A Soldier for Stella

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A Soldier for Stella Page 3

by Dee Stone

  Vanessa leaned the back of her espresso-colored hair against my chest one of her hands held tight to Travis’s. She lifted her head slightly so her eyes could gaze into mine. “I agree with Bill, Carter. You have been as much of a son to us as Travis.” She turned her head back to peer up at her son, love bottomless in her regard, and she lifted his hand to press a kiss on the back. Then, she lifted mine to do the same to me. I had always been afraid deep down, even though Travis and I were closer than brothers, that he might feel jealous of the attention his parents paid to me. But I was wrong. Pride and love shone in his glacial blue eyes. Fuck, I had missed them. Tears struggled to escape but I held them back. Vanessa must have realized how strong my feelings were because she giggled and patted my chest.

  Heavy footsteps resonated through the hall and into the large room we were in Bill appeared in the doorway, a deep frown covering his face. Vanessa’s palm tightened on my hand and her dagger-like, manicured nails dug in, almost drawing blood. I gave no reaction. Her mouth tightened into a straight line with little wrinkle lines that her red lipstick spread into.

  His head dropped onto his chest as his arms hung limp by his side.

  “Bill, dear. What’s wrong with Stella?”

  Bill lifted his head to throw it back, staring at the popcorn ceiling, his neck tight and corded as he raised one hand to rub at the back of his neck with a heavy sigh. “She has a lung infection now. She’s unconscious, but we can go in two at a time if we’re quiet. They sedated her because she had such a hard time breathing, she was becoming agitated and stressed. We have ten minutes each.”

  Travis and I glanced at each other and we gave a sharp nod as he said, “Dad. You and Mom go in. Take our turn too so you’ll have longer to visit. I know she’s unconscious, but I’m sure she’ll know you’re there. Carter and I can visit later.”

  Bill beamed in relief and breathed out a quick exhale that he had been holding. “Thank you, Sons.” Vanessa popped up, eager to see her daughter. He laid his arm over his wife’s shoulders and led her out of the waiting room to visit Stella.


  My gaze faded with all of the drugs they gave me. The door to my room opened and Mom and Dad stepped in. I had never been so glad to see anyone before. I blinked down at the IV drip still attached to the top of my hand before owlishly glancing back up at my parents.

  Mom grabbed my other hand as my head flopped on the pillow until I rested on my right cheek. I had no control of my body. It was as if my brain and muscles had no communication. Tears streamed down her face as she hiccupped and sobbed at the same time. I couldn’t stand seeing her cry like this and I whispered, “Mom. Don’t cry.”

  “I can’t help it, Baby. You’re my little girl and you almost died. If Carter hadn’t been there…” She shook her head, sobbing as she could barely get the words out. “I would have lost you.”

  Dad walked over while we talked and placed his hand on my shoulder, patting it lightly as if he was afraid if he touched me, I’d break like a piece of bone china. “I’m okay, Dad.” At least they had taken the respiratory off for now.

  “We were only given ten minutes, honey. And we don’t want to make you tired. We only wanted you to know we were here and we’ll take you home as soon as the doctors say it’s all right.” He leaned down to kiss my forehead and his lips lingered, warm and soft, not wanting to leave. He squeezed his eyes closed as he stood straight, swiping at them with the backs of his hands.

  “Come on, dear.” He said to Mom. “Let’s let her rest. We’ll see you later.”

  They turned to leave and just before they walked out the door, they turned back and said in unison as if they had practiced, “We love you, baby.”

  I cried so many tears that my breath became unstable and uneven, making the alarm go off again. A nurse came running in to shove the respiratory cup over my face again. I closed my eyes to sleep needing to get well as fast as I could.

  Chapter Five


  I left the hospital two days later with an oxygen tank, just in case my levels dived. Now, two weeks later, I was just starting to get up and walk on my own. For the past week I had been carried or helped to the bathroom. Humiliating.

  Slithering to the edge of the bed, I slid down and swung my legs over to stand, but I still felt weak. My legs trembled, and my arm thrust out to grasp the mattress until I could hold my legs steady and not fall flat on my face.

