Haven Of Obedience

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Haven Of Obedience Page 6

by Marina Anderson

  ‘Fine,’ said Rob pleasantly. ‘Well, now, all three of you have chosen to come on this course because, however strongly you believe your approach to women is right, experience has shown you that you’re not forming successful relationships because of a perceived “failure” on your part by the women. You’ve chosen to come here and learn to change. This is the first visit for all of you, and no doubt already you’re finding it rather strange. However, this is the most intensive of your lessons so far and I shall be interested to see how you respond.

  ‘I think it says something about our society today that all of you have positions of power in your work, and so – like many of the women on our course – you continue to use the same attitudes that you use at work when you climb into bed with a partner. What you have to realise is that you don’t have to be in control all the time.’

  ‘I’m beginning to think it was a mistake to come on this course,’ said Sebastian.

  Rob looked questioningly at him. ‘Why?’

  ‘Because there are an awful lot of high-flying women who are here learning exactly the same as us. We’re all going to end up submissive, and then no one will get any satisfaction.’

  ‘Being less aggressive doesn’t necessarily mean being submissive,’ said Rob. ‘That’s something else that I hope you’ll come to learn. Now, it’s time to begin. Are you ready, girls?’ He looked at the three young women standing at his side.

  The girls were all very attractive, two of them blondes and one a brunette. Swiftly, they unbuttoned their white overalls and then walked slowly to stand one in front of each of the men. They were all wearing high-heeled shoes and stockings, with short chemises over their bras and panties. Their lingerie was of the same design except one of the blondes’ garments was cream-coloured, the other’s was black, and the brunette was wearing virginal white.

  The girls positioned themselves in front but slightly to the side of the men, which meant that Natalie and the other spectators could watch the men’s reactions to what was happening. Slowly, languorously, each of the girls began to strip. Even Natalie could appreciate how arousing the strip was, as they pushed the straps of their chemises down over their shoulders before allowing them to slither down, the silk material caressing their bodies. Then they stepped out of them, still wearing their high heels.

  For a few seconds they stood posing provocatively for the men, whose cocks immediately started to harden, and then they started to rub their hands seductively up and down their thighs, letting the fingers slide beneath their stocking tops. As they did this they also rubbed softly at their bellies, just above the line of their panties.

  Next they removed their high-cut briefs before lazily unfastening a stocking and slowly rolling it down their long, slender legs. As they bent over, their underwired bras emphasised their cleavages, and Natalie heard all the men draw in their breath together as the women twisted and turned, making sure that their partners could relish every tantalising glimpse of flesh.

  Cleverly, despite the fact that they were clearly used to doing this, all the girls pretended to be modest and kept looking downwards. One of the blondes had her face half turned away from Oliver, as though too shy to look at him, and Natalie could see that this was heightening his excitement. His erection looked rock hard, and of the three men he was visibly the most aroused.

  The girls left their bras on until last, as though reluctant to display their breasts, and the blonde girl opposite Oliver took longer than the other two about each movement. Twice she reached behind her back and then, as though changing her mind, ran a hand through her hair while her other hand strayed down the side of her body. By this time her left shoulder strap was falling down her arm, but still she kept Oliver waiting and it wasn’t until both the other girls were completely naked that she finally seemed to find the courage to unfasten the bra and remove it.

  Natalie could tell by the sound of Simon’s breathing that even he wasn’t impervious to what was going on. Obviously he must have seen it several times before, but for the first time she realised what power women had over men if they pretended to be submissive, even though the men knew that it wasn’t true. She wondered what it would feel like to strip for a man in that way, and decided that some time in the future she’d give it a try.

  Once naked, the women turned and looked at Rob as he spoke. ‘Now then, I want each of you to give your lovely partner an orgasm. However, this can’t involve any form of penetration. In other words, you can use your hands, your tongue, or even your toes if you like, but nothing else. There are three chaise-longues there, you can go and lie on those whenever you want, but you may well decide to start right where you are. It’s entirely up to you. I shall be watching carefully, and shall correct you if I think you’re going wrong. Do you understand?’

