The Fighting Series (Books 1-5)

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The Fighting Series (Books 1-5) Page 54

by Nikki Ash

  “Hello, Caleb. It’s nice to see you, again,” Jason says, shaking my hand.

  “Hey, man. These are my friends Hayley and Marco.”

  “Nice to meet you both. Why don’t we get right to it? Marco, why don’t you stay out here with Veronica, my secretary?”

  Hayley hands him his new iPad she bought for the trip and gives him a smile, reassuring him it’s okay. “Stay here and don’t move. We’ll be right over there if you need anything. Okay?”


  Gloria stands as we walk toward the room eyeing me like the vulture she is. Once we all sit down. Jason begins. “Because your father insisted you are present for the reading of the will, Gloria is hearing all of this for the first time as well.”

  At the mention of her name, Hayley’s face whips around to look at Gloria, and if looks could kill Gloria would be in hell right now courtesy of Hayley. Feeling the need to calm Hayley, I take her hand and place it on my thigh and begin rubbing my thumb over her fingers trying to calm her down. It seems to work for the most part, but now with her hand on my thigh I can feel my dick twitching, and in this room, with Gloria sitting on the other side of me, this is the last place I want to be turned on. Suddenly, flashbacks of Gloria touching me surface and I have to swallow down the bile I feel building in my throat. I want to push away Hayley’s hand, but I don’t want her to think it’s her I don’t want to touch.

  “Go ahead,” I choke out, trying to get this ball rolling. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can get the fuck out of here and take Marco to see snow.

  “Okay, first of all, I have a letter here from your father. It was given to me about three years ago. He came in to make some changes to his will and also brought this letter in. He said you are to be given this letter and he asked that you read it after I go over the details of the will.”

  Jason hands me the envelope with my name scrawled across the front in script that I recognize as my dad’s handwriting. It feels like it weighs a hundred pounds in my hand. I place it on the desk and nod for him to continue. He turns on a recorder—I’m assuming to record this is being done properly.

  “I would like for it to go on record, I am Jason Caldwin, the attorney of Adam Michaels, and I am here today with Caleb Michaels and Gloria Michaels to read the living will and testament of Adam Michaels. It is sworn before me that this is the only will and will be upheld in the court of law. I would also like for it to be noted Adam Michael was in good health and sound mind when he created this will.

  Adam Michaels leaves any and all assets to his son, Caleb Michaels, including but not limited to all bank accounts, stocks, bonds, houses residing at the addresses named below, all vehicles, as well as the two businesses he owns outright named Assets.”

  “What the hell are you saying?” Gloria shouts, cutting Jason off. I’m in shock—my father has left me everything, including the clubs he built for her. What the hell happened while I was gone?

  “What did he say about me?” she shrieks.

  Jason clears his throat and continues to read. Judging by his calmness he already knew this was coming.

  “I, Adam Michaels, leave a separate bank account to my estranged wife, Gloria. In the bank account, she will find twenty thousand dollars to start her life over with. She may also keep the Porsche SUV, which is in her name. She has thirty days to move out of the house I am leaving to Caleb.”

  Hol-y shit. It takes everything in me not to laugh at the look on that miserable bitch’s face as she realizes the jokes on her and my father didn’t leave her shit. I am now dying to open the letter from my father.

  “I will take this to court!” she yells at me. She’s now standing and is too close for comfort. I breathe in and out slowly to calm myself.

  “Gloria, you have the right to do as you wish, but maybe spending the generous sum he left you on an attorney isn’t the best idea. I can assure you this will uphold in the court of law,” Jason states matter-of-factly.

  Gloria is so mad she’s practically shaking. I stand and shake hands with Jason and thank him. I have a lot to think about. Jason hands me a large envelope telling me everything I need to know including accounts and passwords are in here and to let him know if I have any questions.

  As I attempt to grab my crutches to hobble away, Gloria grabs me by my arm, but before I can say anything, her hand is ripped away.

