Wedding Planning With Mr White (BWWM Interracial Romance)

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Wedding Planning With Mr White (BWWM Interracial Romance) Page 6

by J A Fielding

  “Bride and groom,” she said looking at Natasha and Mitchell who were now on their feet. Natasha smiled and gave her cousin a tight squeeze like she would never let go.

  “Hey Mona,” Natasha said as Mitchell took his turn in hugging Mona. “Guess we’ll have to wait for another wedding in the family so that I can see you again,” she added with an evil grin. Mona pulled away from Mitchell and placed a reassuring hand on Natasha’s shoulder.

  “You know I would see you more if I could but that place…” she paused and took a deep breath. “And there’s Dash and his school,” Mona added. “But I’m thinking of moving closer to home if you know what I mean,” she added winking at Natasha.

  “Where is Dashiell anyway? It’s been a minute,” Natasha said as she sat down.

  “Somewhere around this damned hotel. Nana Estelle is with him,” Mona answered. “The woman can’t get enough of that boy but I ain’t complaining,” she said as she turned her attention to Leo, who had remained quiet all this time obviously taken aback by her strong presence. Mitchell cleared his throat, perhaps to get Leo’s attention.

  “Leo Hayes, this is Mona Simone Daniel, Natasha’s cousin,” he said. “Mona, Leo, my best friend,” he added as Leo shook Mona’s hand.

  “So you did find me a good looking escort, Tasha,” Mona said taking her glasses off just in time for Leo to feast his eyes on her warm piercing brown eyes. “Very nice to meet you,” she said as she smiled at Leo.

  “Believe me, the pleasure is all mine,” Leo said still looking into Mona’s intense eyes.

  “So, what’s on the menu today?” Mona asked taking a seat next to Leo. “Because trust me child I have three days away from that damned law firm and I can’t wait to burn this baby up,” she said with a clap of her hands.

  “Well, today is the last day the boys have with us,” Natasha said.

  “Yeah, sadly,” Leo said looking at Mona. “Apparently you ladies have to do some spa thing or something,” he added with a smile.

  “Oooh, that’s of major importance. We got to look good for ya’ll,” Mona said with a smile.

  “I don’t think you have a problem there,” Leo said looking at her. The other two couples quickly exchanged glances.

  “He works fast,” Dave whispered to Rita, Mitchell and Natasha.

  “Tell me about it,” Mitchell said shaking his head.. He rubbed his hands and stood up. “The sooner we get started, the better. Otherwise, we might be the ones getting mani-pedis,” he said as he pulled Leo to his feet. Leo gave him a look of disapproval.

  “Am in 704, maybe we could catch up for a night cap,” Leo said looking at Mona.

  “Looking forward to it,” Mona said as the three boys walked away. Rita looked at Mona in surprise.

  “Man, you are really on a major rebound, aren’t you?” she asked as Mona moved closer to Natasha. Mona looked at Rita and smiled.

  “The rebound period is already over sister. I just need a man to oil up the old machines,” Mona said. Rita and Natasha looked at each other and laughed.

  “Same old Mona,” Rita said. “How is Dash dealing with the whole divorce thing?” she asked.

  “Thank God it happened when he was old enough to understand everything,” Mona said. “He knows me and Pete love him but we just can’t stay under the same roof. So he gets to spend two weekends with me and the other two with Pete. We alternate the weekdays,” she added.

  “Smart kid,” Rita said as Stacy walked towards them. Mona smiled as Stacy took a seat next to Natasha.

  “Everything is set, Tasha. Felicia Kane’s advertising is underway and the two new projects are already being looked at by legal. Everything should be set by the time you come back from your honeymoon,” she said looking at her iPad. Natasha looked at Rita and smiled.

  “Well, hello little elf,” Mona said smiling. Stacy looked up from her iPad and her face flushed a bright red.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there,” she said in a shaky voice.

  “Aren’t you a sweetie,” Mona said beaming, still looking at a red faced Stacy. Natasha took the iPad from Stacy’s hand and put it in her bag.

  “Stacy, as your boss I command that you let loose and have fun,” she said. “This is Mona Daniel, she’s my cousin. Mona, this is Stacy, my friend and also my assistant,” she added as Mona smiled at Stacy.