  The three men mumbled an unintelligible response that Natalie assumed to be ‘Yes’, and then they all stepped forward, anxious to get their hands on the girls.

  Natalie wasn’t in the least surprised to see that all three men grabbed for the girls’ breasts, although Oliver’s touch was far more subtle than that of his companions. ‘You’re not kneading dough, Andrew,’ called Rob sharply, and Natalie saw a look of anger cross Andrew’s face before he changed the way he was touching the brunette’s bust.

  Watching the men fondling the girls, she was reminded of the way she’d been handled by many of her lovers. All three of them lacked the subtlety and delicacy that were needed to help women achieve genuine satisfaction. If ever there was anything designed to show why women had started trying to take control in bed, this exhibition was it, she thought to herself. However, she supposed that it was encouraging that some men were beginning to understand that they were going wrong, even if they’d chosen to pay to learn to do it right rather than listen to their partners.

  After a few minutes all three of the men either led or carried their partners to the chaise-longues. Now Rob allowed the spectators to move forward to the middle of the room, where they had a very good view of what was going on.

  It soon became apparent to Natalie that neither Andrew nor Sebastian was taking any notice of his girl’s response. However, Oliver was different. Although he was clearly very excited, he still spent time caressing his partner’s body, and his mouth travelled from one nipple to the other until the blonde beneath him began to moan softly with rising excitement.

  ‘I really fancy him,’ Heather whispered to Natalie. But before she could say more Simon silenced her with a warning glance. Privately, Natalie agreed with her. There was something attractive about Oliver, and he looked as though, with a little assistance from the course, he’d be a very good lover. Not that he held the same fascination for her as Simon did. On the other hand, she was allowed to want involvement with Oliver, whereas involvement with Simon was forbidden. Unfortunately, the fact that it was forbidden was making it all the more attractive to her.

  Rob, who’d been watching proceedings carefully, suddenly stepped forward and tapped Andrew on the shoulder. ‘You’re trying to make her climax far too quickly,’ he explained. ‘Melanie, you don’t really want his hand between your thighs yet, do you?’

  ‘No,’ agreed the brunette.

  ‘If she doesn’t hurry up I’ll explode,’ protested Andrew. ‘The way she stripped was enough to drive a man mad. Anyway, she’s ready for it. I can tell.’

  ‘Perhaps you didn’t hear her right,’ suggested Rob, helpfully. ‘Melanie said she wasn’t ready to be touched there yet.’

  ‘What does she want then?’ demanded Andrew.

  ‘Use your imagination.’

  Natalie rather doubted that Andrew had very much imagination. Her thoughts were soon confirmed when, after circling her breasts with his fingers a couple of times, he put his right hand down between Melanie’s thighs again. ‘Get up,’ snapped Rob.

  Andrew looked over his shoulder at the instructor. ‘What?’

  ‘You heard me. Get off her. You didn’t do as you were told, which means you h
ave to be punished.’

  As Andrew stood in front of Rob, Oliver and Sebastian continued to stimulate their partners. Surprisingly, Oliver’s girl seemed a long way from climaxing. But Sebastian’s partner’s blonde head was beginning to turn restlessly from side to side and she was uttering whimpers of pleasure as he used his tongue to skilful effect on the tips of her nipples. It looked so exquisite that Natalie’s own nipples stiffened in response.

  Tearing her eyes away from what the other two were doing, she waited to see what Andrew’s punishment would be. Rob placed a hand on the back of his neck and pushed his head down, so that he was bending forward from the waist. Melanie then walked behind Andrew, squeezed a little jelly from a tube on to her finger and slowly inserted it between the cheeks of his bottom. Andrew immediately tried to straighten up, uttering a small sound of protest at this unwanted invasion. But Rob’s hand remained firmly on his neck.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ he asked. ‘Don’t tell me Melanie is doing something that isn’t arousing you? Perhaps that’s her way of showing you what it feels like.’

  ‘I don’t like women doing that to me,’ Andrew complained.

