Conquer (Control)

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Conquer (Control) Page 21

by Willis, M. S.

  “Breaking News tonight in the brutal murder of twenty-one year old Amanda Cleary…” The news anchor’s voice rang out from the television as Daemon continued watching. My eyes were closed and I covered my head with a pillow. The last thing I wanted to hear about was another victim of a violent crime.

  Removing the pillow from my head, I looked up at Daemon. “Turn it off and let’s go to sleep.” He looked down at me and smiled as he reached for the remote control on the bedside table.

  “…Police in Tennessee have released a report indicating that trace evidence left at the crime scene matched that of Florida resident and now suspect, Christopher Baxter. Authorities are requesting that any person who may have information on Mr. Baxter’s whereabouts please contact them immediately. Mr. Baxter is described as being six foot, two inches, with blonde hair and blue eyes. The authorities have released this grainy photograph taken of who they believe to be Mr. Baxter as he left the bar with Ms. Cleary on the night of her death.”

  I shot up from the bed as Daemon turned to look at the screen. The photo from the security camera was hard to make out, but it was apparent to both Daemon and I that the man in the photo was, in fact, Chris. I rolled over and grabbed my cell phone from the bedside table and immediately called Detective Troy.

  “Good evening Ms. Stone, I take it you just saw the news reports.” Detective Troy’s voice was stoic as she answered my call.

  “Uh…yeah. Were you planning on telling me about this?! He’s killed another person, Detective Troy!” My voice became panicked as I spoke.

  Detective Troy sighed heavily into the phone before saying, “I only received this information shortly before the media. We were contacted by the Tennessee authorities due to the matching DNA at both crime scenes. I’ve been dealing with the situation, Ms. Stone. At least we know Mr. Baxter is no longer in the area.”

  “And I’m supposed to be happy about that?! Another person is DEAD, Detective Troy! D. E. A. D., dead! As in never coming back, as in standing at the pearly gates, as in no longer breathing, or speaking, or hugging her family.” My body started to shake from my anger. Daemon placed his hands on my shoulders to comfort me, but I pulled away and pushed myself up from the bed. My feet moved quickly as I paced the room.

  “Ms. Stone, I am going to insist that you calm down, or I will end this conversation in favor of speaking at another time. I understand your concern, however, there is nothing I can do about it except for continue our investigation for the crimes he is suspected of having committed here. I have no control over what occurs when Mr. Baxter is in another state. Although I am not asking you to be happy about that fact, it is fortunate considering that the police presence at Mr. Pierce’s home and at The Center are being discontinued.

  “What?! What do you mean by ‘discontinued’? How can they do that, he just killed again!”

  “This is the last time, I’m going to tell you to calm down. The next time I have to remove the phone from my ear due to your screaming, it will be to disconnect the call. Do you understand me, Ms. Stone?”

  I sat down on the edge of the bed defeated. I could not believe they were pulling the police presence from downstairs and at my parents’ place. Chris was still out there and now Annie and my parents were sitting ducks. I hoped like hell Chris stayed in Tennessee, or better yet, continued running even farther away.

  I cleared my throat before responding. “Yes, I understand. Just….why do they think it’s a good idea to pull the protection?”

  I was surprised by the sympathetic quality of Detective Troy’s voice when she next spoke. “It’s been two months, Paige. Nothing has happened and now we have information that he is no longer in the area. We can no longer justify the cost of having officers constantly stationed at your home and your parents’ facility.”

  My head dropped down. I wanted to cry but no tears came. I was too exhausted to cry. This entire situation felt so far out of control that I had to accept I was powerless to change anything about it. There was nothing I could do. Chris had fled the state and I knew he would remain off the radar.

  Having nothing left to say I quickly said goodbye to Detective Troy and ended the call. I felt Daemon move up behind me.

