As Luck Would Have It

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As Luck Would Have It Page 1

by Alissa Johnson

  As Luck

  Would Have It




  For Katherine Jane Johnson,

  because you were the first to believe.

  Sealing the Deal

  “I agree to the arrangement.”

  “Excellent. I suggest we seal the pact with—”

  “A handshake?” she offered helpfully.

  His gaze tracked down to her lips. “I was thinking of something a bit more binding.”

  “A blood oath?” she tried.

  “What? No, a kiss. Where do you get these ideas? You’d prefer a blood letting over kissing me?” he asked in bemusement.

  “A minor pin prick would suffice,” she pointed out reasonably. “I have a hat pin in my reticule that will do nicely.” Sophie reached into her bag and withdrew her weapon with a flourish.

  He dropped her hand. “You have succeeded in ruining the moment. Put the pin away, Sophie, we’re about to arrive at your front door.”

  “Oh!” She began making futile attempts to straighten her disheveled appearance. “Thank you for everything, Alex,” she said sincerely, if a bit distractedly. She crammed her mostly crushed bonnet atop her head and tied the ribbons in a limp bow beneath her chin. “How do I look?”

  Bedraggled, wrinkled, dirty, mussed and heart-wrenchingly beautiful.

  Alex took her face in his hands and kissed her. He didn’t have time for anything more than a brief but passionate pressing of his lips to hers. But it was enough to heat his blood and render her breathless. He nipped her bottom lip playfully, then kissed her gently on the brow.

  “I thought you said I had ruined the moment,” she whispered.

  “You had,” he replied, “but only for a moment.”



  Title Page


  Sealing the Deal


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine




  “A seductive debut filled with rapier-sharp repartee, passion and espionage.”

  —RITA Award–winning author Sophia Nash



  In the years to come, it would be said that the Duke of Rockeforte had died well. Very well indeed.

  At the moment, however, His Grace was far less concerned with the manner of his death than with the notion that he was, as yet, still dying—as opposed to being fully dead—which indicated he might have the time for a few final words. And because his dear friend, the sole witness to his untimely demise, looked so damnably glum, one last spot of fun as well.

  “A good run we had, old man, a good run.”

  A warm hand covered his own. “Save your strength, Rockeforte.”

  “I have been, and for this very bit.”

  “Which bit?”

  “The bit where the dying man wrings…tremendously inconvenient promises from…whomever happens to be nearest.”

  His friend smiled at that. “Tell me what to do.”

  “My children…look after them.” He paused and gave a weak laugh. “The look on your face, old man…. Don’t worry, I know I have but one son…. Not hearing harps yet.”


  Rockeforte’s face twisted with a pain that had nothing to do with his wounds. “Yes, Alex…. He’ll be alone now…. He’s already…too serious by half…. See he takes the time to enjoy life, to be happy.”

  “It’s done.”

  “The others…” He coughed and wiped away a bubble of blood. “Not children of my flesh and blood…but of my heart.”

  “The Coles, you mean, and Miss Browning?”

  Rockeforte gave a small nod. “Whit must look after his family…. He’ll never forgive himself if he…ends up like his father. And little Kate…needs to follow her gift…for music.”

  “I’ll see to it.”

  “Their cousin Evie…life will not be easy for her.”

  “I will do my best to smooth her path.”

  “That little imp Mirabelle…sharp tongue, but…”

  “I know. I’ll watch out for all of them.”

  “I know you will…. Thank you…. No men left in the family…. Whit’s father…doesn’t count.”

  A stream of blood trickled from Rockeforte’s nose. His breathing became more erratic, his voice softer.

  “Rest now,” his friend urged.

  “One last thing…. Promise me…”

  “Promise you what?”

  “Promise me…”

  “You’ve only to ask, my friend. I give you my word, I will see it done.”

  “Promise me…”

  His friend leaned down to catch the whispered words.

  Then straightened so fast his head spun. “You want me to what?”

  Rockeforte smiled weakly and winked. “Too late…you promised, old man.”


  1811, off the coast of England

  It was the general opinion of those who had the pleasure of her acquaintance for more than a fortnight that Miss Sophie Everton had the most extraordinary luck of any human being in living memory.

  It was also agreed to be a shame, really, that said luck did not limit itself to being of the beneficial variety, but was remarkable instead by its consistency and balance.

  Sophie’s experiences with providence ranged from the mundane to the miraculous to the catastrophic. But without fail every windfall was paid for with disaster, and every misfortune was tempered with a boon.

  By four-and-twenty, Sophie had nearly become someone’s seventh wife, been lost in a South American jungle, and been shot straight through the arm with an arrow launched by a drunken hunter.

  In return, she had been saved from unwilling participation in matrimony by the unexpected death of the presiding wise man (her betrothed could not help thinking this was something of a bad omen and gave her half a dozen healthy goats just to go away), had inadvertently stumbled across a previously unknown—and fortuitously friendly—tribe in the jungle, and had inherited a rather lovely town house in a fashionable London neighborhood—deeded to her upon death by the childless and remorseful archer.

