Billionaire's Holiday (An Alpha Billionaire Christmas Romance Love Story) (Billionaires - Book #17)

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Billionaire's Holiday (An Alpha Billionaire Christmas Romance Love Story) (Billionaires - Book #17) Page 69

by Claire Adams

  “When are they going to get here?” Sarah asked with anticipation.

  “Soon, stop being so anxious. You are a confident owner of a fabulous corporate retreat. They will love you.”

  “They love you already; I’m not sure if they will love me nearly as much.”

  It had been a year since I had proposed to Sarah and six months since our wedding. Our first corporate retreat guests were about to arrive and we were excited to test out all the different events and programs that we wanted to incorporate.

  The group of forty people arriving were all Edwards Aviation managers and executives. They were coming to be our beta test group on the urging of me and I couldn’t wait to see everyone and introduce them all to Sarah.

  Casey was now the CEO of Edwards Aviation and I had stepped down to simply be a member of the board of directors. It allowed me to still be involved in the big decisions, but I didn’t have to worry about the day to day tasks.

  “Is that them?” Sarah asked as we looked up into the sky and saw the first helicopter landing.

  It had been Sid’s idea to have a helicopter pick up guests and bring them out to the ranch. Sarah and I had been skeptical about it at first, but it was pretty cool to see the excitement on everyone’s faces as they got off the helicopter and saw the resort.

  A down side to helicopter transportation was that only six people could arrive at a time, but we would figure something out for the remaining people to keep busy with while at the airport. The helicopter was fast and provided an exciting opportunity for our guests that they wouldn’t soon forget.

  “I love you,” I said into Sarah’s ear as everyone made their way toward us.

  “I love you, too.”

  Jennifer and Casey were at the front of the group as they walked up the steps toward us and I was so excited to see them. Jennifer had moved into Casey’s old job when he took over my duties. I was proud to have such a capable woman leading my company and felt like it set a really good example for the other women that worked for me.

  “Malcolm, it’s so great to see you,” Jennifer said as she hugged me.

  Casey tried to reach his hand out to shake with mine, but I wasn’t having any of that. I grabbed a hold of him and gave him a big bear hug like Meredith had taught me. It made him super uncomfortable and I loved every moment of it.

  “This is my beautiful wife, Sarah,” I said as I introduced them all. “She’s basically the reason I’m alive and breathing today.”

  “He’s exaggerating.”

  “Seriously, if I hadn’t been making love to her in the—”

  “Shhh, enough with that story,” Sarah stopped me as she hugged both Jennifer and Casey.

  We all laughed and I introduced Sarah to the rest of the executives that had come in on the first helicopter. Before we knew it, the rest of the managers and executives had arrived and we got started on the welcome mixer that we had planned out by the pool area.

  The resort had turned out better than both of us had expected. It was one thing to see the plans drawn up and make decisions about tiles, carpet, etc. But it was an entirely different thing to see everything come to life in front of us.

  Our resort wasn’t just classy and elegant, but it was made with natural products almost completely from Montana businesses. We had searched far and wide to ensure the entire building was as authentic as possible to the area.

  We still had two more phases of construction to finish, but the main building was done and we were ready to start our testing of the programs we wanted to do. Sarah had been amazing at calling potential new clients and she even convinced me to buy this really cool robot that people could use to take tours right from the comfort of their own offices.

  When phase two started, it was going to bring the ski lift area to life and then phase three was going to be trails and some backwoods cabins. We didn’t just want our resort to be one of those places that high level executives came to. Our resort was going to have something for artists, non-profits, and small businesses. It was exciting to plan things with Sarah and even more exciting to see our dreams coming true.

  “Man, Malcolm, this place is amazing. And you look so relaxed. It really suits you,” Casey said as we sat in the corner trying to catch up.

  “I know. I love it out here. I’m away from the rat race, but I still feel very connected with what’s going on in the world. It’s the best of both worlds.”

  One of the aspects of our ranch that I had insisted on was the high level of technology. It had been the only thing that Sarah and I hadn’t really agreed on while we were planning the building. I believed that using technology would benefit the resort and make people see that we were innovators. Sarah believed that technology would hinder our appearance as being authentic. But when she found that cool robot that people could control from home, she was sold. It was the perfect way to show off our facilities without executive team planners needing to take a flight up to see us. She was convinced that robot was going to sell more events than she would.

  “Your wife is beautiful. I can see why you were willing to give up everything to come be with her.”

  It was a statement I had heard more than once from my male friends. They naturally believed I had given up my life in order to be part of Sarah’s. I understood where they were coming from, but what they didn’t understand was that I hadn’t given up anything. I had simply made choices in my life to pursue the things that mattered most to me and Sarah was one of the top priorities I had.

  “She is pretty damn amazing.”

  “So what’s next for you guys? More resorts? Are you going to build overseas too?”

  “No, just this one. We are going to stay right here and enjoy running this place together. Maybe even have a couple little ones.”

  “Really? That doesn’t seem like it’s enough to keep you happy.”

  “I think it is.”

