The Fighting Series (Books 1-5)

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The Fighting Series (Books 1-5) Page 66

by Nikki Ash

  But if the first trimester sucked, the second has been amazing. She’s no longer sick, her belly has become more pronounced, so she feels better about herself, and to top it off, she is horny twenty-four seven. If the rest of her pregnancy stays like this, I can see myself knocking her up at least a couple more times.

  I look over at my wife reading on her iPad and hope whatever scene she’s reading will help make tonight interesting.

  * * *


  “Any good scenes in that book?”

  I look over at my husband, shake my head, and laugh. I swear his brain is hardwired to think about sex at all times of the day. “Yes but not what you’re thinking. The couple in the book just said their vows and everyone is clapping for them as they kiss.”

  “Do you regret not having a wedding like that?”

  I don’t even need to think about my answer before responding. “No, all I wanted was to be married to you. I didn’t need or want any of the glitz or glamour. I just needed and wanted you.”

  After everybody left our house after celebrating our engagement we cleaned up, put Marco to bed, and then sprawled across the couch to watch some television. The movie What Happens in Vegas was on and Caleb made a joke about it then laughed.

  “Huh?” To be honest I wasn’t really paying attention to the movie or to him. I was staring at my beautiful engagement ring and on cloud nine.

  “We live in Vegas. We wouldn’t even have to elope. We should go to the courthouse tomorrow and just get married.”

  I sat up straight and assessed whether or not he was serious. I couldn’t tell.

  “Are you being serious or fucking with me?”

  “I don’t know… if I was serious would that be something you would consider? I mean, do you want the big wedding? I want you to have whatever you want.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  Caleb sat up mimicking my position.

  “Hayley, are you being serious or fucking with me?”

  “Are we playing copy-cat?”

  “What the fuck is copy-cat?” He looked confused.

  “Never mind. Yes, I’m serious. Let’s get married tomorrow, just you, Marco, and me. Let’s go to the courthouse and get married, and then file for you to adopt Marco.”

  “Hayley, are you sure? I know most women want a big wedding…”

  “No, I don’t. I just want you.”

  And that’s exactly what we did.

  “Earth to Hayley. You there?”

  I put my iPad on the nightstand and then roll over to straddle my husband. “I’m sorry. I was remembering the night we decided to elope. Do you have any regrets?”

  Caleb puts his hands on my belly and gently massages my front. “Baby, my only regret is not making you mine even sooner.”

  He takes me by my hips and carefully lifts me off of him, laying me on my back so he’s hovering over me. Then he drags his body down mine until his face is level with my protruding belly. Lifting up my shirt until it reaches just below my breasts, he gives my belly a kiss and then looks up at me. “Have I told you today how beautiful you look knocked up with my baby?”

  I shake my head, laughing at his choice of words.

  “Well, that’s a damn shame, because you do. You look fucking gorgeous with my baby in you. I think I might have to keep you pregnant for the next several years.”

  He gives my belly one more kiss then moves downward toward my pussy. He pushes my pajamas bottoms and panties down my legs and throws them on the ground. Spreading my thighs, and then spreading my folds, he softly blows onto my clit, eliciting chills straight up my spine, causing my nipples to harden.

  “Baby, grab your nipples for me.” I do as he says and remove my shirt, adding it to the pile of clothes on the floor. With my eyes locked on Caleb’s, I take both of my nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and twist them to the point it just not hurts. I can’t help but let out a moan.

  Caleb gives me a sexy smirk and then his face disappears between my legs. He blows one more time on me, and then his mouth is on my clit, biting and sucking on it. My hips buck, needing more. He inserts two fingers into my soaking wet pussy and I damn near come on the spot.

  He continues to lick my swollen clit while fingering me. I’m wound so tight, I need to release. I can feel my orgasm right there on the edge, and I just want to fall. I twist my sensitive nipples one last time and that’s all it takes to push me off the ledge, my orgasm spilling over. My eyes close from the intensity and I swear I feel light headed.

  When I open my eyes, my beautiful husband is staring at me with a huge grin on his face.

  “Get up here,” I demand playfully. He crawls back up my body and without saying a word enters me. His hands are on either side of my face and I can feel his abs rubbing up against my belly. He leans his face down and gives me a kiss. I taste myself on him and it’s such a turn on. He lifts his upper body off me, and grabbing one of my legs, hooks it on his forearm, angling himself to go deeper. With his other hand, he begins to rub my clit. I’m already sensitive from my last orgasm and within minutes I’m coming again. Once he knows I’ve come, he picks up his speed and seconds later is spilling his hot seed into me.

  He gets up to clean himself and grabs a washcloth for me. After we’re both clean, he throws the washcloth into the hamper and lies down in bed, spooning me from behind and wrapping his arms around me with his hands splayed out across my belly. Ever since he found out I was pregnant this has become his go-to position. Some nights I would seriously like to push him away and tell him I need my space, but when he told me he read the baby can feel his warmth, I knew I better get used to sleeping in this position.