  “Paige? Are you okay?” The concern in his voice was heartbreaking. I knew how badly he was working to protect me, to teach me to protect myself. Unfortunately, the one thing he couldn’t protect me from was the futility of the situation. The circumstances that were outside of our control were tormenting me. The lives that were being affected and destroyed were haunting me. Amanda Cleary just lost her life, but why? Because a mentally disturbed woman decided to hurt her kid? Because the witnesses to that abuse simply turned their heads? Or because of a run-in with a loud mouth blonde at a nightclub? What was the cause of Chris’ crime against that poor, innocent girl?

  Sadly, there was no true and distinct cause. She was just another unfortunate victim of a web of anger and hatred that was created and nurtured by the hand of an abusive person.

  “No, Daemon. I’m not okay. None of this is okay. Their discontinuing the police presence at my parents’ facility and here. Annie and all those women and children will be unprotected. If something happens to them…” My voice trailed off.

  Daemon’s arms wrapped around me tenderly as he pulled me back against him. “Baby, you can’t think like that. You know your dad has that place locked down like a fortress. I highly doubt that Chris would be able to get in, even if he tried. And he won’t be able to get to my apartment either. You don’t need to be so scared.” He took the phone from my hands. “I’m going to call your parents to let them know what’s going on, Paige. I’ll be right back.” I nodded my approval before he got up from the bed and walked into the living room to make the call.

  When he returned, I was curled up in a fetal position in the center of the bed. Daemon stood at the foot of the bed gazing down at me, a slight smirk playing over his lips. “Do you remember your first night here? What I did to you in that exact spot?” His head tilted in question as he attempted to make me think about something other than Chris. When I looked up at him, his eyes sparked with mirth, but were touched with a bit of sadness as well. I didn’t answer and he sighed before crawling up the bed to sit next to me.

  “Damsel, I know you are feeling frustrated right now…”

  I let out a humorless laugh. “No need to sugar coat it for me, Daemon. I’m feeling pretty fucking helpless right now. Just feeling frustrated would actually be a relief.”

  His hand grabbed my shoulder so that he could pull me onto my back. His eyes locked with mine, and I watched as the flames from the sconces reflected within them. “You’re not helpless, Paige. You did what you could to find him. He is a slimy son of a bitch. There was nothing more you could have done.” He shut his eyes briefly as if thinking of something painful. When he opened them again, I saw fear and anger. “I don’t think he’s gone for good. I wish the bastard would just keep running, but I don’t think he’ll be able to stay away for long. I don’t want you to become complacent about your safety, Paige.” His eyes pleaded with me. “Losing you is not an option for me. I’ve been through it once, I refuse to go through it again. We’re stepping up the training.”

  He picked me up and moved me forward on the bed so that my head rested on the pillows. After reaching over to turn off the lights, he wrapped his large arms around me, pulling me tight against his body. Once secured in the warmth and safety of his arms, my eyes felt heavy as I lost myself to sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Another two weeks passed. Neither the Florida nor the Tennessee authorities had been able to locate and apprehend Chris. There was a belief that he’d fled, yet again, to another state. I was terrified for every young woman out there. My father was diligent in protecting the Center. He agreed with Daemon that we hadn’t seen the last of Chris. Most of the women and children were kept inside the secured walls of the facility. Momma and Daddy were busy keeping them entertained indoors wi
thout revealing why they suddenly frowned upon the residents wandering the back yard by themselves.

  Daemon continued my daily training. We spent at least four hours in the gym each day. I’d become stronger, faster and better able to handle myself against a person the size of Chris. Today, Daemon drove me out to another surprise; as usual, keeping me in the dark until we arrived at his intended destination. We pulled up to another warehouse-type building as Daemon parked the truck. Opening the door to step out, I pondered why Daemon had brought me to what appeared to be an abandoned property. Only one other car was located in the parking lot. The exterior of the building looked like it had, at one time, been painted white, however, it now looked to be more of a muddled grey. The parking lot wasn’t paved and weeds poked out sporadically through the small pebble gravel that covered the ground. Larger weeds framed the sides of the building and the only thing that could be seen in back was the tops of the tree lines.