  “All right, man, but remember, you’ve always got a place at Edwards Aviation. I’ll happily step aside if you ever come to your senses and decide you want to return to society.”

  I noticed Sarah on her way over to see us and decided Casey’s comments didn’t really need a response from me. I had been that guy only two years before. I knew what he was thinking. How on earth could I actually be happy away from the business and excitement of Los Angeles? The truth was that it had taken me spending a year on the Miller ranch and almost getting murdered before I realized that the business world wasn’t the only good life there was out there.

  Since my move to Montana and marrying Sarah, I had seen what true happiness was. I didn’t worry about dying of a heart attack caused by stress. I didn’t worry about getting into business with drug king. The stress I had in my life at that moment was all good stress and I thrived on my new life.

  “What are you two guys talking about over here,” Sarah asked as she sat on the arm of the chair with me.

  “Casey was just worried I wasn’t happy out here.”

  “No, I didn’t mean it like that,” he protested.

  “I know man, I know,” I said as I grabbed a hold of Sarah’s ass.

  “Well he can’t go running off now, I need him to run this place when I start throwing up.”

  Casey looked at Sarah and then at me. He started smiling and knew what Sarah was saying long before I had figured it out.

  “Congratulations,” he said as he stood up and gave Sarah a hug. “Look at the poor shmuck, he doesn’t even know what’s going on.” Casey said as he shook my hand.

  “Wait… are you?” I asked as I stumbled on my words.

  “Yes, I’m pregnant,” Sarah said with a huge grin as she hugged me.

  “I’m going to be a dad?” I said.

  “Yes, you’re going to be a dad.”

  I couldn’t stop looking at Sarah’s huge smile. That one simple thing had been how I had fallen utterly head over heels in lust with her. I stood there watching her as Casey congratulated her and talked baby talk with her. He was a fat
her himself and knew all the right questions to ask.

  “So I’m going to be a dad?” I managed to say again as I joined the conversation.

  “Yes, you goofball,” Sarah said as she grabbed a hold of me. “And no, we aren’t naming your child after your horse.”

  “Whaaat? I wasn’t even thinking about it. But now that you say that, Buck sure does sound like a strong name.”

  We all started to laugh and I pulled Sarah close and dipped her down to deliver a dramatic kiss. This was the woman that I loved and I was excited to get the opportunity to raise a family with her and grow our life together. The twists and turns of my bad decisions had landed me the most amazing woman and life that I could have ever dreamed of.

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  25 DAYS

  By Claire Adams

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 Claire Adams

  Chapter One


  "I honestly have no clue why you're bitching," Seth grumbled as he flopped down on my roommate's bed. "I'd give my left arm to spend Christmas in Aspen.”

  "That's a lie and you know it." I turned back to the mirror and ran my brush back through my long blonde hair as I ignored his jab. He had it far better than any of us, seeing that his father had not only paid for everything from the minute he stepped on campus at UCLA, but was willing to pay the school to bend the rules to get him through.

  "It's not. I love skiing and snowboarding." He sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. His messy blond hair and regal good looks were the only reason I dated him. Nothing else about us made sense. He was a meathead jock with a bend toward beer and any game on TV, while I was a designer, a swimmer, and hated team sports with a passion.

  "I'm talking about you giving up your left arm." I swirled around in my chair and smirked. "You're going to be a big football star, remember?"

  "Yep, and you'll be sorry you left me." He shrugged and ran his fingers through his hair.

  "Speaking of..." I wanted to push the topic of us breaking up, but the last time I did, the poor guy broke down in tears. It was ugly.

  "Not this again." He stood and moved toward me. "You know how I feel about us."

  "Yeah, but I'm moving on with my life, Seth. I care about you, I really do, but we're headed in separate directions. It's been a great ride, though."

  He slid his arms around my waist and snuggled his face against my neck. "It doesn't have to stop, Chloe. Just because you're going to your Dad's for a month doesn't mean shit. You'll come back, and we can just pick back up. Let's just consider it a break for now."

  "And, what if you meet someone while I'm gone?" I pushed at his chest, wanting to see his dark blue eyes once more before I ejected him from my life.

  He chuckled and touched the side of my face. "Then you're shit out of luck, toots. She's here, and you're not."

  I couldn't help but smile. His warped sense of humor was appreciated, but in all honestly, I hoped like hell he would meet someone while I was gone. Breaking his heart seemed impossible, but our time together was over.

  His additional year at UCLA was going to be good for him, and I had a battle to fight in the middle of the arctic with my old man. I shivered at the thought of the cold weather before pushing Seth's hand away.

  "Alright. Get out. I have to finish packing and catch my flight. I'll see you after Christmas for graduation."

  He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine before jogging to the door. "No falling in love while you're gone. I'm going to be a big star one day, and I need a hot blonde beside me. That's you, baby doll." He winked, and I rolled my eyes.

  There was no way in hell I was going to be some man's arm candy. I had too many dreams for that drama.

  Yeah, our relationship was over. He could call it a break if that helped him.