  Such an existence would likely reduce most young women to a state of perpetual hysteria. Being of sound mind, reasonable intelligence, and, oh very well, slightly reckless nature, Sophie considered it a wondrous, if occasionally messy, life of adventure. It was also, she was wont to point out, wholly unavoidable. As such, she found it advantageous to keep a smile on her face and a wary eye on the world.

  Much as she was now smiling warily at the gentleman sitting next to her on the deck of The Sailing Diamond. Easily in his late sixties, with endearing gray eyes and a mass of white hair tied at the nape of his neck in a style two decades out of fashio
n, the man reminded Sophie of her father.

  It was to be noted, however, that her father was not currently onboard the ship that would, in two hours’ time, deliver his daughter to English soil for her first visit in nearly twelve years.

  This man of the kind eyes and unfortunate hair had been a complete stranger until five minutes ago.

  And a very strange five minutes it had been, she mused. She’d snuck out from under the nose of her much loved, but often exhausting, chaperone in the hope of finding a moment of solitude. Before she’d had the chance to so much as fully settle herself comfortably on a bench, this odd little man had sat down and pressed a letter into her hand. A letter bearing the seal of the Prince Regent. Then he’d gone on to introduce himself as Mr. Smith and asked her, in the name of the Crown, to please accept a mission of colossal national import. To which she now replied:


  Mr. Smith waited patiently for additional comment. When none appeared forthcoming, he tugged at his wrinkled waistcoat and narrowed his wrinkled eyes.

  “I say, Miss Everton,” he began, “you seem to be taking this all rather well. I hardly expected a swoon, mind you, or some sort of fit, but I find myself surprised you’re not a bit more…well…”

  “Surprised?” she offered helpfully.


  Sophie cocked her head in interest. “You must have done some research into my background before approaching me,” she pointed out reasonably.

  “As it happens, I did hear a great many stories about you,” Mr. Smith chuckled. “They were so unlikely, however, that I attributed them to someone’s overzealous imagination.”

  “It’s possible they were,” she conceded, “but the truth has proved interesting enough in the past to negate the necessity of dramatic embellishments.”

  He gave her a humoring smile. “Really? Were you truly cornered just last year in an open-air market by a Bengal tiger?”

  It was Sophie’s turn to laugh. People rarely believed the tales of her adventures, but she did so enjoy telling them. There was a curious sense of satisfaction to be obtained from their reactions, which generally ranged from delighted to horrified. Never was there a doubt, however, that the listener was entertained.

  “Oh, yes,” she replied with no small amount of relish. “And if you had any desire to see me surprised, you should have been there. After Mr. Wang distracted the beast with some raw meat and a great deal of noise, I indulged in a rather embarrassing display of hysterics. Have you ever seen a tiger, sir?” she inquired. “They really are enormous.”

  Mr. Smith blinked rapidly for a few moments—which she found gratifying—then coughed and peered at her as if he had just noticed something that intrigued him.

  “Do you know,” he said finally, relaxing his gaze and actually smiling at her, “I rather think you’re perfect for this mission. You should do quite well. Quite well indeed.”

  “Well,” she responded, suddenly feeling a little lost. “I’m happy to have your good opinion of course, but I must remind you that I have absolutely no idea what this mission entails or whether I shall agree to undertake it.”

  Mr. Smith patted her hand congenially. “Nothing to it, my dear. Nothing to it. You will, I presume, be residing at your cousin’s town house upon arrival?”

  “It’s my town house, actually, but yes, I will be residing there with Lord Loudor.”

  “Excellent. Excellent. And are you very well acquainted with His Lordship?”

  Sophie narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “We’ve kept up a fairly regular correspondence. He’s been responsible for the management of my father’s estate since we left England.”

  “Indeed. You’ll be reviewing his ledgers when you arrive, no doubt. Well, try not to put him off, if you can help it. Lord Loudor has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. He’s rather popular amongst the ton. In particular, with a select group of gentlemen who garner no respect from me or my employer”—he motioned to the envelope—“and with whom we would like you to develop a better acquaintance.”

  “You want me to spy on my family?”

  If the gentleman had been hoping earlier for surprised outrage, he was no longer disappointed.

  “Miss Everton,” he drawled with exaggerated courtesy. “The king, as you well know, is mad. Napoleon is ever at our gates, and two-thirds of our army is at his. England, at present, is in a most insecure state, threatened from inside our borders—”

  “From my cousin?” she demanded.

  “Actually, Loudor is not currently a suspect. He simply has the misfortune of naming several unsavory gentlemen among his friends.”

  Sophie blew out a long breath and made a conscious effort to ease the grip she’d had on the folds of her skirt. “That’s not misfortune, that’s poor judgment,” she grumbled.