  As Daemon came around the truck to escort me to the front doors, I eyed him warily. “Do you know of every run down property in this part of the state or do you just enjoy taking me to places that make my skin crawl?”

  Daemon laughed. “This is another one of Frank’s old haunts, actually. His friend, George, owns it. It’s not advertised much, but the locals know they can come here to practice shooting anytime they want. It’s set up for all types of weapons, so it’s a favorite for gun enthusiasts who want to practice with assault rifles or other high caliber guns.”

  My feet stopped suddenly causing Daemon to turn back to look at me. “Is there a problem, Damsel?” Humor sparkled in his eyes.

  “I hate guns, Daemon.” My arms crossed over my chest. “I don’t know anything about them, I don’t want to know anything about them, and I refuse to go in there.”

  Daemon walked back and leaned down so that we were nose to nose. His eyes burned into mine as he said, “You need to get over that, Paige. Just think, if you knew something about how to use a gun, this whole situation with Chris might have ended a long time ago. You had him in your sights at one time. However your lack of knowledge on how to use a gun is the only reason he was able to escape.”

  Yeah, and maybe Amanda Cleary and Bill would still be alive…

  My thoughts darkened as I remember that day in the woods. Sitting in that tree, trying to figure out how to aim and fire, Chris’ mocking words as he took pleasure in my inability to properly fire the weapon I’d stolen from him. My failure and lack of experience almost got me killed that day, and it may have been the reason why two more people were now being buried by their loved ones.

  “Okay, Daemon. I’ll learn to fire a handgun. But I don’t want anything to do with assault rifles. Those are best left for the military and law enforcement.”

  Daemon smirked and I could see his shoulders bounce with suppressed laughter. “Damsel, with your temper, there’s no way in hell I would put an assault rifle in your hands.” His laughter finally escaped him as his hand came up to the small of my back. I scowled at him while we walked towards the building.

  A small bell rang above us as we walked through the glass door. A musty smell enveloped me and my eyes took in the multiple displays cases and gun racks that filled the front room. There were so many different weapons lining the walls that I’d grown quiet as I attempted to take it all in. A man came out of a door to our right and smiled as soon as he saw Daemon. He was dressed in dark blue work pants and a white t-shirt. His silver hair was slicked back and his face was friendly, yet intimidating at the same time. His hand met Daemon’s shoulder with a slap. “Holy shit, kid! I haven’t seen you round these parts in ages. Where have you been holing up?!

  Daemon spoke with the man, I assumed was George, as I continued glancing about the room. There were enough weapons and ammunition in this place to arm a small army. Not only were there guns, but there were also bullet proof vests, gas masks and an impressive display of hunting and combat knives. My eyes widened when I spotted a crossbow hanging on a wall display. That could be fun…

  “Paige, are you with us?”

  My head shot back to where Daemon was standing. Both he and the other man were staring at me intently like they were waiting on me to say something. “I’m sorry. Did I miss something?”

  Both men chuckled as Daemon threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to him. “Paige, this is George. He owns and runs the gun shop and range.”

  I smile politely at George and extend my hand. He took my hand and shook so vigorously, I felt like my arm would pop loose from my shoulder. “Nice to meet you, Paige. Joe has told me a lot about you.”

  “Joe?” My face turns beet red. “Peanut gallery Joe?”

  George smiled and I saw where he would have been quite handsome when he was younger. His green eyes sparkled and two dimples appeared on his cheek from his deep smile. “I don’t know nothing about peanuts, but Joe told me Daemon was training a real beautiful girl down at the gym. I hear you can hold your own against Daemon. That’s something to be proud of. Most men can’t do that, much less, a tiny thing such as yourself.”

  I look up to find Daemon beaming down at me with pride. “Uh, yeah. I guess. Daemon’s been teaching me some self-defense stuff for the past couple of months.”