  “Listen here you nasty bitch. I know all about you. If you ever lay a hand on Caleb again I will throw your ass out a window. Do you understand?”

  Hayley says the words so quietly I don’t even think Jason can hear from his desk, but her tone is made clear, and I think I just fell for this woman even more.

  Gloria looks shocked, clearly wondering if Hayley really knows all about her, but she recovers quickly. “You will be hearing from my attorney.” And with those words, she’s out the door.

  Hayley runs out after her and I think it’s to go for round two, but when I get to the waiting room she’s sitting next to Marco smiling and asking him something about the game he is playing. She wanted to make sure Gloria didn’t get anywhere near him. My heart constricts, thinking of my own mom and how protective she was over me. I miss her so damn much. Hayley is an amazing woman and Marco is lucky to have her in his corner.

  “All right, you two. Ready for some snow?” I ask, tucking the letter from my dad into my back pocket.

  “Yes!” Marco says, pumping his fist into the air.

  “Let’s go!”

  We spend the rest of the weekend having fun at the ski resort. Marco takes snowboarding lessons and after a few hours is flying down the slopes. He’s really good. It’s obvious he’s a natural athlete. Hayley and I watch from the sidelines and every so often she heads indoors to read her romance book by the fireplace. I hate that I can’t join Marco on the slopes, but decide once I’m healed, I’m going to take him back here to do some snowboarding with him.

  By the time we fly back to Las Vegas, it’s late. Luckily Hayley left her vehicle at the airport so we can head right home. While she’s getting the luggage into the trunk I see a sheet of paper sticking out of her windshield. I grab it and open it up: DROP THE CHARGES OR ELSE…

  I look around but don’t see anybody. Since the four men who attacked me weren’t granted bail this has to be from someone on the outside, most likely Hector or Santos. I’ll turn this into the police station tomorrow. For now, I decide not to tell Hayley. I don’t need to worry her.

  Chapter Fifteen


  It’s been a month since Caleb found out he’s rich. Not only is he rich, but he’s also the owner of several businesses and homes. His ribs are pretty much healed and while he hasn’t been able to drive himself anywhere because of his cast, he’s been making phone calls like crazy, having his friends take him places as well as taking a cab when necessary. It is only a matter of time until he finds a new apartment and moves out. I haven’t brought it up, but I’m sure it’s coming.

  During these last several weeks things have been good between us. We’ve established a great schedule with Marco—he’s thriving in school and at home. We spend a lot of time together, the three of us, sometimes going to the movies or out to dinner. We have Kayla, Bentley, and the babies over a lot as well. Marco loves to see his sister, and Kayla is beginning to work with Caleb on rehabilitating his shoulder. Caleb’s shoulder is nowhere near back to the way it was before but he hasn’t lost hope. From the outside looking in, one would think we’re a family, and the truth is, I have to constantly remind myself when we’re together that we aren’t.

  Last weekend was Bella’s Birthday party so the three of us attended the party at her favorite park. Marco was nervous and told us it would be the first party he’s been to. Even though he’s older than Bella and Tristan, he still enjoys hanging out with them. He’s a good kid. He had a blast at the party, but I could see the sadness when he told me he’s never had one. I shouldn’t have been shocked to learn he never had a party of his
own, but I still was. Even though his birthday just passed in December, I make a mental note to throw him a half-year party this summer once school is out. It will be warm outside and we can invite his friends over and have them all go swimming.

  At night Caleb and I spend time together just the two of us. We usually watch a show or a movie, but rarely pay attention it. We talk about our day, what’s going on with Marco, how he feels about his dad leaving him everything. He’s a complete open book when we talk. The only thing it seems we don’t talk about is when he plans to move out. He did mention needing the time off to get his dad’s estate in order. He seems to have turned a corner—so much more upbeat than he was before.

  One night I nervously asked him about the letter his dad wrote. He hadn’t brought it up yet and I was curious what it entailed.