  I gave myself a sharp nod and a pep talk as I took two steps without falling. I continued walking out the bedroom door, closed it silently shut behind me, and walked down the hallway to the stairs where I held onto the bannister as I took one step at a time.

  Carter had disappeared when I came home. I hadn’t seen hide nor hair of him since. I would have thought he would see how I was doing since he saved my life and all. It was as if he didn’t care at all and that caused disappointment to well up within my chest. But I would shake myself out of my funk. I should have been happy. I was alive. I was walking on my own again. Why would I need a big, hulking, blond-haired guy with chiseled cheekbones and strong jaw with muscles upon muscles? I didn’t need any of that. I would take care of myself. Go to school as soon as I figured out what career I wanted to do.

  Passing Dad’s office, I saw that the door was closed and the game room was empty. Maybe everyone was in the kitchen having breakfast. I was late after all, it being ten a.m. Continuing my slow walk, I made it to the open doorway of the kitchen, resting my palm against the frame, and it was full. Everyone was in here. Even Carter.

  No one saw me yet, so I removed my hand and leaned my shoulder on the frame instead, watching as the four of them interacted with love and affection. Mom had eggs and pancakes going while Travis carefully moved bacon onto a papered plate with a fork to drain. Carter poured fresh-squeezed orange juice and Dad set plates and silverware on the table. The smell of fresh coffee that had just been brewed wafted through the room. My stomach growled loud enough for everyone to hear, making them all swivel in my direction.

  “Honey. What are you doing up?” Dad scolded like I was still five years old. His hands were on his hips as he stared down at me with a heavy sigh.

  “Dad. The doctors said I need to move and exercise for my lungs to heal the rest of the way. So, that’s what I’m doing,” I said, brightly ignoring his sour expression.

  “Bill, leave her alone. She’s grown now and breakfast is ready. Food will also help her heal. Right, Stella?” Mom gave Dad a loving glare that he rolled his eyes at and threw his hands up in the air.

  I smirked as I grabbed a burning piece of bacon. I tossed it from hand to hand until I could put the bacon in my mouth and crunched happily on it.

  Mom swatted at me with her spatula, but purposefully missed and I plopped my butt down on a chair. This was what would make me better. My family. Until now, I hadn’t paid any attention to Carter, but I glanced at him and found him studiously ignoring me.

  Carter set the glasses of orange juice behind each place setting and I purred, “Thank you, Carter.”

  All he did was grunt. From the way he acted, you’d think he regretted saving me. I had to find some way to get him alone, so I could find out if he was really attracted to me. The teasing he had done when he first came here two weeks ago wasn’t enough. I had heard a mention that he had gotten an extra week of leave for family reasons. So, I had one week to get him interested again. But, first breakfast, and then figure out a way to get everyone else out of here. I felt like I was buzzing with electricity and sex. Carter would be just the thing to release the pent up energy.

  I turn to him, a half smirk on my face as he scuttled about, trying to pretend I wasn’t here. “I want to tell you, Carter. Thank you for saving my life.” He didn’t say anything, only kept his head down as he placed different kinds of syrups on the table along with butter. We all liked different flavors. I liked strawberry Travis liked blueberry.

  “I haven’t seen you to thank you before now. How com
e you haven’t been to see me, Carter?” I decided to call him out on his shit. As Mom placed the pancakes on the table, I speared one with my fork and plopped it on my plate with a couple slices of bacon. Fresh sliced fruit was set on the table as well and I would get to those when I finished what I had.

  He mumbled something inaudible as he sat with his head down, shoveling food into his mouth. His cheeks bursting like a chipmunks so he wouldn’t have to say anything. I knew that. Chicken shit.

  I watched him under my eyelashes until his mouth was empty and he took a big gulp of coffee when I repeated myself. “How come you never came to see me, Carter?”

  A deep, harsh breath whooshed out of his mouth as he glared at me, all eyes on him waiting for his answer. I think everyone wondered the same thing. He didn’t answer, only hunkered his head down almost into his food and continued to eat. Mom decided to protect him from my evil advances and chided, “Stella. Leave him alone now to eat. Just be thankful he was there when no one else was.”

