The Fighting Series (Books 1-5)

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The Fighting Series (Books 1-5) Page 20

by Nikki Ash

  So, I wrap my arms around his torso and look up at him. He tenses under my touch, so I bring my hand to the back of his head to lower it, giving him a small kiss, and after a few seconds, I feel him melt into me. The kiss goes deeper and he sighs into my mouth. We kiss for a short time and when we separate he closes his arms around my body tightly, nuzzling his head into my hair. I hear a sob, so soft I almost wouldn’t have caught it if it wasn’t so quiet, and when he looks up, there’s a tear falling down his cheek. I stand on my tip-toes and gently kiss it away.

  “I love you, Cooper, and I’d never cheat on you. What you saw was a shitty picture and I’m sorry you saw that. While I was dancing, a guy came up behind me, and for a second I thought it was you. I was drunk and it reminded me of our time together five years ago, but as soon as I realized it wasn’t you, I freaked out and decided to go home. Ashley was there and saw the whole thing play out.”

  He squeezes his eyes closed and then opens them again. “I’m sorry, baby girl. I know you’d never cheat. I just freaked out. I saw the picture and I lost it.”

  “It’s okay.” I give him another kiss to calm him down.

  “Kayla said I’m the only guy you have ever been with. Is that true?”

  “Yeah, it is. I just couldn’t stop hoping that maybe one day you’d come back to me. I focused on school and Bella, and I just had no desire to be with anybody but you.”

  Just then Bella comes prancing down the steps looking like a princess in her Elsa costume.

  “I’m ready to go!” she squeals.

  We head out to eat lunch and then take Bella trick-or-treating around the neighborhood Kayla and I take her every year. We’ve never lived in this neighborhood, but we found it years ago. It has nice houses that are close together and the people who live there all sit outside at the end of their driveways giving out candy.

  After going up and down several streets, Bella is candied out and Cooper is carrying her back to the car. Every time she asked for a piece with her cute little voice while batting her eyelashes, he would give in. The day started off rough, but it ended up being an amazing Halloween.

  We get back home and after Cooper takes Bella to bed he finds me in our room. I’m changing into my pajamas when he comes up behind me and wraps his strong arms around my torso. Remembering this is why he accused me of cheating, I freeze. He must sense what happened, because while nuzzling my neck he says, “I’m sorry, baby. I just want to be the only man to ever touch you like this. Please forgive me.”

  I turn around to face him. “And you are the only man who will ever touch me this way. You own me, Cooper, Mind, body, heart, and soul. There’s nothing to forgive. I love you.”

  We make love several times throughout the night before we pass out with our bodies entangled in one another.



  It’s been almost a month since Cooper went away and received that stupid picture. Thankfully we’ve moved passed it, for the most part. There are times when I still see Cooper’s insecurities come out, like when he texts me and I don’t answer or if I go somewhere and don’t mention it. He isn’t an asshole about it. He doesn’t yell or get mad. It’s more like he gets sad and worried like I’m going to leave one day and never come back.

  He’s been busy at the gym training for his fight. Bentley won his fight in Boulder, so he’s been helping Caleb and Cooper train for theirs. Cooper has been insisting Bella visit every day and is home by her bedtime every night.

  Thanksgiving is almost here and we’ve decided to fly to Florida to have Thanksgiving with my parents and brother. Kayla is flying with us, but will be spending the day with her family. Cooper’s mom has decided to join us tomorrow as well so it will be nice.

  I’ve been feeling kind of queasy lately so I’m hoping I’m not catching something before Thanksgiving. That will surely ruin our trip to Florida.

  We arrive at the Palm Beach Airport on Wednesday afternoon to find my brother waiting for us.

  “Hey you! We could have taken a cab.”

  He just scoffs at me and gives Bella a big hug, then shakes Cooper’s hand. We grab our luggage and head home. I’m excited to show Cooper where I grew up. Kayla catches a ride with us since she only lives down the street. Matt drops her off first and then we head to our house. Bella spots the beach across the street and asks if we can go swimming.

