Conquer (Control)

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Conquer (Control) Page 25

by Willis, M. S.

  “Don’t look, Paige. Please, baby, don’t look.”

  Those words. They were memories reborn. Two children, huddled together, holding on to each other in a moment where innocence was stolen and the ugliness of the world was introduced. My mind went back to that day, that parking lot, that car….and those words.

  “Don’t look, Paige. Just don’t look over there. We just need to stay here and look at each other, okay? Promise me you will look at nothing but me.”

  How two people could end up in this situation, not once, but twice, was beyond me. It didn’t seem fair, but then again, nothing was. Life hadn’t been fair when Daemon’s mother was killed and it hadn’t been fair when I watched his face in that rear window, growing smaller and less defined as distance was forced between us. It certainly hadn’t been fair when we’d been faced with the possibility of one watching the other one die. Maybe we were cursed after all. Or maybe, we’d both just been born into lives marred by the ugly reality of abuse, anger and hatred.

  My arms grasped to his body tightly, my body molded to his, and I was certain reality would take a different path this time. I wouldn’t let him go again and forces didn’t exist that could separate us from each other. The same situation, but there would be a different outcome. Two souls once forced apart by violence were now strengthened by the same circumstances, the same ugliness that existed within so many lives.

  I clearly heard my father approach and stop just short of where Daemon and I were sitting. I never looked up. I knew the scene my father’s eyes were seeing, and I knew he looked over to check and make sure I was okay. I should have looked over at him just to let him know I hadn’t been harmed. But I couldn’t. My body wouldn’t move apart from Daemon. I wasn’t able to release him for even a second without feeling like my strength would weaken, that I would fall apart. Daemon was my strength in that moment...the only person that could hold me together.

  He must have known. He never attempted to move me or push me from his body. He just held me. There, in the muck and mud, with the cold winds battering against our bodies, he sheltered me, he kept me strong. It wasn’t until blue lights reflected off the trees on the other side of the building and officers rushed in that we were forced to move. Even then, he never let me go. His arms came around me and he carried me, tight against his chest, and moved me to sit at the base of the camphor tree within which we’d spent so many hours as children. He continued to look on as police took photos of Chris’ body, eventually covering it with a tarp once they’d documented the scene. Numerous people attempted to talk to us and Daemon would answer when it was necessary. Other than that, we remained quiet. There was no need for words, only the knowledge that when it was over, when the scene was cleared, we would still be holding on to each other, never separated again.

  As Daemon watched out over the yard, I trained my eyes up into the branches of the tree above us. I could hear the faint laughter of children, of a boy and a girl as they raced up to see who could climb the highest. I was safe within those memories, not thinking about the horror that was currently laid out in the grasses in front of us.

  We moved again eventually as Daemon carried me to the front of the building. The police had left and so had the ambulances as the sun rose beyond the horizon. I stared up into the brilliant colors that slashed across the sky. Light returned and with it, a new day. Daemon held me to him as my father pulled up into the front yard with Daemon’s truck. He climbed out of the driver’s side as Daemon moved around the truck to place me in the passenger’s seat. After he placed the seatbelt around me, he backed away so my mother could come up to hug me. I felt her body shake with her tears, but I was numb, still in shock, and missing Daemon’s heat against my body.

  As we drove back to the apartment, Daemon kept his hand wrapped tightly around mine. He never let go of me, making sure to keep constant contact while he drove us home. Once we’d arrived, he’d taken me upstairs, running a bath and placing me in the water. He washed the blood and mud from my body. My eyes followed the reds and browns as they swirled together, eventually escaping down the drain.

  After I was clean and Daemon had dried me off, he carried me to his bed, laying me down on the soft mattress and blankets. His arm remained around me when he climbed in to lay beside me. I’m not sure if I fell asleep, or even if Daemon was ever claimed by slumber. I simply laid in the darkness, surrounded and comforted within the warmth of his body. I smiled to myself briefly as I realized that this time, when death had descended upon us, when the weight of madness and hatred had once again infected our lives; this time…I wasn’t forced to let him go.