  “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I just want you to know you can talk to me about it if you ever want.”

  Caleb hobbled over to the room and came back with the letter in his hand. “I read it when we got back from Boulder. He knew everything.”

  I was flabbergasted by his words. His dad knew but didn’t say or do anything? He chose his wife over his son?

  “Did he explain why he chose her over you, yet left you everything?”

  “Yeah, do you want to read it?”

  “Do you want me to?”

  He nodded and handed me the letter.

  Dear Caleb,

  If you’re reading this I have passed away without getting the courage to speak to you. I have written this letter because I am a selfish man who couldn’t face his own son. I am currently in the middle of divorcing Gloria and I would like to say I am truly sorry for what I did to our family. The day in your bedroom when you begged me to believe you, I should have taken your side. I didn’t know for sure but I had a feeling Gloria was up to no good. I just had no idea how bad it was. After you left and I confronted her she admitted everything including blackmailing you and then having sex with you. I was so scared to end up in prison, I let her get away with what she did to you. I know nothing I say will make up for what she did and what I did to you by not believing you and choosing to believe her. You were so young, still underage, and it was my job to protect you. I’m so sorry I never protected you from her. I’m sorry I couldn’t be the dad you deserve.

  I have left everything I own to you. I have filed for divorce but it will take time and so I made sure to change my will in case something happens to me before it’s finalized. Please don’t let Gloria threaten you. She can’t do anything to you. Everything I am leaving you is yours. The clubs actually make real good money. If you don’t want them, sell them. Just please accept everything I am giving you. Is it guilt money? Sure! But do you deserve it any less? Hell no!

  In case she gives you any trouble, please feel free to use this letter as a witness testimony to what she did to you. I also have a tape recording of her admitting what she did in my safety deposit box. Jason should have given you the key.

  Please know I have watched you over the years from afar. I have watched you fight your way to the top. You are pursuing your dreams and I am so damn proud of you. You walked away with nothing but your dignity and pride and created a life for yourself. Take the money I left you and use it for good.

  I love you, son.


  I handed it back to him and tried to wipe the tears from my eyes before he could see. He reached over and wiped them for me.

  “How do you feel about all this?”

  “I feel like I am ready to move forward.”

  And he has moved forward. He laughs more and is way more social than before. It seems like the weight has been lifted from his shoulders and he is finally free. I hope now that he’s put it all behind him, he will one day be able to date a woman. Caleb is an incredible person and deserves to be happy, even if it’s not with me.

  During the last few weeks I have been on a few dates with Alex. I haven’t spoken to Caleb about it and for some reason that makes me feel guilty. It’s not like I need his permission to date, but because we’re at a good place in our friendship and I don’t want to rock the boat, I haven’t actually told him I have gone out with Alex. He hasn’t made any indication he would even care who I date. I usually leave from the gym to meet Alex and we only go out when I know Marco is with Kayla or doing something with Caleb. The truth is I don’t feel a huge spark with Alex. While he is sweet and nice, he just doesn’t do it for me.

  Today is Valentine’s Day and I’m going to dinner with Alex. I know I shouldn’t lead him on, but it’s been awhile since I actually had a date for this holiday. Caleb has been gone all day, so hopefully I’ll leave before he gets home. Marco is at Bentley’s parents’ house for the night spending time with Chloe while they babysit Chloe and Faith so Bentley can take Kayla out. Alex insisted on picking me up and I couldn’t say no. I’ve tried to muster up the courage to tell Caleb all afternoon but have chickened out.

  “Hey, want to grab a bite to eat? I didn’t even realize it’s Valentine’s Day. The restaurants seem to be all booked, but we can go to the diner you love.” Caleb is sitting on the couch, looking down at his phone. He must have gotten home while I was in the shower.