  “It might be a little chilly, Angel, but we can head down later to at least walk along the sand.”

  When we pull up, my mom and dad come out to give us all hugs and kisses before we make our way inside. As soon as I walk in, the smell of pumpkin and stuffing makes me stumble back. I put my hand over my nose and excuse myself to the bathroom. After throwing up everything in my stomach, it hits me that I’ve been feeling queasy a lot lately. I have also been extremely exhausted, and now I’m throwing up. I thought maybe I was catching the flu, but when I was pregnant with Bella certain smells made me feel the same way. Could I be pregnant? Before I tell Cooper, I want to get it confirmed. I don’t want to get his hopes up if it’s just a coincidence.

  I give Cooper a tour around my house, including my bedroom where he laughs at the fact my parents have kept it the same since I left, and wants to know if I still have my cheerleading uniform from high school. Damn perv. Needing to get away from the smells that are making my stomach churn, I suggest we take Bella for a walk on the beach.

  It’s beautiful outside here in the fall. Florida doesn’t really have different seasons and it barely even gets cold, but it drops enough in the fall and winter occasionally for it to feel nice. Today, it’s in the low seventies so it’s too chilly to go swimming but perfect for walking along the beach.

  Cooper is walking between Bella and me, holding our hands, as Bella stops every couple feet to pick up a new shell. They all look the same but Cooper shows the same amount of excitement every time she shows him a new one. It makes me sad to think this time last year we were here without Cooper. This Thanksgiving I’m so thankful for Kayla making me go to that UFC fight. I can’t imagine Cooper not being part of our lives.

  We decide to sit in the sand while Bella plays at the edge of the water. Cooper sits first then pulls me down in between his legs, wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “Thank you, baby girl,” he says, giving me a soft kiss on my cheek.

  I twist my neck to look at him. “For what?”

  “For everything… for giving me a second chance, giving me Bella, turning my house into a home. I’ve never felt so at peace.”

  I don’t say anything. I feel the same way, but I’m suddenly so emotional. Pregnancy hormones?

  “I’ve been thinking… After this title fight, win or lose, I’m going to take time off from fighting.”

  “Cooper, you love fighting. Why would you do that?”

  “I’m still going to run the gym, but I just want to focus on Bella and you. I’ve spent the last fifteen years fighting, and I want to take a break and spend some time with my girls.”

  I want to ask if it’s because of the picture, but I’m afraid it’ll upset him. So, I just say, “Well, if that’s what you really want to do I’m not going to complain. But make sure it’s for the right reasons. Are you actually retiring?”

  “I’m not saying I’ll never go back, but it won’t be any time in the near future.”

  * * *

  Thanksgiving is amazing. Cooper’s mom got in early this morning, and Kayla ended up getting into a fight with her parents so she’s here as well. Bella is chowing down on cookies and biscuits in the living room sitting on Cooper’s lap while the guys all watch football.

  “Dinner’s ready,” my mom announces. Everybody makes their way through the lines of food spread out across the countertops and gather around the table. Sadly, my plate is a bit bare. Food I’d normally eat doesn’t seem to be appetizing at all, and I’m struggling not to throw up.

  “Liz, don’t you want some sweet potatoes? They’re your favorite,” my mom as
ks innocently. I haven’t told anybody I suspect I might be pregnant so it doesn’t make sense why I’m not grabbing all my favorites. I take a scoop of sweet potatoes and plop them onto my plate, making sure they don’t touch my other food. Please Lord, don’t let me throw up all over my plate of food.

  Before we dig in, it’s a tradition for everyone to say what he or she is thankful for. Bella begs to begin, so of course we let her.