  “You are quite the busy bee,” Mona said. Stacy nodded.

  “I don’t like leaving any stone unturned,” Stacy said.

  “Well, your boss has officially given you the weekend off,” Rita said smiling at her. “Just for three days, act like Natasha and Mitchell are not your bosses,” she added. Stacy frowned.

  “I don’t really know if I can do that,” Stacy said. “They do command quite a strong presence you know,” she added. Mona laughed.

  “Ignore them, girl,” Mona said as she looked at Stacy’s full chest. “Are those real?” she asked pointing at Stacy’s breasts that were fully visible in the sleeveless dress she wore. Stacy’s face reddened again.

  “Mona!” Rita and Natasha said in unison. Mona looked at them innocently.

  “What? I have never seen a white woman with knockers like those,” Mona said as if what she had just asked was the most normal thing in the world. “Can I touch them?” she asked still looking at Stacy who was looking back at her with her mouth slightly gaped.

  MONA!” Rita and Natasha said again.

  “Seriously guys, no homo. I just want to know what real ones feel like,” Mona said. Rita and Natasha looked at her in disbelief.

  “We all have real ones,” Rita said staring at Mona, still shocked.

  “Yeah, but we are black women. She’s white with great knockers…God-given,” Mona said trying to justify her point.

  “Never mind her,” Natasha said to Stacy, her arm still draped firmly around her shoulders.

  “Oh holy hell,” Stacy finally spoke up.

  “Okay, it’s not that bad. I am straight,” Mona said leaning back in her chair.

  “It’s not you,” Stacy said looking at the entrance. “It’s that,” she said pointing towards the doorway. The three looked up to see a slender blonde haired woman walking towards them.

  “Now those I can tell are implants,” Mona said to Natasha who was too busy trying to recall where she had seen the blonde to actually notice Mona’s highly inappropriate comment.

  “And so we meet,” the blonde said when she finally got to their table. “Stacy, still sucking up to the mistresses I see,” she added looking at Stacy. Natasha looked at Stacy and then at Rita.

  “I’m sorry but I do not appreciate people being rude to my friends,” Natasha said firmly.

  “You got one that stands up for you,” the woman said smiling.

  “Who the fuck is this?” Mona asked looking up at he blonde.

  “Lisa Maslow,” Stacy said.

  “Formerly Lisa Maslow Schmidt,” the blonde said stretching out her hand to shake Natasha’s hand.

  “Mitchell’s ex?” Rita asked, more of exclaimed actually.

  “Can I have a few minutes with the bride, ladies?” Lisa said looking at Stacy, Rita and Mona.

  “Please bitch, whatever you have to say…” Mona started saying before Natasha touched her hand.

  “I got this,” Natasha said calmly.

  “Nah ah, we ain’t leaving you with this psycho bitch,” Rita said standing up. “How did you even know which hotel we were at?” she asked angrily.

  “Please. It’s Mitchell Schmidt getting married,” Lisa said. “There are lot of people on this side of the Hamptons that are willing to give you information for a couple of hundred bucks,” Lisa added with a smile.

  “Seriously guys, I got this,” Natasha said. Rita looked at her, unsure.

  “That’s the same thing you said when Jay…”

  “…I am getting married in a couple of days. No blonde airhead is going to ruin that,” Natasha said cutting her short, loud enough for Lisa to hear. Rita, Mona and
Stacy slowly walked away as Stacy mumbled something like, “every time I am around there is a weird case of the ex.”

  “So, Lisa, something I can help you with?” Natasha asked sitting down. She crossed her legs and leaned back in her chair. She was wearing a strapless maxi that not only showed off her great curves, but also gave people an excellent view of her generous cleavage, her real God given cleavage.

  “Actually, it’s what I can do for you,” Lisa said smiling. “Do you mind if I sit down?” she asked.

  “Suit yourself,” Natasha said giving her a cold hard stare.

  “I know this is a bit intrusive, but has Mitch asked you to sign a pre-nup yet?” Lisa asked. Natasha smiled.