  “Be that as it may, we would like for you to further your acquaintances with these gentlemen. Find a way into their studies, their libraries—”

  “Find a way into their studies?” Was he mad? “Are you mad? Good Lord, I’d get myself caught or injured. I’ve no experience with that sort of thing.” Well, perhaps a very little. “There must be someone, anyone, who would better suit.”

  Mr. Smith shook his head. “No one so much as you. You are, for all intents and purposes, new to London, without known sympathies or loyalties. That, combined with your rank as a viscount’s daughter, means no ballroom or parlor will be closed to you. There is also the matter of your possessing some unusual skills, courtesy of your Mr. Wang, I believe. Lock picking, knife throwing, some form of eastern combat—”

  “I’m only a novice,” she interrupted. Mostly.

  He continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “There is also the fact that we, Miss Everton, have something you need— money.”

  She stared at him in bafflement, unsure of how to respond to that outrageous statement. Did he honestly believe she was greedy enough to quite literally jump through windows for a few coins? Perhaps he wasn’t mad quite so much as dull-witted. Maybe if she spoke slowly and very carefully…“I understand my family’s finances are less stable than they have been in the past, but I have every faith that will turn about. And we’re hardly impoverished—”

  “Your father’s coffers are very nearly empty. He stands to lose Whitefield within six months, a year at best.”

  Sophie was stunned into speechlessness, a rare and unpleasant occurrence for her. After much mental groping she managed, and then only poorly, “I…we…you must be mistaken.”

  “There’s no point in my exaggerating the case, is there? You’d find out the truth as soon as you reached London. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we are in a position to help you. We are offering a considerable sum.”

  For a dull-witted madman, Mr. Smith was annoyingly sensible.

  Dear God, why was she only now hearing of this? And from a stranger? In his last letter, her cousin had mentioned a few minor difficulties with the estate, but nothing she “need worry over.”

  Taking him at his word, she’d made plans to travel halfway across the world to indulge in an expensive London season. How mortifyingly stupid.

  And now they stood to lose Whitefield. Though it had long been the family home and the only consistently profitable estate, it wasn’t entailed. Whitefield could be sold, taken, lost. The means of their survival and the home of her lost mother and sister…gone.


  Straightening her shoulders, Sophie turned to give Mr. Smith her best businesslike stare.

  “You are not directly interested in any member of my family, is that correct?”

  “It is.”

  “How much?” she asked coolly.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “How much money are you willing to offer for my ser vices?”

  “Ah, right. Well, upon arrival, you’ll be given access to a small sum available through a solicitor, pin money as it were. You’ll also have an open account at all the best shops in London. You’
ll be able to purchase any necessary items associated with a young lady’s first season in London. Upon completion of the mission, you shall receive fifteen thousand. Well invested, it should be enough to restore your family’s financial security.”

  Sophie glanced at the envelope. “And if they’re innocent? Will I still receive the money, or is payment contingent upon finding proof of guilt?”

  “If you find no proof, you’ll receive five thousand pounds, a third of the original fee.”

  Sophie shook her head. “Half,” she insisted, “of twenty-five thousand.”

  “Half,” Mr. Smith countered, “of twenty thousand. That is as high an offer as I am authorized to give.”

  Sophie thought hard.

  But not too long.

  “Explain then, please, exactly what I have to do.”

  “You want me to seduce a virgin? Have you gone mad?”

  Alexander Durmant, the Duke of Rockeforte, looked thoroughly disgusted. Slouched miserably in a chair by the fire and not so much sipping as gulping his brandy, His Grace looked ready to whimper.

  Across from him, William Fletcher smiled pleasantly. It occurred to William that he might be smiling just a hair more pleasantly than was strictly necessary under the circumstances, but as head of England’s vast and currently very active War Department, William found it expedient to obtain his amusements when and where he could.

  And, holy hell, but this was going to be amusing.

  “I don’t recall having mentioned the word ‘seduce,’” he replied congenially. “Nor ‘virgin’ for that matter, although I’ve no reason to believe she isn’t. Your task is simply to keep close to the girl.”

  To mask an outright laugh at Alex’s horrified expression, William drew out his handkerchief and blew his bulbous nose loudly and extensively. He knew full well there wasn’t a single matter involving a debutante that could be reasonably described as simple. They were a thoroughly complicated and enormously terrifying lot.

  If Alex were any other man, William might have worried over gaining his cooperation, but for more than four hundred years, the Rockeforte line had served the nation’s interests in what ever capacity was required. Soldiers, spies, ambassadors, what ever the War Department or its earlier counterparts asked, the Rockeforte men answered without question, complaint, or demand. It was a quiet honor ingrained in every male of the family. Alex, honorable to the bone, would rather die than fail to live up to that legacy. He would even forsake his usual pursuit of actresses and courtesans and enter the dreaded world of ambitious debutantes and their title-hungry mamas.


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