Wallflowers:Three of a Kind

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Wallflowers:Three of a Kind Page 16

by CP Smith

  “You have a tender heart, but you’re strong-willed. You’re stubborn when you think you’re right and your opinion isn’t easily swayed. You have walls up to keep people out, and you accomplish that by avoidin’ life at all costs. You spend most of your time readin’, use words like heebie-jeebies to express your mood, and your favorite color is purple.”

  She inhaled loudly as he crossed the threshold of her bedroom and flipped on the light. He had her attention, so he went in for the kill. “You’re lookin’ for someone who will put you first, just like you’ll put him first. Someone who will protect you, keep the world at bay. But mostly someone who heats your blood to the point you can’t breathe for wanting him.”

  She licked her lips and swallowed hard when he stopped at the foot of her bed. “But I don’t know you,” she husked out, raising a shaking hand to his face. Her body trembled as she stroked his jaw, and his fuckin’ knees went weak.

  “All you need to know about me”—he answered, nipping her finger as she drew a line across his mouth—“is that I’m playin’ for keeps . . . and I never lose.”

  A grin pulled across her mouth. “You’re arrogant, Devil man.”

  Devin put a knee to the bed and dropped down, landing on top of Calla. “I wanted you the moment I laid eyes on you in the window, and now I’m lyin’ on your bed. That’s not arrogance, babe, that’s goin’ after what you want and not lettin’ anything get in your way. Not even you.”

  Her eyes widened as if she’d just realized where they were, and she tried to roll out from underneath him.

  “This is a bad idea,” she said, struggling.

  “Bad for whom?”

  She didn’t answer; she ignored his question and kept trying to extract her limbs from his.

  “Stop tryin’ to run from me and tell me why this is a bad idea,” he bit out, pinning her arms above her head.

  Turning her head, Calla avoided eye contact and stared at her bedroom wall, worrying at her lip.

  Sighing in frustration, Devin let go of her arms and reached down, turning her face toward him. “Answer me. Why are you so hell-bent on denyin’ what we both want?”

  “This isn’t my dress,” she rushed out, oddly. “I’m a book nerd who prefers boots to heels.”

  “And?” he asked in confusion, trying to hold on to what was left of his patience.

  He knew she’d be a hard sell, but figured getting past her defenses was more than half the battle. Now she had thrown up a new wall that didn’t make sense.

  “And I’m inexperienced. I have no idea how to have a relationship.”


  “And?” she parroted back. “You need more?”

  Rising up on one arm so he didn’t crush her, Devin growled, “I haven’t heard a viable reason yet.”

  Her face turned pink, and for a moment he thought she was blushing. He was wrong. Raising her arms, she put them to his chest and shoved, so he fell to his side, taking her with him. She crawled around until she’d straddled his stomach, her dress inching up to barely cover her ass, then she sat up, glared at him, and began ticking off her reasons one by one.

  “You’re too handsome, too intimidatin’, and I’m clueless when it comes to men. I need a man who’s safe, easy to figure out, and you’re anything but safe, what with your gravelly voice that melts panties off both sexes with a single utterance . . . Not to mention, my family’s a big fat pain in the twiddle diddles,” she groused. Devin started to ask what he thought was the obvious question in the room, but she continued. “And I can already tell you’re a man who takes orders from no one, so their constant interference will wear you down ‘til you realize I’m not worth the hassle. So, as you can plainly see, it’s a bad idea. I’m just savin’ both of us the time and trouble of investin’ in somethin’ that’s gonna end.”

  There was a lot there that needed to be addressed, mainly what the hell twiddle diddles were. He chose to focus on one.

  Rolling until he had Calla pinned again, Devin shoved his face into her neck, muttering in that gravelly voice she loved and hated equally, asking, “So my voice melts your panties off?”

  She gasped, her breath coming in deep gulps, and then threw a hand to her face and groaned, “I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

  Running his hand down her bare leg, he curled it over his hip and ground into her heat. “Is that why you aren’t wearin’ panties?”