  “You’re right, that is none of your business,” Natasha said. Lisa smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “I’m really sorry about this, but you know we women that Mitchell hopes to wrong in his lifetime ought to stick together,” Lisa said leaning forward. Natasha could hardly believe her ears.

  “I hate to break this to you, Lisa,” Natasha stated. “But you ceased being Mitchell’s woman the day your divorce was finalized,” she added, giving her the same cold smile she had earlier given her.

  “I know this is a bit offensive to you but I just want to make sure you will be taken care of in case this whole thing goes to the dogs,” Lisa said. Natasha looked at her in disbelief. This woman had some nerve.

  “What makes you think it will go to the dogs?” she asked.

  “Well, look at me Natasha. I am every man’s dream,” Lisa said standing up and turning around. ‘Yeah, every man except for Mitchell,” she thought as she looked at Lisa. “And he could not hold all this down,” Lisa added. Natasha laughed cynically as she took her bag and zipped it up.

  “Lisa, the only reason you and Mitch didn’t work out is because you couldn’t hold those damn long legs together,” she said. “Yeah, he told me all about that and so much more like you going psycho on him and shit,” she added when Lisa’s eyes grew wide. “But let me tell you one thing. You can come to the wedding but so help me God if you try anything, I will shove my foot so far up your ass that even if you ever get children, they won’t be able to sit down till they’re at least ten. You hear me?” she said standing up. She surprised herself that she maintained her cool even though her words were highly violent in nature. By this time, her cousin, Stacy and Rita were already making their way back to the table.

  “Is everything okay here?” Mona asked staring daggers at a dumbfounded Lisa.

  “Everything’s just fine,” Natasha said. “We have an appointment at the spa, ladies. Lisa,” she said as she began walking out.

  “You better watch yourself bitch. I’m from The Bronx,” Mona said in a threatening tone. The four walked away leaving a scared, tongue-tied Lisa at the table.

  “Mona, you are not from The Bronx,” Natasha said giggling.

  “It feels good telling people that. It commands some respect,” Mona said smiling.

  “You are preaching to the choir, sister,” Rita said giving Mona a high five. Stacy giggled.

  “I don’t think I have ever seen her that quiet or white in my life,” Stacy said. Mona put an arm around Stacy’s shoulder and smiled at her.

  “Hang out with us more, we’ll teach you how to instill the fear of God in people,” she said. “So seriously, can I touch them? Just a light squeeze?” Mona said again. Stacy looked up at her shocked all over again. Natasha and Rita jerked their heads to look at Mona, still not believing she had not dropped the topic.

  “MONA!” The two yelled in unison.

  Chapter 7

  On the eve of their wedding, Mitch and Natasha had the entire bridal party fooled that they would not see each other. But for some reason, like two sex crazed teenagers, they just had to sneak out of their rooms. Natasha peeped out of her room, thanking God that Rita was downstairs in Dave’s room doing God knows what. She tiptoed quietly past Leo’s room and knew exactly what was happening. There were uhs and ohs being uttered and that could only mean one thing, Mona had taken Leo up on his night cap offer. She found herself breathing a sigh of relief that her Nan was around which meant that Dash was probably staying over with her.

  She smiled when she heard Leo’s familiar voice commanding Mona to say his name.

  “Harder!” she heard Mona’s voice plead.

  “Like that?” That was Leo’s voice.

  “Yeah, don’t stop!” Mona screamed. “Oh my God! Just like that …oh baby please don’t stop!” Natasha quickly walked past the door. She would hate for someone to associate her with the two “perverts” in the room. She thought of taking the elevator but then she thought that chances of bumping into someone she knew there were too high. Maybe even her dad. “Oh my God, I would die,” she thought as she imagined how her father would look at her should he bump into her in the elevator. She smiled when she thought of the lecture he would give her.

