The Fighting Series (Books 1-5)

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The Fighting Series (Books 1-5) Page 90

by Nikki Ash

“Marco, please. You have to go to Breckenridge,” Chloe whines. “We go every year! And I haven’t seen you in months. Please.” Chloe pouts. It’s been hard for her ever since Marco moved to California. While they’re nearly twelve years apart, they’re still extremely close. I can’t hear what her brother is saying but whatever it is, she isn’t happy about it. “Fine! Whatever!” She hangs up the phone clearly upset and about to storm out of the kitchen.

  Before I can stop her, she takes off. Unfortunately, she doesn’t see Faith and Ryan are in her way. Chloe trips over them by accident, sending the bowl flying out of their hands. The spoon clatters on the floor, and the batter flies across the kitchen. Ryan’s eyes widen in horror as he watches it all happen, tears welling up in his eyes.

  “Oh my God!” Faith yells, mad that her batter is ruined.

  “I didn’t mean to!” Chloe shouts back.

  Ryan’s tears begin falling at the screaming. Kayla sees him upset at the same time I do, and scoops him up into her arms.

  “Girls,” I say, trying to keep my voice calm. Of course they ignore me, arguing over whose fault it is. Maybe I should fucking text them! “Girls,” I try again, a bit louder. I’m still being ignored. Ryan’s cries get louder, and immediately both girls go quiet, realizing what their fighting is doing to him.

  “Ryan, don’t cry,” Chloe coos.

  “It’s okay. We can make new batter,” Faith tells him.

  Both girls try to comfort him with their words, telling him it wasn’t his fault and apologizing for yelling at each other. Ryan, who has his face nuzzled into the crook of Kayla’s neck, peeks out at the girls’ soothing voices. Then I remember Kayla’s mom is here and look around for her. She probably witnessed that scene, grabbed her luggage, and booked the first flight the hell out of this mad house.

  I don’t see her at first, but then I spot her on her hands and knees. What the heck is she doing? Nancy Peterson, my mother-in-law, is wiping up the battered mess. I almost pull out my phone to video this because Liz would never believe it without the proof. “Nancy, you don’t have to do that,” I insist.

  Kayla looks over at her mom using a wet paper towel on the tile, trying to clean up the mess. She blinks a few times then looks around like she’s expecting cameras to pop out and Ashton Kutcher to appear, announcing she’s been punked. I cover my mouth to stifle a laugh, until Faith says, “Mom, I thought you once said Grandma would never be caught dead cleaning.”

  My laugh can no longer be contained. Kayla glares at first but quickly gives up and laughs. We look to her mom and she’s sitting up on her heels staring at us. I compose myself and prepare for the wrath of Nancy to come, but instead we get, “Are you enjoying a laugh at my expense?” Standing, she places the bowl on the counter and then… she smiles. Are you keeping count? This woman has smiled twice since she showed up and I’m almost positive it’s the most I’ve ever seen her smile. Her face must be exhausted.

  “Mom, are you dying?” Kayla frowns.

  “What? Grandma, you’re dying?” Faith says, running over to Nancy. She stops before reaching her grandma, unsure of what to do or how to react. Nancy opens her arms, embracing Faith, and then smiles again. Holy shit! Three times!

  “Oh my God, Mom, you’re dying?” Kayla starts to cry, which causes Ryan to start crying again.

  I grab Ryan out of her arms telling him it’s okay. “Kayla, woman. Can you calm down, please?” I give her a look then glance down at Ryan so she gets it. She takes a deep breath to calm herself.

  “Kayla,” her mom admonishes, “I am not dying.”

  “Then why are you here? Cleaning my floor? And hugging Faith?” Kayla asks incredulously.

  “Can’t a grandmother help clean up a spill and hug her grandchild? Jesus, Kayla, don’t upset everyone into thinking I’m dying.” She washes her hands in the sink then walks over to me. “Come here, Ryan.” Nancy reaches her arms out to take Ryan from me. He doesn’t put his arms out, but that doesn’t deter her. She puts her hands under his armpits and takes him out of my arms. “I’m your grandma. I know you aren’t ready to talk yet, but when you do, you can call me Grandma.”