  “Did your interview go good today?” I ask, remembering he’s in need of a new dancer since one of the girls had to quit suddenly.

  His body tenses but quickly relaxes. “I filled the position.”

  “That’s good. You know if you ever need a fill-in once I’m no longer pregnant I can totally be your girl. I bet I could bust out some serious moves on a pole.”

  He nuzzles his face into my hair and chuckles quietly.

  “The only place I want to see you busting out any moves is in this bedroom, baby. You are mine. Mine to touch. Mine to kiss. Mine to love.”

  “And you are mine.”

  “Damn right, baby. I am yours.”

  The End!

  Fighting series: book four


  Fighting for Your Love

  Copyright © 2017 Nikki Ash

  All rights reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  Cover design: Jersey Girl Designs

  Cover photograph: Depositphotos


  To my children, who show me every day the true meaning of love.



  Six Years Ago

  “Shut that fucking kid up! All he does is cry!”

  “He’s a baby. Please stop yelling. You’re only making it worse! Your yelling isn’t helping at all. It’s only scaring him.”

  “Then make him shut the hell up!”

  “I will if you move out of my—” Whack! My face jerks to the side at the impact of his hand hitting me straight across my cheek. It stings like a bitch, but I don’t dare show it. I’m not about to let him know he’s gotten to me. I get right in his face because I’ve
had enough of his shit.

  “You don’t even want to be here anymore. Why don’t you just leave?”

  He laughs in my face like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard. If I knew I could do any damage, I would punch him in the face.

  “You wouldn’t even be able to survive without me. You’re nothing more than a no-good little bitch.”

  I want to stand up to him, tell him that I think I’ll survive just fine without him, but the fear of being smacked again forces me to keep my mouth shut and silently pray he’ll walk out that door. I refuse to let him bully me anymore. Tonight is the last night he’ll ever touch me again. I can’t have Tristan growing up with him as a role model, and if that means I have to leave then that’s what I’ll do. I only pray he’ll leave instead.

  “You want me gone? Okay… I’m gone. I never wanted this fucking life anyway.”

  I watch him walk to our bedroom not believing for a second he’ll actually leave. He threatens to leave every other day. I head into the nursery to check on my sweet baby boy. Tristan has already stopped crying and is sleeping soundly in his crib. He’s only six months old and has learned quickly how to sleep through the screaming that’s been a part of his life since the day he was born. I’m hoping with him being so young he won’t remember any of this. I know something needs to change, but I’ve been with Tyler for so long I don’t remember how to not be with him. I pick Tristan up and cradle him to my chest, giving him small kisses on his forehead and breathing in his precious baby scent. “I love you, little man.” I vow here and now that if Tyler doesn’t leave, I’m going to. I’m going to get away from him and find a way to provide a safe and loving home on my own with my son.

  I set him back down in his crib, cover him with his blanket, and head back out to the kitchen to make dinner. As I’m crossing through the living room, I see Tyler with a bag in each hand. While he threatens to leave quite often, he’s never actually packed a bag. I stop halfway into the living room, watching him stalk through the house, and then without giving a backward glance, he’s out the door and slamming it shut. The sound reverberates throughout the house and I hold my breath, hoping it doesn’t wake Tristan up. After a few seconds and no sound of him crying I know it didn’t. I let out a breath of relief I didn’t know I was holding in. Could he really be gone for good?

  I continue into the kitchen, grabbing the chicken from the fridge and the potatoes from the counter, when the phone rings.


  “Good evening, this is Chase card services calling to speak with… Ashley Myers regarding a personal matter. Is this Ashley Myers?

  “Umm… yes, it is. Can I help you?”

  After confirming my name, social security number, mailing address, and the best contact number, he says, “We’re calling today because you are ninety days behind on your credit card payment and we would like to help you make payment arrangements before it gets moved into collections.”

  What the hell?

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Your balance on your Chase credit card is eight thousand five hundred and fifty-three dollars, and according to our records, you haven’t made a payment in over ninety days. Before we send it to collections, we’re asking if you would like to work out a payment plan.”

  Holy fucking shit! The small hairs on the back of my neck rises and chills run down my spine. This can’t be happening.

  “I need to call you back.”


  I don’t even listen to what he’s saying. I hang up and run into my bedroom to the desk where all the bills are kept. I pull all my credit cards and bills out of the file Tyler keeps them all in and start calling the numbers on the back of each card.

  Reached its limit.

  Payment overdue.

  Maxed out.

  Ninety days behind on the phone bill.

  Thirty days behind on the electric bill.

  Two payments behind on the mortgage!


  I drop the cards and papers on top of the desk and stare at the beige wall in front of me having no idea where to go from here. I trusted him. Sure, it wasn’t always rainbows and sunshine, but I fucking trusted him. While I’ve been busting my ass to make the money to pay the bills, he’s been gambling with my money instead of paying them. I always knew he had issues with gambling, but he had promised he would stop. Not only did he not stop, he used all our money and savings to do it.