  Daemon’s fingers drummed out a beat on my thighs, keeping time with the music as he sat next to me. Our legs swung out in front of the branch where we were seated and I looked down, excited not to be hyperventilating from panic. I mean…sure…the branch was only ten feet off the ground, but it was an accomplishment that I’d climbed up here at all.

  We sat in our favorite tree in the backyard of The Center attending a large barbeque my parents were having in celebration of Annie going home. David had moved into Matt’s new place, but they had an extra room for Annie. It’d been six months since the night Chris died and Annie was finally ready to walk forward in life, to claim the happiness that she’d always deserved. Momma and Daddy hardly ever threw these types of parties as most women favored walking silently back into their lives, not wanting to acknowledge the beasts they conquered before leaving this place.

  But not Annie. That little woman wanted to celebrate. Her victory was a long time coming, one she’d fought for, almost died as she’d accomplished it. I’d been nervous after that night with Chris. Not only did Annie have to get past the pain that was inflicted against her, but now, she had to deal with the knowledge that she’d taken a life. She’d remained quiet the first week after it happened. Eventually, Momma convinced her to talk to Detective Troy. The police needed to complete their paperwork and Annie’s testimony was key to their reports. Daddy was able to tell them how Chris had entered the building. A wire had been cut, one simple wire, and Chris had entered through a window without tripping the alarm. However, it was Annie who needed to tell them what happened between the time Chris had found her and the time that I’d arrived to The Center.

  Detective Troy would never tell me what Annie had told her about that night. I wasn’t sure if Annie asked that I not know, or if Detective Troy was attempting to shelter me from the events that’d occurred prior to my arrival. On the surface, it bothered me not knowing what had been said or done before I could get to her. However, deep down, I was relieved with not having to carry the knowledge of any additional evil committed against her.

  I felt Daemon’s hand slide up and grasp mine, freeing me of my thoughts. He turned my hand over so that the sun glinted up to my face from the diamond on my finger. The ring was simple, but beautiful, and I groaned inwardly when I’d compared the size of the rock to my finger. I never really wanted a ring, never thought my life would head in that direction, but then to see the size of the one that had been slipped on my finger, I’d grimaced briefly, before smiling up at the man who’d placed it there. It wasn’t a romantic proposal, if the term ‘proposal’ could even be used. Two days after Chris had died, I was standing in the kitchen waiting for the coffee to brew. Daemon woke up to find me missing from the bed and came out in search of me. He’d spotted me in the kitchen and looked me over for a long time before turning to go back to the bedroom. When he came into the living room a second time, he proceeded into the kitchen and placed the blue jewelry box on the counter of the island beside me. I looked up from the coffee pot I’d been watching and my eyes followed the lines of his abdomen, his chest and broad shoulders, continuing until they locked with the swirling blue of his eyes.

  “It’s time, Damsel.”

  I could feel my brows furrow in confusion at his statement. My gaze momentarily flicked down to the box on the counter before returning up t
o his. I arched an eyebrow, but I remained silent awaiting his explanation.

  His eyes burned into mine and I could feel my skin prickle in response. His arm came down to run along the goosebumps on my arms as a grin threatened the corner of his mouth. “Paige, when I saw you being led to the woods by Chris…when I saw the gun to your head…I thought our lives were ending in that moment.” He huffed out a breath before continuing. “I thought I was right in my fears that forever with you would never be long enough. After having been faced with the possibility of losing you…again…I made a decision while holding you under that tree…”

  His hands moved to open the box and remove the ring. He grabbed my hand and slipped the ring on my finger before I could protest.

  “…it’s time for you to stop being stubborn, Paige. We’ve been through too fucking much to doubt that we were meant to be together. It’s true that we can survive when we are apart, but we can only truly live when we are together. You’re going to marry me, Paige, and it doesn’t mean we’ll stop fighting each other.” He chuckled. “…To be honest, I’m looking forward to each and every day that I have with you, pissing you off and then making it up to you all over again.”