  Everyone in the room just stands there in shock. Kayla’s eyes meet mine, hers silently asking, “Who is this woman?” I just shrug, having no clue.

  “Girls, since Grandma is here and the batter got messed up, why don’t we order in?” I suggest.

  “Okay,” they agree.

  “Do the dishes, please,” Kayla adds.

  Nancy, still holding Ryan, walks out of the kitchen and into the living room. She sits on the couch and continues to talk to him, asking him questions he doesn’t answer, but she just keeps talking like it’s perfectly normal to have a one-sided conversation with him.

  Kayla and I sit on the couch across from them, watching the interaction. Occasionally Ryan will shake his head or nod. Finally, Kayla speaks up. “Mom, why are you here?”

  “Kayla, can’t a mother visit her daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren?”

  “Yes, she can, but you never have.”

  “Of course I have.”

  “Yeah, once. When Faith was a couple months old. What’s going on?”

  “Well, maybe while I’ve been away traveling I’ve realized how much I’ve missed, and I came here hoping to spend the holidays with my family. Zach mentioned he, Vanessa, and the kids will be meeting you in Breckenridge for a few days after Christmas, so I thought I could join you guys.


  “Yay! Grandma, are you going to go skiing with us?” Chloe asks.

  “Oh, sweetie, Grandma doesn’t—” Kayla starts to say, but her mom cuts her off.

  “I sure am! Think you can teach me how?”

  Now, I’m looking around for the cameras. Clearly, someone is punking us.

  “Yes! Faith and I are awesome at skiing and snowboarding! We can teach you.”

  “Sounds good! So, when do we leave?”

  “Tuesday,” I say. “So, Chinese or pizza?”

  “Chinese,” both girls say.

  Kayla just shrugs still in shock.

  Ryan doesn’t say a word.

  Nancy simply smiles.

  “Chinese it is.”


  When I saw my mom standing on our front door step, I honestly thought I was hallucinating. It’s not a secret our relationship is pretty much nonexistent. For too many years, I lived my life afraid to love. Between getting my heart broken in high school and my parents trying to instill it in my head love isn’t real, my poor husband had his work cut out for him when we met, trying to get me to open up. But he never gave up, and once I found out how amazing love could feel, I made the decision to love those who choose to be in my life, and be okay with not having those who choose not to be in my life.

  Watching my mom clean up messes, hold Ryan, and eat Chinese with us around the living room coffee table is amazing and scary at the same time. I keep waiting for someone to tell me this is all a joke. Years ago, my guard would have been up. I would have told her she’s not welcome here, but now, my guard is down, hoping she’s for real. If Bentley would have pushed me away at the first sign of issues, we wouldn’t have the marriage and life we have today. So, instead of pushing my mom away, I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt, hoping she doesn’t leave again—taking not only my heart but my kids’ hearts with her.

  After dinner, we all watch a Disney movie, then I set her up in Faith’s room—having the girls bunk together—while Bentley gives Ryan a bath. After everyone is down for the night, my mom excuses herself to bed with the excuse of being jetlagged. Bentley says he’s going to clean up the dishes from dinner and tells me to go take a shower.

  After I’m showered and in bed, I text Liz, telling her all about my evening while Bentley’s in the shower.

  Liz: She ate Chinese food at the coffee table?

  Me: Yes!

  Liz: And cleaned up waffle batter from the floor?

  Me: That’s what I said!

  Liz: And kissed and hugged all three kids before they went to sleep?

  Me: Yes!!!!!!

  Liz: I can’t believe it. Maybe Aliens have taken her over her body.

  I snort out a laugh.

  “What’s funny?” Bentley comes out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel, droplets of water trailing down his torso. My mouth goes dry, suddenly feeling parched, needing to lick the beads of water off his abs to hydrate myself. “Kayla?”

  “I told Liz about my mom. She doesn’t believe me.”

  “I considered videoing it for her.” Bentley drops his towel, grabbing a pair of briefs from the drawer to put on.

  “That wouldn’t have been weird at all.” My phone vibrates a few times, probably Liz wondering why I haven’t texted her back, but the only thing on my mind is getting my husband between my legs.

