Haven Of Obedience

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Haven Of Obedience Page 19

by Marina Anderson

  ‘Simon Ellis has arrived,’ replied her secretary. ‘Shall I ask him to come back later?’

  ‘No!’ said Natalie loudly, and then she checked herself. ‘I mean, that’s okay. Show him through. I’m not that hungry, anyway.’

  When Simon walked through the door Natalie felt a fluttering sensation in her solar plexus and her heart began to race. If anything, he was even more attractive than she’d remembered. His dark eyes gleamed in his pale, strong-boned face. ‘Sorry I’m late,’ he said coolly. ‘The car broke down.’

  ‘Not a very good start,’ responded Natalie.

  ‘No,’ he agreed. ‘I read my article in your magazine last month. You hadn’t changed a word.’

  ‘I’ve better things to do than change my contributors’ words. If they’re not good enough to write a decent article then I don’t employ them.’

  Simon nodded. ‘That makes sense. So, is this position that you mentioned still open?’

  ‘Yes. My secretary will explain it to you, but on the whole you’ll be doing similar articles to the one of yours we’ve already published. Most months you can choose the subject. Occasionally, particularly if it’s a themed issue, then I’ll have to decide. The content will always be yours. Right now I need a nine-hundred-word piece on pets as substitutes for men in the lives of single career women. Do you think you could do that for me?’

  Simon raised his eyebrows. ‘I’m not a pet person.’

  ‘Neither am I,’ said Natalie briskly. ‘However, you don’t need to be a pet lover. Actually, the fact that you aren’t one will probably give the article an extra edge. I’d like it on my desk by five-thirty tonight, please.’

  Simon got to his feet. ‘Of course. What happens when we leave here, Natalie?’

  ‘I thought we’d already discussed that.’

  ‘But are we going back to my place or yours?’

  ‘Mine,’ said Natalie quickly.

  ‘I suppose that makes you feel safer, does it, knowing that you can throw me out at any time?’

  ‘It seems a sensible precaution at the start of a relationship.’

  ‘You know, listening to you talk like that makes me wonder whether The Haven changed you at all,’ said Simon.

  ‘I don’t wish to discuss The Haven during office hours.’

  ‘I’m sure you don’t. Just make sure that you don’t forget it when the office door closes behind you at night.’

  Once he’d left her office Natalie realised how tense she was. Her shoulders were up round her ears, and she took a few deep breaths and massaged her scalp in order to free some of the tension. Simon’s incredible sexuality, his raw animal magnetism, was so great that it had been very difficult for her to concentrate on work. She’d also been afraid that he’d try to undermine her authority in some way, and was relieved that he hadn’t. The only thing was, as she was going to keep her guard up all day she wasn’t certain how easy it would be to let it down at night.

  At five o’clock, Simon walked back into her office and placed some sheets of paper in front of her. ‘There you are, the article you asked for. I’ve met the deadline with half an hour to spare.’

  Natalie nodded. ‘Very commendable. That gives me time to go through it before we leave.’

  ‘As long as you don’t try and discuss it once we get home.’

  ‘Back at my home, you mean.’

  ‘Oh, Natalie,’ said Simon softly. ‘When will you learn? I thought it was going to be our home, at least for the moment.’

  Natalie felt flustered. ‘Yes, of course it is, but ...’

  ‘But you still think of it as yours, like this magazine, is that it?’

  ‘No,’ she protested. But she knew that he was right. It was going to be very difficult for her to hand over her private life to someone else and by reminding him that the flat they’d be living in would be hers she was attempting to prevent him from taking total control. ‘I’ll buzz you when I’ve read this,’ she said dismissively.

  Twenty minutes later Simon was back in the office. ‘Was it all right?’ he asked politely.

  Natalie frowned. ‘I’m afraid not.’

  ‘What’s wrong with it?’

  ‘Sit down and I’ll tell you.’

  For a moment he hesitated. But then, very slowly, he settled himself on the chair opposite her, crossed his arms over his chest and looked thoughtfully at her. ‘Fire away.’