  Great. Way to make me feel guilty. “I am Mom. I definitely am, but I wanted him to know that.”

  Mumbling around his mouthful of food, “You’re welcome Stel.” And he continued eating until he pushed his plate away. His light brown eyes were hooded, refusing to allow me to see his true feelings, and I felt adrift and unsure. I had enough of this with him. I wanted more than he was willing to give me, I guessed.

  “I’m going upstairs to take a nap. I’m tired already. Thank you for breakfast, everyone. It was delicious.” I gave everyone a quick smile, except for Carter, who I glowered at.

  “Tired already?” Dad asked. “I knew you shouldn’t have come down. We were going to go to the shop in a few, but if you’re not feeling well, we’ll all stay here. We haven’t been there for the past couple of weeks and we need to go over business.”

  Now I felt doubly guilty. “No, no. I’m fine. Go take care of work. Carter will be here if I need anything. Right?”

  They glance at each other before staring at Carter who exhaled a sharp breath before nodding. Why did I love him so much? He was such a wimp around me. “Right.”

  “I’ll see you guys later. Love you all.” As I walk past each of them in turn, I gave them a kiss on the cheek and a hug. I walked out, giving Carter one last side-glance as I left the room. My breath was a bit fast and shallow, since this was my first morning up. As I trudged up the stairs, I considered maybe Carter really didn’t want me at all. Maybe his wanting me was all my imagination. Tears filled my eyes, making my nose sting as I held them back. I clutched two fingers together over my nostrils until the urge to sneeze disappeared.

  Throwing the door to my room open, I hurried inside and let the door drift closed on its own. Sitting on the side of the bed, I lifted the face cup for the oxygen tank and swiveled the nozzle until I heard the whoosh of the oxygen flowing. I took as deep a breath as I could and lay back on my pillows. I breathed in and out until I could breathe smoothly.

  Calm filled me. I shut the tank off, yanked my long sleep shirt over my head, and scooted on the bed until my head rested on my pillow so I could sleep. Visions of Carter filled my thoughts. Of him smiling brightly at me, his grin mischievous. His sexy, half smirk as if he had a devious plan up his sleeve.

  I dozed as my breathing eased from my time with the oxygen. I faintly heard the door to my room open. I was in that half-awake, half-sleep state that almost felt like dreaming. My eyes opened grudgingly, and through lidded eyes, I watched as Carter stood over the bed, gazing down at me. I turned over onto my back, still in my dream-like state and I crooked a finger at him. “Come here, Carter.”

  He shook his head back and forth as if he couldn’t believe this was happening. “Are they gone?” I asked. But I knew they were. It wouldn’t take them long to finish getting ready and get everything over with.

  This was finally my time. Our turn and I would take everything I could. I wanted this and I would have him.

  Chapter Six


  I couldn’t believe this was happening. Stella crooked her finger at me and I hurried forward like a good lap dog. I know I shouldn’t have opened her closed door and especially come into her room but I needed to be sure she was okay. That was my excuse.

  My feet moved on their own and I followed as ordered, my tongue practically hanging to the floor. Seeing her wearing only white bikini panties, her tits hanging free, made me almost leap onto the bed. “Are you sure? You just got out of the hospital.”

  She rolled her eyes at me. “Two weeks ago, Carter. I’m fine.”

  I crawled on my hands and knees closer to lean down, my face hovering over to reach my hand out to caress her tit. My thumb worked back and forth across her smooth flesh. She moaned, thrusting her chest harder into my palm, which excited me. Her hands rubbed down my shirt until she could yank it out of my pants. She tugged at my buckle until she finally unsnapped it, and wrenched my jeans down enough so she could grab my cock and stroke me as I kneaded her breasts. She gave me four good strokes from the base of my cock up to my tip. With a devious twinkle in her blue eyes, she leaned down to open her mouth and take my cock in her mouth sucking hard, her cheeks hollowing. I lost all rational thought as my eyes roll to the back of my head and a groan escaped my lips. Stella’s hot, wet mouth suctioned my dick with her lips. I fucked her mouth just as I wanted to fuck her pussy. I bucked my hips and grabbed handfuls of her hair, each thrust hitting the back of her throat, which made her gag. But she continued sucking like a pro. Best blow job ever. I tipped my head down, staring at her, as my cock slid in and out of her mouth. Her other hand raised to play with my balls, rolling and tugging them gently. The tingling began in my spine and my balls tighten. I know I won’t be able to hold on long, “Stella. I’m going to come.” I groaned out through clenched teeth.