  “I am soooooo thankful for my mommy because I love her because she gave me my daddy.” Everybody oohs and ahhs around her, but she keeps going naming everybody around the table. “I’m thankful for my auntie Kay because she is the best at painting my nails. I’m thankful for all my grandmas because they let me eat cookies. I’m thankful for my grandpa because he gives me a dollar every time he sees me. I’m thankful for my uncle Matty because he always sneaks me bubblegum even though my mommy says I’m too little to eat bubble gum.”

  Matt laughs out loud and says, “Kid, you aren’t supposed to tell people that!” She looks genuinely confused, not realizing she’s telling on everyone around her while saying thank you. Finally, she gets around the table to Cooper and says, “And I’m thankful for my daddy because he is the bestest daddy ever because he’s going to get me a puppy and a baby brother or sister. I really want a sister, but a brother will still be good.”

  Cooper turns white as the entire table goes quiet, looking at him, and then we all burst out laughing.

  “I squeeze his hand and whisper loudly, “Sounds like someone has been making secret promises to our daughter.”

  He just nervously laughs. Everyone takes turns going around the table, saying what they’re thankful for, and after the final person goes, it’s time to eat. Of course, within twenty minutes, the food is completely gone.

  Friday morning Cooper offers to keep Bella with him and the guys while the women check out the crazy Black Friday sales. While I’m out, I put a call into my doctor so I can make an appointment for next week to confirm if I’m pregnant. Nobody is in the office, so I leave a message with the answering service for someone to call me back with an appointment.



  We had a great weekend with Liz’s parents in Florida. We’ll definitely need to plan another trip back soon, especially once it’s warmer and we can take Bella swimming in the ocean. It’s Monday morning and we’re at the airport with Kayla and my mom since we’re all flying back together. Liz’s phone rings and she glances at it nervously. Before it goes to the voicemail, she answers the call and excuses herself to speak to whoever it is on the other end away from us. Kayla raises her brows at me, telling me to chill out. Fuck, I’m not that guy. I don’t do jealousy and I sure as fuck don’t monitor who my girlfriend talks to.

  Liz comes back over and doesn’t say who it was, but she looks guilty as hell. I know I have my issues, but I’m not seeing shit. My woman looks like she needs to tell me something but decides not to, so I let it go because I need to trust her and trust us.

  We make it home and we’re all completely jet-lagged. The five-hour flight to and from Florida was no joke. On top of that, add an energetic four-year-old to the mix, and a three-hour time difference, and we’re done for.

  Liz and I cuddle up in our bed with Bella between us and sleep for hours. I’m sure we’ll regret this tonight when Bella is wide-awake, but right now it feels damn good.

  I groggily wake up and reach for Liz when I feel Bella beside me laughing softly to something on her iPad. I look over her to see if Liz is in bed, but she’s not.

  “Hey, Princess, where’s your mommy?”

  “She said she had to run out.”

  “Do you know where she went?”

  “Nope, she just kissed me goodbye and left.”

  I grab my phone off the nightstand and see we’ve only been asleep for a couple hours. I look to see if there are any texts from Liz, but there isn’t, so I shoot her a text asking what time she’ll be back and what she wants to do for lunch.

  She replies back almost instantly letting me know she’ll be home soon and we can order something in. I repeat the mantra in my head, I will not assume shit. I trust her and we’re not my parents.

  She gets back a couple hours later and joins Bella and me on the couch. We’re watching some crazy movie where everything is made out of Legos and they run around singing some weird ass song about everything being awesome.

  “Hey baby,” Liz says. “I was thinking we could take Bella to see Santa today since he’s at the mall.”

  Bella jumps up like she wasn’t just in a trance watching these weird fuckers building and tearing shit down Lego-style. “Yes, please! I want to go see Santa. I know what I want for Christmas.”

  She runs to her room to get dressed, leaving Liz and me alone. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah.” She gives me nothing more except a kiss on the cheek, before she heads upstairs to help Bella get dressed. I will not assume shit.