  George nodded and grabbed my hand to pull me away from Daemon. Dragging me to one of the display cases, he put his arm around me as I peered down into the glass top case. My eyes scanned over multiple handguns laid out on display. “Well, if you are learning self-defense, you’ve certainly come to the right place. Have you fired a weapon before?”

  I looked up from the handguns to answer George. “Once.”

  A surprised expression comes over George’s face. “Excellent. What type of gun did you shoot?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m not sure. I know it was a rifle. It was long, and had a little lever sticking out from the side of it that you had to push back and forth each time you shot it.”

  “Sweetheart, you mean to tell me you shot a gun and you didn’t know what it was? Who in the hell let you do that?”

  “The guy I stole it from. I was trying to kill him, but every time I shot the thing, I missed.”

  George stood eyeing me with suspicion as Daemon walked over to join us. “George, it’s not what it sounds like.” Daemon pointedly looked at me like he wanted me to shut up. My eyes widened at him. “Paige has had some issues…”

  Daemon explained my situation to George who looked sickened at the story he was being told. Once Daemon had completed the story, George immediately walked behind the display case to pull out several handguns and place them on the glass top. Looking up from the small selection of guns, George’s eyes meet mine. “I’m damn sorry to hear you’ve been going through that, Paige. I wish you did know how to fire that rifle because nothing would please me more than to know that sick son of bitch was six feet under. However, after Daemon and I are through with you, if that son of a bitch comes near you again, I guarantee you won’t miss him the next time he’s looking down the barrel of your gun, you understand?”

  I nodded my head hesitantly. Daemon looked over the selection of handguns George had laid out on the counter. Daemon pointed to three of the guns. “I think we’ll try these three. I’ll take Paige to get some ear protection and meet you in the range.

  George picked up the guns and started moving towards a back door. “Good choices, Daemon. I’ll take them out now and set them up for you.”

  Daemon waved back at George before directing me to the back of the shop. He grabbed a set of ear muffs and reached up to fit them over my head. As soon as the padded blue discs covered my ears, I could barely hear anything Daemon was saying. His mouth was moving, but a grin tugged at the corners of his lips as he spoke.

  I reached up and took off the ear muffs. “What did you just say?”

  Daemon’s smile grew brighter. “I was telling you everything I will be doing to you tonight when we get home.” He winked then grabbed my hand to lead me to the s
hooting range. When Daemon shoved the metal door open, a large hallway lined with benches opened up in front of us. Partitions were evenly spaced, creating stalls to the right of us and I spotted George at the last stall. The three guns Daemon had earlier selected were laid out on a countertop at the end of the stall. Beyond that was an extremely long aisle with a pulley system attached to the ceiling. A paper target hung at the far end of the alley.

  I hitched my thumb back in the direction of the target. “I hope you don’t expect me to be able to hit that.”

  George shook his head, laughing as he did so. “No, Paige, we don’t expect you to hit that. The target is set at a distance for rifles currently. Daemon will pull it to the distance that’s preferable for the guns you’ll be using. Turning to Daemon, George said, “Alright, kid, the range is all yours. Be sure to go over the safety rules with her before starting.”

  Daemon complied with George’s request. After explaining the rules, Daemon placed the ear muffs on my head and turned me in the direction of the target. He reached up and pulled on a lever that brought the target closer to where we were positioned. Daemon selected one of the smaller guns and held it out in front of me. When I took the gun from him, his hands slide over the top of mine.

  “You want to hold the gun like this, Paige. Use one hand to grip the weapon, leaving your index finger free to pull the trigger. You’ll want to use the other hand to support and steady the weapon, like this.” His hands positioned mine, but all I could think about was the heat of his chest rolling down my body.

  Daemon was pressed up against me as he reached out to help steady my shot. I leaned my head back against his shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt him chuckle right before he corrected me. “Damsel, not that I mind you leaning back against me, but this is a situation where you really should try to keep your eyes open.”


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