  ‘You’re patronising our readers,’ said Natalie. ‘In fact, you’ve come dangerously close to showing contempt for them. That’s not what our magazine’s about. The truth is that pets don’t judge you by who you are or what you do, they judge you by your actions towards them. That’s why career women find their pets better company than men. You make it sound as though there’s something wrong with the women.’

  ‘Instead of with the men, you mean?’

  ‘Yes, I suppose so.’

  ‘I don’t think there is anything wrong with most men. I think that if women want a tame puppy or kitten that’s fine. But they can’t expect men to behave in the same way.’

  Natalie tried to be patient. ‘Simon, this isn’t about what you think, it’s about the big picture. It’s yet another indication of how successful career women are losing out.’

  ‘Never mind, their loss is the animal kingdom’s gain.’

  ‘Don’t be flippant. I’d like this redone tomorrow. I know you can do better.’

  ‘Then you know more than I do. Since you seem to have such a good grasp of how the article should be written, perhaps you’d care to do it yourself.’

  Natalie began to lose her temper. ‘I am the editor, Simon. I have the final say and I say that this isn’t good enough. I’m not trying to censor what you write—’

  ‘Yes, you are.’

  ‘I am not. I’m simply asking that you take a slightly more sympathetic look at the situation, have a rethink, and then write it again.’

  ‘I didn’t realise that censorship flourished under your editorship.’

  ‘It doesn’t,’ said Natalie, struggling to keep her voice calm. ‘The trouble with you is you’ve been freelance too long and although you’ve had individual articles accepted you’ve never had to produce regular features to fit someone else’s criteria. I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it quite quickly.’

  A pale pink colour stained Simon’s cheekbones. ‘How very kind of you to say so. Why don’t you write “Must try harder” in the margin, just to make sure that I get the message?’

  ‘Don’t be childish,’ snapped Natalie. ‘Here.’ She pushed his article across the table towards him.

  Simon opened his mouth as though to say more but then closed it again, grabbed the offending article and stalked out of the room.

  Natalie slumped in her seat. She knew that she’d been hard on him, harder than she need have been. But she felt that it had been important he understood from the very beginning that at work her word was law.

  When Natalie arrived back home Simon was already sitting outside in his car. ‘How did you know the way?’ she asked.

  ‘I’m quite good with street maps.’

  She glanced inside the car. ‘You haven’t brought much with you.’

  ‘I may not be staying long. I’ve brought enough for a few nights.’

  It felt strange, walking into her flat at the end of the day accompanied by a man who was going to stay for the whole evening and night. She felt an unexpected surge of resentment that he’d now probably expect her to start cooking a meal.

  ‘I always have a glass of wine when I get in,’ she said defiantly.

  ‘Fine. I’ll have a cold beer.’

  ‘I don’t have any beer in.’

  ‘You’d better pick some up on your way to work tomorrow.’

  ‘Pick it up yourself,’ retorted Natalie.

  Simon grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her against the kitchen door, his hand pinioning her shoulders against the wood. ‘You’re not at work now, so you can stop giving orders.’
br />   ‘You gave me an order.’

  ‘Yes, but that’s because we’re at home. The rules change then, remember?’

  ‘This isn’t The Haven. The only rules we have to abide by here are mine. It’s my home.’ The moment the words were out of her mouth she regretted them. Simon’s eyes, which had been gleaming, flicked away from her and his hands started to release her shoulders. ‘I knew this wouldn’t work,’ he muttered.

  Realising what she’d done, Natalie caught hold of his jacket. ‘I’m sorry. This is really difficult for me but I want it to work. I’ve done nothing but think about you since we last met. I’ve used the list you gave me to go to parties and dinners, but although they were fun it wasn’t the same without you. Please, give me another chance.’

  ‘This has to work for both of us,’ said Simon and now his voice was gentle. ‘It has to be fun, a way of life that we both enjoy.’

  ‘You didn’t look as though you were enjoying yourself in the office.’

  ‘You really have got a sharp tongue haven’t you? You know, your problem is that you don’t relax enough.’ With that, he pushed her against the door once more. Only this time he then kneeled in front of her, pushed her skirt up to her waist, pulled down her panties and closed his mouth around her vulva. Gently he opened her up with his hands so that his tongue could caress her throbbing sex.