  Melanie’s finger continued to move remorselessly inside the puckered opening and all at once Andrew uttered a cry of alarm. ‘God, tell her to stop or I’m going to come,’ he gasped.

  ‘You’d better stop, Melanie,’ said Rob. ‘It seems you did know best, after all.’ With a smile Melanie did as she was told, and Andrew was allowed to stand up. His erection was enormous, straining upwards, the veins knotted, and Natalie could see a tiny drop of clear fluid in the slit at the end of the glans.

  There’s nothing quite like a woman massaging your prostate to make you feel good, is there?’ murmured Rob. ‘Now, no doubt you’re anxious for an orgasm, but I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until Melanie’s had hers.’

  ‘I’m paying for this weekend,’ protested Andrew. ‘I don’t see why I should—’

  ‘Then leave,’ said Rob, calmly. ‘The other two guests don’t seem to be complaining, but you’re under no compulsion to stay’

  Like Andrew, Natalie glanced at the other two men. Even Oliver’s girl was beginning to move around excitedly, while Sebastian’s blonde was obviously on the very edge of a climax. ‘You see,’ said Rob, ‘if you only do as you’re told you can soon learn to change your ways and have a much better time.’

  ‘My idea of a good time right now would be to come,’ said Andrew.

  ‘It’ll be all the better for the wait,’ Rob assured him, in a tone that brooked no argument. Reluctantly, Andrew followed Melanie back to the couch and as she lay down on it again he lay on top of her. But this time he used his mouth on her breasts. From the appreciative noises that she quickly started to utter, Natalie assumed that he was making a better job of arousing her this time.

  For a few minutes there was silence in the room. But then there was an anguished cry from Oliver’s partner. ‘You stopped too soon,’ she groaned. A muffled exclamation of annoyance came from Oliver.

  ‘What happened, Alice?’ asked Rob, pulling Oliver off the blonde girl.

  ‘I was just about to come and he changed the rhythm,’ explained Alice.

  ‘My hand was getting tired,’ Oliver explained. ‘Anyway, I thought she’d like a change.’

  ‘It seems that you were wrong. I’m afraid it’s your turn to be punished. A pity: you were doing very well.’

  Oliver was less aggressive about this than Andrew had been. Obediently he got off Alice, then stood waiting to see what was going to happen to him. Rob helped Alice up and the pair of them whispered together for a moment. Then, just as Sebastian’s partner uttered a cry of ecstasy and spasmed helplessly beneath him as her climax rushed through her, a blindfold was placed round Oliver’s eyes and he was pushed firmly to his knees.

  Natalie leant forward slightly. The sight of Oliver kneeling submissively at Alice’s feet, unable to see, was the biggest turn-on of the morning so far. Heather was equally excited and the two women glanced at each other before looking back at the hapless Oliver. Now Alice pushed Oliver forward until his forehead was touching the carpet, forcing him into a totally submissive position. Rob then handed her a piece of cord with which she tied his hands loosely behind his back, leaving him totally at her mercy. His body was trembling, but whether with excitement or fear Natalie didn’t know.

  As Rob handed Alice a small riding crop, Heather drew in her breath sharply. ‘I wish they’d let me do that,’ she whispered. Natalie didn’t answer, afraid that Rob would have them sent out of the room if the sound of their voices shattered its highly charged atmosphere.

  As Oliver waited, Alice bent her right arm back and then, with a swift downward motion, flicked the riding crop over his left buttock. He gave a yell of pain, but even before the echoes had died away she’d struck his other buttock. Although he continued to protest, she worked steadily, striking each of his buttocks in turn until his skin began to glow. The blows were clearly hard enough to sting but not sufficiently savage to damage him. It still proved too much for Oliver because soon he started begging for his tormentors to leave him alone.

  At a sign from Rob, Alice stopped whipping her victim, dropped the riding crop on the floor and pulled Oliver upright. She unfastened his wrists but left the blindfold on. Now it was possible for Natalie and Heather to see that despite his apparent dislike of what had happened Oliver had actually been very excited by it. The skin of his erect shaft was so tight it looked ready to explode, and his testicles were drawn up tightly beneath the base of the stem.