  We get to the mall and you can tell Christmas is around the corner. The mall is packed with people and Christmas music is playing through the speakers. We head straight for Santa, and once we get through the line, Bella sits right on his lap, telling him exactly what she wants. “My daddy already said he’s going to give me a baby and a puppy, so from you, all I want is a swing set for the back yard. I would like for it to be pink and purple please. I would also like for it to have benches with a table where I can have tea and cookies with my daddy and mommy and my dolls. I’ve been really good, well… except for when I don’t want to go to bed, but I’m trying really, really hard.”

  Damn, this girl is so sweet, and honest to a fault. She’ll be getting that swing-set and puppy. Now, the baby on the other hand, that’s going to take a little bit of work. I smirk at Liz and she hits my arm. “Are you thinking about sex?” she whisper-yells.

  “What? No! I was thinking we needed to work on Bella’s Christmas gifts.” She laughs at me and when she’s done, her smile still lingers. I love her smile and will do anything in my power to keep it there.

  “And what do you want for Christmas?” she teases.

  “Not a damn thing. I have everything I could want right here.” Her smile widens and I can’t help but kiss it.

  We join Bella for pictures with Santa and I insist on buying them all, including the frames, so we can put them out around the house. We decide to do a little shopping, but when Bella sees the giant Christmas tree in the department store she begs for us to go get ours.

  After picking one out for the living room and a mini tree for Bella’s bedroom, we head to Target to get the decorations. Liz lost all hers in the fire, and I’ve never had a tree since living on my own, so we’re buying all new stuff. I think the last time my mom got us a tree I was twelve and it was right before my parents split up.

  “I think this one is perfect.” Bella holds up a cute pink princess crown ornament. When I nod my okay, she places it into the basket.

  “How about this one?” Liz holds up an ornament that reads First Family Christmas.

  “That one is absolutely perfect.”

  This goes on for the next hour. The girls pick out ornaments, while I push the cart through the store. We eventually move on to lights, and while we’re in that section they convince me to get lights for the outside along with some huge blowup snowman. I don’t know why they even ask. We all know I have a problem with saying no to anything they ask for.

  On our way home, I call my mom to join us for dinner and to help decorate the tree. Liz insists on getting break-n-bake cookies and eggnog on the way home as well.

  And that’s how we spend the night. Sipping eggnog, eating cookies, listening to Christmas music, and decorating our first family tree. Today will definitely go down as one of the best days of my life.



  It’s been two weeks since finding out I am indeed pregnant. Hiding it from Cooper is killing me, but I decided since Christmas is so close I could give h
im—and Bella—the gift of a new baby. The first couple days I felt like I was betraying him by not telling him right away. I think he even noticed how guilty I felt, but since then it’s been smooth sailing.

  Christmas is in two weeks and I need to think of a cool way to tell him. Simply putting a box under a tree and saying, Surprise you’re going to be a daddy again isn’t fun enough. So, I’ve gathered my girls together to help me figure it out. I know, I admit them knowing first probably isn’t the best idea, but hell, how do I plan without telling them why I’m planning?

  Cooper has been gracious enough to watch Bella and Tristan at our place. Caleb, Bentley, Kaden, and Alex are all joining him to watch a UFC fight on pay-per-view. I don’t really know much about Alex except that he goes to the gym and he’s the one who took the picture of me at the club. You know, the one that almost blew my relationship up in smoke.

  He did apologize and explain that he was just looking out for Cooper. I forgave him, but it still stings. He should’ve come to me before sending that picture to him. However, I’m not about to hold a grudge. That brings us back to the present.

  Hayley, Kayla, Ashley, and I are all sitting at Hayley’s place, giving each other homemade facials, manis, and pedis while listening to Iggy Azalea’s Fancy. That girl can seriously rock those lyrics.

  Hayley gets up and dances to the kitchen, bringing back a bottle of Jack in one hand and Coke in the other. Now is probably a good time to let them know I’m preggers.

  She passes out the glasses and dishes out ice into all our cups, and then begins to pour the Jack.


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