  She whimpered at his contact, her hips rising to keep the connection. “I told you. The dress was cut too low to wear them.”

  Devin took hold of the shoulder of her dress and pulled it until her skin was exposed. “I’m sensing from your ramblings this dress needs to go,” he murmured against her skin, his tongue snaking out to taste the ivory pallor as he exposed one breast. Her breath caught when he circled her nipple, and she moaned, arching into his mouth when he sucked the pebbled bud deep inside.

  Grinding into her core, he jerked down the other side of her dress until she was bare to him from the waist up, and ran his tongue down the valley between her breasts, then further to her belly button. He looked up and locked eyes with her as he grabbed both sides of her dress and yanked it off past the fuck-me heels she still wore. She was the sexiest woman he’d seen in his life, and he had to clench his jaw to keep from ravaging her.

  He needed to proceed with caution. It wasn’t what she said but what was left unsaid that bothered him. She was trying to convince him of her faults. Said she wasn’t worth the hassle, and that was a red flag that told him he needed to be careful. She belonged to him now, so he’d figure out what was broken and then he’d fix it.

  When her hands came up to cover her breasts, he shook his head. “I told you the moment our lips touched you were mine. Don’t hide from me.”

  She hesitated, working at her lip again, indecision painting her face, so he drawled low, “Show me what’s mine.”

  Calla took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then, with shaking hands, she uncovered her breasts, consenting she was his, and he took in his fill.

  Generous breasts the color of cream made his hands itch to touch them, followed by hips that were meant to hold a man deep inside. He wanted to bury his face between her silky thighs until she cried out with pleasure, but he stayed his actions.

  Running a hand down her stomach, he held her eyes as her breathing increased.

  “You want this as much as I do, so listen closely. I don’t give a shit about your inexperience, whatever hang-ups you have about your past, or what your family will throw my way. I’m intimidatin’, because you’re scared about how you feel when you’re with me,” he explained. “As for needin’ a man who’s safe, I can’t help you there. I live my life like a man. I work like a man. And I’ll protect you like a man. Safe will give you nothin’ but a borin’ life filled with regret.”

  She shook her head. “But you’ll regret this in a month or two. I’m borin’ like you said.”

  “Bullshit,” he growled. “Since I’ve known you, you’ve climbed on the back of my bike when it was the last place you wanted to be, then charged up a flight of stairs with little thought for your own safety to help find a missin’ woman. You put a man-eater in her place with a single remark then offered to view a dead body so I could keep lookin’ for Maria. You shocked me into silence by kissin’ me when I thought I needed to take it slower with you. And then, after you took off because you couldn’t handle what you were feelin’ about me, you still organized a harebrained scheme thinkin’ I needed help. You’re fuckin’ fearless, not borin’.”

  Her eyes widened at his statement, then widened further when he pulled the shirt from his body and fell onto hers. “This is happenin’ between us. You know it, and I know it,” he mumbled against her lips, and then kissed her hot and hungry, his hand finding her breast.

  He rolled her nipple between his thumb and finger then broke from her mouth to watch her face grow hungry with need and pleasure. “I’m gonna enjoy watchin’ you come for me,” he whisp
ered before taking the nipple in his mouth.

  She arched, burying her hands in his hair, holding him in place, then groaned, “Yes.”

  The cat-like sounds she made as he feasted on her body urged him on. Urged him to take her, to claim her, but he paced himself. He wanted her writhing with need, sweat dripping from her body, so she’d know exactly whom she belonged to when he surged in, sealing their fate.

  His cell began to ring as he moved to the neglected nipple. He ignored it, and nipped the pebbled bud, grunting with approval when she moaned deep in her throat as his fingers thrust inside her slick, hot heat.

  Fever racked his body, and his control began to slip as she whimpered in pleasure, her hips slamming down on his hand as she reached for bliss.

  He wanted to bury himself deep inside her, but he was hungry for a taste of what belonged to him.