  I pulled my eyes from his and looked down at the ring. Just as I went to look at him, the coffee machine beeped. I smiled when I said, “Coffee’s ready.” Shrugging, I pulled my hand from his and went to make myself a cup. I knew he was smiling behind me and I couldn’t contain the smile that beamed on my lips as well.

  So, yeah, it wasn’t the most romantic proposal in history, but it was perfect for us. We still haven’t set a date and Daemon constantly argues with me about taking his name. It wasn’t because I was fighting against being his wife; it was simply because I thought ‘Paige Pierce’ sounded stupid. I’d told him I would marry him, but he’d have to take my name. ‘Daemon Stone’ was preferable. I laughed each time we had the argument and I told him he should be careful what he wished for. It wasn’t a daily battle like he’d predicted, but it was a battle nonetheless.

  Even though I still argued, my heart danced daily at the sight of him. The boy who’d held my heart now would become the man who connected to my soul…he’d become my husband. The word felt foreign, as if it should never have applied to me, but sometimes fate had different plans than those we’d imagined for ourselves. I’ve spent many nights staring at him, recognizing the irony that it was because of a father’s madness was that we ever met and were parted; and it was because of the madness of an abused son that we were forced back together so suddenly. Two very dark and heart wrenching circumstances that, ultimately, led to light…to our love. Life is funny that way. Sometimes, beautiful dreams can be born from nightmares; a person just has to pay attention to find it.

  “Hey, you ready to get down from here and join the party?” I shook myself once again from my thoughts and looked up into his sparkling eyes. Nodding my head, I moved to climb down, taking his hand as we made our way to the ground below. My feet only touched solid ground for a moment before Daemon picked me up and brought his mouth to mine. His lips moved possessively against mine, the warmth of his mouth seeping in, lighting a fire within me. He pulled away, leaving me breathless; grinning as he reached out to help steady me.

  He grinned mischievously as I blinked up at him. “What was that for?”

  His eyes filled with mirth and he winked before responding. “Oh…nothing. I was just watching you and thinking about how you’ll be the future Mrs. Pierce. ‘Damsel Pierce’….sounds good, don’t you think?”

  My eyebrow arched. I reached up, placing my hands on his shoulders like I was going to kiss him. As soon as his guard dropped, I used my foot to sweep his feet out from under him, while pushing back on his shoulders. His ass hit the ground and a small dust cloud exploded up around him from the impact. My smile brightened as I looked down at his surprised expression.

  “Who’s the Damsel now?”

  Those dimples of his popped out from the dangerously seductive grin that graced his lips. The deep timbre of his voice was like silk as he responded, “Just wait until I get you home, beautiful. I have every intention of showing you exactly who the Damsel is in this relationship.”

  My body shivered at the decadent threat. “You’ll have to catch me first.”

  I sprinted away from the tree, laughing as Daemon pushed up from the ground and started chasing me. When we approached the veranda, Momma’s head shook as she watched us run in. I hid behind her as soon as I could reach her. Daemon’s and my laughter echoed along the ceiling of the veranda and Momma smiled when she asked, “You two will never change, will you?”

  The look in Daemon’s eyes was enough to make my knees weak. “Ms. Stone, I can promise you that I’ll be chasing your daughter every day for the rest of my life.”

  Momma laughed delightedly as she stepped aside, leaving me exposed. “Well then, don’t let me stand in the way. I’m smart enough to know that you should never stand in between a man and the woman he loves. Sorry, baby girl, but you’re on your own.”

  I gasped at Momma’s betrayal and then shrieked as Daemon ran up and grabbed me. He swung me around before placing me back on my feet. One beautiful blue eye winked before he leaned down to take my mouth with his. Our moment was interrupted by my father’s voice.

  “David?! Have you lost your mind, son? There’s no way that is going to work!”

  Daemon and I looked over to find Daddy shaking his head in disbelief as he stared down at David. My eyes followed his and I my jaw dropped when I saw David strapping tennis rackets to his shoes. He looked up at Daddy when he’d finished and smiled.

  “This is going to work, Dad, just wait and see. I researched it. The tennis rackets will be just like snow shoes. If I can extend the surface of my foot, there’s no way that stupid swamp is going to suck me down again.”

