance?”

  “I’ve been dancing, I was taking a break.”

  “You ready to go again?”

  She grinned. “I am.” How she loved to dance.

  He took her hand.

  “Why is your English so good?” She asked before they could start dancing.

  “Growing up, I spent most of my summers in America.”

  She nodded and they started to dance. It was one of those songs that was in-between a fast song and a slow one. He chose to pull her close and opted for a slow dance.

  “All summer, huh? Lucky.” That was interesting.

  “Yep. Sometimes, but when you are learning the family business, it can get trying. If it were all fun and games it would have been different. So you’re on vacation, not going to school?”

  “Yeah. We leave Sunday.”

  “Well, I guess you want to squeeze in as much fun as possible before then.”

  “No worries there. You promised me a great time tomorrow.”

  “And I will deliver on that promise.”

  “I have no doubt.” She couldn’t decide if she should tell him about Venice tomorrow. She decided not to when a fleeting thought that he might invite himself popped into her brain.

  He stopped moving.

  “Shall we?” He indicated the table they’d come from with a flick of his head. She looked around and realized the floor was empty. Heat spread up her neck and a nervous chuckle escaped her lips. “Guess the music ended?”

  “A while ago, actually. It will start up again in ten.”

  She stepped away from him and gave him a soft punch on his solid arm. “How embarrassing.”

  “I’m not embarrassed and look around. No one cares. You shouldn’t either.”

  She huffed, not wanting to glance around and see if he was telling the truth. Then she heard a laugh that brought her straight back to Jersey. She scanned the area, but couldn’t find where the laugh came from. She was losing it, seriously. She pushed the thought out of her head. But she heard the laugh again and jerked her head in the direction it had come. It felt like spiders crawled just under her skin. It couldn’t be. She was being ridiculous. Veronica couldn’t be there. She was in Jersey. But that laugh, it was so distinctive.

  “Fine,” Kate said, turning to head off, but she stopped in her tracks, her jaw going slack. Martino turned back to see Kate frozen.

  “Kate?” he asked and when she didn’t move, he followed her gaze to the table next to theirs as a couple of guys left it.

  “Veronica? Do you know Veronica from the States?”

  Kate shook her head, voices in her head screaming for her to run far away as fast as she could, but her body refusing motion.

  He looked back to the crowds. “You’re going to have to direct me a bit here. It looks to me like you are looking at Veronica. Let’s go over and say hi.” Kate snapped out of it and smiled at him.

  “No. I can’t, sorry.” Red hot lava seemed to fill her veins. Veronica was here. Kate glanced back at her and started to move to the opposite end of the gardens but Martino stopped her.

  “What’s going on?

  “I need to find Ellie.” She whipped her head around, but couldn’t see her or Colby anywhere. She glanced back at Veronica.

  Martino took her hand. “Something is obviously up. Tell me. Does it have to do with Veronica? You keep looking at her.”


  “She can be a bit nuts sometimes, but she’s good at heart, really. If something happened, maybe I can help you two get over it.”

  He was acting like he knew Veronica well. If he did, Kate couldn’t be with him and she needed to get out of there, fast.

  “It’s not her.” She tried to laugh it off to get him off her trail. “I’m just not feeling very well. I’m sorry. I’m sure it’s jet lag. We only got in this morning.”

  “Seriously? Wow. I can’t believe you’re still awake. I can never make it so late when I come back from Jersey. I crash by five.”

  Kate’s heart thudded hard in her chest. This guy traveled to Jersey every summer to learn the family business. He was friends with Veronica, who was a Marconi. He must be a Marconi as well.

  “Can I get you back to your hotel?”

  Her voice cracked as she spoke. Of course he’d assume she was staying at a hotel. “That’s so nice, but I’ll find my friends and have them take me. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She gave him a big smile and pulled away.

  “Sleep well,” he said.

  “I will, I’m sure.” She tried hard not to appear frantic as she searched for anyone in her group. If they’d gone inside, she might never find them. Even if she could find her way back to the apartment, she didn’t have a key and she’d have to walk alone through the scary part of the university. No. She had to find Ellie and Colby. She walked around looking with no success, so she found a bench and stood on it. She found Ellie first, snuggled next to an evergreen with a guy, kissing. Kate wasn’t excited about breaking up their moment, but she had no choice. She had to get out of there. If Veronica saw her it would be over and she’d end up back in Jersey. Who was she kiddin
g? They’d never let her live after what she’d done.