  He began working his way down her body, giving attention to each soft curve. As he reached the apex of her thighs, her hips rose, inviting him to take what was his. He didn’t hesitate. With a groan, he buried his face between her legs, claiming her for his own.

  She gasped when his tongue found her bundle of nerves and he went to work, using his fingers as well as his tongue to tip her over the edge.

  Then his phone rang again.

  He paused, gritting his teeth for control. A single call at midnight could be a wrong number, twice in a few minutes meant he had to answer.

  “Fuck,” he muttered against her smooth thigh, dropping a kiss before looking up at her glassy eyes.

  “Don’t move,” he ordered before reaching into his back pocket.

  Pulling out his phone, he looked at the screen.

  Bo Strawn was calling him.

  Devin bowed his head and took a deep breath to calm his rioting hormones, then looked back at Calla. “I have to take this, baby. It could be important.”

  Her expression sharpened, the glassy, heated look clearing as it registered what he said. She nodded, then jumped up, wordless, and headed for her bathroom, teetering on her fuck-me heels. He watched her hips sway, knowing full-well she was hiding from him. She may have given in for the moment, but he could tell there was something deep-seated in her psyche that held her back from him. Held back her passion. He wanted one hundred percent of her, not just the parts she allowed people to see. Only then would she truly be his.

  “This better be good,” he growled into the phone when he answered.

  “We’ve got a floater. Liberty Terminals off Harbor Street.” Strawn paused, and the air around Devin grew heavy. He knew what was coming. “Pick up Nate and meet me at the morgue.”


  Granddaddy’s a Dick

  A KNOCK ON THE bathroom door pulled my attention away from my reflection in the mirror.

  “Baby, I have to leave.”


  I closed my eyes and drank in the sound of it. Every time he called me baby, warmth shrouded me like a cocoon, and I felt safe.

  I looked back at my reflection. My cheeks were flushed, my eyes bright from sexual arousal. Turning my head from side to side, I smiled at the results. It was a look I’d never seen on my face.

  “Calla?” Devin rumbled in his gravelly voice. It reached through the door to wrap around my body, heating it instantly, just like his touch.

  I liked how this felt.

  No. I loved how this felt, and I wanted more.

  Turning, I tightened the tie on my robe and ripped the door open. Devin was leaning one arm against the jamb, his face painted with concern.

  I wanted to dip my head and hide, feeling shy at how close we’d come to making love. Instead, I walked into his body and wrapped my arms around his waist, dropping my head back so I could touch my lips to his.

  He wrapped a hand in my hair and tugged gently, his gaze moving over my face, searching, trying to read my thoughts. So I licked my lips in invitation. Heat flared across his expression, and he mumbled, “Jesus,” before capturing my mouth for a brief, but very hot kiss.

  “I have to leave,” he gruffed out. “Swear to God I wouldn’t if it wasn’t important.”

  “I know.” I wanted to ask him if his reason for leaving was about Maria, considering she was his only case, but I could tell he didn’t want to talk about the call.

  “I want you to sleep at your aunts’ tonight.”

  My brows drew together. “What? Why?”

  “We’ll talk about it later. Just do this for me. I don’t want you alone ‘til I know what’s goin’ on,” he explained.

  I searched his face. His jaw was taut and his eyes burned with anger. Something was going on that I didn’t understand, but I trusted him, so I yielded immediately. “I’ll grab a bag for work and head right up.”

  He’d expected me to argue, that much was clear when his body relaxed and he leaned down and touched his lips to mine, his way of saying thank you for not questioning him.

  Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, he walked me to my front door. “Locks engaged until you leave. Don’t answer the door for anyone, and call your aunts and let them know you’re on your way up, so they’ll keep an eye out for you.”

  What has him spooked?

  “I know you won’t tell me what’s going on, but you’re scaring me a little.”

  “I’d rather you be scared than dead,” he returned frankly.

  I knew then, knew to my very core. “They found Maria, didn’t they?” I choked out, trembling as my blood ran cold with fear.

  He didn’t answer. He pulled me into his arms and held me tight until the shaking calmed to a minor tremor.