  Natalie’s legs began to shake and she could feel her clitoris tingling as the pleasure grew. Her head fell back against the door as she let the delicious sensations wash over her and then, very quickly, she shook as a wonderfully warm, gentle climax rippled through her.

  Simon got to his feet, went to the fridge and poured her a glass of wine. ‘Here, you’d better drink this before you start preparing our meal.’

  ‘I don’t usually cook,’ she confessed.

  ‘You’ve got pasta, haven’t you? That’s hardly in Delia Smith’s league but it’s better than a takeaway. Anyway, I want you to put on some sexy underwear before you start cooking. That should add a little something to the meal.’

  ‘I can’t do that,’ protested Natalie.

  ‘Why not? It’s what I want.’

  Natalie was becoming very excited. Although a part of her resented what was happening another part of her found it very arousing. When she was in her bedroom changing into a black lacy underwired bra and matching lace panties she caressed her body with her hands, glancing at herself in the full-length mirror as she did so. The length of her legs was emphasised by the high heels that she put on to go with the black lace-topped hold-up stockings. Her body was so desperate for a caress that she fondled her own nipples for a moment before returning, with rather flushed cheeks, to the kitchen.

  All the time she cooked the meal Simon was touching her. He ran his fingers down the curve of her spine, put his hands on each side of her waist and pressed inwards so that she longed for them to move lower down. Then he released her and contented himself with nuzzling the nape of her neck. It was incredibly difficult for her to concentrate on the pasta and by the time they sat down to eat it wasn’t food that she was hungry for – it was Simon.

  ‘Delicious,’ he remarked as he ate the tagliatelle. ‘You make a very sexy cook.’

  ‘I feel very sexy,’ she confessed.

  Simon smiled. ‘That’s good, because I’ve got a little surprise prepared for later.’

  After that Natalie completely lost her appetite because all she could think about was what he might be going to do to her, and how much her body would enjoy the pleasure that she was finally going to be allowed to receive.

  When they were finishing their coffee the doorbell rang. ‘Oh no,’ groaned Natalie. ‘Who could it be? No one ever calls on me at this time of the evening. I won’t bother answering it.’

  ‘You have to answer it,’ said Simon firmly.

  ‘I can’t, not dressed like this.’

  ‘Yes, you can. Go and answer the door. Now,’ he added.

  Natalie stared at him. ‘But what will they think?’

  ‘I don’t care what they think. I want you to do it. I want to know that you’re standing there dressed like that, looking so sexy and provocative.’

  Just as she had at The Haven, Natalie began to feel vulnerable and humiliated. But clearly this was what she needed because her nipples hardened into tiny rigid points and the touch of her lacy bra against them sent electric shocks darting through her breasts. Obediently she got to her feet and went to the front door. There she hesitated for a moment, her heart racing. Then, knowing that Simon would soon start getting annoyed, she forced herself to open the door.

  To her incredulous delight, standing in the doorway were Sajel and Anil. ‘I’ve been trying to ring you ever since my second weekend at The Haven!’ she said. ‘I had your number but there was never any answer.’

  ‘We’ve been away, getting reacquainted,’ explained Sajel, with a demure smile.

  ‘You look very nice, and I’m sure your neighbours appreciate it but perhaps we could come in?’ suggested Anil.

  ‘Oh God, I forgot,’ cried Natalie, and she quickly stood back to let them in. ‘Simon’s staying for a few days,’ she explained.

  ‘We know,’ said Anil. ‘He was the one who asked us to come over. He wanted tonight to be special for you.’

  Natalie’s chest felt tight with excitement. ‘You mean, you’ve come to join us?’

  ‘Of course,’ said Sajel. ‘It will be fun, won’t it?’

  ‘Oh, yes,’ agreed Natalie.

  ‘There, what do you think of my surprise?’ asked Simon, as the three of them joined him in the small dining-kitchen.

  ‘I can’t think of anything you could have done that would have pleased me more,’ admitted Natalie.