  Kate tried the subtle approach, tapping Ellie on the arm. Ellie didn’t respond. Not too much of a shock considering how many people had most likely bumped into them. “Ellie,” Kate said, grabbing her arm. Ellie grunted but didn’t turn. Kate pulled on Ellie’s arm and said, “Ellie!” in a harsher tone.

  Without turning to Kate, Ellie said, “What, Kate. I’m busy.”

  “We have to go.” Kate looked at the guy and said, “Sorry, she has to go.”

  “No wait!” Ellie said. Her head turned to Kate and she started to say one thing, but stopped and seemed to decide to say something totally different. “What’s going on? You’re pale.”

  Kate flicked a look at the guy Ellie was with and then said, “I’m telling you, we need to leave.” Kate smiled up at the guy.

  “Can you give me more time? I’d really like to stay.”

  “I get it.” Kate grabbed Ellie by the arm and pulled her unceremoniously to the side and whispered in her ear. “Veronica is here.”

  Ellie wrinkled her brow. “Veronica?”

  “You know, the girl who taught me how to be a club girl in Jersey.” Kate opened her eyes wide for emphasis and Ellie’s shot wide too.

  “Seriously? What is she doing here?”

  “No idea. Vacation maybe? You think the mafia gives people vacation time?” Kate wrung her hands. “Come on. Let’s get Colby.” The music started up again.

  “Are you sure? It’s not one of your imaginings is it?”

  “No. She’s here. Colby. Now.”

  “He’s not going to be happy.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m ruining the night for both of you.” Kate made a strangled noise.

  “You are more important than a mack sesh with a mega hot Italian guy.” She sighed. “Slightly, but still.” Ellie turned to the Italian guy and said, “Sorry, I have to go. I think you are awesome.”

  The guy smiled and walked away, obviously happy with Ellie’s performance. The dance floor had filled back up and the girls searched and searched until finally they found Colby. “You stay hidden here and I’ll go get him. When you see us walking toward the house, head that way.”

  “Okay.” Kate pushed herself into the little nook Ellie had vacated and kept her eyes trained on Ellie as she headed for Colby.

  A new song began to play and the number of people dancing suddenly doubled and she lost sight of both Ellie and Colby. That’s when she thought she saw more people that she recognized from Jersey. She shook her head and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, it seemed she recognized more and more people. She had to get out of there and fast. She stepped out of her hidey-hole and right into none other than Veronica.


  “Well looky here!” Veronica said, her predatory eyes fixed on Kate. This was it. It was over. Her body had turned to ice. Veronica had her. Kate’s self-defense instruction was stuck in her brain. The file would not open.

  “I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who has to suffer.”

  Kate’s eyes shifted around for an escape route, but her body still couldn’t move.

  “Looks like you haven’t changed a bit. Still afraid of me, are you? I taught you better than that. Snap out of it, Kate.” Veronica sneered.

  And she did. Veronica wasn’t after her. She wasn’t even surprised to find her.

  “What’s puzzling me is that you are here and not in Venice.” Her lip curled in disgust.

  Kate pulled on a tiny thread of courage in her gut and said, “Well, you know how that goes. Believe me, I’d rather be in Venice.” Heat filled Kate’s belly. Veronica thought she should be in Venice. Interesting. Even though she felt less shaken now, her heart still ran its fastest race yet.

  “Yeah. Men should never be in charge of big stuff like this.”

  Kate nodded and then Veronica put on her ugly face again as if she just remembered she hated Kate.

  “Still. I can’t seem to catch a break. First they send me here and then I find you here too? I’m going to ask to be transferred.”

  “Don’t do that. I-I-I’m only visiting. I’ll be gone tomorrow.”

  “I-I-I. Good grief. Take a chill pill. Where’s your home base?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  Veronica stood a little taller and said, “Maybe I would.”

  “Sorry, we can’t always get what we want.” It occurred to Kate that all Veronica had to do was say something to one person. One right person who knew about her and she was a goner. She tapped her foot to release some pent up energy.

  “Whatever. As long as you’re far away from me, I don’t care where your sorry butt is.” She gave Kate a withering gaze. “One thing’s for sure, I’m outta here. Ciao!” She stormed away, heading straight for the house, but she didn’t get far.

  Just then, Martino walked up and blocked Veronica’s path. “You two do know each other. I knew it.”

  A hot wave of acid blew through Kate’s gut and she slouched to squelch the pain.