  I hear a noise coming from the nursery and will myself to shake off the tears that I feel prickling in my eyes before I go to get my little man. I look down into his crib, and he’s lying on his back crying, ready for some dinner.

  “Come here, little man.” He immediately stops crying, smiling up at me while his arms reach up and his little legs stretch out as he kicks excitedly for me to pick him up.

  “I don’t know how, but Mommy is going to handle this, baby boy.” I look at my sweet baby and know it’s up to me to make sure something changes. I can’t just sit back and wait for Tyler to return.

  After throwing the chicken back in the fridge, I grab my car keys and diaper bag. With Tristan in tow, I purchase new locks for the house. Once we get home, I install the locks then grab everything that belongs to Tyler and put it all by the road for the garbage men to pick up.

  The only way that motherfucker is getting back inside my house again is over my dead body.

  * * *


  Eleven Years Ago

  “Please, Gabs, I’m begging you with everything in me not to leave me. Please! I’m so sorry!”

  I’m kneeling in front of my wife, begging.

  Begging her not to leave me.

  Begging God not to let her leave me.

  Knowing my begging will do no good.

  But still begging.

  “Please, Gabs! I love you. Please, baby! Don’t leave me.”

  Placing my hand into hers, I entwine our fingers and squeeze gently, but she doesn’t squeeze my hand back. I know, no matter how much I beg and plead, she won’t squeeze back. She’s leaving me and there’s not a goddamn thing I can do to change it. The truth is, while she’s right here in front of me, she’s already left.

  I promised to always protect her and I broke that promise.

  Chapter one


  Present Day

  “Left jab… Right jab… Block… Block… Block!”

  “Motherfucker, I am blocking!”

  I throw a punch to his face and it hits him square in the eye. I probably shouldn’t have hit him so hard, but the guy isn’t fucking blocking.

  “How the fuck do you plan to fight in six months if you can’t even block!”

  “I was fucking shot! I will have this shit under control by the time the fight gets here!”

  I’m standing in the middle of the octagon in Cooper’s Fight Club training one of my best friends, Caleb Michaels, for an upcoming UFC fight. No, I don’t really expect him to be fighting up to par only five months after being shot, but as his trainer, it’s my job to push him, especially when I see how badly he wants to come back. I refuse to allow him to hold back. When the UFC called with an opportunity for him, I told him he should turn it down, not to push himself, but he insisted he would be ready. So, as his trainer, it’s my job to ensure he is.

  “Maybe if you’re fighting at the upcoming kids’ tournament…”

  “Fuck you, bro.”

  I laugh softly knowing that even though I’m pissing him off, it’s also pushing him, which is exactly what I wanted to do, so I continue to push his buttons, getting him worked up.

  “Maybe that would be a good idea. We could bring Bella, Tristan, and Marco in, and have them spar with you. You’ll probably be able to take the two little ones, but I’m not sure if you would beat Marco.”

  Caleb growls and throws a punch to my gut, hoping to catch me off guard. Of course, it doesn’t work. If he hadn’t been shot
while saving Marco from some drug dealers last winter, he probably would have stood a chance, but with him having been shot in the chest and shoulder, he’s just not fast enough.

  I jump back right before his fist connects with my stomach and laugh harder.

  “Let me at him,” Bella yells, jumping over the ropes. We both look over at the cute three-foot nothing, brown-haired, six-year-old jumping up and down in her fighter stance ready to kick some ass. She’s the perfect mixture of her parents, Liam and Lizbeth Cooper. They also have an almost one-year-old son, Nathan. Liam, who goes by Cooper, is the owner of the gym. His father, who is deceased, is the one who hired me several years ago, back in Colorado.

  I spent four years working at the gym, living with Bentley and Cooper, until I couldn’t handle living in Colorado anymore and decided to make the move to Las Vegas with all the guys, including Caleb, who was moving here hoping for his big break. It paid off. I spent almost ten years training Cooper and Bentley, who were both in the UFC, but the last couple years they’ve both taken a step back. Cooper is running the gyms with his wife, Liz, and Bentley is staying home with his daughters, Chloe and Faith. His wife, Kayla, is the physical therapist here at the gym.

  With the two of them out of the UFC, I’ve taken on Caleb, and Alex, who is another fighter at the gym, full time, aside from the personal training sessions I do with several other up and coming fighters. Caleb was well on his way to the top until he was injured. Long story short, Marco had a druggie mom who owed some guys money and Marco was selling drugs for them. He and his mom got in over their heads and Caleb came to the rescue. He saved Marco and his little sister Chloe, but couldn’t save Marco’s mom who overdosed and died that night. Caleb and Hayley—who is our onsite doctor—were married a couple months ago. Hayley adopted Marco while Bentley and Kayla adopted Chloe. If all goes well Caleb will legally be Marco’s father soon. Not that it makes any difference, he’s already like a father to Marco, and Marco calls him Dad.


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