  “I’ll call you when I’m done,” he mumbled in my hair, squeezing me once for support before turning to leave.

  He opened the door then paused and dropped his head back. When he turned back to look at me, his face was grim. “I’ll do whatever it takes to find justice for Maria. They won’t get away with this,” he bit out.

  My bottom lip began to quiver, but I pushed through my sorrow for Carmella and answered. “I know you will.”

  “No matter who it is,” he growled. “Remember that.”

  I puzzled over his answer then nodded. “I understand.”

  He started to leave again, but turned abruptly and took a step back, grabbing my neck, pulling me back to his mouth. The kiss was rough, almost desperate in its intensity, then he ripped his lips from mine and stormed off without looking back, pushing through the exit like a bull.

  The tears I’d been holding back finally began to fall as I locked the door and rushed to my bedroom. I changed out of my robe and packed quickly, then called Bernice’s number. It rang until voicemail picked up, so I hung up and dialed Eunice. She answered on the second ring, her voice sharp and alert.


  “Devin just left. He wants me with you two until he can get back.”

  “Devin? What’s goin’ on?”

  The word stuck in my throat. “Maria,” I whispered.

  Eunice cried out, “No,” and I let out a muffled sob.

  “I’m coming up.”

  “We’ll meet you halfway,” she said and hung up.

  I grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

  To get to my aunts’ apartment, I had to go outside to reach the third floor. Their building was an old cotton warehouse and the back access to the building required climbing steep cobblestone steps to reach each floor.

  Bernice and Eunice were both waiting at the top with the door open as I came up, keeping an eye on me like always, and just like with Devin, I walked right into their arms. These women were my mother, my father, my saving grace. If they couldn’t fix a problem, it wasn’t fixable, and Maria’s death was unfixable, so we held on tight to each other.

  When we broke apart, I caught sight of Odis Lee. He looked grim-faced as well. He’d been in our lives for so long I didn’t think twice about seeing him any time of the day or night, so when he opened his arms for a fatherly hug, I took it.

  “You’re s
afe now,” he muttered.

  “I know. I wasn’t scared; I’m just upset about Maria.”

  “What was the detective doin’ at your place this time of night?” he asked point-blankly

  Umm. How do I answer this?

  “Umm. Well.”

  Nope. I wasn’t about to share.

  I looked at Bernice for an excuse, but her eyes twinkled with mirth and she blurted out, “Same thing you’re doin’ at my house this time of night, you old coot.”

  “Bernice,” I bit out, “TMI!”

  Odis sighed and let me go as I glared at Bernice.

  “Calla, girl, you don’t know anything about this man. He probably looked you up and saw how much money you’re comin’ into. You have to be careful, so you’re not taken advantage of.”

  I stiffened, caught off-guard by his remark.

  “Odis,” Eunice hissed. “What the hell is wrong with you? Now’s not the time. We should be thinkin’ about poor Maria, not buttin’ our noses in where it doesn’t belong.”

  “When’s a good time to warn her off, Neecy? After she’s been made a fool? Calla’s like a daughter to me, as well. I don’t want her gettin’ her hopes up with a man that will likely leave her high and dry. Not after I heard half of Savannah has their claws out for him.”

  It was like he’d read my inner-most thoughts, knew exactly which insecurity to pick at for maximum effect, and the happiness I’d experienced wrapped in Devin’s arms just a few short minutes ago dissolved in a puff of smoke.

  “I’m goin’ to bed,” I mumbled then pushed past them, heading for my old room and the escape it would afford me. But I couldn’t let his remarks stand. It pissed me off that Odis would throw accusations willy-nilly without cause, so when I reached their front door, I turned to Odis Lee. “You don’t know his character, Odis. It’s wrong for you to judge him. Devin cares about findin’ justice. Cares that Maria’s missin’. He’s been losin’ sleep tryin’ to find her when the police have done nothin’ to help. That’s not the type of man who’d search me out for my money, just to leave me high and dry for a pretty face.”


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