  She continued bobbing her head, faster now. Her grip on my cock was tight enough to hold me in place. I exploded down the back of her throat, giving her all I have until it overflows out of her mouth, but she persisted sucking and licked me clean afterward. I took a finger and wiped the cum off the corner of her mouth. She grabbed my hand to shove my finger in her mouth and proceeded to suck my essence off.

  I reached behind me to yank my shirt off and pull it over my head, toeing my shoes off. Tugging my socks off, I was finally naked and I leaned forward to slip a finger under the waistband of her panties and tug on it. “Do you like these?”

  She shrugged, one corner of her lips up in a mischievous half smirk. “They’re okay.”

  I yanked on them and they tore off easily. “Hope they weren’t too expensive. They were like tissue paper.”

  “That’s why they were expensive.”

  I crawled up her body to cover her luscious lips with mine. Her hands held my hips to her as my tongue traced the outline of her mouth. Stella opened on a gasp and I slipped my tongue between her lips to slide along hers.

  My hands rested on both of her ass cheeks as I grinded against her. We both gasped in pleasure. I kissed her like she was everything to me. Which she was. I needed her like I needed air to breathe. I slid my cock back and forth against her folds, hitting her clit with every grind.

  “Carter. Please. I need you now,” Stella cried, but I only smile in response.

  I left her lips to trail kisses down her jaw to kiss and laved my tongue against that dip in her throat. I lapped my tongue along her pert breasts until I suckled on her nipple, switching from one to the other and back again. I trailed kisses down her torso to her belly button, making her giggle and squirm as I sunk my tongue into that dip. I finally reached her honey pot. I took my fingers and spread her lips to gaze at her pink flesh. Her clit was already swollen in her desire. I leaned down and sink my tongue into her hole, lapping at the nectar that flowed out of her. She was so wet and needy. I took my thumb and thrust into her asshole as I flicked her clit with the other hand and feast on her juices.

  She was crying and struggling to get away but I placed my hand
on her stomach, holding her into place as I feast, not ready to give her up yet. I felt her walls begin to tighten as an orgasm was eminent. I released her to thrust my cock into her channel. Her orgasm tightened about me and I grunt as it was a struggle but one that felt so good. I pounded into her harder as she cried out again, “Yes! Yes, Carter! Harder! Give it to me, hard!”

  I pulled out long enough to roll her onto her stomach and raised her hips. I thrust back into her as she pounded her hands against the mattress. I jammed my cock into her so hard I gritted my teeth and she slid forward so that she held onto the headboard. I felt that tingle racing up my spine and I tighten. I try to hold off until she has another orgasm and she screamed out. I shouted as my orgasm took over and I filled her up and roared, “I love you, Stella.”

  She moaned and I thrust into her three more times . She was filled full with my cum but I stayed inside her, not wanting to slide out yet. I lay on my side and spooned her, running my hands over her hair to remove the damp strands from the side of her face. “I love you, Stella. I always have.”

  She turned her head, her cerulean blue eyes soft as she says, “I’ve always loved you, Carter.”

  I kissed her lips, not able to get enough of her. I wanted her to be my life and my wife. But I couldn’t give her this lifestyle. I was a soldier in the Army and I didn’t have a lot of money. I had a small house on base, but that was it. I couldn’t give her a mansion like this. And now, I began to doubt that we could have anything meaningful together.

  Stella sees the frown that creased my brow and one finger traced it. “What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t give you anything like this.” I waved my hand wildly about.

  “Like this? Like what?” She frowned now, adorably, her nose wrinkling.


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