  “Couldn’t you just wait a few more hours, honey?” he would ask looking concerned. In his eyes would also be a slight hint of embarrassment caused by engaging his daughter in a topic so sensitive. When she got to the floor above hers, she looked at the doors and sighed. “Was it 804 or 805?” she wondered looking at the two doors in front of her. She tried to remember what room the guy at the reception had said but she was too drunk when the room keys were being handed out. “804…I hope I’m not wrong,” she thought as she put her hand on the door knob and twisted it. She breathed a sigh of relief when she found that it was unlocked. It was definitely Mitchell’s room, it had to be Mitchell’s room. Why else would someone leave their room unlocked? She twisted the doorknob and froze in her tracks when she saw Stacy in the arms of Tyrone, Mona’s brother. She quickly closed the door silently before going into the next room.

  Mitchell jerked his head around when he heard his room being opened. He smiled when he saw Natasha. She looked a bit white faced like she was shocked or something. Oh God, was she having second thoughts? Was she rethinking the whole marriage? He felt his heart beating faster as he looked at his fiancé’s pale face.

  “Tasha, is everything okay?” he asked standing up. He slowly walked towards her. She looked up at him.

  “Sweet innocent, bubble-eyed Stacy is being fucked raw in the next room by Tyrone,” she said in a quiet voice. Mitchell breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Tyrone, your cousin Tyrone?” he asked as she looked up at him. She nodded. Mitchell smiled. She looked immensely disturbed by the fact. “They grow up so fast,” he said holding her by the waist. “So, can’t get enough of me? You couldn’t wait till tomorrow?” H asked as Natasha put her arms around his neck. She nodded.

  “Something like that,” she said. He looked into her eyes and saw it, no matter how much she tried to hide it. She just couldn’t hide the truth from him.

  “What?” he asked looking at her.

  “Nothing,” she said smiling up at him.

  “It’s so cute when you think you can hide stuff from me,” Mitchell said. “What is it? Tell me,” he pressed. Natasha looked into his eyes and knew at that moment that she could not hide the truth from him any longer. She was actually scared of how he would take it.

  “I think….I think I have wedding jitters,” she said in practically a whisper. Mitchell smiled when her gaze fell. He pulled her close to him and inhaled the familiar scent of her tropical island shampoo. He planted a kiss on top of her head and then held her at arm’s length.

  “When I look at you I feel scared, happy, afraid, confused….” His voice trailed off as he looked into her warm brown eyes. “What I feel for you scares me. I have never felt like this for any other woman,” he said.

  “Yeah right,” she snapped. Mitchell looked at her in surprise.

  “Why would you say that?” he asked. She pulled away from his grip and walked towards the dresser. She then turned around and leaned on it as she looked at Mitchell who was still rooted to the spot she had left him in.

p; “You were married before. How do I know that you didn’t say the same words to Lisa?” she asked looking at him. He smiled.

  “Do I smell jealousy?” he asked as he walked towards her. She shrugged her shoulders but she still held her gaze at him. “You know the thing about wedding jitters?” he asked as he continued walking towards her.

  “One person is always wondering whether they are making the right choice, more of doubt really. The other one is usually worried that the other one might realize what kind of loser she is marrying and leave him hanging at the altar,” he said finally standing in front of her. “That would be me and I will be honest with you baby, I never got that feeling with Lisa,” he added.

  “Not ever?” she asked, her eyes beaming like a child who had just discovered the secret cookie stash her parents had hidden away. He nodded.

  “The jitters I got while marrying Lisa were more like, dude run away,” he said dramatically. She laughed as once again he put his hands around her waist. “One of us is scared that he might lose the best thing that has ever happened to him, especially when she realizes that he is not as awesome as she thinks,” he said looking at her. She took a long deep breath.

  “I just don’t know what to expect. This is all so new to me,” she said, her eyes closed.

  “Tasha, open your eyes. Look at me,” Mitchell said softly in a commanding voice. She looked up at him. “I am not going anywhere. I am yours until you say otherwise.” She smiled up at him.

  “I’m never saying otherwise,” she said smiling. “Especially since it is quite obvious that your ice queen ex-wife is still in love with you,” she added. Mitchell looked at her ,confused.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Oh I forgot to tell you. Lisa is here,” Natasha said matter-of-factly. “She wanted to try to talk me out of…or about a pre-nup or something,” she shrugged. “I don’t really remember,” she said. Mitchell looked at her in disbelief.

  “What do you mean here?” he asked.


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