  He grabs the towel from the floor and turns around to throw it in the hamper, during which time I pull my pajama shirt up and throw it on the floor, leaving me in only my panties.

  “No, it would have been really weird, but at least we would have had…” his words fade off when he sees I’m topless. “Damn, woman.” Jumping onto the bed next to me, his mouth goes directly to my nipple, not wasting any time. His hand goes to my other breast, massaging and tweaking the hardened peak.

  “Mmm… Bent. That feels good.” He continues his onslaught on my breasts. Sucking. Biting. Licking. The perfect balance of pain and pleasure stimulating me all the way to my core.

  Taking his dick in my hand, I start to stroke it, getting it hard. “Baby, I need your dick in my mouth,” I moan. He groans in response sucking on my nipple even harder before he lets go of it, backing up.

  With his dick in my hand, I pull it toward me, silently telling him to get over here. Sitting up on his knees, Bentley’s dick bobs right in my face. I start off stroking it, getting it harder, then cover his entire length with my mouth. Sucking and stroking him turns me on. I can feel myself getting wetter. Bentley pinches and pulls my nipples, while I slurp and suck his dick, his head hitting the back of my throat, turning me on even more. His hand moves to my pussy and his finger stretch me while I continue to suck and fuck him with my mouth.

  “Jesus, woman.” Bentley backs up, grabbing my legs together, and pushing them up against my chest. In one swift, fluid motion, he thrusts deep into me. A loud moan escapes my lips as he continues to pump in and out of me with a punishing rhythm. My orgasm builds. Suddenly my legs are spread wide and Bentley is covering me, his body flush against mine, his lips brushing mine, then his tongue delves into my mouth, making love to mine while he makes love to me.

  In this position, his dick rubs against my clit over and over and over again, bringing me closer and closer to the brink, until we’re both taken over the ledge and falling. And holy shit does falling with this man always feel so damn good.

  Once we’ve both cleaned up and lying back in bed with Bentley is spooning me from behind, I broach the subject of my mom. “What do you think about my mom?”

  Dusting my hair to the side, Bentley nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck, and peppers me small kisses behind my ear. “I think I don’t want to think about your mom after I just nearly fucked you into tomorrow.” I laugh and swat at his shoulder. “Okay.” He laughs. “I think she wants another chance at being a good mom and grandma. How do you feel about that?”

  I think about that for a moment then turn around to face him. “I’m not sure. I spent most of my childhood wishing for her to come around, then most of my adulthood accepting she never would.”

  “All we can do is give her a chance. Our house in Breckenridge is plenty big enough for all of us and with my parents going away for the holidays, she’ll be able to spend time with the kids. But Kayla, if she hurts you, I’m going to send her packing. You’ve come too far. We have come too far, for her to tear you down again. If she resorts back to the way she was, she’s gone.”

  “I agree. I just hope it doesn’t come to that. I would love to have a relationship with my mom like I do with yours.”

  “And I hope it happens, but if it doesn’t, she’s gone.” Cuddling into the crook of Bentley’s arm, I lay my cheek down on his chest.

  “Thank you, Bent.”

  “For what, babe?” His arms encircle my body, holding me tight against him.

  “For always protecting me.”

  Bentley grabs my chin and tilts my face toward his, then bending his head slightly, he kisses my lips. “I love you, Kayla. You will always come first.”

  The sunlight comes through the drapes as I hear a whimpering in the baby monitor telling me Ryan is awake. It’s the only noise he makes to indicate he’s ready to get up for the day. The clock says it’s seven in the morning. Bentley is lying next to me—snoring softly—so I turn the monitor off, throw on some pajama pants, and close the door behind me so he can sleep in.

  “Morning, Ry,” I say once I open the door. He reaches up for me and I take him in my arms giving him a soft kiss to his forehead. After taking him to the bathroom and getting him dressed, we head downstairs for breakfast. Because we’re leaving in two days for two weeks, we haven’t gone shopping. There’s some milk and cereal left for maybe two bowls, but that won’t feed all of us.

  Just as I’m considering my options, the front door swings open and closed. There’s no way Chloe or Faith left this morning. They better not have!