  The door clicked closed, and I got busy finishing my packing for the trip. It had been a good semester for a final semester. My college career was ending six months early because of the classes I picked up the summer before. I was getting weary of studying and drawing designs only to have them downgraded and torn apart piece by piece in the name of education.

  I was grateful when the buzzing of my phone pulled me from my thoughts. School had been a bitch, and I was glad to have it done and over with.


  "You all packed up?" It was my sixteen-year-old brother, Parker.

  "I am. Are you coming to pick me up at the airport?" I pressed the phone to the side of my face and finished emptying my drawers. The only thing left was a pair of candy panties Seth had bought as a joke for my birthday—or at least I had thought it was a joke until he asked to eat them off of me. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

  "Hell, no. Dad won't let me drive in the snow." My brother let out a huff that caused me to smile. Spending the next twenty-five days with my father was going to be a bit torturous, but having Parker beside me would make it all worthwhile.

  "So, you're without a car for the whole winter season? That sucks."

  "Parents suck." He chuckled. "I'm honestly surprised you agreed to this. I know you hate the cold. What did he offer you?"

  I hadn't shared the deal my father laid on the table with anyone, namely because it seemed ridiculous. "Twenty-five days in Aspen with you guys for the seed money for my clothing line."

  I zipped up the last bag as my roommate Jessie walked into the dorm room.

  "Why twenty-five days?" Parker asked.

  "No clue. I think he's hoping that I find my love of the freezing-ass weather and want to stay up there to run his clothing line."

  "Or to add to it. It's good, but it ain't great."

  "Ain't isn't a word," I corrected him and sat down on my bed as Jessie plopped down next to me, her lips down turned in a frown. We had been together for five years in our dorm room. Leaving her was the hardest part of leaving school without a doubt.

  "Leave your grammar in Cali and bring your wicked cooking skills. I'm as thin as a rail, and the ladies seem to like the beefy guys. Help?"

  "That I can do. I'll see you soon. Love you."

  "Hey," my brother's voice was nothing more than a whisper, making him sound all of eight years old.


  "I got some new Mortal Kombat games. You're up for an ass whooping, right?"

  I laughed loudly. "You're so going down, buddy. Someone needs to teach you how to treat a lady."

  "Bring it, old woman." He dropped the call, and I slipped my phone in my back pocket.

  The men in my life were comical, if nothing else.

  "You all packed?" Jessie released me and stood.

  "I am. How about we grab a burger and then hang out on the beach tonight? One last adventure before I head off to the Arctic?"

  "It's not that cold, Chloe." She breathed in deeply and looked around the room as if expecting someone to just pop out of the nothingness. "Was Seth here?"

  "Yeah, trying to talk me out of going or into taking him with me." I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and stopped by my dresser, grabbing my debit card and slipping it in my pocket. "You smell his cologne?"

  "The people in the next room over smell his cologne." She opened the door and moved back, holding it for me. "You think you guys will survive this break?"

  "Nope, but he said if he found someone I would be tough out of luck, so hopefully that’s the case. Maybe I’ll find someone, too." I walked to the end of the hall and turned as confetti exploded from the open door just behind us.

  Jess laughed as she jogged past me. "You're going to miss all the parties around here. The holidays are
so much fun." She pulled her keys from her pocket and held them up. "I'll drive."

  Memories assaulted me as we walked to her old Honda. I hadn't been to see my father for Christmas break since coming to Los Angeles five years ago. He had a tradition of spending December through the end of January in Aspen, Colorado, which my brother loved. I hated it. As a kid, I would live in front of the fireplace for two months, waiting for the minute we could rush back to Arizona.

  No friends, no family, and nothing but a little brother and bitchy father to keep me company during those times. It left a sour taste in my mouth. The minute I arrived in the warmth of southern California, I was lost to it. No more going to the snowy mountains and pretending to love it. Living a lie was a part of my past. Hopefully.

  We got in the car, and Jessie tried to turn on the heat, but I playfully popped her hand back.

  "It's perfect here. Don't waste your gas." Her parents were dirt-floor poor, and she'd made it through college on various scholarships and several jobs. I tried to help out where I could, but Jessie Miller was proud, if nothing else.

  "It's freezing in here!" She started the car and pulled out into the busy streets that ran up and down the campus.

  "Girl, you don't know what freezing is." I glanced toward her as my heart constricted in my chest. "Come with me to Aspen? It's going to be so damn lonely without you."

  "What?" She looked over at me and smiled. Her dark chestnut hair was a mess, like it always was. She was warm and loving, the kind of friend that no one deserved and everyone wanted. "No. I'm going to see my parents. My little sisters would never forgive me if I didn't come home for Christmas."

  I let out a short sigh and turned to watch the lights of the city grow dim as we headed south to San Diego. It would be a bit of a drive, but it was one the two of us made often.

  "You'll have to tell them why I'm not there this year." I crossed my arms over my chest and pulled my legs into the seat with me. "And save me some of your mom's fruitcake."

  "They're going to be hella disappointed." She wrinkled up her nose. "You don't actually like that crap, do you? We all thought you were just being nice. Even Mom thought so."


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