  ‘Be careful, Oliver,’ Rob cautioned him. ‘Remember, on no account must you come before you’ve satisfied Alice.’

  ‘Then let me touch Alice again, please,’ Oliver begged. ‘I can’t wait much longer.’

  ‘I hope you can remember what it was that she liked,’ remarked Rob.

  Natalie thought that Oliver probably hoped so too, as the blindfold was removed and he and Alice went back to the long couch. As Alice lay down once more, there was a sharp cry of pleasure from Melanie as Andrew finally managed to bring her to orgasm. It had taken him a long time and once or twice, while Oliver had been being punished, Rob had had to go over to Andrew and caution him. But at last he, like Sebastian, had achieved his goal. Now there was only Oliver left.

  This time Oliver didn’t make any mistake. Natalie quite expected him to begin where he’d left off, with his hand between Alice’s thighs. Instead he started by caressing the side of her face and neck, trailing his fingers over her shoulders and the insides of her arms while at the same time he licked delicately at the undersides of her breasts. He also drew each of her nipples in turn into his mouth, sucking on them until her hips began to twitch with pleasure.

  Natalie’s belly felt tight, and she was hot all over. Watching three women being pleasured, brought to orgasm by men who were being forced to obey instructions, was so arousing that she was desperate for relief herself. Next to her, Heather was surreptitiously caressing her breasts through the thin material of her dress. Clearly she was now even more turned on by Oliver than she had been at the beginning.

  Eventually Oliver’s hand moved between Alice’s thighs again, and as Alice opened her legs Natalie could see that the blonde girl was damp with excitement. Oliver’s fingers moved lightly and carefully as he parted his partner’s sex lips and began to move his fingers around until he located the place where he’d been before. Immediately she started to twist and turn in a frenzy of excitement. Luckily for Oliver it wasn’t too long before Alice gave a scream of delight as the sexual tension of the extended session was finally released in a rush of pleasure – a pleasure that Natalie wished she could share.

  ‘Excellent,’ said Rob, the satisfaction evident in his voice. ‘Right, now the three of you can make love to your partners any way you wish. But remember that you’re being judged and the kind of tutoring you receive over the next day and a half will depend on how you behave now.’ Natalie rather do
ubted that any of the men would listen to anything after they’d heard that they could finally release their pent-up sexual tension by driving their rigid, pulsating erections into their partners.

  Sebastian grabbed hold of his girl by the waist and, without any further preliminaries, pushed her against the wall. Obviously used to this kind of reaction, the girl immediately hooked her right leg around his upper left thigh in order to allow him to penetrate her more deeply. One of her arms went round his neck while the other reached round his waist to grip his buttocks so that she could help him move in the rhythm that suited her best.

  The frantic urgency of their coupling was very arousing and Natalie began to fidget restlessly as her own need for some kind of sexual stimulation grew. She felt more aroused than she could ever remember and yet she was only watching other people. It shocked her that she could be turned on in this way. She’d never have believed it possible if she hadn’t experienced it.

  All Andrew did was to get Melanie to lie on her face on the long sofa that they’d been using earlier. Pushing her legs up until she was in a semi-kneeling position, he then drove into her fiercely, almost roughly, making no attempt to caress her in any way. It was clear that his partner’s pleasure was no longer of interest to him. He’d forgotten everything in his urgent rush for his long-delayed climax. After little more than a minute he collapsed on to Melanie’s back, his breathing heavy and ragged. Watching the pair of them, Natalie knew that there would have been nothing in that for Melanie. Clearly Andrew still had a lot to learn.

  Both she and Heather were very interested in Oliver. As soon as the men were given permission to have their own orgasms the other two had rushed towards their goal, but Oliver was different. He sat on the edge of the couch that he and Alice were using and then eased Alice on to his lap, with her back against him. As she rested her head against his shoulder he put his arms around her, his left hand lightly fondling her breasts while his right hand strayed over her hips and down between her thighs.


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