  “Oh good! You’re up.” My mom walks into the kitchen with two boxes of donuts and a cup holder full of coffees and milks. “I wasn’t sure what everyone eats,” she says, her voice sounding unsure, unlike the confident mom I grew up with. She sets the boxes and coffees on the island.

  “We aren’t picky. Thank you.”

  She hands me a coffee then turns the box to Ryan so he can pick out a donut. He looks back and forth between us.

  “Grandma bought donuts. Pick any one you want.” Ryan’s eyes go wide. “Go ahead, just point like this.” I point to a donut, pick it up, then put it back. Ryan mimics my motion, pointing to a chocolate one with Christmas sprinkles. “Yum! Christmas sprinkles.” I pick it up and put it in front of him on a napkin, and my mom puts a glass of milk next to it.

  Ryan’s hand comes up, his fingers touching his mouth then moving outward—the sign for thank you. It makes me smile seeing him using the sign language we’ve been teaching him so he can communicate until he’s ready to speak.

  “You’re welcome,” I say, while doing the motion in sign language. Then I grab a donut and coffee and join Ryan on the barstool next to him. My mom sits on the other side of him, doing the same.

  “Thank you for grabbing breakfast. I imagine today and tomorrow will consist of eating out and ordering in while we get everything ready to leave Tuesday. Bentley didn’t want to go grocery shopping and have all the food go bad. He usually cooks the meals.

  “So, Bentley is still home with the kids?” my mom asks.

  Remembering years ago when we had this conversation, my initial thought is to defend our life, defend my husband, but this time around her tone isn’t judgmental, so I take a mental step back before I jump down her throat.

  “Yeah, he loves it. He volunteers at the girls’ school a couple days a week and works out at Cooper’s gym while they’re in school. Since we adopted Ryan six months ago, he’s been focusing on him. We’re hoping Ryan will be ready to start Kindergarten next August. He also volunteers quite a few hours at the rec center the guys built.”

  “Oh, yes. I read about it online when it opened. What they’re doing is amazing.” It’s the first time my mom has admitted to knowing what’s happening in our lives and it gives me hope.

  “It’s not just us, though.” Bentley walks into the kitchen and straight to me, giving me a peck on my cheek. “Morning, babe.” Then he moves to Ryan. “Morning, little man.” Ryan gives him a small smile, pointing to the few crumbs left of his donut. “Did you eat that entire donut all by yourself?” Bentley asks dramatically, and Ryan nods.r />
  “What’s not just you?” my mom asks Bentley.

  “The guys and I had the vision, but our wives helped it come to fruition. Liz does the accounting, Ashley manages the place and runs all the activities, and Kayla and Hayley volunteer their time and donate to the center from their practice.”

  My mom looks confused. “Practice?”

  “Your daughter and Hayley have an extremely successful sports medicine clinic here in Las Vegas. Hayley and two other doctors do the consultations and surgeries, and Kayla runs the physical therapy side of it. She has two PT people who work for her. Sports players come from all over to be seen by them.”

  The way Bentley explains my career to mom fills my heart with pride. When you live with someone for so many years and are married with children, you don’t always remember to compliment each other. You just get so busy with living life. Listening to him, the pride evident in his voice, brings tears to my eyes.

  “Kayla, I had no idea. You never told me. I just assumed all these years you were still working at the gym. Honey, I am so proud of you.” My mom gets off the stool and walks over to me, enveloping me in a hug. It lasts for several seconds, maybe even a minute before she pulls back, her eyes watery with tears. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I don’t want to ruin the moment, so I just shrug.

  She stares for a moment then sighs. “You didn’t tell me because I never asked. I never asked what you were doing or how you were doing. I was so upset about you working for a gym, I pushed you away, making you feel like you couldn’t tell me anything. I’m so sorry, Kayla. I know it’s going to take time, but I’m hoping you’ll let me in and give me another chance.”

  My throat is clogged with emotion, so I nod in agreement, and my mom gives me another motherly hug like the ones Bentley’s mom gives me all the time.

  “Thank you, Kayla. You won’t regret it. I promise.”

  “Oh yeah! Donuts!”

  “Heck yeah!”

  Chloe and Faith come into the kitchen, each grabbing a donut and stand against the island. “I can’t believe you actually bought donuts, Dad,” Faith says, stuffing her face.


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