  ‘Good. Well, I think we’ve finished with the coffee so I suggest we all have a drink and then go upstairs.’

  As the four of them entered Natalie’s bedroom she and Sajel glanced at each other. ‘It’s like being back at The Haven, isn’t it?’ whispered the Indian girl.

  ‘Even better than that,’ replied Natalie. ‘Now we’re doing what we want – and with the men we’ve chosen.’

  ‘Right, girls,’ said Simon. ‘We’re going to play a game. Once you’re undressed Anil is going to give each of you a massage, so that both of you are in the mood for what will follow. Once he’s done that I shall dress you in something a little special, then Anil will try and bring Sajel to a climax while I do the same with Natalie. The idea is for Anil and me to try our very best to make you come, but for you to delay your pleasure as long as you can. The winner will be the girl who controls herself best.’

  ‘Is there a prize?’ asked Sajel.

  Simon smiled. ‘Only a punishment, I’m afraid.’

  With rising excitement the two girls stripped off their clothes and then took it in turns to lie on Natalie’s king-sized bed while Anil covered them with perfumed massage oil. He worked on Sajel first. As Natalie listened to the other girl’s sighs of pleasure her own breathing quickened, and she felt her excitement growing. ‘Enjoying yourself?’ whispered Simon in her ear. She didn’t answer. She didn’t have to, because her trembling flesh told him all he needed to know.

  At last it was her turn. As she lay face down on the bed and felt Anil’s strong fingers kneading the muscles in her shoulders and neck, before travelling lower down the sides of her spine and over her buttocks, she gave a low moan of pleasure. She’d forgotten how clever his fingers were, and was surprised at how skilfully his massage both relaxed and aroused her.

  When he’d finished with her back Anil rolled her over, and she stared up at him unblinking as his fingers skimmed lightly over the delicate bones of her shoulders before massaging her tight little breasts. He took particular care to oil her highly sensitive nipples, and she felt them start to throb and ache. Before his hands moved lower down her body he brushed the palms against the rigid tips and, to her shame, she nearly came then. It took a supreme effort for her to control herself.

nbsp; While Anil continued to work on Natalie’s lower body, although he took care to avoid the area between her thighs she wondered how on earth she was going to stop her pleasure from erupting immediately Simon began to arouse her.

  ‘There, that’s done,’ said Anil when he’d finished sliding his fingers over her feet and between her toes, which was incredibly sensual. ‘Do we want them to lie side by side while we work on them, Simon?’

  ‘I think so,’ agreed Simon. ‘It will add to their excitement if they can hear each other’s responses. First, though, I have to put the silk on them.’

  Natalie sat up on the bed and watched as Simon fastened a thick leather belt tightly around Sajel’s small waist. At the front and back of the belt there were round metal rings. She watched as he took hold of a long, narrow strip of silk, got Sajel to stand in front of him with her legs apart and then fastened one end of the silk in the ring at the back of her before passing the material between her legs and up through the ring at the front, giving it a firm tug to make sure that it was tight.

  Sajel uttered a little squeal and Natalie wondered what it felt like. ‘That’s all I’m going to do,’ said Simon. ‘Your turn, Natalie.’

  Sajel stood to one side. Natalie stood passively in front of her lover as he fastened a similar belt around her waist, cinching it tightly, and then she felt the caress of the silken material between her thighs. Anil’s massage had aroused her so much that she was already very damp. Because the strip of material was narrow it slid between her outer sex lips, pressing firmly against the inner, throbbing flesh and her hard, aching clitoris. Now, with the added pressure of the material, her lower belly felt tight and her thighs started to tremble.

  Quickly the two girls were laid side by side on their backs and ordered to close their eyes. Then Natalie waited, hardly daring to breathe until she felt the two men get on to the bed. In her mind she’d imagined many things that might happen to her, but she was completely taken by surprise when she felt the soft caress of what seemed to be a tiny pointed brush moving over the silk. This would have been stimulating enough on its own, but the brush was wet and cool, which meant that the more Simon drew it back and forth over the tight silk that was cutting into her sex the more her nerve endings leaped and tightened.


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