  Daddy was laughing so hard that he was rendered speechless. I grabbed Daemon’s hand and together, we walked over to stand next to Daddy. My voice was pitched high from my shock. “David, why in the hell are you even walking out there? Just stay away from the marshes.”

  His eyes narrowed in rebellion and determination. “Hell no!” He looked out over the backyard and watched as the kids ran around playing tag. His eyes eventually found and followed Alex and Matt as they walked beside Ava while she took photos of the wetlands. His arm extended out and he shook a finger in the direction of the wetlands. “It seems like everybody else is able to walk around without getting sucked into the muck and I will NOT be excluded just because the freaking swamp thinks I’m tasty. If it works, I’m going to sell them and market them as ‘Swamp Shoes’! It’ll be a huge hit with the tourists, I’m sure.” His expression turned to one of pride and satisfaction as he pushed himself up, ready to test his idea.

  David began to walk out towards the water, taking large steps in order to compensate for the rackets strapped to his shoes. He resembled a duck as his body rolled with every step he took. Daemon and I almost fell over from laughter just watching him walk, but when David finally reached the marshes and was sucked into the mud, Daemon and I laughed even harder, clutching at our sides from the cramping. We held on to each other, struggling to keep ourselves upright as we watched Alex and Matt run over and attempt to pull him free.

  Daddy shook his head again as a low whistle escaped him. Turning to Daemon and I, he said, “I don’t know about you two, but I am seriously concerned about that boy.” I was wiping away the tears from my face as Daddy walked over to clap Daemon hard on the shoulder. “Come on, son. Let’s cook up some food before everyone starves.” Daemon squeezed my hand before releasing me to assist my father at the grill.

  I eventually made my way over to a hammock that swung between two trees in the yard. It swayed softly as a summer breeze blew across me, carrying with it the sweet smell of Jasmine. My eyes followed the dragonflies flitting out amongst the grasses and a sense of peace and serenity overtook me. I’d come full circle. Despite the circumstances of the years
that preceded me, despite the pain, the loneliness and the effects of decisions made throughout those long years, with Daemon, I was once again whole.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” I looked up to see that Momma had followed me over.

  I half-smiled at her in question. “What do you mean?”

  She patted my shoulder with her hand before sitting down and hugging me to the side of her body. “I mean, baby girl, when you reach the end of the tunnel, when the world opens back up to you so that you can, once again, have room to breathe. It has to feel good.” She took a deep breath as her eyes filled with memories. “There was only one other time in your life that I saw you shine so brightly with hope and happiness, and it was when you were with that boy as a child.”

  She looked over at Daemon as he listened to Daddy’s instructions about the grill. “If you would have asked me twenty years ago if this day would come, I wouldn’t have answered ‘yes’. However, it appears I was a fool to believe that the twin to your soul wouldn’t survive what Daemon has been through; to believe that events in his life would poison him and change him into something ugly.” Turning back to me, she smiled sweetly. “You both amaze me. You are two shining examples of the reason your Daddy and I built this place. You both have walked such dark paths, your lives littered with pain and betrayal; but you were both able to walk away from it, to find beauty and love on the other side. I never wanted you to have to fight, baby girl. I wanted an easier life for you than what it’s been.”

  I reached up to wipe away a tear that escaped her eye. She laughed suddenly and batted my hand away. Her eyes locked on something behind me as she said, “And, that girl….Good Lord, that girl deserves a medal...”

  I turned to see Annie running out from the woods behind us.

  “…I guess like does attract like after all, because Annie and Daemon…all of your friends, really…you’re some of the strongest people I’ve ever had the pleasure to know. It doesn’t surprise me that you hold on to each other as tightly as you do. Truthfully, I would have never guessed it of Annie, but I think she’s one of the most amazing women I’ve seen. Not only did she walk through a war and come out alive at the end, she came out stronger, brighter…she survived and she did it with such grace and resilience that it’ reopened my cynical eyes to the true power of a person’s spirit.”


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