  “That loser?” Veronica said. “I’ve already forgotten her.” She sneered and tried to push past Martino, who continued to prevent it.

  “Come on. Whatever bad blood there is between you, you can get rid of it.”

  “Get out of my way, Martino and if it’s your M.O to hang with Bellinis now, then I don’t need you in my life. Move.” Her words and command sent chills up Kate’s spine and she turned to take off, keeping one eye on Veronica. Nothing good could come of this. Veronica ducked and went under Martino’s frozen arm and then gave a gesture no one could deny was the ultimate in rudeness.

  Kate would get away before Martino had a chance to pull it together. She rushed down the narrow trail only to feel a hand clamp onto her upper arm and stop her progress. She pulled, not wanting to face him, but he was too strong and kept her there.

  “Bellini?” he said to her back. Maybe he’d let her go if she didn’t turn around. She pulled again, still unable to conjure up any of the moves she’d learned in self-defense. He did not let her go, but he didn’t say anything else either.

  She closed her eyes, took a deep breath through her nose before turning to face him, exhaling as she did. As she turned, he let go, and shoved his hands into his pockets.

  She didn’t speak. He didn’t either, but he raised an eyebrow. The question was undeniable, but she didn’t know how to answer it. She couldn’t tell him she was a Bellini, it would be a sure-fire way to speed up her death. Her brain churned, trying to uncover a solution. She could turn and run. She didn’t owe him anything. But if she did that, it would make him seek answers through Veronica. She’d rather put her spin on things.

  “Okay. I lied. I do know Veronica. I met her in Jersey and let’s just say it didn’t go well.”

  “Because you’re a Bellini?”

  “Maybe. I’m not sure. She never explained why she had an immediate dislike of me.” She didn’t want to say the words, but felt them slip out of her mouth anyway. “So, you’re a Marconi? Martino Marconi?”

  He shook his head and said, “No.”

  She pressed her eyebrows together. “No?”

  “I’m a Gatti.” Now that was a name she’d not even heard while in Jersey. She forced her face not to show it.

  “Oh.” What next? What should she say? She had no clue.

  “I know there are a lot of you, but why haven’t I ever met you before?” His face was soft with curiosity.

  “I’m not in Jersey often,” she hedged.

  Now he furrowed his brow and shifted on his feet. “Why not?”

  Her mouth went dry and she swallowed hard. An idea found its way into her mind. She clutched her hands in front of her and forced herself to relax. “Can we just forget about our last names and be friends? Seriously. I stay away from Jersey so that I don’t have to get into it, ya know?”

  He appeared to be thinking and she let him. Her stomach roiled and her heart pounded in her chest. She had to force herself not t
o bolt.

  People snaked around and between them and it didn’t take long for them to inch over to the bushes.

  “While I agree about the name thing, I think you’re keeping something else from me.”

  She didn’t speak. He did.

  “I hate that lines are drawn in the sand simply because we belong to one family or the other, but there are reasons for that. Reasons that have been in play for lots of years.”

  “I didn’t think I’d have to worry about it here in Italy.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, right.”

  She wasn’t sure how to take that. Was he being funny or sarcastic?

  “Look, I didn’t know your last name and you didn’t know mine and we got along just fine. Don’t let something Veronica said change that. Can’t we pretend we are Martino and Kate and nothing more?”

  He shifted on his feet again. The Gattis must have a real beef with the Bellinis. She wouldn’t ask why. Not now.


  She huffed. “Why maybe? Let’s just agree and make it happen.” She knew she was on thin ice, but this whole family against family thing was grating on her nerves all of a sudden.

  “Look. I said maybe.”

  She pressed her lips into a thin line. “Whatever.” She turned to go. Exactly what she wanted to happen was happening. She hated to think she had Veronica to thank for it. But he grabbed her hand. “No one can know who you are.”

  Kate frowned. He didn’t say what she thought he had, did he? “Well, I think the cat’s out of the bag already.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Kate let out an exasperated sound. “Veronica. She won’t keep that little nugget quiet.”

  “True, but I meant with my family. Tomorrow at dinner, no one can know you are a Bellini.”

  A tingle raced through her. He still wanted to have dinner with her. He was trying to figure out how to make it work. “Oh. Got it.” It seemed strange that he would want to risk everything to take her to that dinner. Who she was wouldn’t stay hidden forever. There was always the off chance that his parents had known hers and would see the resemblance to her mother or father. A volcano stirred in her gut.


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