  He looks up from his phone taking me in from head to toe. I’m suddenly self-conscious about my outfit. I am wearing a tight red dress that shows every one of my curves and I’ve paired it with black peep-toe heels. I normally don’t dress up, but with it being Valentine’s Day, Alex insisted on making reservations. I even straightened my hair after getting my highlights redone this morning along with a fresh manicure and pedicure.

  “Going somewhere?” Caleb asks, looking confused.

  Of course that’s when Alex knocks causing Caleb to get up to answer the door. For a guy with a broken leg, he can move quickly when he wants to. That’s when I notice his cast is off. He has a walking boot instead of the cast, which means he can now walk without crutches.

  “Hey, man,” Alex says, walking in. He’s holding roses in one hand and shakes Caleb’s hand with the other, completely unaware of the now thick tension in the room.

  “What’s up?” Caleb asks, darting his eyes from Alex to me.

  “Nothing much. Taking Hayley out for Valentine’s Day,” Alex says to Caleb before he turns to me. “You look beautiful, Hayley.” He hands me the flowers and gives me a kiss on my cheek. I thank him and excuse myself to go put them in water.

  While I’m filling the vase, I feel a warm body come up behind me. I know instantly it’s Caleb. Nobody makes my body react like his does. Before I can turn around, he presses his front up against my back. His hands lay flat on the counter caging me in, and his cool breath is so close to my ear, I get the chills.

  “How long have you been dating Alex?” he asks softly.

  “We’ve just gone on a few dates.” I don’t know why I feel the need to downplay it.

  He moves one of his hands to turn off the water since the vase is now completely filled and is overflowing. I am stuck where I am. I’ve never felt Caleb this close.

  “Is that who you want, Hayles?” Oh, did I mention since we’ve been hanging out the last several weeks he has started calling me Hayles? And did I mention every time he does, my panties go wet? Well, he does… and they do!

  “He’s nice,” I say because it’s the first thing that comes to mind. His closeness is causing my mind to go blank.

  “Nice,” he repeats and then chuckles without humor. One of his hands comes off the counter and moves my hair to the side, and then I feel his lips touch my neck as he gives me a chaste open-mouthed kiss right on my pulse point.

  His hands move to my hips and he turns me around, not backing up at all. I can feel his cock up against the thin material of my dress pushing against my stomach.

  I look up and into his glaring eyes. I’m not sure why he’s mad, but I wait for him to say something else since he’s holding me against the counter.

  His face moves closer and I
think he might be about to kiss me when he keeps going, lining his lips right up to my ear.

  “Enjoy your nice date.” Then he let’s go of me and saunters out of the kitchen to his room. I didn’t realize the warmth his body radiates until he’s no longer touching me, causing my body to suddenly shiver. I want the warmth of Caleb back.

  I put the flowers into the vase and try to compose myself as I walk back to the living room.

  “Ready?” Alex asks. I want to cancel this date. I want to feign illness and find Caleb and his warmth. I want to stop trying to be into a guy who doesn’t turn me on at all. But I’m not that woman, so instead I plaster a smile on my face and say, “Yep,” and follow Alex out the door, leaving my warmth behind.

  Chapter Sixteen


  What’s that saying… you don’t know what you have until it’s gone? I’m pretty sure that’s how it goes and that’s exactly how I feel right now. I’m lying in my bed in my bedroom with the door shut because I couldn’t watch Hayley and Alex leave for their date.

  These past six weeks with Marco and Hayley have been nothing short of amazing. I haven’t been this happy and content since my mom and sister were both alive. We have somehow created our own version of a family and every day I look forward to the moments we spend together. Whether it’s the three of us, or just Hayley and me, I am falling hard… Fuck it! Let’s be honest… I have fallen hard!

  I know realistically I could have moved out a couple of weeks ago. I could have found an apartment on the first floor, but I made excuses to myself not wanting to leave. I have been busy getting my father’s affairs in order during the day and enjoying my afternoons and evenings with Marco and Hayley. If I’m honest with myself, I don’t want to leave either of them.


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